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December 2010

Combat Logistics Regiment 15 (Fwd)

Commanding Officer 2

Sergeant Major 3

Holiday Spirit 4, 5

Headquarters & Service 6, 7

Secretary of Defense visit 8

CMC and SgtMaj of the Marine Corps visit 9

General Support Motor Transport 10, 11

Maintenance 12, 13

Mark Wahlberg/Movie Event 14

Cpl‛s course & Petty Officer Training 15

Security 16, 17

Supply 18, 19

Surgical 20, 21

Mailing Addresses 22

Promotions 23

Chaplain 24

Awards & Reenlistments 25

Family Readiness Officers 25

Commanding Officer
Families and Friends of CLR-15(FWD),
Season‛s Greetings from Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan !
Well … the holidays are behind us – and what a time we had ! While we
couldn‛t be with you all this year – the next best thing was spending it
with our CLR-15 (FWD) family, deployed, and in a combat environment.
As we all come from different backgrounds, with different traditions
and different ways to celebrate this time of the year; whether it was a
Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, or “a Festivus for the rest of us” tradition
-- am pretty sure we experienced a “little bit of everything” !
Most of the companies “knocked off” a little early on the evening of Dec
24th in order to have cookouts. The Supply Company Marines and sailors
had quite the “Club” atmosphere in the Storage lot and danced into the
wee hours of the morning ! Maintenance Company had an “American Idol-
esque” talent show where we saw everything from break-dancing to stand
-up comedy to music and Christmas carol melodies – including some uku-
lele action and just what every song needs, “… a little more cow bell” !
Security Company performed some skits and showed some homemade movies – featuring RIPIT commercials
(I‛ll let them explain), while the folks in Surgical Company donned some reindeer antlers and Santa hats and
settled into an enormous feast at the Concussion Clinic. General Support Motor Transport Company even
took a break from loading containers that erupted into a spontaneous game of Wiffle Ball !
Most of the companies took time on the 25th to recharge their batteries and watched many of the tradi-
tional holiday movies like A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation … and Die Hard ! Once again, the field
grade officers and Staff Non-Commissioned Officers had the opportunity to serve the traditional holiday
meal in the dining facility – and everyone ate VERY WELL !
Can‛t thank you all enough for your incredible generosity – the amount of mail and packages that we‛ve re-
ceived in recent weeks has been OVERWHELMING to say the least ! I‛ve never seen so many stockings filled
with candy and chocolate in my life !
As we enter the New Year – we certainly have a lot on our plate and numerous upcoming missions. Your Ma-
rines and sailors are doing an INCREDIBLE job. They are truly performing miracles whether it's picking
parts, packing containers, hauling supplies and mail, fixing vehicles or caring for those wounded in action. We
couldn‛t be prouder of the work they‛re doing day-in and day-out !
The New Year also brings us to the half-way point in our deployment – so as we keep both eyes on daily op-
erations, we‛re also beginning the planning to turnover operations to our brothers and sisters coming to take
our place at the end of March.
We wish you all the best in the coming year – and look forward to our reunion in the not too distant future !
As always – if you have any questions or concerns, please let me or the SgtMaj know.

Semper Fidelis,
Michael Murchison
Sergeant Major
Friends & Family of CLR-15 (FWD),

As we pass the half way point in theater, the Marines and Sailors con-
tinue to make positive contributions to the mission here in Afghanistan.
The half-way point can be a difficult time for both you at home and your
loved ones here. The mail you send has made a HUGE impact on the mo-
rale and is greatly appreciated.
The regiment was on fire this month! We held several boards for combat
meritorious promotions, as well as, Marine, Sailor and NCO of the Quar-
ter; bringing home gold medals on more than one occasion. The endurance
and work ethic of our warriors (your loved one) is phenomenal. I am hum-
bled not only by the quality of their performance but also by the SNCO
leadership that has been provided to help groom, mentor and recognize
such outstanding & committed performance.
This month the CO & I attended several holiday social functions; the re-
sourcefulness and imagination of our warriors was yet again impressive.
We saw everything from a hand-made solid steel Christmas tree to homemade ornaments that added a per-
sonal touch to the holiday spirit. The Commandant and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps also visited
the regiment. They spent their holiday with the Marines & Sailors in the Area of Operation. It was great
to show both of them, first hand, some of our operational challenges and success stories. The Commandant
and Sergeant Major recognized many of our personnel for their noteworthy and continuous performance.

As a mother of two toddlers and a spouse of an active duty first sergeant, I know first-hand that you are
juggling EVERYTHING and your hands have been full. Your sacrifices are also noteworthy… as I told myself
during my husband‛s deployments… “hang-in there” we can see the light at the end of the tunnel… and the
light is getting closer and closer.

Please don‛t forget to lean on each of the Family Readiness Officers listed on the back page; they are di-
rectly available to you. Recently there was a message released announcing a new program, please don‛t hesi-
tate to use it. “DSTRESS” is open to all Marines/Sailors, past and present, along with family members and
loved ones. The hotline is staffed by personnel with previous military experience, counselors and clinicians
trained in Marine Corps culture. It is a confidential, 24/7 Marine/Sailor friendly counseling service 1-877-
476-7734 or .

Semper Fidelis,

Sergeant Major C. S. Belle

Christmas in Afghanistan

Top left: The Lieuten-

ants showing their
Christmas sprit.
Right side/below:
Christmas stockings being
delivered to the unit.
Left: The Regimental
Commander‛s Lamp!!
Headquarters & Service Company

Company Commander Company First Sergeant

1stLt Jeff Wunder GySgt Bruce Thompson

Family and Friends, Family and Friends,

We hope you had a Happy Holiday. Another month has December has been a busy month here at Camp Leatherneck. The
passed and we find ourselves half-way through this de- Marines and Sailors of Headquarters Company have been doing amaz-
ployment and a month closer to our return. ing things! Like the Company Commander said, all the sections have
been taking care of business in support of the mission.
This month has been our busiest yet. The S-1 has been
processing awards. The S-2 has been finding safe We were able to promote Marines to First Lieutenant, Staff Ser-
routes for the convoys to travel. The S-3 has been geant, and Sergeant!! Huge steps in all there careers. LCpl Woolsey
tracking the convoys while on the road. The S-4 has was awarded a Navy/Marine Corps Achievement medal for his out-
been managing container movements. The S-6 has been standing performance. A few of our Sailors earned their FMF pins.
improving the communication capabilities in the head- Sgt Flores and LCpl Timm were recognized as the H&S NCO and Ma-
quarters buildings and Supply relocated its warehouse. rine of the quarter! H&S had two Marines graduate Cpl‛s course and
H&S Company was called upon to reinforce the post of- HMC Judeh, HM1 Collet, and HM1 Harris taught the Petty Officer
fice because of the volume of mail that has been sent. Advancement course to the newly selected Petty Officers. Just
The care packages we received from family and sup- great work on all their parts!!
porters are greatly appreciated. Everyone received
I know we have missed the major holidays with our families and loved
something, which bolstered our morale.
ones, but we are past the half way mark. The amount of mail that has
The Marines and Sailors took time to deck the halls for been arriving is astonishing! You are definitely supporting your Ma-
the holiday season. They hung lights, stockings, and all rine or Sailor!
sorts of decorations. We got some time off and ex-
Everyone is looking forward to coming home and being back with
changed gifts. For movie nights, we watched our holiday
friends and family. But we all also know there is still work to be done
and plan on finishing this deployment on a high note.
Have a Happy New Year.

Jeff Wunder Thank you for all the support,

GySgt Bruce Thompson
Headquarters & Service Company
Secretary of Defense visit
Commandant & Sergeant Major
of the Marine Corps visit

Above: Cpl Roach receives a coin from the

CMC and MSgt Roth shows the Eagle, Globe,
and Anchor he made for the visit.

Left/Right: The SgtMaj and Commandant of

the Marine Corps speak to the troops.

Below: MSgt Spendler, SgtMaj Kent,

SgtMaj Belle, 1stSgt Garcia, and GySgt
Friends and Families,
The Marines and Sailors of General Support Motor Transport Company continue to inspire and amaze me with their hard work,
professionalism and superior performance. With the days getting shorter and weather getting colder the Marines and Sailors have
taken it in stride and are continuing to accomplish the missions assigned with confidence. The missions are very important ones and
many Marines units rely on General Support Motor Transport Company in order to complete their own missions. With the added
difficulties of weather and seasonal changes, the Marines and Sailors haven’t skipped a beat in 
maintaining and striving toward continual job excellence in all they do. I want to extend to all
the friends, families and loved ones a happy holiday season, and to again thank you- for all
your devotion and faithfulness both in thought and generosity by way of all the care packages
received. We are looking forward to the holiday season and are tremendously thankful for
everything we have- outstanding camaraderie and great support networks both here and from
home. I am truly swollen with pride and privileged to be the Commanding Officer of these
Marines and Sailors and am looking forward to the unending work efforts from them, and
unwavering impression and influence they leave etched on others.
SEMPER FI! Maj Collins

Families, Veterans, Friends, and Supporters of GSMT Company-
Greetings and Happy Holidays to all from the Helmand Province, here in Afghanistan! Let me start by saying how extremely proud
and privileged I am to be surrounded by such an exceptional group of professionals- your Marines and Sailors of GSMT Company.
All have steadily continued to acquit themselves exceptionally well on the battlefield. These Warriors have been working long and
hard in reaching and accomplishing every assigned mission and task given to them with the utmost determination, success, and es-
prit de corps. Despite the holiday season inching forward, with missed loved ones, sprits remain high and their flex in protecting
each other spirals upward- into an ever so vigilant and totally committed posture. Rest assure, that your Marines and Sailors have
displayed and expressed their gratitude for everyone’s support during this honored time of serving our great nation when our duty
calls. Your continued outreached efforts of support, words of encouragement, and generosity have played a significant role in the
continuation of successes we have had thus far- for that I sincerely thank you all.
As one-third of our deployment has nearly past, the upcoming months continue to bring a new set of challenges ahead. Stand
strong and honored, that your Marine or Sailor will prevail if faced with adversity through their diligence in training, the proven
levels of competence at which they have continually preformed to date, and with the support of
their fellow service members serving side by side with them- tackling and accomplishing any en-
deavor that poses a hardship or obstacle with the utmost safety and welfare always at heart and in
Lastly, we are truly grateful for the superior efforts of both those who have dedicated their time and
resources by way of care packages and letters, and of our Family Readiness Officer (FRO), Mrs.
Lynda Schubert, serving as the channel and link that connects our Company with family, friends
and loved ones. She can be reached via email at or by phone at 760-725-
6750. May I also remind you, that she is the direct link for GSMT Company only; she stays
abreast with updated and current information, concerns, and/or guidance. Thank-you all once
again, for your support and echoed words of encouragement to everyone here at GSMT Company
and Combat Logistics Regiment 15.
Remain Semper Fidelis, 1stSgt Adam E. Fraser
GSMT Company December 2010
Maintenance Company
C o m p a n y   C o m m a n d e r   F i r s t   S e r g e a n t    

I’d like to wish all the friends and families of Maintenance Friends and family of Maintenance Company,
Company a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year. December has continued to be a very busy month for I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving with your families. The
all Marines within the company. They continue to do amaz­ Marines of Maintenance Company continue to work hard and set
ing things out here and impress everyone they come into the example everyday. You should be extremely proud of your
contact with.
Marine. He or she is committed to their fellow Marines and our
Over the past month we have had a few distinguished guests country in its time of need. I want to thank all of you for your contin­
drop by wishing to meet and address the Marines within the ued support and understanding in allowing your Marines to accom­
company. First there was Lt General Rodriquez, Commander, International Security Assis­ plish our mission in Afghanistan.
tance Force (ISAF) Afghanistan, who came by to meet the Marines, passing out coins and
cigars. He was a big hit with the Marines and even got under a few trucks and tried to show I want to sincerely congratulate the Marines that were recognized for their accom­
the Marines his mechanic skills. The Secretary of Defense, the Honorable Mr. Gates stopped plishments with an impact award; SSgt Linares and Cpl Mihalic were presented the
by to address and thank the Marines within the Regiment for their service. A few of the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal for an important operation with 1st Light
Marines within the company were fortunate enough to receive his coin and meet Secretary
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. The Battalion Commander and General in charge
Gates. The PACCOM Commander, Admiral Willard also came by for a tour of our mainte­
nance sections. He talked with the Marines and passed out coins to everyone. Lastly, the noted that the operation would not have been successful if not for their contributions.
Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Amos and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, We also had one Marine meritoriously promoted to the rank of Corporal. Cpl Hager­
SgtMaj Kent stopped by and toured the Motor Transport maintenance area. They were man had a very good record book to allow him to be selected for this promotion
impressed as everyone is who come and see what incredible things your Marines are doing board on 2 December. Congratulations to all of you for job well done.
on a day­to­day basis.
Kudos to Cpl Carrillo, Cpl Avina, Cpl Harmon, Cpl Kudhot, Cpl Williams and LCpl
The Marines we have working out at the outer Forward Operating Base’s Overly for their continue hard work in making this deployment a successful one for
(FOBs) continue to provide outstanding support to the Division’s war fighters. They are
doing this in very austere conditions without all the creature comforts we have here aboard
your loved ones. While balancing their daily takers and responsibilities, they volun­
Camp Leatherneck. But, the Company Gunny and MGySgt Lumabao do their best to keep teered countless hours to the Holiday Committee. They have been coordinating all
them supplied with steaks and other goodies as much as they can. They are our tip of the the morale events, including last month when the Company’s held its first Field Meet
spear out here and we have not forgotten any of them. We have Marines at FOBs Dwyer, where Engineer’s platoon placed first. This month theme and upcoming event is our
Payne, Delaram, Edinburg, and Nolay. Christmas Eve’s Talent Show, where they have scheduled seven different shows in­
With the holidays we have had a huge increase in mail and packages. Thank cluding acting, caroling, and dancing. We truly appreciate your hard work and dedi­
you all for your support of your Marines. Most of the work spaces are decorated for the cation to your fellow Marines.
holidays and everyone has the Christmas spirit. We all understand it is hard being away
from loved ones during the holidays, but rest assure we are motivated and doing well. On
Christmas day the Marines of Maintenance Company enjoyed a very WELL DESERVED day
Lastly, I want to wish all the families Happy Holidays. Christmas time is here and New
off. This is the first full day they had off since we arrived in country. They have earned it!!!
Years is just around the corner. This will be the longest and hardest time of the de­
I would like to close with giving a special thank you to all the spouses out there ployment, where most Marines will be thinking of their loved ones. The Company
who are keeping everything running back home and doing all the hard things while your Commander and I will ensure that each Marine is given the chance to call or email all
Marine is deployed. We all know you truly have the harder of the two jobs. We are coming of you back there to wish you Happy Holidays.
up on the halfway point in our deployment and your Marines are still going 100 MPH. Before
you know it we will be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and your Marines will be
returning home.
Semper Fidelis,
Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a very Happy New Years!!
1stSgt E. J. Robles
Semper Fidelis,
Major Jim Towney

On 1 December, the company was able to reward several Marines for their hard work
and dedication to the Marine Corps during our third awards and promotion ceremony
in country. These Marines have certainly earned this and we hope we will be able to
recognize all the Marines for their outstanding character and work.

Pictured (Top Photo, left to right): Navy Achievement Medal Recipient GySgt Hanson. Selected Marine Corps Reserve Certificate recipient LCpl Kane.
Marines that received a Mertorious Mast for their performance on the LCpl­Cpl board and Cpl­Sgt board were LCpl Cooke, Sgt Cisewski, and Sgt Vanhoog­
moed. Recipient of a Certificate of Appreciation, LCpl Matt (Bottom Row, left to right): Newly promoted Sgt Brawner, Sgt Burks, Sgt Cisewski, Sgt Tate, Cpl
Bernstein, Cpl Degruy, Cpl Ellefson, Cpl MacDonald, Cpl Mayorgavazquez, Cpl Ragan, Cpl Sales, and LCpl Zendejas.
Maintenance Company
Mailing Addresses:
Leatherneck: FOB Dwyer: FOB Payne: FOB EDI: FOB Nolay: FOB Delaram II: FOB Ramrod
Rank, Full Name Rank, Full Name Rank, Full Name Rank, Full Name Rank, Full Name Rank, Full Name Rank, Full Name
UNIT 42133
UNIT 42286 ATTN: MAINT CO UNIT 42276 UNIT 42286 UNIT 42278 FOB Ramrod
FPO AP 96427­
FPO AP 96427­ UNIT 42279 FPO AP 96427­ 2133 FPO AP 96427­ FPO AP 96427­ APO AE 09313
2286 2276 2286 2278
FPO AP 96427­

EM Platoon Photos :

FOB Nolay Photos :

Mark Wahlberg visit
and showing of his new movie

“The Fighter”
CLR-15 (FWD) led
Corporal‛s & Petty Officer courses

Above: HMC Judeh instructs newly selected Petty Officers before they can be frocked to their new rank.

Below: Cpl‛s are instructed on sword and guidon manual during the CLR-15 (FWD) led Cpl‛s course.
Security Company
Security Company
C o m p a n y   F i r s t    
C o m m a n d e r   S e r g e a n t    

Families and Friends of Security Company, Season‛s Greetings, beloved family and friends of Security Com-
pany. Like Captain Jensen stated we are on a high tempo and are
Happy Holidays to all the family and friends of Security Company. The
making a huge difference in the Helmand Providence. But seeing
tempo around here in Helmand Province has not lightened up, even during
that it is the holidays and we are all away from love ones, let‛s
the holiday season. Your Marines and Sailors have been very busy with
take time out to remember all our past and present friends and
running missions to various locations in our Area or Operations (AO). I
family members abroad.
have to admit to be flowing with pride and respect for all of them, espe-
cially when they return from their week long missions, where they are con- For some it is their first Christmas away from home and for oth-
stantly being tested mentally and physically. We have young 20 year olds ers it is their first time they have been away from the children
making dynamic decisions that affect over a hundred other Marines and or spouses. Some have already had the pleasure of serving their
Sailors, to include hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gear and sup- country during this time of year! Being a family man myself, I too
plies. Some of these decisions include selecting the safest route for over feel the heart aches of not seeing my boys open up their present
100 vehicles to follow, or correctly responding to an unsafe area and cir- on Christmas morning or even gathering for a good old family
cumstances. Your Marines and Sailors are making their command proud, by feast!
continually taking care of each other outside of the wire and in.
Though your loved ones are many miles away and the feeling of
This month I would like to highlight the efforts of the Marines and Sailors “missing out” on the holidays can be heartfelt, rest assured that
who help support 7 days a week the Marines and Sailors who are prepping, Security Company is a family and have come to love and respect
currently supporting or returning from their missions. Security Company one another as brother and sister! This kind of family is formed
is lucky to have a such a dedicated and hardworking staff of individuals through the experience of combat. Having to rely on your fellow
who are completely dedicated to the accomplishment of the missions and Marine or Sailor in life or death situation builds a bond that will
for the care of the Marines. This includes them doing everything they can follow them for their remaining life time. They all know the
everyday (on average 12-16 hours a day) to ensures that all Security Co value of life and how precious life is. The Marines and Sailors of
members are getting the best support possible before, during and after Security Company have come to trust each other as family mem-
they leave friendly lines. These Marines and Sailors are a part of Head- bers do and what makes this such an awesome unit is that fact
quarters (HQs), who are sometimes referred to as “the staff”. These are that they truly care for one another‘s safety.
the individuals working behind the scenes and sometimes out front, ensur-
Like every family we do go through good times and bad but we do
ing that your Marines and Sailors are properly supported with the best
it together and life has a way of working it all out. Security Com-
planning, training, intelligence reports, equipment, radios, vehicles, supplies,
pany‛s new found family could never replace the family and
and medical care possible each and everyday.
friends at home, but it does give the members of our Company a
(HQs) XO—1stLt Quinn HQ‛s PltCmdr– Sgt Williams homeward atmosphere. I would also like to thank you all for the
gifts and care packages sent to the Company! There is nothing
S-1 Admin Chief -Cpl Jones
like seeing young Marines and Sailors eyes light up when opening
S-2 Intel Chief -Sgt Benson and LCpl day something from home or a loved one.
S-3 Operations Chief -SSgt Stubbs For our unit celebration, we held a talent show along with skits.
Your Marines and Sailors were in high spirits and in keeping with
Training Chief -SSgt Winter and Sgt Harris
the holiday cheer. Even the cold weather could not stop the per-
S-4 Company Gunns -SSgt English formers! Some of our Marines played songs about the deploy-
MotorTransport -Sgt Williams and Cpl Irwin ment, while another rapped. One of our Corpsmen played the bag
pipes, while another one did stand up comedy. A few Marines
Supply Chief -Cpl Hernandez made video skits and commercials they were played for enjoy-
Medical “Docs” -HM2 Cachuela, HM2 Gregory, HM2 Fusco, ment. It made our life here in Afghanistan a bit more like home
and was truly a great time. Christmas morning the mail arrived
- HM3 Loebecker and HM3 Curran
with two containers full of mail as if Santa himself dropped it
S-6 Communication Chief -SgtKeeton, LCpl Washington, PFCSwartz off! The Company as a whole ate Christmas dinner together and
were visited by the Grinch who stole Christmas, not to worry,
So again I want to thank you for the hard work and dedication of all of
Santa Clause himself chased the Grinch off. Life will pick back
your Marines and Sailors of Security Company. As we all are passing the
up for our Marines and Sailors after the holidays, but for the
hump of the deployment (the half-way point) your support and dedication is
moment it was as if our world was at peace! It really did make
even more needed, because the time sometimes moves a little slower at
Christmas come to us here on Camp Leatherneck! So from all of
this point in the deployment. Always, if you need anything I can be reached
us, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a truly blessed New
Semper Fidelis, Capt Kathy Jensen
Supply Company
Supply Company Family,

I hope you had a great Christmas and 2011 brings you countless blessings. For
this month‛s newsletter I wanted to do something different. I would like to share with
you two messages that I received from another First Sgt that will give you an idea of
just how important your loved one is out here and how big the contribution is that they
“Hey brother,

How‛s Leatherneck? We are still taking the fight to the enemy. We will persevere,
and yes I‛m leading by example. I‛m going on patrols. Not as many as my Marines, but it
is what it is. It‛s going to be a long deployment.

I need a favor, SSgt Henley is my platoon sergeant that was MEDEVAC and will
1stSGT be staying at leatherneck for further observation; however, doesn‛t have anything. He
1stSgt does not even have his ID card to get cash from DISBO. Can you hook him up with a
pair of boots, size 9 wide or regular, socks and an extra uniform. I told him to go by
GARCIA your office tomorrow. If is not possible I understand. Thank you in advance. Have to
go, my other patrol is receiving contact!!!

On behalf of my Marines and myself we thank you for the gear you sent last week. I
delivered it today to all my Marines at my three FOBS. They were stoked and said they
have never had a Company hooking them up as fast as you have.

I told them it wasn‛t us; it was the support we received from the SMU; 1stSgt
Garcia, GySgt Romero, and all the Marines and Sailors. The Marines send their thanks,
literally. That‛s how much it means to them. The Marines are continuing to take the
fight to the enemy and we will not stop. Thank you for your support and faithful ser-


1stSgt Jorge Melendez

Family and Friends,

That is why I am so proud to be your company First Sergeant! God bless.

1stSgt M. Garcia
Family and Friends of Supply Company,

Thank you for your continued support of your Marines and Sailors. We just wouldn‛t be as good as we
are without you…You motivate us and keep us driving forward with a positive frame of mind.
This month we continue to see a positive change in the supply operations throughout the battle space.
Your Marines and Sailors are truly making a difference! They are awesome. We have Marines and Sail-
ors in small outposts like Edi and Nolay making a difference by managing supplies far forward and in
COMMADER general support to the infantry. They are well led and trained and continue to perform remarkably. We
MAJ. HOLIAN remain very busy and have little time for other things, which is generally a good thing.
Despite the heavy workload we found time to have a few Christmas parties on the 24th of December
and everyone got a little well deserved extra time off on the 25th and 26th. There are so many gifts coming in from friends
and family as well as American Citizens who wanted to offer Christmas Cheer and Holiday wishes to your Marines and Sailors.
It is very touching to see the outpour of support from home.

May God Bless you and keep you safe. May you have a Happy New Year!
Semper Fidelis,
Maj Luke Holian, USMC
Surgical Company
Surgical Company
C o m p a n y C o m m a n d e r

Happy Holidays to the friends and loved ones of Alpha Surgical Company personnel. The holiday season is upon us here in the
Helmand and Nimroz Provinces. As we prepare for Christmas, the support that you and the American people provide is literally
overwhelming. Camp post offices worked 24/7 to deliver packages in time for Christmas. It appeared as if the logistic system
was overwhelmed by the onslaught of packages and mail, but in true team fashion, Marines and Sailors came through for us all.
Alpha Surgical Company has deployment t-shirt designed by LCpl Amber Muir and GySgt Patrick Troxell. I must admit that it
is a clever take on the 1st Medical Battalion‛s moniker of “Cheaters of Death” and Cpl Stephan Sherman assures me that the
poker hands are accurate. All “Alphas” received a t-shirt for the holidays. If you wish to show your Alpha pride, it is available
from CoolMilitary at
While HMC Palkin and I visited Edinburgh FRSS/STP, we watched Company members in action, skillfully treating our nation‛s
Marines and Sailors in harm‛s way. In addition, they helped a 12-year-old Afghan boy who had recently lost part of his hand in
an accident. He and his 16-year-old brother walked for 4 hours in the hope of receiving medical care for his injuries. It was
heartening to see the care provided by the EDI staff to this boy and his big brother slowly turned their fear into trust and
Our thoughts are with you during this Holiday Season. Thank you for your support and care. BRAVO ZULU.



Mailing Addresses for All CLR-15 FWD
UNIT 42145 UNIT 42135
FPO AP 96427-2145 FPO AP 96427-2135



UNIT 42286 UNIT 42147
FPO AP 96427-2286 FPO AP 96427-2147


UNIT 42160 UNIT 42285
FPO AP 96427-2160 FPO AP 96427-2285


UNIT 42278 UNIT 42134
FPO AP 96427-2278 FPO AP 96427-2134


UNIT 42277 UNIT 42279
FPO AP 96427-2277 FPO AP 96427-2279


UNIT 42276 UNIT 42133

FPO AP 96427-2276 FPO AP 96427-2133






December Promotions
First Lieutenant
Mark Fitzgerald (GSMT),
Matthew Glisson (Supply),
Steven Valenti (H&S)

Staff Sergeant
Jerry Tolbert III (H&S)

Michael Brawner (Maint), Matthew Burks (Maint),
David Cisewski (Maint), Dustin Kuehn (Maint),
Kevin McClain (H&S). Travis Tate (Maint)

Steven Bernstein (Maint), Alex Brown (GSMT), Daniel Brown (Sec),
Sean Degruy (Maint), Cort Ellefson (Maint), Andrew Macdonald (Maint),
Richard Martin III (Maint), Alberto Mayorgavazquez (Maint),
Jose Osuna (GSMT), Bryan Ragan (Maint), Cameron Sales (Maint),
Christopher Sarff (Maint), Rontorious Smith (Maint)

Lance Corporal
Adam Donovan (Sup), Justin Lopez (GSMT),
Brandon Mackenzie (Maint), Erik Perez (Sup),
Joshua Pfel (GSMT), Jeremy Saulnier (GSMT),
Omar Zendejas (Sup)

Private First Class

Katrina Blackelk (Sup)
Chaplain’s Corner 
Ten things suggested for a truly happy New Year 
1. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will give someone I do not know or my enemy, a gift I deem price­
less or very valuable to me. 

For to give something valueless or without meaning is no sacrifice at all.  
2. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will ask God to bless my enemy (or enemies). 

I recognize that an enemy can be a co­worker, classmate, stranger, neighbor or member of my family. 
3. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will not take revenge: 

Should someone say something evil, unkind, or rude about me.  Or should someone be impatient with me. 
4. On or just after `New Year’s Day, I will forgive. 

I will forgive any kind of mean spirited words that hurt or injure my feelings.  I will respond in 
peace, kindness, and with a smile in my heart.  
5. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will do an act of Godly mercy for someone without the knowledge of 

I will go forward to secretly reach out to the friendless, the sickly, the aged, the poor, the help­
less, in order to bless their life. 
6. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will be careful of my words. 

I will not say anything that is hurtful to those I love or those who bate me.  I will make certain 
that I say no evil words, gossip, or slander anyone. 
7. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will be empathetic. 

I will work extra hard to make someone's day and life more livable, and more pleasant. 
8. On of just after New Year’s Day, I will raise the spirits of someone who is hurting or is discouraged. 

Using gentle, Godly words.  By proclaiming His unconditional love. By making a difference to someone 
who is struggling with life.   
9. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will treat others the way I would want 
to be treated. 

I will put into practice the Golden Rule of “whatever you want others to 
do for you, do also the same for them”  
10. On or just after New Year’s Day, I will grow in my relationship with the 
Lord daily. 

I will begin or spend more time in prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking 
His face. 

Chaplain David R. Bradley 
Family Readiness Officer’s H&S Company Surgical Company Supply & Security Companies / 4th MLG) General Suporrt Motor Transport Company Maintenance Company

D Stress Hotline Information: 
A confidential, 24/7 Marine friendly counseling service 1‐877‐476‐7734 or was started 
15 August, 2010. 
Open to all Marines, past and present, along with family members and loved ones.  The hotline is staffed by 
personnel with previous military experience, counselors and clinicians trained in Marine Corps culture.  

Combat Logistics Regiment‐15 (Forward) is on Facebook. Search: CLR‐15 FWD                          

Reenlistments Awards
GySgt Patrick Troxell Surgical Navy/Marine Corps Achievement
Sgt John Archie Jr. Supply Sgt Anteli Linares (Maint), Cpl James Bryant (GSMT),
Cpl Jorge Mejia Maint Cpl Steven Echebarria (GSMT), Cpl Wilfort Edmonds (GSMT),
Cpl Andrew Neidert Maint Cpl Bradley Mihalic (Maint), LCpl Jeremy Floyd (Sec),
LCpl Stephan Wall (GSMT), LCpl Ryan Woolsey (H&S),

Good Information LCpl Stevie Vargas (Sec), HN Jared Curry (Sec)

Certificate of Commendation
American Red Cross Cpl Anthony Corbett (GSMT), Cpl Nathaniel McDonald (GSMT),
LCpl Joseph Gaddy (GSMT), LCpl Brynn McBride (Sup),
LCpl Alexander Middleton (Sup), LCpl Alexis Rexach (Sup)
National Toll Free 877-272-7337
Meritorious Mast
Camp Pendleton Office 760-725-6877
Sgt Eric Flores (H&S), Cpl Odyseus Savali (GSMT),
Cpl Irby Strickland (GSMT), LCpl Nicolo Calafato (GSMT),

Duty Number LCpl Glen Cooke (Maint), LCpl Brian Elkie (GSMT),
LCpl Bejamin Graham (GSMT), LCpl Matthew Hester (GSMT),
CLR-15 Duty 760-725-3976
LCpl Isai Moreno (GSMT), LCpl Daniel Saucedo (GSMT),
LCpl Sean Timm (H&S)

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