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Keyla Walker


Expository Composition

21 November 2019

Is Animal Testing Necessary ?

If you had to choose between a rat or baby getting tested on, which one would you

choose ? We should test on animals before we can test on humans. Animals are creatures just

like humans, but humans can offer more than animals. Imagine all of the humans’ lives that can

be saved if we test on animals first. Testing on animals have found treatment for Tuberculosis,

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Polio, Parkinson's Disease, and Muscular Dystrophy. Animal

testing is neccessary because us humans have to protect the obligations of other humans and

limit human suffering.

First , animal testing is important because we can catch diseases and find cures on animals

before the disease go to humans. According to Lauren Myers, author of “ Animal Testing Is

Neccessary”, she stated , “ Animal testing is a neccessary practice in the world of medical

research allowing scientists to develop lifesaving interventions and to spot Catastrophic

problems before new techniques or products make their way to actual patients” ( Myers 257 ).

Finding cures on animals before testing on humans can save plenty of lives. If you automatically

give a non-tested drug to a human, it can make their situation worse or can lead to a major

accident. From the text “ Ethics for Sale”, authors Carl Elliot and Trudo Lemmens, explained, “

Managed by a company called SFBC International, according to Bloomberg, the 675-bed Miami

testing center has been recruiting undocumented Latino immigrants desperate for money,

housing them in a converted Holiday Inn, and paying them to take untested drugs in studies

overseen by an unlicensed medical director whose degreee comes from an offshore medical

school in the Caribbean” ( Elliot and Lennens 251 ). Companies are paying people to have

untested drugs tested on them, when all the companies should do is test on animals, that’ll be

more reasonable. Many people are putting their lives in danger just to get money. This world

doesn't have a lot of humans just so they can put their life in danger.

Next, animal testing can limit human human suffering. “ There has been severe

consequences when medical products have been brought to market without adequate premarket

testing. One famous case involved the firm Vitek, which exploited a loophole in FDA regulations

to bring a synthetic jae implant to market without adequate testing, ”said Myers ,” Soon after its

introduction in 1983, the FDA began receiving reports that Vitek’s implants were fragmenting in

patients’ jaws, triggering a chemical reaction that literally eroded away their jawbones” ( Myers

257 ). If scientists test on animals before humans, many human experiments would be less likely

to go bad. According to Myers, she also stated, “ A 1984 study of Vitek implants in dogs found

that the implants disintegrated in the canine test subjects and lead to jaw erosion akin to that seen

in human patients. If the FDA has required Vitek to perform this animal study before marketing

this product, the shoddy implants would never have reached patients. Instead, tens of thousands

of people received Vitek’s hazardous product, unaware of its critical design flaws” ( Myers 257

). If Vitek would have tested this treatment on animals before testing it on humans, many humans

would have not suffered with this awful condition. Testing on animals can protect the workers

and people who consume the treatment from the harmful effects of the chemicals.

Many people argue that we shouldn’t have animal testing because it causes harm to the

animals. According to the text “ Of cures and creatures Great and Small”, authors Claire Andre

and Manuel Velasquez said, “ Animals do in fact suffer, and do in fact feel pain. The researchers

who forced rat to choose between electric shocks and starvation to see if they develop ulcers

does so because he or she knows that rats have nervous systems much like humans and feel the

pain of shocks in a similar way. Pain is an intrinsic evil whether it is experienced by a child, an

adult, or an animal. If it is wrong to inflict pain on a human being, it is just as wrong to inflict

pain on an animal” ( Andre and Velasquez 261 ). Testing on animals cause pain, but imagine the

pain a human will feel to get tested on. Humans have sensibilities that are much more highly

developed than animals. Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez also stated, “ The debate over

painful experimentation on animals enjoins us to consider the wrong fullness of inflicting pain

and the duty to respect the lives of all creatures, while also considering our obligations to

promote human welfare and prevent suffering, animals aside” ( Andre and Velasquez 263 ).

Animals make good research for diseases and the effects of the treatment.

Animal testing is necessary because us humans have to protect the obligations of other

humans and limit human suffering. Animal testing is important because we can catch diseases

and find cures on animals before the disease go to humans. Despite the testing hurting the

animals, animal testing would be the best solution for testing medicine and drugs. There are

many more animals to test on than humans, so let’s limit human suffering and human


Works Cited

Andre , Claire. “Of Cures and Creatures Great and Small .” ​Viewpoints,​ by W. Royce. Adams,

Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013, pp. 260–263.

Elliot , Carl, and Trudo Lemmens. “Ethics for Sale .” ​Viewpoints,​ by W. Royce. Adams,

Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013, pp. 250–253.

Myers , Lauren. “Animal Testing Is Necessary in Medical Research .” ​Viewpoints​, by W. Royce.

Adams, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013, pp. 256

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