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[COMPANY NAME]  [Company address]

Question No: 1
 a
The FBI, the United Nations agency that investigated hackers, believes
hackers have tweeted that it should distribute social security numbers with
names and dates of birth.
Anyone who has seen GitHub data is wise for Capital One when it comes to
getting "leaked data" for the company. Capital One informed the judicial
authority that his partner had canceled the associate agent who had
searched Hacker's home in a week. They found devices in their possession
that Capital One and Amazon choose different entities that will be subject
to verified or actual violations.
Critics say Hacker "admits that he acted illegally".
 b
There are several precautions to prevent security breaches.
 Limited access to data
By preventing the person from viewing secure documents, the pool
of workers is decreasing. The World Health Organization may
accidentally click on a dangerous link. In the long run, expect all
partitioned records to be considered so that only people who want
to access them can access them.
 Third party vendors must comply
While these precautions pose a problem for IT, the choice could be a
multi-million-dollar knowledge breach. Request transparency for
companies whose quadratic measurement allowed you to examine
your important knowledge. Check whether they comply with data
protection laws; don't just accept. Increase third party background
checks. The United Nations agency should enter your company daily.
 Update software on regular basis
Experts recommend regularly updating all application packages and
operating systems. Install the patches as soon as they are available.
Your network is vulnerable if programs are not updated and updated
often. This can be a fairly simple and effective way to strengthen your
network and stop attacks before they occur.
 Make cyber breach response plan
By developing a complete violation agreement, each employee, and
therefore the leader, can understand the potential harm that can
occur. A leader must be terribly clear about the extent of the
violation; Employees want to grasp reality. An honest response
agreement limits the loss of productivity and prevents negative
content. By acting quickly and decisively, it is possible to limit the
damage and restore the confidence of the public and workers.
 c
There are several security concepts related to data breach of Bank like
“Capital One”
 Confidentiality
If the information is requested or derived from someone who is not
authorized to do so, this will result in a "loss of confidentiality".
Confidentiality is often a key criterion for sensitive information.
Review bank statements, personal information, key card numbers,
trade secrets and government documents to keep samples of
sensitive information.
 Integrity
Information is often tampered with or tampered with if it is
acceptable to the Uninsured Member in the nursing network and is
considered a "loss of integrity". This means that unauthorized
changes to the information area unit are caused by human errors or
deliberate changes in position. Integrity is required in particular for
essential financial and security information used for activities such as
electronic transfers, traffic management and financial accounting.
For example, the banking unit is very concerned about the integrity
of financial documents, with confidentiality being a second priority.
 Availability
Availability may be a requirement to ensure that systems operate
quickly and that repair is not denied to authorize users. From the
operational agency of the relevant budgets, this request refers to an
appropriate interval and / or a justified information measure. From a
security point of view, it represents the flexibility needed to protect
yourself and resist a harmful event.
Question No: 2
 a
 Centralized logging system
Centralized logging system must be necessary in for security purpose.
Transactions are used when a central information repository requires
many completely different updates and we do not care in what order
the updates are tired because the repository is uninterrupted in an
extremely consistent state. An example of an associated degree
would be to record information in a checking account. We tend not
to worry too much about the order in which deposits and
withdrawals are recorded, as long as the balance at the beginning of
the day is correct. In this particular case, the result is actually billed
because the deposits combine worsened withdrawals and
victimization with an associative operation (addition).
 Logging and Monitoring
Once events are captured in a very central repository, a next step is
to find that data and correlate it between sources to identify signs of
significant activity. In the event of a security event, relevant items
may be applied to abnormal or unauthorized activities that indicate a
security breach. Observation of events can take the form of a live
observation of systems, as critical observer tendencies occur in the
log events generated by the system itself. Typically, this may include
polling the device for health data, sporadic checking of an animated
service to ensure that the correct response is received or viewing live
traffic to and from this system. Some of the security requirements for
event monitoring are:
 Journal entries should be normalized in a typical format. Event
watchers should consider changes in time zones.
 The original journal entries should be kept in native format for
rhetorical functions.
 Protocols must be linked between procurement systems and
 It should embody live observation and draw attention to
important events.
 Severity must be assessed on a standard categorization scale.
 Logs must be kept off-site and backed up frequently.
Guidelines / standards for data retention must be taken into
account during registration.
 b
There are certain recommendations and steps to follow for making
centralized logging system and for logging and monitoring.
 Defines roles and responsibilities
The organizations were able to make a specific reflection on the
assignment of college logging management functions. Some
organizations, especially those with highly managed environments,
may choose to do so. The entire management of the protocol takes
place centrally and not at the level of the individual systems. As a
rule, area units for system, network and security managers
responsible for managing the work on their systems, performing arts,
regular analysis of their recording knowledge, document and cover
the results of log management activities and ensure that records are
known supply logging management infrastructure according to
 Establish logging policies
Organizations involved in defining policies definitively with
mandatory clauses and recommendations for many aspects of the
management of journaux, which contains the following:
 Log generation
 Log Transmission
 Log storage and disposal
 Log analysis
 Ensure policies are feasible
Management should ensure that all policies are feasible and are easy
for everyone to follow.
 Design log management infrastructure
Organizations may need to develop a policy proposal, model a
newspaper management infrastructure, and review which aspects of
the policy are unreachable. The organization will then review its
policies to make infrastructure deployment less resource-intensive
while ensuring that all legal and restrictive requirements are always
 Configure log sources
Configuring log sources is usually a sophisticated method. First,
administrators should be invited to review hosts and their hosts
should or should participate in the protocol management
infrastructure on organizational guidelines.
 Monitor Log generation
It is the responsibility of management to monitor all log generation.
 c
The security concepts related to centralized logging systems are as follows:
 Limited access to files
User should not access the files until it is required or permission is
 Avoid recording unnecessary data
Some newspapers may record confidential information, such as
passwords that should not be saved. If possible, the work should be
planned record data that is not required and would represent a
significant risk if it were accessible unauthorized people.
 Defend the archived log files
This may include creating and saving message summaries for the
program files, encrypt log files and provide adequate physical
protection for storage media.

Question No: 3
 a
The goal of a ransomware attack is to overly infect computers on a network
and write files to them. Therefore, a ransom is needed to restore the files.
The maze, but completely different, corresponds to the specialists. In this
case, the attacker has the option to filter the information or transfer it to
his server. The information will then remain on this server until a recovery
ransom is paid. If the victim does not pay the ransom, the attackers publish
the information online.
 b
• Don't pay the ransom. Encourage and finance only these attackers.
Although the ransom has been paid, there is no guarantee that the files
will be easily accessible again.
• Restore all compact files from a reliable confidential backup. Restoring
files from a backup is the fastest because knowledge can be accessed
• Do not provide personal information when replying to e-mail,
telephone, SMS or instant messages. Check this to contact your IT
department if you or your colleagues receive suspicious calls.
• Use a reliable antivirus package and firewall. It is important to
maintain a solid firewall and change the package security system. Due to
the fake package offered, you need to use reliable antivirus code.
• Use content analysis and filtering on mail servers. Incoming emails
must search for known threats and can block all types of attachments
that can pose a threat. Verify that each of the systems and software
systems with the appropriate patches is updated. Regular repair of the
vulnerable software system is important for stopping the infection.
 C
• Do you have a response plan for the associated positions:
Assemblies that specify and what we have to analyze when there is
ransomware event.
• Large backup disks:
Make up a system for back up that stores manifold backup iterations
since the copy which was back up contained the encrypted or
infected files. Sometimes it checks the integrity of the backup data
and confirmation for their operational.
• Disable macro scripts:
Use the code in My Laptop Viewer to open Microsoft My. If possible,
use a central patch management system. Implement application
whitelists and code restriction policies (SRP) to prevent programs
from running in ransomware-style locations, such as: B. in temporary
• Restrict network access:
Use a proxy server to access the Internet and check the ad's
interference code. Deny access to popular ransomware access points
such as personal email accounts and social media websites.
Question No: 4
 a
My friend accidently redirected to Microsoft office link and has done his
payment through credit card. This may happen because of visiting unofficial
website where he could see several ads and is not using ad blocker
extension that helps in preventing display the ads in your browser. Most of
the time the ads are from hackers and are from 3 rd party references. And
sometime it can automatically redirect you to link of some official website
but actually it is on the behalf of hacker which display your beneficial offers.
This type of fraud in case of Microsoft office is called Collaborate with co-
authoring in Microsoft office.
 b
If you pay attention to the identification information used for the
acquisition, you can cancel the subscription and issue a refund. However, if
you do not pay attention to the fine print used for the acquisition, you must
contact your bank to prevent the method. You will contact Microsoft
together regarding the link and check if this is possible on the help page. In
"Simple", click "Contact Support". Choose a product, a type and a class of
disadvantages. Then click on the state decision or start chatting for
assistance with this issue.

 C.
1.  Henri Fayol (1949). General and Industrial Management. New York:
Pitman Publishing. pp. 107–109. OCLC 825227.
2.  Robert J. Mockler (1970). Readings in Management Control. New York:
Appleton-Century-Crofts. pp. 14–17. ISBN 978-0-390-64439-
8. OCLC 115076.
3.  Richard Arvid Johnson (1976). Management, systems, and society  an
introduction. Pacific Palisades, Calif.: Goodyear Pub. Co. pp. 148–
142. ISBN 978-0-87620-540-2. OCLC 2299496.
4. Samuel Eilon (1979). Management control. Boston, Mass.: Harvard
Business School Press. ISBN 978-0-08-022482-4. OCLC 4193519.

Question No: 5
5. a
 Avoid websites ending with "lo", e.g. B. Newslo. These websites use
correct data and therefore pack this data with various false or
misleading "facts" (sometimes for humor or comedy reasons).
 Pay attention to websites that end in “." as they usually
pretend to be versions of real news sources
 Make sure the known / respectable news sites are not news stories.
The lack of relationships is usually due to the company's media injury
and various factors. Normally, however, there should be more
information about a topic or event. Odd domain names generally
correspond to odd and rarely truthful information. If the authors are
not assigned, this can mean, without exception, that the news article
is suspect and needs to be verified.
 Check the "About Us" tab on websites or search the website on
websites like Wikipedia for more information on the tab.
 If the story makes you very angry, it is very likely that an honest plan
will continue to examine the topic through various sources to ensure
that the story you are reading has not deliberately attempted to
anger you (likely) misleading or incorrect information) to receive
actions. and advertising revenue.
 If the website you are reading encourages you to DOX (research and
distribution of personal or identifiable information about a person or
organization), it is unlikely to be a legitimate reporting service.
6. b.
The methodology asked in the development of the methodology the
development is based on the analyzing the different things as:
Develop an important mentality
• Check the information supply
• See the World Health Organization reporting the news
• Review the evidence
• Check for fake messages
When security consultants return to your company to educate your
employees, they report that they must change all passwords
frequently. Even on our PCs, we have learned to use capital letters,
numbers and special characters to formulate passwords. Make it as
difficult as possible for thieves to stop and steal your belongings.
These things help the people in the pandemic situation.

7. c
One of the rumors about virus that spread in Oman is that “Can coronavirus
spread through food” that has caused several problems in Oman. People
were not even buying a food from the market. WHO continues to work with
experts, Member States and other partners to identify research gaps and
priorities for the control of COVID-19 and advice to countries and
individuals on preventive measures, National food safety agencies followed
this event with the International Food Safety Authorities Network
(INFOSAN)? The secretariat will seek further information on the potential
for the persistence of the virus in food marketed internationally the
possible role of food in the transmission of the virus.

Question No: 6
8. a
Talent command is used remote host command line interface. In the
above screenshot after when the command is installed in your local
computer. And window services are open the talent services are
disabled before and are now enabled by clicking on automatic.
Unauthorized people should not be able to do this manipulation of
protocol delivery processes, possible files, configuration files or other
parts of the record sources that could affect work. The host
command has a several disadvantages and the advantages for the
user they can use accordingly to fulfill the requirements. The uphold
host can harm the system by sending the virus in it and damages the
file so that the user can not be able to access it.

9. b.
Implement secure way for transporting data from system to centralized log
system. The implemented way are as follows:

The services related to this configuration are disabled before in my

laptop. I have installed the service in my laptop first and then get into
the properties to enable it. In general, however, the transaction
processes are not associative and in this case the result is not defined
if the order in which the individual processes are executed is not
deterministic. Third Party screening and Monitoring United Nations
organizations have remote access to the corporate network and / or
connections to third parties to ensure that they adhere to best
cybersecurity practices.

10. C.

1. Hutson, Andy (23 June 2008). "Telent moves to its new HQ in

Warwick". Coventry Telegraph. Archived from the original on 3 October
2011. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
2. Pension trustees protest after £400m Telent sale to niche fund
manager". The Times. Archived from the original on 18 October 2010.
3. ^ Telent buys TSEU Group". 3 March 2008.
Retrieved 17 September 2011.
4. ^ "telent acquires Alan Campbell Group". Archived
from the original on 22 October 2012. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
5. ^ "telent acquires telecom services provider". 23
September 2008. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
6. ^ Smith, Kirstie. "CEO of Warwick-based company dies in motorcycle
accident". Warwick Courier. Retrieved 22 September 2019.
7. ^ "Announcement from David Naylor-Leyland, Chairman of telent". Telent.
Retrieved 22 September 2019.
Question No: 7
There are two commonly used forms of ACL.
• The standard access list uses only the specified computer address and
authorizes or rejects the entire protocol suite.
• The extended access list uses all addresses of the supply and destination
1. In our situation, the place of delivery is Chicago and the destination are
the Big Apple. So, we could extend the ACL access list to you. We have
to create the ACL:
The commands for Cisco IOS are as follows:
The list to access the document <1-99> host's discipline address> / * for
a single host.
The list to access the document <1-99> scientific discipline address> / *
for a network.

You have to perform following things on packet tracer to do task.
2. Apply ACL: Before using it, we must always understand where to use an
A typical ACL is applied internally or externally to the edges of the router
nearby to the terminus of the traffic.
A prolonged ACL is applied internally or externally to the edges of the
router bordering to the delivery of traffic.
Let's look at an example of a traditional ACL certification body:
Reject or authorize a Category C network:
Deny router (config) The # access-list one
Router (config) # access-list one allows
Reject or authorize a host:
Router (config) # deny access-list one
Router (config) # access-list one deny host
Reject or allow all hosts:
Router (config) # access list that you deny everyone
Router access list (config) # one allows each
By ordering the access list to the router interface on departure and arrival
Router (config) # Fastethernet interface 0/0
Router (config-if) # science access-group one out
Router (config) # Fastethernet interface 0/1
Router (config-if) # science access group one in
The connection password for the Houston router should be the name.
The two ALC’S working in this to connect the router accoding to the
requirement of the user. So, that the people can achieve the things
which they are looking for their personal use. A typical ACL is applied
internally or externally to the edges of the router nearby to the terminus
of the traffic. The prolonged ACL is applied internally or externally to
the edges of the router bordering to the delivery of traffic. The Houston
router have their Ip addresses and all of them are connected with the
hub. So, that they can be tracked easily by the ping applied to them.

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