Quality Agreement (质量协议) : Customer Supplier

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Quality Agreement / (local language)

(TS) TS001 WHQ SQD 09 2018-10-08 EN-CN

Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

Quality Agreement

(客户) (供应商)

(address)地址 (address)地址

(contact info)联系人 (contact info)联系人

Stamp / (盖章) Stamp / (盖章)

Legal representative or authorized person sign Legal representative or authorized person sign
(法定代表人或授权人签字) (法定代表人或授权人签字)

Date Date
(日期) (日期)

Issue history Date Ed. Description of change Editor Approvers

First 2017-07-28 00 M.Ursida V.Bruno
Revised table requirement item 6
2018-04-06 05 and 8 page 5/10
M.Ursida V.Bruno
Revised fees and added chapter
2018-06-08 06 Health, Safety and Enviroment M.Ursida V.Bruno
Revised wording and contents
2018-06-14 07 chapter 3.1
M.Ursida V.Bruno
Added sentence about new
2018-07-19 08 compliance or regulatory in the M.Ursida V.Bruno
chapter 2.2
Updated table of requirement on
paragraph 3 in line with Supplier
Current 2018-10-08 09 QRQC criteria. M.Ursida V.Bruno
Added Appendix C. Updated
Appendix A.
Effective from 2018-02-01
Planned revision 2019-02-01

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Quality Agreement / (local language)
(TS) TS001 WHQ SQD 09 2018-10-08 EN-CN
Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language


1 CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT STATEMENT / (合同协议声明).............................................................................................................................3

1.1 Purchase Agreement / (采购协议)................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Conflict Resolution / (纠纷解决).................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Conflict of Contracts / (协议间的冲突)..........................................................................................................................................................................3
2 SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT / (供应商管理).................................................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Initial Qualification On-Site audits / (初始资格现场审核)..........................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Product and Process Testing / (产品和过程测试).......................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Access to Documents and Measurement / (文件和度量的获取)..............................................................................................................................3
2.3.1 Documents from Customer / (客户文件)...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Documents from Supplier / (供应商文件).....................................................................................................................................................................3
2.4 Subsequent Qualification (Ongoing) / (后续认证(持续))......................................................................................................................................4
2.4.1 On-Site audits / (现场审核)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Product Testing / (产品测试).......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Communication with WITTUR GROUP CUSTOMER / (与 WITTUR 集团的客户沟通).........................................................................................4
3 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS / (质量要求)....................................................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Health, Safety and Environment Commitment / (健康,安全和环境承诺)................................................................................................................5
3.2 Testing tools ownership / (测试工装的所有权)............................................................................................................................................................5
4 NON-CONFORMING MATERIAL PROCESS / (不合格品处理)...............................................................................................................................6
5 NON CONFORMANCE REPORT (NCR) MANAGEMENT / (不合格报告的管理).................................................................................................6
5.1 Identification and Labeling / (标识和标签)...................................................................................................................................................................6
5.2 Containment Action / (围堵措施)................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) / (根本原因分析).............................................................................................................................................................6
5.4 Corrective Action (CA) / (纠正措施).............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.5 Disposal of Material / (物料处理)................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.5.1 Reworkable / (可返工)..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.5.2 Not-Reworkable / (不可以返工)...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.5.3 Use As-Is / (特采)............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.6 NON CONFORMANCE COSTS / (不合格品的成本)..................................................................................................................................................7
6 WARRANTY PERIOD / (质保期)................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7 CHANGE MANAGEMENT / (变更管理)........................................................................................................................................................................8
7.1 Notification of change prior to implementation / (在变更实施前通知).....................................................................................................................8
7.2 Sub-contracting of Process/Product / (过程/产品的分包商)......................................................................................................................................8
APPENDIX A / (附录 A)............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
APPENDIX B: Quality Targets / (附录 B: 质量目标)...........................................................................................................................................................10
1.1 Purchase Agreement / (local language) 1.1 采购协议
This Agreement applies to all deliveries done by Supplier 本协议适用于供应商为客户提供的所有交付,自签约之日起生效。
for Customer, coming into effect on the date of signature 一旦供应商接受客户订单并保持完整有效的商业关系,所有条款将
by Parties. Application of the conditions come into full 全面生效(包括质保期间)。
force once the Supplier accepts a Customer purchase
order and remain valid during the full commercial
relationship, including the period covered by applicable
guarantee. 如果英语版本和当地语言翻译不一致 ,有效和官方版本是英语版本。
In case of misalignment of English version and local language
translation, valid and official version is English one.

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Quality Agreement / (local language)
(TS) TS001 WHQ SQD 09 2018-10-08 EN-CN
Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

1.2 Conflict Resolution / (local language) 1.2 纠纷解决

This Agreement is governed by the Law of the state in which the 本协议受客户所在地的的法律/法规管辖. 客户与供应商之间的纠纷
Customer has its statutory seat. Conflict resolution between 应提交客户所在地法院处理。如果同一纠纷在不同的客户地点发
生,并可合并处理, 则客户有权对诉讼管辖地作出选择。
Customer and Supplier will take place at the ordinary
jurisdiction of the local court of the district in which the
Customer has its statutory seat. If multiple Customer sites are
considered to be part of the same conflict resolution process,
then Customer shall have the right to choose the jurisdiction
which is most convenient.
1.3 Conflict of Contracts / (local language) 1.3 协议间冲突
In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions of the 如果质量协议,采购协议和/或一般采购条件的任何条款发生冲突,
Quality Agreement, Purchasing Agreement and/or General 则采购协议条款应当优先于质量协议条款, 质量协议条款优先于一
Purchasing Conditions, Purchasing Agreement terms shall
override those of the Quality Agreement and Quality Agreement
term shall override those of the General Purchasing Conditions.


2.1 Initial Qualification On-Site audits / (local language) 2.1 初始资格现场审核
Customer shall be allowed to visit Supplier’s premises in order 供应商应允许客户访问其生产经营 场所 ,以便根据计划好的行程来确定
to determine process and product qualification on pre-arranged 供应商的过程和产品资格。供应商同意提供文件及授权进入生产区域,
schedules. Supplier agrees to provide documentation and grant 以确保客户能够决定供应商是否符合标准、处理能力和风险缓解能
力。根据供应商手册 ,供应商应符合最低的审核验收标准。
access to production areas as necessary to ensure that
Customer will be able to determine compliance with standards,
competence in processing and risk mitigation. Supplier should
meet minimum audit acceptance criteria as per Supplier
Manual 1.

2.2 Product and Process Testing 2.2 产品和过程测试

Testing requirements for the initial qualification will be 产品和过程的初始资格测试要求将以书面形式事先商定。
agreed in advance in written form.
If new compliance or regulatory requirements were to 如果有了新的法规,供应商需要最大努力的去提供测试信息或者材料
appear, Supplier will do its best efforts to provide testing
information or material analysis data so as to comply with

2.3 Access to Documents and Measurement 2.3 文件和度量的获取

2.3.1 Documents from Customer / (local language) 2.3.1 客户文件
Customer shall provide valid technical documents and 客户应根据其设计规范提供有效的技术文件和信息。所有技术文件和
information according to Customer design specification. All 信息应以书面形式提交。
technical documents and information should be submitted in
written form.
2.3.2 Documents from Supplier / (local language) 2.3.2 供应商文件
Supplier shall provide written quality documents, records and 供应商应根据客户要求提供书面的质量文件,记录及其他需要的产品
other information of products according to demand of the 信息,如过程控制计划,过程能力分析报告,材质证书,第三方检验
报告(对于关键零部件, 应提供质量检验机构出具的型式试验认可报
Customer, such as process control plan, process capability
analysis report, material certificate, third party inspection 批准程序(PPAP)下找到。供应商应对其所有信息的真实性负责。
report (type approval test report issued by quality inspection
authority shall be provided for key components) and factory
inspection report. A complete list of Quality Documents can be
found under Wittur Group’s Production Part Approval Process
.Supplier shall be responsible for authenticity of all

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(TS) TS001 WHQ SQD 09 2018-10-08 EN-CN
Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

2.4 Subsequent Qualification (Ongoing) / (local language) 2.4 后续认证 (持续)

2.4.1 On-Site audits / (local language) 2.4.1 现场审核
Periodic process audits by Customer shall be planned according 客户的定期过程审核应根据”Wittur 集团供应商资格,监测和评估程
to Wittur Group’s Supplier Qualification, Monitoring & 序”来进行计划。威特集团的客户可能要求出席现场审核,在这种情
1 况下,审核协调仍由客户负责。
Evaluation Procedure . WITTUR GROUP CUSTOMERS may
request attendance to on- site audits in which case the auditing
coordination remains to Customer.
2.5 Product Testing / (local language) 2.5 产品测试
Supplier product testing may be required to take place at 供应商产品测试可能需要在客户工厂进行 ,在这种情况下 ,供应商应将
Customer facilities in which case the Supplier is required to 需要的样品数量送到客户指定的地点。如果在客户工厂所进行的供应
deliver the number of required samples into a designated 商产品测试结果未能 达到令人满意的结果 , 供应商应同意承担所有与样
品测试有关的成本。在供应商处进行的产品测试, 供应商应承担所有
customer facility. In the event Supplier product testing results
being performed at Customer premises do not reach a
satisfactory outcome, Supplier agrees to cover all sample
testing related costs. For Supplier product testing being
performed at Supplier premises; Supplier bears all related
testing costs.
2.6 Communication with WITTUR GROUP CUSTOMER 2.6 与 WITTUR 集团的客户沟通
If a WITTUR GROUP CUSTOMER contacts Supplier directly in 如果 WITTUR 集团的客户 直接与供应商联系 ,以获得与零件和/或过程
order to get any type of information related to parts and or 相关的任何类型的信息 , 不管此零件是交付给客户不同地点, 还是直接
processes related to a part being delivered to any of the 交付给 WITTUR 的客户,在向 WITTUR 集团的客户提供任何信息之前, 供
应商必须立即通知 WITTUR 并获得书面授权。此外 , 未经 WITTUR 事先
Customer locations or directly to WITTUR GROUP CUSTOMER,
书面授权, 供应商不得直接访问任何 WITTUR 集团的客户讨论 WITTUR
Supplier must notify immediately Customer and get written 的部件/流程
authorization before providing any information to the WITTUR
GROUP CUSTOMER. In addition, Supplier shall not visit directly
any WITTUR GROUP CUSTOMERS to discuss Customer parts/
processes without previous written authorization by Customer.

3 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS / (local language) 3 质量要求

It is a Customer requirement to all Suppliers to implement 客户要求所有供应商实施持续改进计划,衡量绩效,对质量问题迅速
a continuous improvement program, measuring 作出反应并保持有效的沟通以有效解决这些问题。客户与供应商之间
performance, reacting quickly to quality issues and 的具体目标见附录 B
maintaining effective communication to address these
effectively. Specific targets between Customer and
Supplier are established in APPENDIX B.
Customer has identified specific characteristics and targets that
are defined below.

Table of Requirements 质量要求表格

Standard Requirement Evaluation Method
标准 要求 评估方法
Within 4 Hours from internal detection 4 小时内部检查
Alert/Notification Within 4 hours after the closure of the root cause analysis for Wittur customer Continuous
通知 4 小时内完成原因分析 Measurement
complaints where clear supplier responsibility is accepted 持续跟踪
Containment Plan Continuous
Within 24 Hours from reception of Customer Non Conformity Report
Implementation Measurement
接到客户不良报告的 24 小时内
围堵措施的执行 持续跟踪

Analysis Within 5 Working Days from reception of Customer Non Conformity Report to completed the Continuous
Implementation Root Cause Analysis Measurement
原因分析 接到客户不良报告的 5 个工作日内完成原因分析 持续跟踪

Within 10 working days from reception of Customer Non Conformity Report

Corrective Action Continuous
Implementation 接到客户不良报告 10 个工作日内。 Measurement
纠正措施 Extension may be agreed case by case 持续跟踪
Corrective Action Within 30 working days from reception of Customer Non Conformity Report Supplier Supplier Audit
Closure Audit Checklist or Evidence provided Checklist or
Effectiveness Evidence provided
纠正措施有效关闭 接到客户不良报告 30 个工作日提供供应商审核表或证据 供应商审核表或证据

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Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

Quality Management
ISO 9001 (or equivalent) Certification Assessment
System Certification

质量管理体系认证 ISO 9001 认证或等同的认证 评价

Wittur HSE standards

& Environmental
Reference to the Supplier Manual (eg. Compliance to ISO 14001 is desired, etc.) and chapter 3.1 Assessment
Management System

威特 HSE 环境管理体
参考质量手册(符合 ISO 14001 等等)和 3.1 条款 评价

Process Capability (as agreed in writing with Customer)

过程能力 (符合客户的书面要求) 持续跟踪

Supplier material delivered to the customer should be traceable for supplier production
lot identification purposes; Supplier is required to demonstrate full ability to trace a
delivered product back to the Supplier production flow in order to be able to set material
clean points in case a defect is detected in Supplier delivered material.
Supplier shall be compliant to the Technical Specification TS001 (WHQ-IMS-PR013)1,
Traceability which defines traceability requirements for safety components under Lift directive Assessment
Supplier shall be compliant to the Technical Specification TS002 (WHQ-IMQ- PR013)1,
which defines the traceability requirements for components under the EMC Directive
2014/30/EU, ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU, LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, Red directive
供应商应该符合技术规范 TS001(WHQ-IMS-PR013)1 ,规范里面定义了 Wittur 购买安全零部
件必须符合电梯法 201/33/EU 可追溯性要求.
可追溯性 评价
供应商需要符合技术规范 TS002 (WHQ-IMQ-PR013) 1,规范里面已经定义了可追溯性要求
(EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU, LVD Directive
2014/35/EU, Red directive 2014/53/EU)

All Raw Materials used in Supplier delivered product must be:

 new and/or unused
Raw Materials Assessment
 provided by a Customer approved source
have passed inspection in accordance with communicated control plans
原材料 评价
For materials and/or components purchased by the Customer and delivered to a
Supplier, it will become Supplier responsibility to provide proper use of such material
within the Supplier manufacturing flow.
If quality issues or potential quality problems are discovered before the
materials/components are put into production, Supplier shall stop production and inform
Customer immediately.
Customer Material
Supply and In the case the Supplier, through agreement with Customer, is receiving
Directed Sourcing materials/components from a specific source (therefore a Directed Buy), the Supplier will Assessment
bear Quality responsibility of the parts being received from the directed source.
In the case the Supplier, through agreement with Customer, is delivering
materials/components to a Wittur Supplier (therefore a Directed buy), Supplier will apply
the current contract conditions to those deliveries unless more demanding conditions
have been agreed to directly between Supplier and Wittur Supplier.
Non Conformance Report (NCR) issued for every Non-conforming material detected
along the processes shall be forwarded from Wittur Supplier to the Supplier.
客供料 对于客户购买并交付给供应商的材料和/或部件,供应商有责任在生产过程中合理的使用这些 评价

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Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

如果供应商通过与客户的协议,将材料/组件交付给一个 Wittur 供应商(因此是一个定向购

买),供应商将把当前的合同条件应用到这些交付中,除非供应商和 Wittur 供应商之间直接
对于在过程中检测到的每一件不符合标准的材料,不合格报告(NCR)将从 Wittur 供应商转

Restricted Supplier will meet requirements of the Restricted Substances and Candidate Substances
Substances Agreement.
限制使用物质 供应商将满足限制使用物质和替换物质协议的要求 评价

3.1 Health,Safety and Environment Commitment 健康,安全和环境承诺

WITTUR is committed to ISO 14001 Environment 威特遵守 ISO14001 环境体系和 ISO45001 职业健康安全体系,
Management System / ISO 45001 Occupational Health and 同时希望供应商也把这些整合到他们的管理体系中
Safety Management System compliance and strongly
encourages our Suppliers to integrate these into their
management systems.
WITTUR Suppliers are required to follow and ensure 格执行所有强制规则比如 REACH WEE ROHS SOC 等等包括不仅
application of all WITTUR safety and environmental 限于 ISO45001 和 ISO14001
requirements. Additionally, Suppliers will rigorously comply
with all mandatory regulatory requirements which may apply
(e.g. REACH, WEE, ROHS, SOC etc…) including but not
limited to the ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 standards.
WITTUR team is dedicated to satisfy customer requirements 供必要的支持和合作来符合威特客户在健康安全环境相关的问
based on Health, Safety and Environmental program towards 题
continuous improvement. WITTUR Suppliers are expected to
demonstrate the same level of commitment and diligence. It is
mandatory that WITTUR Suppliers provide the necessary
support and cooperation to comply with Wittur Customer
initiatives on Health, Safety and Environmental related topics.
圈,SQD 部门将会在审核中确认供应商的符合性包括产品环境
WITTUR Suppliers will be evaluated based on environmental 需求,制造中的减排,使用环保包装材料。
aspects of all supplied products entire life cycle. This life cycle
evaluation will progressively cover quantitative determination
of all exchange flows between the product system and the
ecosphere in all the transformation processes involved.
The Wittur Supplier Quality Development Department will
check during audits the compliance of the Suppliers with
product environmental requirements, fabrication emission
reduction programs and the use of environmentally
sustainable packaging/ raw materials according to the Life
Cycle checklist 1, the Supplier Audit Checklist 1 and the
Supplier Qualification Monitoring Evaluation Procedure 1)

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3.2 Testing tools ownership / (local language) 测试工装的所有权

Testing tools provided by Customer are for the sole 由客户提供的测试工装只能用于合同条款里生产的产品。这些工装属
purpose of production of contracted products within the 于客户财产移交到供应商 ,供应商要做好标识并小心保存使用。
contract terms. These tools are property of Customer and
are handed over on trust to Supplier, who will adequately
mark and handle the devices with appropriate care.
Any problems with tooling must be immediately reported to 修将按照双方的约定进行。
ensure no delays in production. Upgrades, maintenance and
repair will be scheduled as agreed by both parties.


Non-Conforming material found in inspection (First Article 根据不合格材料管理流程, 进料检查, 生产过程以及被客户退回的不
or Standard), In-Process and returned from Customer must 合格材料必须被标记、控制和处理,以确保它们不会再次进入产品流
be marked, controlled and handled to ensure that material 中。对于在过程中检测出的每一个不合格材料发布不合格品报告
does not enter into the product stream, according to the
客户保留要求供应商做 100%全检的权利(CSL1),如果问题持续,供
Non-Conforming Management Procedure . Non 1
应商需要执行 CSL2 程序,安排第三方挑选公司来执行.
Conformance Report (NCR) shall be issued for every Non-
conforming material detected along the processes. 如果在执行 CSL2 后质量问题还一直存在的话,客户保留新业务暂停
Customer reserves the right to ask Supplier to make an 的权利
additional 100% inspection control by applying a Customer
Controlled Shipping Inspection Level 1 Procedure 1
(CSL1).In case the problem persists, Supplier may be
required to act in accordance to the Customer Controlled
Shipping Inspection Level 2 Procedure 1 which integrates a
3 rd party inspection and sorting company.
Customer reserves the right to place the Supplier on New
Business on Hold status at any time if quality problems persist
during and after the execution of Controlled Shipping Level 2
Procedure 1.


5.1 Identification and Labeling / (local language) 5.1 标识和标签

All material must be properly labeled to clearly identify Supplier 所有的材料都要清晰的标记出供应商名称,地址,国家,客户物料

name, address, country of origin, Customer part number, 号,版本,数量,批号,物料描述以及生产日期。供应商出货标签必
revision level, quantity, lot number, part description,
manufacturing date. Supplier Shipping Label should contain all
described information or have a label which refers to a
database with all relevant information.
5.2 Containment Action / (local language) 5.2 围堵措施
Supplier has to put in place within 24 hours a detailed 供应商必须在 24 小时内将所有需要的遏制措施落实到位 ,以防止威特
Containment Action so as to protect Customer of further Non- 进一步产生不合格品 (例如 :在仓库中、运输中、威特处、筛选活动
Conformities (eg. identified and isolated suspicious material in 中、材料替代中等存在的可疑材料予以确认并进行隔离)
warehouse, in transit, at Customer, sorting activity, material
replacement, etc.)

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Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

5.3 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) / (local language) 5.3 根本原因分析(RCA)

Supplier will deliver a Root Cause Analysis file for ALL products 供应商应对所有未能满足规格要求的产品(不合格品 )都必须执
that do not meet agreed specifications (Non-Conformance). 行根本原因分析。根本原因分析必须有效且基于标准的原因分
Root Cause must be effective and based on standard Root Cause 析方法比如鱼骨图 5WHY 或其他类似方法。
methodology such as Ishikawa (Fishbone) Analysis and WHY or
similar methods.
5.4 Corrective Action (CA) / (local language) 5.4 纠正措施(CA)
Corrective Actions must be effective in order to prevent re- 纠正措施必须有效以防止问题再次发生,并需要一个方法对纠
occurrence – and shall have a measure to monitor the 正措施的有效性进行评估。所有不符合规范的(不合格的)都需
effectiveness of each corrective action. 要有纠正措施,供应商需要遵守威特不合格品管理程序
ALL products that do not meet specifications (Non-
Conformance) shall have a Corrective Action from
Supplier should refer to Wittur Group Non-Conforming
Management Procedure 1.

5.5 Disposal of Material / (local language) 5.5 物料处理

Disposition of the item depends on whether it can be reworked, 物料的处置取决于其是否能返工,特采或是否报废
used as-is or if it must be scrapped.

5.5.1 Reworkable / (local language) 5.5.1 可返工

Items must be properly marked and inspected after the rework 经过返工流程后,材料必须被适当标记和检查。如与新生产零
process. Reworked items must be separately marked and 件一同退回,返工的物件必须单独标记和包装。返工流程必须
packaged if returned with new production parts. Rework 得到客户认可。
process must be agreed with Customer.
5.5.2 Not-Reworkable / (local language) 5.5.2 不可返工
In case of material being identified as non re-workable 如果物料被客户认为是不可返工物料,供应商可在以下两个选
material by Customer, Supplier may choose among two 项中做出选择:
A) In-House Scrap at Customer (preferred A)客户直接作报废处理(客户倾向的解决方案,能确保产品不
solution for Customer so as to ensure 会重新进入供应链中):如有的话, 供应商必须支付产品报废
product is not re-entered into the supply 的处理费用, 且所有报废的产品应被视为客户的财产
chain): Supplier must pay for material
scrap processing costs if these were to
exist and all scrapped material is
considered Customer property.
B)退回供应商处作报废处理:供应商可在 5 个工作日内从客户
B) Return to Supplier for Scrap: Supplier has 5
working days to pick up the material from
the Customer plant. In this case Supplier 外而重新送至客户处。供应商必须承担所有对产品进行标记或
must clearly permanently mark the Product 销毁的花费
and preferably do so as rendered
inoperative (destroyed) so that Product
cannot accidently be resent to Customer.
Supplier must bear any related costs to
mark or destroy the product.

5.5.3 Use As-Is / (local language) 5.5.3 特采

Items used as-is are still considered “Non-Conformities” and 特采的物料仍被认为是“不合格品” 且作为不良品计入 PPM,需
count as defective units in PPM, requiring a Corrective Action. 要纠正措施.

5.6 NON CONFORMANCE COSTS / (local language) 5.6 不合格品的成本

When product is not delivered on time or is delivered with 当产品没有按时交付或交付时有不合格品,客户有权通知供应
Non-Conformities, the Supplier will be notified and 商并收取所产生的相应赔偿费用。
Customer reserves the right to charge fees to compensate
for costs incurred.
Non-conformance costs may include the following: 不合格品的成本包括以下:
 Cost of the rejected purchased goods, including 已采购物品的拒收成本,包含客户 采购价格及运输到客户端
both product price paid by Customer as well as 的物流成本。
additional logistic costs incurred to ship to
Customer plant. 复检或者处理费用(视情况而定,可能是客户或者第三方)。
 Re-inspection or Disposal fees (by Customer or 3rd 在这种情况下,客户会建议供应商进行复检,供应商有权利在 4
Party as appropriate). In this case Customer will 个小时内安排人员去客户工厂进行复检。如不能安排人员,客

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Quality Agreement / (local language)
(TS) TS001 WHQ SQD 09 2018-10-08 EN-CN
Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

advise Supplier of the need to do this. Supplier has 户将代供应商执行复检,按照如下每小时/每人收费:

the right to send own personnel in 4 hours or less
to the Customer plant to carry out these tasks. If
unsuccessful, Customer will carry out these tasks
directly, applying the following costs per hour/
operator: -中国,印度 ,土耳其 ,墨西哥 , 20 欧元/小时
- 20€/hour for China, India, Turkey Mexico -斯洛伐克,匈牙利,巴西,阿根廷, 25 欧元/小时
- 25€/hour for Slovakia, Hungary, Brazil, -西班牙 ,意大利 ,30 欧元/小时
Argentina, -奥地利 ,德国, 45 欧元/小时
- 30€/hour for Spain, Italy
- 45€/hour for Austria, Germany 如果整批拒收,或者部分拒收,供应商应支付客户总额 200 欧元
 If a batch is rejected, or partially rejected the 以补偿客户在后续工作中所造成的额外费用.
Supplier shall reimburse Customer a lump sum of
two hundred Euro (200 EUR) as compensation for
additional administrative costs caused to Customer
in the follow-up.
客户总额 200 欧元作为补偿客户跟踪处理费用。如果供应商提
 If one or several line items of a purchase order are
delayed, application of a lump sum of two hundred
Euro (200 EUR) as compensation for additional
特尔工厂接受的交货时间), 额外的 25%将被叠加到总金额的
administrative costs caused to Customer in the
总和中。(例如:第一天总额 200 欧元;第二天是 200 欧元
follow-up. This sum will be applied per order. If
x1,25 = 250 欧元;第三天 250 欧元 x1,25 = 312,5 欧元;…因
Supplier communicates to Customer the delay in
此,如果推迟三天供应商将支付 312,5€)。
advance and Customer explicitly authorizes the
delay, penalty will not be of application. For each
additional working day of delay (additional working
day of delay will be based on accepted delivery
times at Wittur plants), an additional 25% will be
added to the total value of the lump sum (e.g.: day
1 total lump sum 200€; day 2 total lump sum
200€x1,25= 250€; day 3 total lump sum
250€x1,25= 312,5€;… Therefore, if delayed three 如果供应商因产品的技术问题影响客户的生产进程, 供应商将
days Supplier would pay a total of 312,5 €). 尽一切可能部署解决方案,以紧急向客户交付正确的产品,如
It is expected that in case of a technical issue affects
Customer capacity to produce, Supplier will do all the
necessary to deploy solutions to urgently deliver correct
Product to Customer, including express deliveries or
airfreight if needed.
Costs indicated above do not represent in any case a
limitation or maximum of Supplier liability in front of
Customer nor a reduction of rights of the Customer to
demand additional compensation due to impact of Supplier
6 WARRANTY PERIOD / (local language) 6 质保期

Warranty period of the products supplied by Supplier shall be 供应商提供的产品保修期限为 36 个月。

36 months.

7 CHANGE MANAGEMENT / (local language) 7 变更管理

7.1 Notification of change prior to implementation 7.1 在变更实施前通知
Supplier shall inform Customer in writing before applying 任何影响交付产品的变更,如生产过程,地址,或测试过程变
any change to Supplier production process, location, or 更,供应商应当提前书面通知客户,在得到客户书面同意后才
testing processes which affect Products delivered to 能实施变更。
Customer. Implementation of these changes of production 客户使用 PPAP 变更管理过程其中可能包含变更的其他要求。
can only be made when agreed in writing by Customer. 这些要求将是变更审批流程的一部分和供应商沟通。
CUSTOMER uses a PPAP-based change management process
which may include other requirements for qualifying changes.
These requirements will be communicated as part of the change
approval process.
7.2 Sub-contracting of Process/Product / (local language) 7.2 过程/产品的分包商
Supplier shall not entrust a third party to process or produce 未经客户书面同意 ,供方不得委托第三方加工或生产任何部分
any Product partially or in whole without the express written 或全部产品。违反本协议规定 ,客户有权终止合同,并向供应商
consent of Customer. Breach of this agreement gives Customer 要求赔偿损失。

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Quality Agreement / (local language)
(TS) TS001 WHQ SQD 09 2018-10-08 EN-CN
Technical Specification [WHQ_SQD_PR002]
Type Code Belonging Process Edition Issue date Language

the right to terminate the contract and request compensation

of business losses to Supplier if these were to exist.

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APPENDIX A / (local language) 附录 A

All the Procedure and Documents above mentioned are 以上所提到的所有程序和文件都可在客户供应商门户网站上找

available on the Customer Supplier Portal at the following 到:
https://www.wittur.com/it/gruppo-wittur/supplier- portal/supplier-quality-development-procedures-and-
portal/supplier-quality-development-procedures-and- documents.aspx
Version of the documents which are applicable in the
moment of signature of this Quality Agreement are:  Supplier Manual [WHQ_SQD_MAN001, Ed. 08 2018-
 Supplier Manual [WHQ_SQD_MAN001, Ed. 08 2018- 10-05]
10-05]  Supplier Qualification, Monitoring & Evaluation
 Supplier Qualification, Monitoring & Evaluation Procedure [WHQ_SQD_PR002, Ed. 04 2018-16-07]
Procedure [WHQ_SQD_PR002, Ed. 04 2018-16-07]  Technical Specification TS001 (WHQ-IMS-PR013),
 Technical Specification TS001 (WHQ-IMS-PR013), Ed.00 2017-03-31
Ed.00 2017-03-31  Technical Specification TS02 (WHQ-IMS-PR013), Ed.01
 Technical Specification TS02 (WHQ-IMS-PR013), 2018-02-09
Ed.01 2018-02-09  Non-Conforming Management Procedure
 Non-Conforming Management Procedure [WHQ_IMS_PR009, Ed. 05 2018-10-02]
[WHQ_IMS_PR009, Ed. 05 2018-10-02]  Controlled Shipping level 1 and 2 [WHQ_SQD_PR007,
 Controlled Shipping level 1 and 2 [WHQ_SQD_PR007, Ed. 01 2018-01-25]
Ed. 01 2018-01-25]  Life Cycle Checklist FR001 [WHQ_PMO_PR004], Ed.0
 Life Cycle Checklist FR001 [WHQ_PMO_PR004], Ed.0 2017-11-24
2017-11-24  Supplier audit checklist FR002 [WHQ_SQD_PR002], Ed.
 Supplier audit checklist FR002 [WHQ_SQD_PR002], Ed. 03 2018-10-26
03 2018-10-26 供应商手册包含了主要的释义。如有重要文档发行/修订,附
Supplier Manual includes main definitions. In case of 录 A 将被更新同时重新签订本协议。
important new documents release/revision the Appendix A
will be shared again with new signature request.

(客户) (供应商)

(address)地址 (address)地址

(contact info)联系人 (contact info)联系人

Stamp / (盖章) Stamp / (盖章)

Legal representative or authorized person sign Legal representative or authorized person sign
(法定代表人或授权人签署) (法定代表人或授权人签署)

Date Date
(日期) (日期)

APPENDIX B: Quality Targets / (local language) 附录 B: 质量目标

A three year target with at least 20% improvement year 三年的目标是每年供应商的 PPM 和 NCR 至少改善 20%.

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over for both metrics PPM and NCR is settled with the
Non achievement of the below indicated targets will not lead to
的处罚。然而,Wittur 保留将对质量表现不佳的供应商置于暂
additional penalties for Supplier to the ones already established
in the document. Wittur nevertheless reserves the right to put 效。
Supplier on Business on Hold status in case of clear poor quality
performance. Parties will do regular updates concerning quality
performance based on mutual agreement.

Baseline Current Year Current Year +1 Current Year + 2

基础 今年 明年 后年


(local language)
(address) (address)
(contact info) (contact info)

Stamp / (local language) Stamp / (local language)

Legal representative or authorized person sign Legal representative or authorized person sign
(local language) (local language)

Date Date
(local language) (local language)

Latest after two years new targets will be agreed.

In case an agreement won’t be reached, the latest agreed
targets remain valid.
The following Wittur Companies are currently included under the conditions of the Agreement.

WITTUR Austria GmbH (WAT) Wittur s.r.o. (WSK)
Sowitschstraße 1 X Priemyselná ulica 2747/7 X
3270 Scheibbs, Austria 963 01 Krupina, Slovakia
Wittur S.p.A. (WIT) X Wittur S.A (WAR) X
Via Macedonio Melloni n° 12 Av. Belgrano 2445, Sarandi
43052 Colorno (Parma), Italy Pcia. de Buenos Aires , Argentina
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Wittur Elevator Components S.A.U. (WES) Wittur Elevator Components India Pvt. Ltd. (WIN)
Polig. Ind. Malpica, Calle E - No.8 Survey nos 45/1B , 3 & 4
50016 Zaragoza, Spain Pondur Village; Sriperumbudur – 602 105
Tamil Nadu. India
Wittur Asansör San. ve Tic. A.Ş. (WTR) Sematic S.p.A.
Y Dudullu Organize - Sanayi Bolgesi n° 13, X Via Comm. Francesco Zappa, 5 X
34776 Istanbul ,Turkey 24046 Osio Sotto (BG), Italy
Wittur Elevator Components Co., Ltd. (WCN) Sematic Hungária Kft.
18 Shexing Road Debreceni út 273.
FOHO Economic Development Zone X 4400 Nyíregyháza, Hungary X
Wujiang City, Jiangsu Province
P.R. China 215214
Wittur LTDA (WBR) Sematic Elevator Prod. (Changshu) Co., Ltd.
Rua Eugenia Safra do Rosario, 3000 No. 20 Jinmen Road, Changshu South East
Jardim Flores do Campo – Londrina – PR Jiangsu Province , P.R. China 215500
ZIP CODE: 86086-550
Wittur Electric Driver GMBH (WED) LM LIFTMATERIAL
Offenburger Strasse 3 X Rohrbachstraße 26-30 X
Dresda, Germany Wiedenzhausen, Germany
ZIP CODE: 01190 ZIP CODE: 85259
Sematic Elevadores Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
Avenida Revolución Mexicana n°1001 Col Barrera X
Monclova, Coahuila 25770, Mexico

(address) (address)
(contact info) (contact info)

Stamp Stamp

Legal representative or authorized person sign Legal representative or authorized person sign

Date Date

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