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Vicarious Traumatization For Volunteer

Volunteering in our modern society is considered an altruistic activity where people travel to places to offer their skills and services withoutthe
intention of remuneration. Volunteer is one kind of job or activity that related with many kind of disease. One of disease this that will discuss
is Vicarious Traumatization about Covid- 19. Corona virusdisease(COVID-19) is an infectious disease causedby a newly discovered corona virus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratoryillness and recover without requiring special treatment.

Research Methodology Conclusion

The study in this research is to use qualitative research Volunteer and disease are some of topic that related
methods. The selection of qualitative methods is based each other. When become a volunteer you have to
on exploring in depth the data to be obtained, so it is prepare your mental health, physical health, and also
hoped that this research will produce a comprehensive your make sure that you able to face various types of
and holistic study. Qualitative research is a multiple situation andcondition. For future we as the author
methods that involves an interpretive and reasonable would like to say that its important to get a lot of data
approach to each subject matter. Qualitative research that seems to be needed. Because more the data will give
works in a natural setting, which seeks to understand, the more infor mation and more valid data.
giving an interpretation to phenomena seen from the
meanings that people give to them. This study uses a Introduction
phenomenological approach that tries to understand the Volunteering in our modern society is considered an
meaning of events and human interactions in altruistic activity where people travel to places to offer
certain situations by understanding the views of their skills and services without the intention of
respondents in research. The phenomenological remuneration. Volunteer is one kind of job or activity
approach will explain the phenomenon of human that related with many kind of disease.
behavior experienced in awareness, cognitive, and One of disease is Vicarious Traumatization. Vicarious
perceptual actions. Researchers in the phenomenological trauma is a process of change that occurs due to
view try to understand the meaning of events and their excessive caring for others who are injured (sick) and
relation to people in certain situations. Researchers try feel responsible for immediately helping them, from
to enter the conceptual world of the research time to time, this process can have an impact on
respondents in such a way that they understand what psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. There
and how an understanding is developed by them around are two main factors that contribute to the occurrence
events in their daily lives. In this study, to obtain a form of vicarious trauma, namely: Internal factors and
of research credibility, researchers used the triangulation External factors. vicarious trauma will show some
method. Triangulation is a data validity checking common symptoms such as the following:
technique that utilizes something other than the data to 1) D i f fi c u l t t o r e g u l a t e h i s e m o t i o n s .
check oras a comparison of the data. In qualitative 2) It's hard to accept and feel the goodness of himself.
research, the data will be more trusted if two or more 3) D i f fi c u l t t o m a k e d e c i s i o n s a n d e t c .
sources state the same thing.

Result and Discuss

Based on Slamet (2009) suggests that volunteers are people who are unpaid for giving time to achieve organizational goals,with large or
limited responsibilities, without or with little special training,but can also be accompanied by very intensive training in certain fields,to work
voluntarily to help professionals. Volunteer is kind of activity that really related with social activity. Many types of volunteer.But in here
authors will discuss about one kind of disease that related with the health of volunteer that call vicarious traumatization. Plan for safety at
multiple levels (ie. organizational, project and individual) and should not be the sole responsibility of individual researchers.There is several
things that we can do to prevent he Covid-19/Corona , such as :
· Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
· Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
· Avoid touching your face.
· Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
· Stay home if you feel unwell.
· Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
· Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.
Travel and staying away from large groups of people. And the dangerous of covid isThe number of fatalities from the new coronavirus has
overwhelmingly surpassed the toll of the 2002-2003 SARS outbreakwhich also originated in China. SARS killed about 9 percent of those it
infected - nearly 800 people worldwide and more than 300 in China alone. MERS, which did not spread as widely, was more deadly, killing
one-third of those infected. While the new coronavirus is more widespread than SARS in terms of case numbers, the mortality rate remains
considerably lower at approximately 3.4 percent,according to the WHO. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), older people are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 which may result in increased stress during a crisis. People who
have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes also seem to be at high risk for developing more serious
complications from COVID-19 illness.

Sabila hayyu F - Gede Aditya J - Nonia Martins

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