Diction & Syntax

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- is the style of writing that is

determined by the choice of
words used by the writers.
- the sense of musicality that
you notice in each line.
“I prize thy love more
than whole mines of gold,
Or all riches that the East
( To my dear and loving
husband” by Anne Bradstreet)
“Because I could
not stop Death –
He kindly stopped
for me –
(“Because I could not stop Death by Emily Dickinson)
- how the words are
arranged in a sentence or
- Subject-verb is the usual
“Go out I cannot, nor can I stay
in/ Be calmed mid carpet,
breathless, on the road,
To nowhere and the road has
petered out”
Beyond Decoration, PJ
“Rejoice for those around you
who transform into the Force.
Mourn them, do not. Miss them,
do not. Attachment leads to
jealousy. The shadow of greed,
that is.”
Yoda in “Star Wars”
“What light from
yonder window
Romeo and Juliet,
William Shakespeare
- is the topic or
central idea which is
universal in nature.
“First of all,” he said, “if you can
learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get
along a lot better with all kinds of
folks. You never really understand a
person unti you consider things from
his point of view… until you climb
into his skin and walk around in it.”
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
“I began to see what people were
capable of doing. Anyone who
moved through those years
without understanding that man
produces evil as a bee produces
honey, must have been blind or
wrong in the head.”
The Lord of Flies, William Golding

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