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Creating a Colorful World

Kindergarten Science

This colorful lesson plan will get your students excited about mixing colors! They will learn how to create
the secondary colors while practicing their artistic skills.

Learning Objecti ves

Students will be able to identify the primary and secondary colors.

Materials and preparati on

 Blank Color Wheel Sheets
 Paper plates
 Paintbrushes
 Paint in primary colors (red, blue, yellow)
 Water cups
 napkins

Have students make groups of 3 or 4

Pass out paper, paintbrushes, napkins, and water to each student.

Provide each group of students with the three primary paint colors to share.

Key terms
secondary color

primary color

Introducti on
Ask students about their favorite colors

Using Power Point show student the primary colors and talk about the fact that there are three primary
colors: red, yellow, and blue. These colors are special because we can’t make them.

If we mix two of the primary colors together, we get a new color, we call these new colors secondary

Show video Twinkle Trails Episode 3 - The Colour Theory (Musical version) with in the powerpoint.
Guided Practi ce
 While viewing the power point instruct the students to paint the red, blue, and yellow sections
of their color wheel after talking about the primary colors
 After talking about the secondary colors, demonstrate how to mix the paints to create one of
the secondary colors
o Explain that the shade or darkness of your new secondary color depends on how much
of each primary color you use.

Independent working ti me (5 minutes)

Explain that now students will get to practice mixing primary colors to create secondary colors to fill in
the rest of the color wheel

Remind students to start with small amounts of paint and play around with how much of each color to

Have students create a color wheel to show the different colors that they were able to create.

Have student label the colors on their wheel as either primary or secondary

Review and closing

Review the primary (colors we cannot create) and secondary colors (colors we use to make all the other

Ask students to share which colors they created and how they created their colors as time allows.

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