Alfredo Gonzales

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1. Fact is we encounter many trials, problems and difficulties in our life. There are many
hindrances that we face every day it depends on how a person deal with it. When
Alfredo Gonzales was observing the river, a strange occurrence was observed so he
and his companions followed the path of the river which was really dry that season.
They followed the path of the river and saw that the river has many obstacles before
it reaches the sea which connects them both. The river encountered a lot of
obstacles along its way to the sea but in every hindrance, the river was determined
to follow the path and managed to overcome those obstacles it encountered. That
was when Alfredo Gonzales was reminded of human life. A person must have
patience in life. There are some people who are easily discouraged and they even
give up. There are also people who persevere and do not easily lose hope like the
river. But there are also obstacles that the river was not able to overcome. Despite
the hindrances that were almost impossible to head on, there were individuals who
bloomed through these hard days of their lives. One that he mentioned was
Beethoven, he lost his ability to hear but he became one of the most celebrated
composers in the classical era who composed his piano sonatas and symphonies.
This reminded the writer that if one cannot overcome obstacles one can undercome
them. As I was scrolling on my facebook I happen to encounter a quote, “Life is like a
river. With all its bends and rapid falls, one must follow the right path or else you'll
lost your way to the sea.”. No matter how many obstacles or hindrances we face in
our lives we should not give up easily. Move forward until we reach our goal.
2. Probably the challenge that I had in my whole life that I thought I won’t be able to
overcome is during our last days of my 1 st semester as a 5th year student. December
2019, our instructor gave us a really hard project and if we fail to submit it, we won’t
be able to graduate on time. For the whole month I haven’t got enough sleep just to
finish my work on time. We have classes in the day and during the night we work on
our project. It was a rough experience going to class without sleep I had trouble
listening to our lectures since I am sleepy during the day. I could not focus on the
other major subjects and I ended up having a failing grade in one of my subjects. My
professor told me that I should take removal exam by the end of the month. The
pressure and anxiety are there. What made me more anxious is that during that time
I found out that I will not really graduate on time since I was a shiftee and I was not
able to get all my remaining subjects I need to take my remaining subjects during the
mid-year. I felt really bad because I knew that my parents will be very disappointed. I
tried to calm myself but I end up crying at night, silently, without being noticed. I
knew I was already exhausted and I am on the verge of giving it up. But then I
thought if I give this up and fail this subject, I’ll be spending another semester
instead of mid-year only. So again, I tried to calm my nerves. I prayed to God will all
my heart and hope he give me strength to overcome all this challenges. Thankfully, I
was able to finish my project and passed all my subject. All those sleepless nights
have been paid off.
I would compare life to a Clock. It always keeps on going depends on the situation. Same
way as our life, we should keep moving forward. But there are times when the clock stops
ticking because it may have used up all its batteries but then again, we can replace the old
batteries with new batteries so that it would start on ticking again. In life, there will be times
when we fall apart or sometimes lose our motivating force but that doesn’t mean we stop
on moving forward. We get up on our knees, revitalize ourselves by changing or replacing
our negative thoughts by positive ones and continue on our journey. That is life.

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