Periodical Test IN UCSP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Cabiao, Nueva Ecija



First Periodical Test for the First Semester in Understanding

Culture, Society and Politics
Multiple Choice. (50 pts.)
Read the following sentences carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1._______ maps the various social forces that shape individual actions and social interactions.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. Philopsophy
2 .According to __________, social differentiation is a normal feature of every known culture in the
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. Philosophy
3. A set of imaginary coordinates that determine social actors’ opportunities and life chances in the
social world.
a. Social Location c. Social Position
b. Social Address d. Social map
4. A system of giving rewards for important tasks performed.
a. Privilege System c. Skill-based system
b. Merit system d. Credit System
5. It is considered the” essence of society” and is the enduring subject of social science
a. Power relation c. the political
b.The social d. Artifact
6. A quality of the mind that enables its possessors to graps the intersection of biography and
a. Sociological perspective c. Sociological imagination
b. Political maneuvering d. Anthropological wandering
7. A form of personal engagement in the issues of society. Its primary am to affect chance on
situation and social conditions considered to be unjust and unfair.
a. Boycott c. Rebellion
b. Violent activism d. Political Activism
8. Cultural idiosyncrasies are perfect examples of this concept.
a. Social diversity c. Social stratification
b. Cultural conflict d. Cultural diversity
9. This social science discipline takes account of the “equal but different ways” of how people live
in the world.
a. Sociology c. Political Science
b. Anthropology d. Psychology
10. A social science discipline that problematizes the unjust result of the exercise of power and not
the arrangements of power relations itself however unequal.
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Political Sociology
11. The precursor concept behind the power relation focus of Political Science.
a. Social Covenant c. Social Contract
b. Marriage Contract d. political Contract
12. Served as the historical and cultural context of the birth of Sociology.
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Psychology
13. A social science discipline pejoratively labelled as a” child of colonization “.
a. Sociology c. Anthropology
b. Political Science d. Psychology
14. Conceived by Emile Durheim as the counterpart notion of social phenomenon in terms of its
external effects on individual actions.
a. Social fact c. Inequality
b. Deviance d. Manifest Function
15. Can be a complete research design in itself or a specific data- gathering method used by the
anthropologists in fieldworks and cultural expeditions.
a. Interview c. Survey
b. Ethnography d. Achival
16. Reserved for statesmen and stateswomen.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b. Aristotle d. Robert Dahl
17. Way of ruling in divided societies without violence.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b. Aristotle d. Robert Dahl
18. Refers to any activity involving human beings associated together in relationship of power and
authority where conflict occurs.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b. Aristotle d. Robert Dahl
19. The authoritative allocation of values in a society.
a. David Easton c. Michael Oakeshoot
b. Aristotle d. Robert Dahl
20. A human being is a political animal.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b. Aristotle d. Robert Dahl
21. It is formally defined as constituting a fairly large number of people who are living in the same
territory, are relatively independent of people outside their area and participate in common culture.
a. society c. society as facticity
b. culture d. ethnocentrism
22. Society is all power because it is the agents control and runs the machinery of social control.
a. society c. society as facticity
b. culture d. ethnocentrism
23.It means all power.
a. omnipotence c. omniscience
b. omnipresent d. deity
24. It means everywhere.
a. omnipotence c. omniscience
b. omnipresent d. deity
25. It means all knowing.
a. omnipotence c. omniscience
b. omnipresent d. deity
26. It is the set of customs, tradition and values of a society or the community.
a. culture c. deity
b. society d. xenophobia
27. Gradual acquisitions of the characteristics and norms of a culture or a group by a person, to
another culture.
a. enculturation c. deity
b.society d. xenophobia
28. According to him, it includes knowledge, belief, art, moral laws, cuctoms and any other capabilities
and habits required by a man a member of society.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b.Tylor d. Robert Dahl

29. It was define by the English dictionary“ the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs,
of a particular group of people at particular time”.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b.Cambridge d. Robert Dahl
30. Is supposed to possess the tripartite; power reserved for him alone.
a. enculturation c. cultural diversity
b.society d. deity/god
31. The preferences for the foreign , characterized by a strong belief that one’s own product, styles are
inferior elsewhere.
a. xenocentrism c. ethnocentrism
b. society d. xenophobia
32. The fear to perceive as a foreign or strange, can be seen in the relations and perceptions of an in
group toward an out group.
a. Bernard Crick c. Michael Oakeshoot
b. Aristotle d. xenophobia
33-37. Identify the social dynamics of the following situations .
“ Lorie spends her vacant time tutoring some of her schoolmate with difficulties in English.”
a. food taboos c. video gaming
b. istambay d. youth voluntarism
34. “Janna a second year college student live alone in a condo unit in Angeles, her parents are in Canada but
they make it sure that they find time to visit their daughter twice a year.”
a. same sex partnership c. lagay
b. transnational families d. political dynasty
35. “Aljon did not finished his high school because he had absent most of the time playing Mobile Legend.”
a. selfeing c. video gaming
b. istambay d. transnational families
36 . “Alexis often spend her vacant time taking selfies, it has her hobbies when her parents gave her a new
a. youth voluntarism c. selfeing
b. padrino d. same sex partnership
37. “ Mr. Bernardo is the incumbent Mayor in Cabiao, and his son was also a mayor in their town together with
their father who is currently the Baranggay chairman”.
a. political dynasty c. transnational families
b. padrino d. lagay
38-42. Identify the following situations, what social behavior or phenomenon is being expressed.
” Lisa is a lesbian , she lives with her partner Grace. She and Grace is a public school in an elementary school.”
a. political dynasty c. transnational families
b. same sex partnership d. videogaming
39.” Jenna often visits Mr. Lorenzo in her office, she always brought him wine for her to get in in a public
a. lagay c. padrino
b. same sex partnership d. video gaming
40.” Greg graduated from college a year ago and remain jobless. He often sees with his friends at night.”
a. lagay c. padrino
b. istambay d. video gaming
41.” Miss Flor is a member of Iglesia ni Kristo and strongly prohibited eating Dinuguan or other like food with
a. lagay c. food taboos
b. same sex partnership d. video gaming
42.” Father is a businessman and he often make sure that he gives padulas to his main suppliers in order to
fastened his transaction.”
a. lagay c. padrino
b. same sex partnership d. video gaming
43. Kinds of culture that similarities in words and actions which can be directly observed.
a. cultural relativism c. implicit culture
b. explicit culture d. ethnocentrism
44. Kinds of culture that abstract form which are not obvious.
a. cultural relativism c. implicit culture
b. explicit culture d. ethnocentrism
45. The gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or a group by a person to
another person.
a. enculturation c. culture shock
b. explicit culture d. ethnocentrism
46. The individual who stay for a quite portion of their lives in a foreign culture may be shock by the
birth culture once exposed it again to them.
a. enculturation c. culture shock
b. explicit culture d. ethnocentrism
47. Another name for social phenomenon, that was a characteristics feature of the power of ideas to
create social realities for members of society.
a. enculturation c. culture shock
b. social facts d. ethnocentrism
48. An ever present and enduring features of all known cultures around the world from the most primitive to
the most highly urbanized.
a. social diversity c. culture shock
b. social facts d. social inequality
49. Occurs when resources in a given society are distributed unevenly.
a. social diversity c. culture shock
b. social facts d. social inequality
50. The Greek word that refers to a people, nation, or cultural groupings.
a. ethno c. cultura
b. centro d. centric

The roots of education are bitter,

But the fruit is sweet.


Mrs. Lani Bernardo Cuadra Maria Merlissa V. Manuel Ph.D

Teacher II OIC-Principal

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