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• Collection of data – the process of obtaining

• Organization of data – the ascertaining manner of
presenting the data so that logical and statistical
conclusions can be drawn from the collected
• Presentation process of showing the information
through tables, graph and more.
• Analysis of data – the process of extracting from the
given data relevant information from which
numerical description can be formulated.
• Interpretation of data – the task of drawing
conclusions from the analyzed data.


WHAT IS STATISTICS? organization
• Statistics is a science that
deals with scientific
collection, organization,
presentation, analyzation, and
interpretation of numerical data
in order to obtain useful and
meaningful information.
Prepared by: Ms.
“The population should be clearly defined so that the
sample can be accurately identified.”

Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

• POPULATION – consists of the totality of all
elements or entities from which you want to
obtain your information.

• SAMPLE – subset of population

Determine what the key terms refer to in the
following study.
• We want to know the average (mean) amount of
money that the first year college students spend
at ABC College on school supplies that do not
include books. We randomly surveyed 100 first
year students at the college. Three of those
students spent $150, $200, and $225,
A survey on the satisfaction of homeowners
living in a certain subdivision with the security
features in their place is to be conducted. A
sample of 100 homeowners based on an
alphabetical list. One hundred random
numbers are generated using a random
number of generator available in the Internet
and these will be used to determine the
homeowners who will participate in the survey.
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
• The population is all first year students attending ABC
College this term.
• The sample could be all students enrolled in one section of
a beginning statistics course at ABC College (although this
sample may not represent the entire population).
• The parameter is the average (mean) amount of money
spent (excluding books) by first year college students at ABC
College this term: the population mean.
• The statistic is the average (mean) amount of money spent
(excluding books) by first year college students in the
A principal takes an
alphabetized list of student
names and picks a random
starting point. Every 20 student

is selected to take a survey.

Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

A researcher who is studying the effects
of educational attainment on promotion
conducted a survey of 50 randomly
selected workers from each of these
categories: high school graduate, with
undergraduate degrees, with master’s
degree, and with doctoral degree.
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
A researcher interviewed all
top 10 Grade 11 students in
each of 15 randomly selected
private school in Metro
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
• Estimation – estimate the value of a
population parameter
• Testing – formulate a decision about the
value of a population parameter
• Regression – predictions or forecasts about
the value of a population parameter
MEASURE Statistic (Sample statistic) Parameter (population parameter)

Mean 𝑿 𝝁 (mu)
𝟐 𝟐
Variance 𝒔 𝝈 (sigma squared)

𝒔 𝝈 (sigma)

(p hat)
𝒑 𝒑
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
In a statistical study, sampling refers to the process or
technique of selecting a representative sample from
the entire population to achieve unbiased results.

It is necessary to
concentrate on the
procedure to subset
of the population.
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
A sample size can be determined
using the Slovin’s (1960) formula,

n – sample size
N – population size
e – margin of error
1 – constant value
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo


the probability of an element’s no way of estimating the

being included in the sample is probability of an element’s being
known included in a sample
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

Simple Random Sampling Convenience Sampling

Stratified Sampling Snowball Sampling
Cluster Sampling Purposive Sampling

Systematic Sampling Voluntary Sampling

Multistage Sampling Quota Sampling
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Simple Random Sampling
• every element of the population has an equal chance or
probability of being selected for inclusions in the sample

• most commonly used methods are Number Generator,

Table of Random Numbers, and Lottery or Fish Bowl

Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

Probability Sampling Techniques:
Simple Random Sampling
A survey on the satisfaction of homeowners living in a
certain subdivision with the security features in their
place is to be conducted.. A sample of 100 homeowners
based on an alphabetical list. One hundred random numbers
are generated using a random number of generator
available in the Internet and these will be used to
determine the homeowners who will participate in the
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Simple Random Sampling
A Grade 11 students wants to make a study on the opinion
of Grade 8 students concerning the use of Filipino
language in the teaching of Mathematics. There are 510
Grade 8 Students. She wants to interview only 10% of the
Grade 8 students in the school where the study is to be
conducted. If you were the student, how are you going to
do it by using a Table of Random Numbers?

Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

Probability Sampling Techniques:
Systematic Sampling
• every kth element of the population is selected until desired number of
elements in the sample is obtained
• a list of elements of the population is used as sampling frame and the
elements to be included in the desired sample are selected by skipping
through the list at regular intervals
• the value of k is the sampling interval which obtained by:

Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

Probability Sampling Techniques:
Systematic Sampling

A principal takes an alphabetized list
of student names and picks a random
starting point. Every 20 th student is
selected to take a survey.
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Systematic Sampling
In a group containing 250 students, how
will you select a sample containing 71
students by using the systematic sampling

Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

Probability Sampling Techniques:
Stratified Sampling
• the population is divided into groups called
strata, which is based on some characteristic
• The important requirement is that each
element of the population belongs to exactly
one stratum, and the elements in stratum
possess the same characteristics defined by
the category of stratification. When the strata
have been formed, subsamples from each
stratum are selected by simple random
sampling and combined to form the sample
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Stratified Sampling
A researcher who is studying the effects
of educational attainment on promotion
conducted a survey of 50 randomly selected
workers from each of these categories:
high school graduate, with undergraduate
degrees, with master’s degree, and with
doctoral degree. Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Stratified Sampling
You want to interview 200 students in your
school to determine their opinion on the new
school uniform. How are you going to choose
your sample by using the stratified sampling if
there are 1,200 students in Grade 7; 1,100 in
Grade 8; 1,050 in Grade 9; 940 students in
Grade 10; 900 in Grade 11, and 810 in Grade 12?
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Cluster Sampling
•the elements of the
population are divided
into groups called clusters.
Usually the clusters are
based on naturally
occurring clusters mainly
geographical such as
cities, barangays, or
municipalities. Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Cluster Sampling

A researcher interviewed all top 10
Grade 11 students in each of 15
randomly selected private school in
Metro Manila
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Probability Sampling Techniques:
Cluster Sampling

A researcher wants to determine who
among the families in a small town are
using the new detergent product. How
is she going to do this using the
cluster sampling technique?
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Non-Probability Sampling Techniques:

• The members of sample are drawn or selected based on
the judgment of the researcher.
• The results of these techniques are relatively unbiased.
• The techniques lack objectivity in terms of the selection of
• The samples are not so reliable.
• The techniques are convenient and economical to use.
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Non-Probability Sampling Techniques:

Convenience Sampling
Snowball Sampling
Purposive Sampling

Voluntary Sampling

Quota Sampling
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
• A process of picking
out people in the most
convenient and fastest
way to get reactions
• This method can be done
by telephone interview
to get the immediate
reactions of a certain
group of sample for a
certain issue.

• This kind of
method is biased
and not
• one selected as need arises during the
conduct of a study.
Example: during the interviewing of a group
of principals, they recommend others who
also should be interviewed because they are
particularly knowledgeable about the subject
of the research
• It is based on certain criteria laid down by the
• People who satisfy the criteria are interviewed.
• This method is determining the target population of
those who will be taken for the study.
• The respondents are chosen on the basis of their
knowledge of the information desired.

• People who volunteer for the research.

• In this type of sampling, specified number of
persons of certain types is included in the
• In quota sampling, many sectors of the
population are represented.
• Quota sampling may be sued only when any of
the more desirable types of sampling will not do.
• Suppose the reactions of the people or a particular
issue, such as the effects of drug addiction in a
certain locality, can be decided from a sample that
constitutes 10 doctors, 9 lawmakers, 15 parents and
20 drug addicts.
Identify the type of sampling technique used by the researcher in each
of the following situations.
a.The office clerk gave the researcher a list of
500 Grade 10 students. The researcher selected
every 20th name on the list.

b. In a recent research that was conducted in a

private school, the subjects of the study were
selected by using the Table of Random Numbers.

c. A researcher interviewed people from each town

in the province of Albay for his research on
population. Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo
Identify the type of sampling technique used by the researcher in each
of the following situations.

d. A researcher is doing a research work on

the students’ reaction to the newly
implemented curriculum in mathematics and
interviewed every 10 student entering the
gate of the school.

e. A teacher conducted a study in her

school to determine who were better in
mathematics: the boys or the girls.
Prepared by: Ms. Gustilo

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