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About us HI

Welcome to Hotel and Cruise International (H.I), a hospitality training center in the
northern of Bali. We are the best, fully-certified, and minister's award achiever
specializing in the complete range of Hospitality training and education, as well as
giving our students the opportunity to develop their career in the industry. Our single
minded objective is to make H.I as a renowned institution as the barometer of
tourism school in Bali and international environment which eventually emerged a
whole overseas work opportunity for its students. Today, thanks to the
contribution,staff and every single ind·ividual that rely on us, H.I has been privileged
to give the best service in education and training which results in over then l000
satisfied graduates which were absorbed in the tourism induistry with various field of
works since our first establishment in 2012, Hotel and Cruise International has a
dedication to be a one shop solution for training, education, and working inquiries in
Bali. Our philosophies, "Dream, Explore, and Celebrate" has become our standards
and the jewel our services we are relentlessly building our dreams, as well as our
students' dreams, and makes them walkthrough,and enjoy the process from the start
till the end, and eventually celebrate their ultimate achievements. It is our dedication
to fulfill your expectation, not only achieving it, but also making the process along the
way enjoyable. Our team of educators and staff are selected. from the finest
university, intensively trained to support our philosophies. Discussion among
educotors, wokshop, and training are continuously conducted to ensure the quality
of the team, and make our pedogogic philosophy and strategy up-to-date in order to
actualize the real result of those who come and count to us for their future. Our
pursuit has not come to an end. By providing exceptional service in training and
education, we believe that we are capable of linking our outcome with the industries,
therefore, there always be good connection between the two. Lastly, what we are
now is just a beginning, we aim to get our dreams come true:to become one-stop
solution for our students' overseas work experience.

About us Mediterranean Bali

Mediterranean Bali merupakan salah satu Kampus Pariwisata

dibidang Hotel dan Kapal Pesiar terbaik di Indonesia yang saat ini mulai
mengarahkan lulusannya tidak hanya sebagai pekerja di top position di
dunia hospitality, tetapi juga mengembangkan diri untuk bisa memperkerjakan
orang lain dengan menjadi seorang entrepreneur. Memiliki empat kampus
yaitu Mediterranean Denpasar, Mediterranean Bangli, Mediterranean
Karangasem dan Mediterranean Singaraja yang ditunjang dengan gedung
kampus yang megah dengan fasilitas perkuliahan dan lab praktek yang
lengkap, terkini, dan berstandar bintang serta didukung oleh team pengajar
yang kompeten, qualified dan berpengalaman dibidangnya dari kalangan
praktisi kapal pesiar, perhotelan maupun akademisi yang
sangat professional dibidangnya, sehingga Mediterranean Bali kini tumbuh
menjadi kampus Kapal Pesiar yang paling diminati masyarakat terutama
generasi milenial yang kreatif, mandiri, smart dan berorientasi pada kualitas
guna meraih kesuksesan secara cepat di usia muda.

Melalui full support dari Chairman, Vice Chairman dan seluruh team beserta

unit-unit Medi Groups yang memiliki jaringan/networking yang luas baik
ditingkat daerah maupun nasional, di dalam dan luar negeri, memastikan
Kampus Mediterranean Bali menjadi “Dream Maker” para melineal yang
memiliki mimpi untuk menjadi seorang Entrepreneur pada saatnya.
Mari bergabung bersama keluarga besar Mediterranean Bali dan mantapkan
langkahmu menuju profesi, prestasi, masa depan yang lebih cemerlang dan
pasti di industri hospitality internasional, serta raihlah kesuksesan dan
impianmu di usia muda bersama kami. INSPIRING YOUR BRIGHTER FUTURE!

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