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Business Meeting Script

Chair Person: Good Morning! Before we start, Mr. Peter Quill sends his deepest apologies for he would
not be able to join us today, for there are some matters he must attend personally at this
very moment. Nevertheless, please join me in welcoming Engr. Yambot, she will be
assisting Engr. Sabater for the installment of security features for our project, Mr. Quill’s
bank. So I would like to introduce ourselves first to our new member. (*Proceeds to
introduce each*) To start, I’d like to quickly go through first the minutes of our last
meeting, would you mind Secretary?
Minute Taker1:
Chair Person: Very well, since we are half-way through the completion of our project, I would like for
everyone to discuss furthermore the progress in their specified field. Starting with our
Civil Engineering, Engr. Sauquillo would you mind?
Engr. Sauquillo:
Chair Person: I see, so for the electrical wirings?
Engr. De Padua:
Chair Person: Ok, lastly for the electronics?
Engr. Yambot:
Engr. Sabater:
Chair Person: Which brings us to the problems that arose on our previous meetings, the sudden
specifications of our client which are the following: Biometrics, Dye installations for the
vault, and back-up generator that will be discussed later, for there are three items for
today’s agenda that I’d like to take on orderly. First, is the estimated total cost. Including
the additional specifications, if we agreed on to it. Second, the tentative date of the
completion of this project. Last, if the specifications mentioned earlier is still
possible(do-able) and decide whether we do it or not.
I believe that _____ agreed on taking the minutes, yes?
Minute Taker2: Yes.
Chair Person: For our first item, estimated total cost of materials
Engr. Sauquillo:
Engr. Yambot/Sabater:
Engr. De Padua:
Chair Person: So, the total estimation is _______. Ok, moving on for the Second item, tentative
Engr. Sauquillo:
Chair Person: I see. Moving on to the last item. I’d like to hand over to _________ , who is going to
lead our last point. Would you recommend to proceed to install biometric security system
to this project?
Engr. Sabater/Yambot:
Chair Person: Very well, I think that takes care of our problem.
Before we end, I’d like to quickly summarize the main point of today’s meeting….
If there are no further comments, I’d like to wrap this meeting up. Then let’s close this
for today and for our next meeting will be on the 7 th of November. Same place, same
time. Adios

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