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I believe teachers are one of the biggest influences on a child outside of their family

circles. They see their teachers around 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for around 8months of the
year. It would be hard to not have an impact on someone you see that frequently. Because I
believe this, I also believe it is my job as a teacher to be a role model, an encourager, a confidant,
and an educator. I will be an example to my students on how to push themselves to meet goals,
how to treat others with respect, and how to believe in yourself.
I believe children learn best in environments that they feel comfortable and safe in. My
classroom will be its own community that allows my students to express themselves. I will hang
my student’s artwork on the walls so that they can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride
when they point it out to their friends or family. I will also encourage personal interests and
creativity and allow my students the freedom to express who they are, as well as encourage them
to be accepting of all their peers. I will give my students the opportunities to share who they are
with activities like students of the week, show and tell, or story sharing.
While building a community in my classroom it will be important for me to take that
community into my lesson plans and the way I teach. Every year I will have a new class of
students looking at me to help them navigate their way through lessons and chapters. I will learn
the needs of my students and teach to those needs, whether it be more hands-on learning or more
oral teaching. Students go to school to learn and it is my job as a teacher to teach them in the best
way they can understand. I also know as a teacher there will be students who need extra help.
Maybe extra time on assessment or they do better if they can talk to me about what they are
learning rather than writing it down. These students will also have my full attention and
dedication to help them learn just like every other student.
Every child that sets foot into my classroom has something unique to bring to the
community and they will be able to express who they are. Every child deserves my respect and
the very best teaching I can give them and i am dedicated to improving myself as a teacher and
person so that I can help my students become the next doctors, engineers, politicians, teachers, or
what ever they dream of being. Every child has the ability to become something amazing and
one day I want to see my students do amazing things in this world and know I was a small part of
what got them there.

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