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SUBIECT: BELA LAB NAME: VANCE A- LACAYANSA SEC: [MEA No. @ DESIGN EXERCISE 02 Resistors in series Objective Select commercial resistors that will add up to a required value Problem Connect five 4-band resistors end 1 end so tha the total read by the ohmmeters equal Olnst) Ko, where neclass number. Arrenge them on a breadboard according tothe color : of their frst bands as showm. You may use one resistor that is less than 1k. Circuit & oe ce 7 nt Solutions ovens tara. done orange gieen violet Fe | fe € eo . pS ae Tlka chmmeter | | oe Q Rr Rite eRe Be vee PRA + TrkA + TARA then hat KA = 40 ka | Stree oa Te - qo - 24.63 ed 40 = O-6R% 2 Data and. [~ Target otal resistance | Measured total resistance: Results | (ka) 0) % Error GO ka 84.63 08 Aa) rectors Deg Execs EDX gate Ar C6053 08] fa)

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