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Yumi Ono, Yoshifumi Onishi, Takafumi Koshinaka, Soichiro Takata, and Osamu Hoshuyama

NEC Corporation

ABSTRACT ......................................................................
This paper proposes an anomaly detection method for sound
: S;t'
: Normal

n Is

Normal model
signals observed from motors in operation without using : :

abnormal signals. It is based on feature emphasis and �.............................................

effectively detects anomalies that appear in a small subset of ' ............................................ " ....................... .
: An input ':
features. To emphasize the features, the method optimally :· � inal :.
estimates the contribution rates of various features to the ·

dissimilarity score between an observed signal and the

distribution of normal signals. We report here our evaluation
of the method using sound data observed from PCs and fans
in operation. The evaluation demonstrates that the proposed
method emphasizes a small subset of narrow frequency
ranges of sounds and that it achieves an error reduction rate •
" "
n�Normal }
8 • • • • • • • • I . I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • "'-

of up to 76%.
Figure 1. Flow of our anomaly detection system.
Index Terms- Anomaly Detection, Feature Emphasis,
features that show the anomaly. However, the features are
Fault Diagnosis, Fault Detection
difficult to select when the anomaly appears in various
features depending on the observed signals. Furthermore, the
detection accuracy decreases if an anomaly appears in a
Sensor signals such as sounds and vibrations that are small subset of features.
observed from machines in operation are often used to This paper proposes a method based on feature emphasis
diagnose machine faults in factory acceptance tests or during to detect abnormal sounds of motors with multi-sound
machine maintenance. The most primitive and fundamental sources. The anomaly appears in various features, which are
method involves having experts manually examine the the log amplitudes of sound frequencies, depending on the
signals. For example, they listen carefully to the sound and sound source that shows the anomaly. The features are
based on their experience, judge it to be a machine failure if optimally emphasized for each observed signal using the
it is peculiar. This method requires extensive experience and normal signals.
great care.
To automate this method, anomaly detection systems have 2. ANOMALY DETECTION METHOD
been developed from accumulated know-how [1]. They were
A typical method to detect anomalies only from normal
fIrst developed for plants such as oil and gas plants [2][3].
signals is to create a model of normal signals and detect
These systems effectively detect anomalies but require both
outliers from the model [11][12]. An input signal is regarded
normal and abnormal signals to examine the properties of
as abnormal when a dissimilarity score So' derived from the
abnormal signals before operation. However, abnormal
distance between features of the input signal and the model
signals are rare and hence diffIcult to collect. Therefore, it is
distribution of normal signals, exceeds a predefmed
useful to detect anomalies without using abnormal signals.
threshold. The simplest defmition of score So is
Methods to detect anomalies without using abnormal
signals have also been proposed for various machines such So
1 N
=- 2:D" (1)
as spacecrafts [4][5], aircrafts [6], space shuttles [7][8], N ,=1

bearings and couplings of rotating machines [9], and turbine where Dj is the distance of the ith feature (i=I, 2, .., N) and N
rotors [10]. These methods learn rules that capture the is the number of features. The method treats all the features
normal behavior or a stochastic model of the normal signals. equally so that the accuracy decreases if an anomaly appears
The observed signal that deviates from the rules or the in a small subset of features.
model is regarded as abnormal. They manually select

978-1-4799-0356-6/l3/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 2800 ICASSP2013

In order to approach the problem, we propose a method
0,=0 0,=0.5
to detect anomalies efficiently by emphasizing the small
subset of features in which the abnormal signals appear. Fig.
1 shows a flow chart of our anomaly detection system. First,
various features are extracted from signals of normal rotors,
and a normal model, which is the distribution of normal
signals, is trained from the features. Second, evaluation data
are examined and determined to be normal or abnormal. The Figure 2. Contours of Sa.
same features are extracted from the data, and the distance
from the normal model of each feature is calculated. Then a (9)
newly defmed score Sa is also calculated from distance D;
and fmally, the input signal is detected to be abnormal if Let us consider a case of two-dimensional features for
Sa exceeds a predefmed threshold e. simplicity. Fig. 2 displays two-dimensional contour plots of
We define Sa as a generalized measure of So in order to a
S when a is 0, 0.5, 1, and 2. The light-colored regions have
emphasize the features in which the abnormal signals appear. a
larger S values than the dark regions. The contour of So
The score of each feature s . and the total score S are a has a diamond shape, whereas those of SO,5' S, and S2 have
Sa,; =Fa,lD" (2) a
flower-like shapes. This means that S when a is 0.5, 1, or 2
exaggerates peculiar features more than So does. Thus,
Sa = Z>a,,· (3) a
S with 0,>0 has the desired properties to detect an anomaly
,=, that appears in a small subset of features.
The emphasizing function F a,'. satisfies
Fa,; = Fa(D;) = f 2:N (4)
)=1 D} '
where index a is a constant that controls the contribution An anomaly detection experiment was conducted using
rate of each feature to score S . The function F a ' ai
sound data observed from personal computers (PCs)
assuming a test of silence before shipment. Each PC has
emphasizes the sensitivity of the total score S to feature i a three sound sources: the hard disc drive (HDD), fan, and
of which D, is high. Note that Sa with 0,=0 is used in the
optical disk drive (ODD). If the sound sources that made a
conventional method, whereas Sa with 0,>0 is used in the
louder sound could be detected, we could block shipments
proposed method. In fact, Sa equals So in (1) when 0,=0.
of defective PCs that do not meet a certain noise standard.
Index a is optimally determined to be 0,* so that the score
Our method is worth applying in this situation because in
dispersion of the normal signals represents a minimum value.
actual situations, the abnormal data are rarely produced and
We determine a in that way to enlarge the difference
are hard to obtain.
between the score distribution of normal signals and that of
the abnormal ones without using abnormal signals. Index a *
3. 1. Experimental Conditions
is given by
a* argmtn=-' (Ja (5)
Sound data were obtained with a piezoelectric control
a Sa

vibration sensor attached to operating PCs. The frequency

range was 10 Hz-I0 kHz. All PCs were of the same model.
1 � - 2
aa = - L)Sa,m -Sa} , (6) Each data sample is called an "event " hereinafter. Each
M m=1
event was 20 seconds long. Log amplitudes of spectra were
where au is the standard deviation of the normal signals' obtained as features. The number of features N was 3197. Of
scores, Sa is the average score, S a,m
is the score of normal the 20 total events, 13 normal events were used as training
signal m, and M is the number of normal signals for training. data, while 3 normal events and 4 abnormal events were
Here we rewrite So and S using a-norm, which is a used as evaluation data. The normal events of the training
generalized length in a vector space, and discuss their data and that of the evaluation data were alternated with
meanings. Mathematically, the a-norm of an N-dimensional each other. The Mahalanobis distance was applied to D,
vector is defined as
IIDlla= (t r D;
. (7) D; ; TV; I X;
=�(x; - 1l ) -
( -11;)' (10)
where x, is a feature of the evaluation data, and fJ., and V, are
Using (7), we rewrite So and S as a respectively the average and the variance of the ith feature,
1 which is extracted from normal signals. Threshold e was
So=-IIDI11' (8)
N determined to be the score of the event that ranks the top
20% of all normal events.

(a) Conventional (a=O)
500 -- -:..:.:.:..,.....
.:. .:.-=---�'---'------,
> Normal
!300 events","
E Abnormal events



l;? Normal Abnormal events

�300 events


o L-��llU�lliD�llU±ah-___�
1.2e-4 1.6e-4 2.0e-4 2.4e-4 2.8e-4

00'32.55 �

Figure 3. Score histograms.


00.92 kC=J I 2 3
aa There are many abnormal events that are mistakenly
Sa identified as normal in Fig. 3a, whereas such events hardly

exist in Fig. 3b. This indicates that the proposed method
4 5 significantly improved the detection accuracy.
Note that 20% of normal events must be identified as

0.76 2
abnormal in both figures because threshold e is defined as
o the score of the event that ranks the top 20% of all normal

> events. Naturally, as e is set to be larger, the number of

normal events identified as abnormal decreases, but the
recall also decreases. Therefore, the choice of e depends on
a the user's priority of these two properties.
Here we explain the relationship between u and F-value.
Figure 4. Standard deviation and F-value versus a.
Fig. 4a plots Ga / S a and Fig. 4b plots the F-value as a
function of u. The value of u (=1.4 in the present case) that
3.2. Experimental Results gives the minimum value of Ga / S a , which is u* given by
(5), indeed gives the maximum F-value.
The accuracy of our anomaly detection system was
The spectrum and the scores of an abnormal event are
evaluated with an F-value, which is the harmonic average of
illustrated in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5a, the red curve is a spectrum of
recall and precision. Recall refers to the ratio of events
the event, and the blue lines indicate the average spectrum
detected to be abnormal among all abnormal events.
and the error bars (average ± standard deviation) of the
Precision refers to the ratio of abnormal events among the
normal events. The amplitude of the event exceeds those of
events detected to be abnormal. Table 1 shows the recall,
normal ones at 120 Hz and 620 Hz, which are the respective
precision, and F-value when a=O and u=u*=1.4. The F­
sound frequencies of the HDD and the fan, and this implies
value increased from 0.626 to 0.900 with the proposed
that the HDD and the fan generate abnormally loud sounds.
method. Thus, the error reduction rate is 73.3%.
Figs. 5b and 5c show the scores sa,i' where u=O and u=1.4,
Figs. 3a and 3b show histograms of score Sa when u=O
respectively. The scores at 120 Hz and 620 Hz are more
and u=1.4, respectively. The shaded blue bars are the emphasized than those of other frequencies in Fig. 5c
normal events, and the unshaded red bars are the abnormal
compared to those in Fig. 5b. Thus, those frequencies were
events. The vertical dashed lines indicate threshold e. The
emphasized properly by using the proposed method. In other
events on the right side of each line are identified as
abnormal events, the frequencies that show the anomaly
abnormal, and those on the left side are identified as normal.
were also emphasized properly even when the number of

u=O u=u*=1.4
(conventional) (proposed)
recall 0.554 0.996
precision 0.719 0.821
F-value 0.626 0.900
Table 1. Detection accuracy of experiment using PC
sound data.

u=O u=u*=0.2

(conventional) (proposed)
recall 0.917 1.000
precision 0.976 0.974
F-value 0.946 0.987
0. 1

Table 2. Detection accuracy of experiment using fan 008 a=O.2

sound data. . ;; 006

'" O.O�

sound sources generating abnormally loud sounds was 0 . 02 e--__

different from that of the event in Fig. 5. o l';;- -�='---
1 00 >O-���'"-1
- --6... 1000
Frequency [Hz]
4. EXPERIMENT USING SOUND DATA OF FANS Figure 6. Abnormal event example.
Another experiment was conducted with communication
devices, each of which had a single sound source consisting One of the abnormal event examples is displayed in Fig.
of a cooling fan. Sound data of cooling fans in operation 6. The spectrum of the abnormal event is plotted as a red
were used for the experiment assuming a fault prediction test. curve in Fig. 6a. The average spectrum of normal events and
A fan making an abnormal sound is liable to break down error bars (average ± standard deviation) are also indicated
when electrical corrosion occurs for various reasons. Some in the figure with blue lines. The red curve largely exceeds
accidents can be prevented if the anomaly sound is detected the blue line at 3300 Hz, which is the characteristic
before breakdown. frequency of a fan with electrical corrosion. Figs. 6b and 6c
show score sa,1 , where u=O and u=O.2, respectively. The

4. 1. Experimental Conditions score at 3300 Hz is the largest in the two figures. This
property is more emphasized in Fig. 6c. Thus, an anomaly of
Sound data of fans in operation were obtained using
an internal fan can be detected with high accuracy by using
various microphones. All fans were of the same model. The
the proposed method.
data samples were 4-15 seconds long and were obtained in
different places; therefore, the sound level varied. To 5. SUMMARY
minimize the difference in sound levels, the power level was
normalized so that the average amplitude equaled unity. The We presented an anomaly detection method for sound
frequency range was lO Hz-3500 Hz and there were 81 signals of rotors based on feature emphasis without using
features N. Of the 37 total events, 23 normal events were abnormal signals. To emphasize the features that show the
used as training data while 3 normal events and 11 abnormal anomaly, this method optimally determines the contributing
events were used as evaluation data. The normal events of rate of each feature to the dissimilarity score between an
the training data and that of the evaluation data were observed signal and the distribution of normal signals.
alternated with each other. The Mahalanobis distance Experiments were conducted using sound data observed
defmed in (10) was applied to D . Threshold e was from PCs and fans through vibration sensors and
determined to be the score of the ev �nt that ranks the top microphones, respectively. The error reduction rates were
10% of all normal events. 73% for PC data and 76% for fan data. Our future tasks
include conducting further experiments using a large nwnber
4.2. Experimental Results of various machine data.

The accuracy of the anomaly detection was evaluated with

the F-value indicated in Table 2. The F-value increased from
We thank Takeshi Zenko and Yasutaka Nishii for
0.946 to 0.987, depending on the increase in recall, which
providing the sound data of fans. We are also grateful to
was equal to 1.0. Thus, the error reduction rate is 75.9%.
Shinichi Ando for his helpful suggestions.

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