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Name: _______________________________________________________ Total score: __________/100


Opinions Dates Daily Schedule Contact Housing and Meals

D.R. © U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Photocopiable

2 Read
Summer English Camp the
Do you want to study English in New York City this summer? Are you between 13 and 17? We have poster
exciting academic and leisure activities for you this summer. and
1) _____________________: June 30th to July 31st.
2) _____________________ options to
8:00 Breakfast complete
9:00 Field Trip the
3) __________________________
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Movies
3:30 14 Class
5:00 Sports
6:00 Dinner
7:30 Evening Activity
9:00 Bedtime 4) _________________________
Students stay in rooms at New York
University and eat in the dining hall.
The Summer English Camp also includes three
All food is included in the price of the
trips into the city to go shopping and to visit camp.
museums. We always have a party on the last
night of camp.
5) _________________________
statements. (3 points)
a. The poster is advertising a language/science/sports camp.
b. The camp is for adults/teens/under sixteens.
c. The camp takes place in the UK/Canada/the United States.
3 Read the poster again and answer the questions. (7 points)
a. When does the camp start? .

g. What happens on the last night of camp?

d. What do students do at eight o’clock in the
morning? .

. h. Where do students stay?

e. What time do students watch movies? .

. i. What is the e-mail address of the camp?

f. How many hours of class do students have .

each day?
Score: _____________/15

Name: _______________________________________________________

1 Complete the description with the correct verbs. (5 points)
I love weekends because it’s when I can do whatever I want. I usually (1) ________________ my friends and
go to the movies,
or we (2) ________________ shopping at the mall and buy clothes or video games. Sometimes I stay at

D.R. © U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Photocopiable

home and
(3) ________________ to music or (4) ________________ a book. When the weather is good, I (5) ________________
sports like
soccer or basketball with my cousins.
2 Write the times in words. (5 points)
Example: 2:30 - Two thirty
a. 3:15 ________________ d. 4:00 ________________
j.8:45 ________________ e. 5:25 ________________
k. 12:30 ________________

1 Match the questions to the answers. (5 points)
a. Do you live in an apartment? _____ Yes, he does.
l.What do you do on the weekend? _____ Yes, I am.
m. Does your brother play video games? _____ Every Sunday.
n. How often do you visit your grandma? _____ I spend time with my family.
o. Are you hungry? _____ No, I don’t.
2 Read the chart and then write five sentences about Sam’s weekly activities. Use always, often, usually, sometimes,
rarely, or never. (10 points)

Sam,s Schedule
Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Make your bed       

Clean your room   
Buy groceries 
Clean the kitchen
Do homework       
Set the table      

Example: Sam always makes her bed.

a. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Score: _____________/25

Name: _______________________________________________________

D.R. © U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Photocopiable

1 Listen (track 2) to the conversation and check () the activities that each teen does. (10 points)

Activity Sarah Matt Both

Wakes up at 5

Takes bus to school

Walks to school

Gets to school at 7:30

Eats dinner at 6:30

Plays video games after dinner

Helps mom with dinner

Helps dad in the yard

Cleans room

Rarely goes to the movies.

2 Listen again and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). (5 points)

a. Sarah and Matt are brother and sister.
t. Matt walks to the bus stop.
u. Matt lives far from the school.
v. Sarah sometimes stays late at school to do homework.
w. Matt rarely goes to the park

> Write a short paragraph about your daily routine.
Use the introduction sentence to help you. Write
25–35 words. (25 points)
I wake up at … Speaking
> Work in pairs.
 Clean your room Ask each other
how often you do
 Go to the movies
the following
 Help in the yard activities. Use the
 Visit family question prompt
 Play sports to help you get
started. (20 points)

How often do you …?

Score: _____________/60


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