Criteria Not Sufficient Adequate Excellent: Rubric For Assignments

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Rubric for Assignments

Criteria Not sufficient Adequate Excellent

20 % 50 % 100 %
• Content is logically organized and easy to follow.
• Content is not organized and not easy to follow or • Content is partially organized but no easy to
• All required sections of the assignment are present.
Completeness decipher. follow.
• Writing is clear and concise, using complete sentences
• Most required sections are missing • Some required sections are missing
Weight 33.00% except where text is presented in tables, images or cap-
• There are many incomplete sentences and writing • There are a few incomplete sentences and
is not concise. writing is not concise.
• Complete references and resources are listed at the end
• References and resources are not present • References and resources are present, but are
of document with links to online resources when
not complete.

20 % 100 %
• There are more than 6 spelling or grammatical 50 % • Content is free of spelling and grammatical
errors. • There are 2-5 spelling or grammatical errors.
Technical errors.
• Assignment was submitted more than 24 hrs late. • Assignment was submitted less than 24 hrs. late • Assignment and product deliverables
Weight 34.00% • Assignment is more than 50 words short of mini- • Assignment is less than 50 words short of submitted by deadline.
mum word requirement (if stated in assignment minimum word requirement (if stated in • Assignment meets minimum word requirement
directions) assignment directions) (if stated in assignment directions)

0% 50 % 100 %
• Content is clearly not written in student’s words or • Content is clearly written in student’s words
• Content is sometimes written in student’s words or
Quality contains passages copied and pasted from resourc-
contains mostly direct quotations from references. except for a few direct quotations from
Weight 33.00% es. references.
• Content lacks detail and ideas presented are superficial
• Content lacks any detail and ideas are unfinished. • Content is thorough and comprehensive.
or unfinished.
• Evidence is not present to backup opinions pre- • Evidence is present to backup opinions
• Evidence is questionable or not consistently present to
sented by student. presented by student.
backup opinions presented by student.

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