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Physical Therapy in Sport 15 (2014) 228e233

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Original research

Cold water immersion in the management of delayed-onset muscle

soreness: Is dose important? A randomised controlled trialq
Philip D. Glasgow a, Roisin Ferris b, Chris M. Bleakley b, *
Sports Institute Northern Ireland, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0QB, United Kingdom
Ulster Sports Academy, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0QB, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Cold Water Immersion (CWI) is commonly used to manage delayed onset muscle soreness
Received 4 April 2013 (DOMS) resulting from exercise. Scientific evidence for an optimal dose of CWI is lacking and athletes
Received in revised form continue to use a range of a treatment protocols and water temperatures.
23 October 2013
Objectives: To compare the effectiveness of four different water immersion protocols and a passive
Accepted 16 January 2014
control intervention in the management of DOMS.
Design: Randomised controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment.
Setting: University Research Laboratory.
Eccentric exercise
Ice bath
Participants: 50 healthy participants with laboratory induced DOMS randomised to one of five groups:
Muscle soreness Short contrast immersion (1 min 38  C/1 min 10  C  3), Short intermittent CWI (1 min  3 at 10  C);
10 min CWI in 10  C; 10 min CWI in 6  C; or control (seated rest).
Main outcome measures: muscle soreness, active range of motion, pain on stretch, muscle strength and
serum creatine kinase.
Results: 10 min of CWI in 6  C was associated with the lowest levels of muscle soreness and pain on
stretch however values were not statistically different to any of the other groups. There were no sta-
tistically significant differences between groups for any other outcomes.
Conclusion: Altering the treatment duration, water temperature or dosage of post exercise water im-
mersion had minimal effect on outcomes relating to DOMS.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction resolution of symptoms within 5e7 days) experimentally induced

DOMS has been used as a model of myogenic pain to investigate the
Muscular pain commonly results after unaccustomed or eccen- effects of various therapeutic modalities.
tric exercise and is commonly described as delayed onset muscle Over the past decade, cold water immersion (CWI) has become
soreness (DOMS) (Armstrong, 1990). Symptoms include a reduction one of the most popular strategies to manage or prevent DOMS.
in the ability of the muscle to generate force, decreased range of Immediately after exercise, athletes will immerse themselves in
motion (Clarkson & Sayers, 1999), and pain that is exacerbated by water baths which may vary from temperature controlled spas to
movement (Newham, 1988). DOMS is often cited by athletes and large containers filled with water. Contrast Water Therapy (CWT),
coaches as being detrimental to recovery and performance. alternating cold and warm water immersion, is also often offered to
Although the physiological mechanism underpinning DOMS has not athletes as an alternative to cryotherapy and is commonly used
been fully elucidated, it may relate to primary mechanical damage within the sporting community. Clear physiological evidence to
that occurs to muscle cells during exercise (Proske & Morgan, 2001) support these practices has not yet been fully elucidated (Bieuzen,
and a marked but transient inflammatory response (Chatzinikolaou Bleakley, & Costello, 2013; Bleakley, Glasgow, & Webb, 2012;
et al., 2010). Due to its transitory nature (peak soreness 24e72 h and Bleakley, McDonough, Gardner, Baxter, Hopkins, & Davison, 2012).
In practice there are large variations in the CWI protocols
employed, particularly in terms of the duration of immersion and
q Research conducted at Ulster Sports Academy, University of Ulster. water temperature (Bieuzen et al., 2013; Bleakley, Glasgow, et al.,
* Corresponding author. Room 15E01, Ulster Sports Academy, University of Ulster, 2012; Bleakley, McDonough, et al., 2012).
Jordanstown Campus, BT370QB, United Kingdom. Tel.: þ44 (0) 2890366025.
E-mail addresses:, (C.
One proposed mechanism is that CWI induces a pumping effect
M. Bleakley). on the vasculature which stimulates blood flow, nutrient and waste

1466-853X/$ e see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.D. Glasgow et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 15 (2014) 228e233 229

transportation through the body (Wilcock, Cronin, & Hing, 2006). 2.3. DOMS induction
This is thought to be achieved using short CWI’s repeated on either a
single day (Sellwood, Brukner, Williams, Nicol, & Hinman, 2007), over At baseline (0 h), DOMS was induced to the non-dominant knee
a period of consecutive days (Eston & Peters, 1999; Yanagisawa, flexors using a standing hamstring curl machine (Samson Equip-
Niitsu, Yoshioka, Goto, Kudo, & Itai, 2003) or with brief alternate ment, USA). Initially, the concentric one repetition maximum
immersions in cold and warm water (often referred to as Contrast (1 RM) was established and this weight was used during the in-
Immersion) (Wilcock et al., 2006). Others advocate longer, contin- duction protocol. During testing, the weight was raised by an
uous immersions in cold water (Banfi & Melegati, 2008; Vaile, Halson, experimenter to the starting position (90 knee flexion) and par-
Gill, & Dawson, 2008); although this approach has traditionally been ticipants lowered the weight eccentrically over 3 s (speed ¼ 30
reserved for reducing pain, swelling, metabolism and inflammation degrees$s1) by following the researcher instructions (counting
associated with acute sprains and strains, it may have some rationale ‘3,2,1’ aloud). Participants undertook three sets of eccentric
post exercise, particularly in sports associated with physical contact, hamstring contractions to fatigue (fatigue was defined as the point
soft tissue trauma and/or exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD). at which the participant could no longer control the descent of the
A psychological mechanism may also be possible; this may be less weight), with 1 min rest between sets.
dependent on dose as the rationale is that CWI simply makes the
body feel more ‘awake’, leading to a reduced sensation of fatigue after 2.4. Sequence generation
exercise (Cochrane, 2004; Wilcock et al., 2006).
Evidence from clinical trials on the effectiveness of CWI for We used a computer generated randomisation sequence to
sports recovery remains equivocal. A recent Cochrane review randomise participants. Group allocation was printed on a card, and
(Bleakley, McDonough, Gardner, Baxter, Hopkins, & Davison, 2012) placed in sequentially numbered opaque envelopes. After written
found some evidence that CWI is superior to passive intervention at consent had been obtained and baseline assessment, participants
reducing muscle soreness (no intervention/rest) but found no were randomised to one of the five groups from the numbered
studies comparing different treatment dosages. Further definitive envelopes (n ¼ 10 per group). Participants were not informed as to
conclusions were limited due to poor methodological quality which intervention was considered therapeutic throughout the
relating to inadequate randomisation, allocation concealment and duration of the study.
blinding of outcome assessor (Bleakley, Glasgow, et al., 2012;
Bleakley, McDonough, et al., 2012). 1. Short contrast immersion: 1 min water immersion in 38  C
The purpose of this study was to provide high quality evidence followed by 1 min CWI in 10  C (repeated 3 times)
to inform post exercise recovery strategies using CWI. Continued 2. Short intermittent CWI: 1 min CWI in 10  C followed by no
disparity in this area and vague guidelines for its use after sport immersion for 1 min (repeated 3 times)
mean that athletes could risk employing more extreme tempera- 3. 10 min CWI in 10  C
tures or longer immersion times, before determining actual benefit 4. 10 min CWI in 6  C
or risk. Our primary objective was to compare the effectiveness of 5. Control group: seated rest, no immersion
four commonly used CWI strategies and a passive control, in the
management of DOMS using a randomised controlled design with Participants attended on five consecutive days [Baseline (0 h), 24 h,
blinded outcome assessment. 48 h, 72 h, 96 h], during which the intervention was applied on the first
three days. The first treatment was initiated within 5 min of the
2. Methods completion of DOMS induction. Each water immersion was completed
using a CET cryotherapy spa (CET, Dromore, UK). Participants were
2.1. Study design immersed up to waist level in a standing position. For each group, the
water temperature was thermostatically controlled at the relevant
This was a randomised controlled trial using a blinded outcome level, and water jets were active for the entire period of immersion.
assessor. There were 5 separate outcome variables (muscle sore-
ness, active range of motion, pain on stretch, muscle strength,
serum creatine kinase), with repeated measures over five time 2.5. Measurements
points [Baseline (0 h) and then at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h]. All research
was undertaken at the Ulster Sports Academy (University of Ulster) Five outcome measurements were assessed. A single investi-
between January and February 2011. Approval for this study was gator was responsible for all outcome assessments; they were
granted by the University of Ulster Research Ethical Committee. All blinded to group allocation, and participants were advised not to
participants signed a letter of informed consent and were advised reveal their group allocation to them. Subjective muscle soreness
of their right to withdraw from the study at any time. was the primary outcome with secondary outcomes of: Active
range of motion (AROM), Pain on stretch (POS), Concentric peak
2.2. Participants torque (CPT) and Creatine Kinase (CK) level. The study was
completed over 5 consecutive days. All outcomes were measured at
Healthy participants (age range: 18e35 years; height baseline (0 h) and at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h post exercise. Outcome
1.79  0.06 m; body mass 81.9  17 kg) were recruited from the recording at baseline was undertaken prior to any DOMS induction
student population at the University of Ulster (N ¼ 50; 32 male, 18 or treatment intervention. Outcome recording was consistently
female). Participants were asked to refrain from commencing any completed over a 10 min period following a standardised order
unaccustomed physical activity during the week of the study but (muscle soreness, AROM, POS, CPT, CK).
were advised to continue their normal levels of physical activity.
Participants were excluded from the study if any of the following 2.5.1. Muscle soreness
contraindications applied: Skin allergy, broken skin, open wounds, Participants were asked to rate the hamstring muscle soreness
abnormal or altered skin sensation, epilepsy, asthma, chlorine al- felt during everyday activity. Pain was measured using a 10 cm
lergy, cold allergy, Raynaud’s disease, peripheral vascular disease, visual analogue scale (VAS) with terminal descriptors ‘no pain’ and
cryogobinaemia or under the influence of alcohol. ‘maximum pain.’ The distance from the ‘no pain’ descriptor was
230 P.D. Glasgow et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 15 (2014) 228e233

Table 1
Muscle soreness, AKE ROM, Pain on Stretch, Peak Torque and CK.

Baseline (0 h) Follow up (hrs) Summary of within/between

subjects effects [F (df); P values]
24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h

Muscle soreness (10 cm VAS) Time: F (2.295,

Contrast WI 0.65 (1.53) 1.88 (1.42) 2.77 (1.83) 1.94(1.50) 0.99(1.16) 103.267)a ¼ 32.311; P ¼ 0.000
Intermittent CWI 10  C 0.11(0.26) 1.4(1.12) 2.95(1.71) 1.81(1.70) 0.82(1.17) Group*Time: F (9.179,
10 min at 10  C 0.21(0.35) 2(1.86) 3.4(3.19) 1.42(1.94) 1.01(1.49) 103.267)a ¼ 0.935; P ¼ 0.499
Control 0.3(0.95) 2.03(1.67) 3.39(2.41) 2.69(2.52) 1.22(1.24) Group: F (4, 45) ¼ 2.375;
10 min at 6  C 0(0) 0.39(0.75) 1.35(2.35) 0.34(0.71) 0(0) P ¼ 0.066
AKE ROM (degrees) Time: F (2.834,
Contrast WI 29.2(9.28) 32.3(14.94) 37.1(12.99) 29.1(14.12) 26.1(9.94) 127.571)a ¼ 11.696; P ¼ 0.000
Intermittent CWI 10  C 38.5(14.05) 39.5(11.25) 44.9(11.54) 37.6(11.35) 38.4(13.76) Group*Time: F (11.335,
10 min at 10  C 32.1(10.08) 35.7(11.95) 39.7(14.37) 35.9(11.88) 31.5(12.90) 127.517)a ¼ 0.521; P ¼ 0.890
Control 34.7(8.25) 37.6(10.99) 44.5(16.26) 40.7(15.10) 35.6(13.40) Group: F (4, 45) ¼ 0.966;
10 min at 6  C 30.1(11.10) 37.6(15.29) 39.6(18.47) 34.2(13.59) 33.5(13.59) P ¼ 0.435
Pain on Stretch (10 cm VAS) Time: F (2.738,
Contrast WI 3.05(2.49) 3.58(2.89) 4.6(2.56) 3.6(2.38) 2.36(1.92) 117.722)a ¼ 16.451; P ¼ 0.000
Intermittent CWI 10  C 2.35(1.75) 2.62(1.26) 3.81(1.34) 2.67(1.68) 1.63(1.25) Group*Time: F (10.951,
10 min at 10  C 2.77(2.57) 3.58(2.70) 4.43(2.97) 2.18(2.70) 1.85(2.30) 117.722)a ¼ 1.007; P ¼ 0.444
Control 2.04(2.36) 3.18(2.31) 5.25(2.40) 4.42(2.96) 2.72(2.74) Group: F (4, 45) ¼ 1.267;
10 min at 6  C 0.65(1.18) 1.8(2.32) 2.78(2.45) 1.79(2.55) 1.26(2.05) P ¼ 0.298
Hamstring Peak Torque (N) Time: F (4, 180) ¼ 9.563;
Contrast WI 297.40(72.20) 266.40(47.45) 279.50(80.57) 286.50(65.30) 318.50(79.34) P ¼ 0.000
Intermittent CWI 10  C 317.40(85.05) 293.50(92.33) 281.30(94.19) 292.60(81.40) 301.90(66.06) Group*Time: F (16,
10 min at 10  C 307.30(82.48) 276.10(69.13) 278.00(79.06) 287.70(77.70) 292.70(66.34) 180) ¼ 0.856; P ¼ 0.620
Control 326.70(68.67) 299.90(75.00) 266.60(94.18) 273.30(84.54) 312.40(76.26) Group: F (4, 45) ¼ 0.52;
10 min at 6  C 303.50(78.87) 263.10(74.90) 266.80(81.62) 286.00(93.79) 304.80(103.55) P ¼ 0.995
Creatine Kinase (U/L)b Time: F (1.511,
Contrast WI 255.90(163.67) 415.70(334.79) 1497.30(2237.69) 2652.80(3957.17) 1903.20(2461.20) 67.984)a ¼ 15.935; P ¼ 0.000
Intermittent CWI 10  C 690.18(1164.92) 587.09(1137.86) 959.90(1148.34) 2028.53(1944.10) 2612.90(2728.89) Group*Time: F (6.043,
10 min at 10  C 184.55(147.43) 204.42(89.06) 876.75(1212.98) 1436.85(2062.15) 2001.02(3375.97) 67.984)a ¼ 0.564; P ¼ 0.759
Control 268.07(366.63) 606.34(589.54) 1620.10(1658.09) 3716.90(4263.08) 3066.15(4067.33) Group: F (4, 45) ¼ 0.317;
10 min at 6  C 461.56(739.66) 459.67(619.35) 1741.44(3525.90) 2262.69(4757.84) 2002.02(3030.88) P ¼ 0.865

N ¼ 10 in each group at all follow ups.

Values are mean (SD).
Log transformation of data undertaken prior to analysis.
Degrees of freedom adjusted using GreenhouseeGeiser epsilon.

measured in centimetres and represented a pain score out of a 2.6. Statistical analysis
maximum of 10.
We used SPSS (version 19; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) to conduct the
analysis. Normal distribution and homogeneity of data were
2.5.2. Active range of motion (AROM): knee extension
assessed visually (histograms; QQ plot linearity) and statistically
Participants were positioned supine with a stabilisation belt
using the ShapiroeWilk procedure. Changes in variables over time
around their pelvis to minimise compensatory movements. Par-
(Baseline (0 h), 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h) were compared between
ticipants started the test with their test leg in 90 degrees of hip
groups using a Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
flexion/90 knee flexion. Participants were asked to extend their
The assumptions of homogeneity of covariance were tested by
knee as far as possible and AROM at the knee joint was measured
Mauchly sphericity test. When this was significant, the Greenhouse-
using a universal goniometer.
Geiser epsilon was used to adjust the degrees of freedom to increase
the critical value of the F-ratio. Effect sizes based on the absolute
2.5.3. Pain on stretch (POS) mean differences between groups (MD) [(þ95% confidence intervals
Participants rated pain during the AROM test; again a 10 cm VAS (CI)] were calculated to describe any trends in the data. The alpha
was used with terminal descriptors ‘no pain’ and ‘maximum pain’. level was set at P < 0.01 for all analyses.

2.5.4. Muscle strength (concentric peak torque)

3. Results
Concentric peak torque (CPT) was measured using a KinCom
AP2 isokinetic dynamometer (Chattanooga Group Inc, USA). Par-
Between January 2011 and February 2011, 50 participants met
ticipants performed three maximum concentric contractions of the
the inclusion criteria and provided informed consent to participate
hamstring (through range from 10 to 80 knee flexion), with 10 s
in the study. All 50 participants underwent randomisation and all
rest between each repetition. The highest peak torque out of the
received the intervention as allocated. There were no drop outs,
three attempts was recorded.
with complete data sets for each outcome at every follow up point.
There were no adverse effects reported. Table 1 summarises out-
2.5.5. Creatine Kinase (CK) comes for each group at baseline and all follow up points. There
Serum CK samples were obtained as a marker of muscle dam- were no significant differences between groups at baseline.
age. A sample of blood was obtained from a finger-prick which was Table 1 shows a significant main effect for time for all outcomes
then analysed using a Reflotron Plus machine (Roche Diagnostics, (p < 0.001). Muscle soreness peaked at day 2 post exercise; POS and
Germany). limitations in AROM followed the time course. Muscle strength was
P.D. Glasgow et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 15 (2014) 228e233 231

lowest between day 1 and 2 post exercise, whereas CK activity Yanagisawa et al., 2003). Pain on passive stretching also peaked at
peaked between day 3 and 4 post exercise. 48 h post exercise, with scores either comparable to (Goodall &
There were no significant interaction effects (GROUP*TIME) for Howatson, 2008; Jakeman et al., 2009), or higher than other
AROM (P ¼ 0.890), POS (P ¼ 0.444), muscle strength (P ¼ 0.620), studies in this area (Sellwood et al., 2007).
serum CK levels (P ¼ 0.759) and muscle soreness (P ¼ 0.499). Fig. 1 Intracellular release of CK is commonly used as an indirect
shows the changes over time for the primary outcome, by inter- marker of muscle damage. We found a mean peak increase from
vention group. The largest effect sizes for muscle soreness at 48 h baseline of over 600%. Others have reported mean increases from
[MD of 2.05 cm (95% CI 0.4 to 4.5)] based on a 10 cm VAS) and 72 h baseline of between 170% (Sellwood et al., 2007) and 600% (Byrne &
post exercise (MD of 1.06 (95% CI 0.2 to 2.32) based on a 10 cm Eston, 2002). Interestingly our CK values peaked at 72 h post ex-
VAS] were in favour of the 10 min CWI in 6  C group (vs control). ercise. Although this is comparable to some studies (Rowsell,
There were further trends in favour of this group over the control, Coutts, Reaburn, & Hill-Haas, 2011; Yanagisawa et al., 2003),
for POS at 48 h [MD of 1.7 cm (95% CI 0.69 to 4.09) based on a others (Bailey, Erith, Griffin, Dowson, Brewer, & Gant, 2007;
10 cm VAS] and 72 h post exercise [MD of 0.58 cm (95% CI 1.68 to Jakeman et al., 2009) have recorded earlier CK peaks at around
2.84) based on a 10 cm VAS]. 24 h post exercise. These variations may be due to the methods of
DOMS inducement employed; early peaks seem to be associated
4. Discussion with more moderate strengthening protocols (Sellwood et al.,
2007) or single bouts of running (Bailey et al., 2007; Jakeman
Water immersions, such as CWI or CWT are commonly used as a et al., 2009). In contrast, later peak values, such as those reported
recovery modality but there is little empirical evidence to support in the current study, seem to be associated with isolated eccentric
its use (Bieuzen et al., 2013; Bleakley, Glasgow, et al., 2012; Bleakley, loading (Yanagisawa et al., 2003) or intense game exposure
McDonough, et al., 2012). To date no study has compared different (Rowsell et al., 2011).
WI temperatures and treatment durations in the management of Clinical application of CWI continues to vary dramatically
delayed onset muscle soreness. This is also one of the first studies in depending on location, sport and personal preference. Currently
this area to use a randomised methodology with parallel group the optimal duration of immersion is not clear (Bleakley, Glasgow,
design, allocation concealment and blinded outcome assessment. et al., 2012; Bleakley, McDonough, et al., 2012). In the current study,
We found that altering the treatment duration, water temperature we compared a range of popular cooling durations but found no
or dosage of post exercise water immersion had no significant effect significant differences for any outcomes. In accordance with a
on outcome relating to DOMS. There were trends that CWI con- number of recent studies (Eston & Peters, 1999; Yanagisawa et al.,
sisting of 10 min immersion in 6  C is most effective, but may only 2003), we employed serial treatment interventions over a period
be associated with lower levels of muscle soreness over the first of three days. Some areas of athletics promote serial interventions
96 h post exercise. as a means of inducing larger treatment dose. A subgroup analysis
We used a hamstring loading protocol based on three sets of within a recent Cochrane review found few differences between
eccentric exercise undertaken to fatigue. This exercise bout was single and serial treatments of CWI in the prevention and treatment
successful in inducing muscle damage; this was evident from the of muscle soreness (Bleakley, Glasgow, et al., 2012; Bleakley,
significant change over time in all of the dependent variables McDonough, et al., 2012).
measured. Others have also induced significant levels of DOMS The basic scientific theory underpinning cryotherapy is that it
based on eccentric lower limb resistance protocols (Vaile et al., decreases metabolic activity, thereby limiting secondary hypoxic
2008; Yanagisawa et al., 2003). In the current study, muscle sore- damage and facilitating recovery after soft tissue damage (Merrick,
ness peaked at 48 h post exercise, a pattern that is consistent with Jutte, & Smith, 2003). This theory may not translate into a clinical
previous studies in this area (Jakeman, Macrae, & Eston, 2009; setting however, as tissue temperature reductions in human

Fig. 1. Primary outcome (muscle soreness) by intervention group.

232 P.D. Glasgow et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 15 (2014) 228e233

subjects are often not large enough to influence metabolic cellular However, as we randomised across five groups, our level of statis-
activity (Bleakley, Glasgow, & Webb, 2012). Indeed many studies tical significance for all tests was set at p < 0.01 a priori, to control
have shown negligible reductions in thigh muscle temperature for experiment wise error rate (Type 1 error). Although we found
with CWI, despite using treatment durations comparable to or no statistically significant interaction effect (group*time) on our
longer than those used in the current study (Gregson et al., 2011; outcome variables, we have described important trends that may
Myrer, Measom, & Fellingham, 1998). Other clinical studies have be clinically relevant. Another potential limitation is that our data
found little evidence of a duration dependent response associated are limited to a 96 h follow up and we cannot make conclusions on
with water immersion recovery, despite comparing immersion any long term effects. We also acknowledge that our research is
durations of 6, 12 or 18 min (Versey, Halson, & Dawson, 2011). based on a muscle damage model; CWI may have a different effect
Water temperature may be a more important component in sports associated with other physiological stresses such as:
determining clinical effectiveness. An interesting trend was that metabolic cost and energy substrate depletion, hyperthermia,
immersions in lower water temperatures (6  C) were associated oxidative stress and nervous system fatigue (Leeder et al., 2012).
with less muscle soreness throughout the entire follow up period. Indeed there is some evidence to suggest that CWI is an effective
Indeed, at 48 h post exercise, control group scores were approxi- method for controlling core temperature (DeMartini et al., 2011)
mately 20% higher than the group using 10 min immersions at 6  C and optimising exercise performance in a hot environment
[MD of 2.05 cm (95% CI 0.4 to 4.5)]. Although these reductions (Schniepp, Campbell, Powell, & Pincivero, 2002; Yeargin et al.,
were not statistically significant, they may be clinically relevant. A 2006).
Minimal Important Difference (MID) has been defined as “the
smallest difference in score in the domain of interest that patients 5. Conclusion
perceive as important, either beneficial or harmful, and which
would lead the clinician to consider a change in the patient’s CWI remains a popular strategy for post exercise recovery;
management” (Guyatt, Osoba, Wu, Wyrwich, Norman, & Aaronson, however there is little guidance on the most effective water tem-
2002). A 10e20% difference in muscle soreness may represent an perature or treatment duration. We found no strong evidence to
important effect for an athletic population, particularly those in an suggest an optimal treatment dosage; only trends that longer im-
elite sporting environment. mersions (10 min) in colder water are associated with less muscle
We can only postulate the physiological mechanisms under- soreness. This aligns with previous studies in this area which seem
pinning these trends. The hypoanalgesic effects of cold are well to suggest that CWI has most effect on self reported recovery rather
reported and seem to be optimised when skin temperature is than objective measures of sporting performance (eg. increased
reduced to below 12  C (Algafly & George, 2007; Kunesch, Schmidt, strength). Coaches and sports practitioners should consider using
Nordin, Wallin, & Hagbarth, 1987). The magnitude of skin temper- CWI; however this should be undertaken as part of a structured
ature reductions during immersion is strongly influenced by water recovery session and be tailored to the specific requirements of
temperature (Hopper, Whittington, & Davies, 1997; Kennet, each athlete.
Hardaker, Hobbs, & Selfe, 2007; Khanmohammadi, Someh, &
Ghafarinejad, 2011; Leeder, Gissane, van Someren, Gregson, & Conflict of interest
Howatson, 2012). It may be that immersion in 6  C reduces skin This project was part funded by CET Cryotherapy (Dromore, UK).
temperature to optimal levels fastest. Achieving more effective The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement of
short term analgesia may be more conducive to higher levels of the product by the authors.
physical activity after exercise which has already been shown to
attenuate painful symptoms relating to DOMS when used in Ethical approval
isolation (Ahmaidi, Granier, Taoutaou, Mercier, Dubouchaud, & Approval for this study was granted by the University of Ulster
Prefaut, 1996; Reilly & Ekblom, 2005) or in combination with CWI Research Ethical Committee.
(Kinugasa & Kilding, 2009).
Throughout the study we ensured that participants were not
informed of the water temperatures employed and we did not state
This project was part funded by CET Cryotherapy (Dromore, UK).
which intervention was deemed most therapeutic. We must how-
ever acknowledge that the nature of CWI prevents true participant
blinding. Studies which are not blinded or have observational
components may be vulnerable to unintended effects on inter- Ahmaidi, S., Granier, P., Taoutaou, Z., Mercier, J., Dubouchaud, H., & Prefaut, C.
vention outcomes such as the Hawthorne effect (Fernald, Coombs, (1996). Effects of active recovery on plasma lactate and anaerobic power
DeAlleaume, West, & Parnes, 2012). CWI is considered by many following repeated intensive exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exer-
cise, 28, 450e456.
athletes as the touchstone for managing muscle soreness. In the Algafly, A. A., & George, K. P. (2007). The effect of cryotherapy on nerve conduction
current study, the extreme sensation associated with immersion in velocity, pain threshold and pain tolerance. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41,
6  C may have been construed as being more therapeutic and may 365e369.
Armstrong, R. B. (1990). Initial events in exercise-induced muscular injury. Medicine
partly explain the lower levels of muscle soreness within this and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22, 429e435.
group. Interestingly, we found no differences between groups Bailey, D. M., Erith, S. J., Griffin, P. J., Dowson, A., Brewer, D. S., & Gant, N. (2007).
based on measures of strength or active range of motion. This Influence of cold water immersion on indices of muscle damage following
prolonged intermittent shuttle running. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25, 1163e
concurs with recent literature whereby CWI (Barnett, 2006; 1170.
Bleakley, Glasgow, et al., 2012; Bleakley, McDonough, et al., 2012; Banfi, G., & Melegati, G. (2008). Effect on sport hemolysis of cold water leg im-
Cheung, Hume, & Maxwell, 2003) seems to enhance perception of mersion in athletes after training sessions. Laboratory Hematology, 14, 15e18.
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