Happy Pets CatDevelopmentGuide

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This guide is not official nor is it endorsed by CrowdStar or Happy Pets.

I, Jessica Rangol, am a Happy Pets player and have compiled this guide from information gathered from the Happy Pets community,
Informational Posts from CrowdStar on said community, personal experience, and mathematical calculation based on breeding outcome.

It is the intention of this guide to provide direction to a new breeder who is trying to develop a diverse house full of cats with which to breed. I
have not checked these statistics and information against other types of animals (in other words: Dogs, Dinos, Etc.) but it may be applicable
there as well.

This guide assumes you have a working knowledge about computers and the internet. Certain information is omitted based on this assumption.
If you need additional assistance, use the Happy Pets Community or Instant Message me via Facebook.

I will update this guide periodically. This is revision 1.0 released in January of 2011.
Update notes will be found on this first page in future revisions.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page i
STEP 1: NEIGHBORS ...... 1-9 STEP 3: CAT COLLECTION ...... 17-23
Prepare Your Profile ...... 1 Getting Started ...... 17
Find Neighbors in Happy Pets Community ...... 2-3 Troll The Pet Trader ...... 18
Finding Neighbors at Gamer's Unite! ...... 4-5 Troll the UFT & UFA Albums ...... 19
Find Neighbors Using Your Facebook Friends ...... 6 Neighbor's Homes ...... 20
Find Neighbors Using Facebook Friend Search ...... 7 Social Breeding ...... 20
Add Your New Friends As Neighbors ...... 8-9 Work Your Neighbors ...... 21
STEP 2: KNOW YOUR CATS ...... 10-16 Happy Pets Community ...... 22
Standard Cat Breeds ...... 10 Happy Pets Store ...... 22
Coat Features ...... 11 Trading Tips ...... 23
Variants/Overrides ...... 12 Basic Cats ...... 23
Random/Glitch Eyes ...... 12-13 STEP 4: BREEDING CATS ...... 24-29
Cat Sizes ...... 14 General Breeding ...... 24
Special Features ...... 15 Breeding Like Types ...... 25
Specialty Cats ...... 15 Breeding Special Traits ...... 26-27
Modification ...... 16 Getting Colors You Want ...... 28
Combination ...... 16 Breeding Cats That Pull Weight in Trade ...... 29
GLOSSARY ...... 30

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page ii
This section addresses how
to find and add neighbors
in Happy Pets

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
As this is a guide pertaining to cats it is going to be assumed that you have chosen to work with
cats. To successfully breed the first thing you must do is get neighbors. Lots of them. At least 40.
You can accomplish this in a couple of days with a little time.

First : prepare your profile.

Are you using your regular Facebook profile to play Happy Pets?
Many users choose to create a dedicated profile just for Happy Pets. It makes it easier to communicate with
neighbors, create social breeding/adoption/trade photo albums, and you can post freely about the game
without worrying about annoying friends and family.
This is a decision you need to make early on, as once you start leveling it is frustrating to start over.

Did you choose to have a dedicated Facebook profile to play Happy Pets?
Make sure your profile picture is Happy Pets related. This makes it easier for you to find neighbors and new
neighbors to find you. Also it may be to your benefit to put Happy Pets in your profile name. For example:
Jess’s Happy Pets. Some users just have their name set as Happy Pets. This makes them easy to find in friend
search so you can quickly add them as a neighbor.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page 1
Second: Find Neighbors Via the Happy Pets Community
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, familiarize yourself with:
Being a Good Happy Pets Neighbor by Jesse Carson HERE
Happy Pets Etiquette by Heather Froman HERE
Before Proceeding

At the top of your Happy Pets game screen click “Support”. If

this is your first time accessing the Happy Pets community you
will then be asked to “Allow”.
Scroll down to the section named “Meet Other Happy Pets
Players!” and click the forum link titled “Add me!”.
At the top of the forum list click “New Topic”.
You need to have your profile completed at this point with a profile picture of some kind.

Be sure to include a subject line. Leave some

information on why a new potential neighbor should
consider you and keep it short.
Click submit once done.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

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Page 2
Finding neighbors from the Happy Pets Community Continued.
Now you have gotten started. Next you need to go through a lot of the posts in the “Add me!” forum and
open up the Facebook profiles of the people you want to add as neighbors in tabs in your web browser.

Once you have found 10 or so people you want to add, visit each of the tabs, click “Add As Friend”, then if
the option is available click “Add a personal message…” (not all users enable personal messages from
strangers). Then start the message with “Happy Pets” and a brief message about why you are adding them.

After doing several adds the send request button will move to the right and will change to say “I know
*user’s first name+”. It will still be blue just watch the button and you will get through it all fine.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Third: Find Neighbors Via Gamer’s Unite

Go to www.gamersunite.com
From the Gamers Unite! Home page click “SEARCH GAMES…” and type in “Happy Pets” and click “Search”.

It will take you to the Happy Pets page. Click “ADD ME” then “Add Me Here!”. If you have never accessed
Gamers Unite! Before it will ask you to allow F-Connect on two different screens and you will have to click
“Add Me Here!” again. Put in a short message about yourself and click “Add!”.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Finding neighbors from the Gamers Unite! Continued.
Now you have gotten started. Next you need to go through a lot of the posts in the “ADD ME” section and
hover over the users to see their message. When you find one you want to add, click “View Facebook
Profile” which will open a new window where you can submit them a proper add request with a message.

Follow the same protocol as before. The message is an important step as it notifies the user what game you
play (if they play multiple games) and increases the likelihood that they will accept your friend request.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Fourth: Find Neighbors Via Your Facebook Friends

Go to your Facebook homepage

From your Facebook homepage click “Account”. A drop down window will appear. Click “Edit Friends”. On
the next page on the left hand toolbar click “Find Friends” then scroll down to the section called “People You
May Know” and click “See All”.

Remember, not all the people who you have mutual friends with play Happy Pets. I tend to only send add
requests to people who indicate they play either in their profile name or profile photo. Open the users you
want to add in tabs and follow the same protocol as before, submitting an add request with a message.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Fifth: Find Neighbors Via Your Facebook Friend Search

Go to your Facebook homepage

From your Facebook homepage go to the search bar at the
top center of the page and type “Happy Pets”, then when
it brings up the results scroll down and click “See more
results for happy pets >”, on the next screen on the left
hand toolbar click “People”.

Now a list of people on Facebook with Happy Pets in their

name is displayed.

Open the ones you are interested in neighboring in tabs

and send them a request with a message indicating you
are interested in playing happy pets with them.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Sixth: Add your new friends as neighbors

Load Happy Pets Game

Click on the “My Neighbors” tab in the Happy Pets game. Doing this I like to keep a little text document open
so I can keep a list of all the people I am adding as a neighbor so that I may also send them an energy gift.
Often if someone sees a neighbor request (NR) followed by an energy gift they are more likely to accept your

If you are only sending one NR the pending neighbor request will always show at the bottom of your list and
you can easily send them a gift from there. It is only when you have many NRs to send that it is easier to do
one gift send.

Click “Add *username+ as neighbor”.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Adding Neighbors Continued
If someone does not accept your neighbor request after a full day (or longer) scroll down to their pending
neighbor request under the “My Neighbors Tab” and click “Cancel Request” the “My Neighbors” section will
refresh and the friend will be back at the top of the list of neighbors for you to click “Add *username+ as a
neighbor” again.

Again you should send them a gift. This time you should load their Facebook profile and send them a private
message requesting they accept your neighbor request. If they have requests for a shy pet on their Happy
Pets wall try to fill that also as they will see your name associated with that blessing.

DO NOT: post a message on their wall asking them to

accept your NR or post a screenshot of your pending
neighbor requests with the offenders name tagged.
Your communication with your potential neighbor
should be private, not-demanding, and polite.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page 9
This section addresses how
to identify different types
of cats and special cat
features in Happy Pets.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
To breed good cat stock you must know what is available and what you want
While you are going through your neighbors houses getting coins from their piggy bank and using the laser on their pets
look at their cats and see if there are any you are particularly attached to. Figure out what kind you like.

Four Standard Cat Breeds

Below we will go over the four breeds of cats, then we will go over some of the features.

Scruffy Fluffy Turkish Siamese

Abr: Sc Scruffy Face Aka: Smooth or Sleek Abr: Si
Scruffy Fur Sleepy eyes Smooth Fur Smooth Fur
Round Eyes Thick Tail Round Eyes Almond Eyes
Only non-almond head Thinnest Tail

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

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Coat features
Here we will go over some of the more common coat features.
You can play with some coat features by building your own cat HERE.

Basic Coat Types


Star Belly/
Star Butt
Spotted/Leopard Calico

Siamese Mask

Eye Liner
Can only see when
eyes are closed
because eyelids wont
Solid Striped match.
Mittens, Socks, Ringtail
Or Boots

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

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Some users like and specifically seek cats with certain variants or overrides. A variant or
override is when a certain part of the body is a boldly different color from the rest of
the body.
The two words seem to be used interchangeably amongst traders.
To the right you see an example of override eyelids and an override ringtail. People also
often seek override ears, eyeliner, and colored star bellies.

Random/Glitch Eyes
Random/Glitch eyes were originally two different things. It is rumored that the glitch eyes were initially introduced into
Happy Pets by a hacker somehow.
Sometime thereafter, Happy Pets introduced the random pet which introduced random eyes that were very similar and
sometimes the same as glitch eyes. Some traders feel a true glitch eye is only the original 29 (3 of which are now
achievable with store bought lens) on the list on the following page. There is also an expanded list, with many more eyes
however authors of both lists are unknown.
The best way to tell what is or is not a glitch/random eye is to know what standard eyes are.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

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Random/Glitch Eyes Continued…
Below is a list of the original glitch eyes and all of the standard eyes that have been on cats available through the store.
Eyes outside of these eyes are random eyes instead of glitch eyes.

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Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Cat Sizes
Cats come in different sizes. Different sizes can be bought from store. Generally in special edition cats, and cats can also
be modified with growth or shrink elixir (more later).

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Special Features
Cats also have special features that make them stand out from other cats.

Glow Cats
Glow cats have a single color
Cloud/Puff Cats
Cloud/Puff cats are glow cats
of opaque glow surrounding
whose glow blends in with a part
their bodies.
of their coat.
Ghost Cats These can also be multi-glow.
Translucent cats. Originally
came blue glow/white body.
Multi-Glow Cats
Multi-Glow (MG) cats have a
Sparkle Cats opaque inner glow with up to two
Sparkle cats have a moving other translucent glows surrounding
sparkle surrounding them. the initial inner opaque glow.
Can also be multi-glow or
Specialty Cats
CrowdStar has introduced many specialty cats to Happy Pets. I Catzilla Iron Cat
have not been able to locate a completed list of these cats with
images but you can look at these two HERE and HERE.

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Cats can be modified with items from the store found under Accessories > Clothing > Makeover.

Growth / Shrink Elixir

Grows or shrinks your cat by one size level.

Randomly changes the color of your cats coat, coat features, and sometimes will also apply to
your cats glow.

Changes the color of your cat’s eyes.

Remember that any of the aforementioned coat types,
features, or eyes can be mixed and matched on your cats!
Most breeders work very hard to create complex coated cats.
This is much more difficult to achieve in glow cats.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page 16
This section addresses how
to find and adopt quality
breeding cats

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Getting Started
Narrow Down A Couple You Want To Breed
After Step 1 you should have a good amount of neighbors. In addition to this guide you should have seen a lot of cats and
you should have some idea what you want to breed.

Make Sure You Are Prepared

You should have around 40-50 neighbors. This is important for two reasons:
1) it takes 40 neighbors to unlock the nursery
2) It takes 50 neighbors to unlock 64 slots in the hotel
You need these spots to house your baby baskets and cats you want to keep but may not have room for. This is especially
important if you are low level.

If You Aren't There Yet

Then Room 1 will be your nursery. Put all your NURSERY EXPANSION RATE: HOTEL EXPANSION RATE:
level 0-2 gets 14 slots level 33-36 gets 36 slots 4 slots - 0-9 Neighbors
baby baskets next to your piggy bank so your 8 slots - 10 Neighbors
level 3-7 gets 16 slots level 37-40 gets 39 slots
neighbors can easily bless your baskets. level 8-11 gets 18 slots level 41-44 gets 42 slots 16 slots - 20 Neighbors
level 12-15 gets 20 slots level 45-48 gets 45 slots 32 slots - 30 Neighbors
Be careful when you start breeding to not breed in 64 slots - 50 Neighbors
level 13-16 gets 22 slots level 49-52 gets 48 slots
excess of your hotel and room area unless you level 17-20 gets 24 slots level 53-56 gets 51 slots 128 slots - 100 Neighbors
want to use FBC to expand your storage. Else you level 21-24 gets 28 slots level 57-60 gets 54 slots 256 slots - 250 Neighbors
could possibly be stuck giving away pets you want level 23-28 gets 30 slots level 61-64 gets 57 slots 512 slots - 500 Neighbors
to keep! level 29-32 gets 33 slots level 65+ gets 60 slots

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Work Your Neighbors
Troll the Pet Trader
You know now what you want to breed. So you have an idea what you are needing to get. If you want cats that are
stripped and spotted, and you don’t see a cat in trader that is both then get a striped cat and a spotted cat and breed
them until you get your desired cat.
If you want a glow cat, pick up a glow cat from trader that has a glow you like, even if you dislike the fur, you can breed
out fur color, but its harder to change out glow color without many glow cats.
Go to the pet trader, then find a pet, and scroll the pages. Animals named 4[somename] have been promised to someone
else and are not for you. Cats in trader with no code (no lock icon) or cats in trader with a lock named code=nursery or
bless4code are up for grabs.

For cats named code=nursery , code@nursery, and bless4code you will go

to the nursery, bless their babies, then look at the nursery name for the
code. Sometimes the user wants you to bless their nursery then message
them for the code.

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Troll the UFT and UFA albums
Some neighbors wont put animals in the trader. Instead they keep them in the hotel until requested. These neighbors may
have trade albums. If you see a neighbor who has pets you like, check out there albums.
Go to the user’s Facebook profile. Click Photos, then look for an album named UFT (up for trade) or UFA (up for adoption).
Cats UFT, the user wants something in return, do not ask the user to give you these cats for nothing in return. Sometimes
the user will list on the album what they want in trade, sometimes it will be listed on each individual image.

If the album is labeled UFA (up for adoption) the cats are available for nothing in return.
Once you find a cat you like you can comment on that individual image or send the user a private message asking them
for further details. If the cat is UFA you should ask if it is still available. If the cat is UFT link them to your UFT album or tell
them what you are willing to offer for the cat.
If you are new, and you don’t have much to offer yet, tell the user that you are interested in the cat but that you are new
and may not have anything that they are interested in. Be polite and complimentary. Sometimes they will give you the cat
for no trade if they feel like you need it.

Need a UFT or UFA album? Learn to make one HERE.

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Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Search Your Neighbors Homes
Some neighbors will have rooms labeled Free, UFA, or UFT full of animals. Keep your eye
out for these as another way to find animals. You find one you like, use the same
protocol as before to message your neighbor about the pet.

Social Breeding
Once you reach level 25, you will be able to submit social breeding (SB) requests. Neighbors sometimes will create social
breeding albums (just like the UFT and UFA albums) that have pictures of their cats with information on what room
they're in. Other neighbors may have rooms designated with blocks or room name for social breeding. If you aren’t sure if
a social breed request will be welcomed, just ask your neighbor. Never send a social breeding request if the neighbor
has not indicated in any way that their cat is up for SB. They will let you know! If the user indicates that a LP is required
that means they want you to buy a Love Potion with FBC to process the social breed.

Need to know how to submit a social

breeding request to your neighbor’s pet?
Just go HERE.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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Work Your Neighbors
Make sure you are blessing your neighbors baskets in the nursery and sending them items they request. Don’t just send
gifts blindly. Monitor the feed for item requests and shy pet requests. Once you bless their babies (following request),
help with shy pet, or items, leave a comment saying “Helped” or “done”. Use a smiley such as :) :3 or a heart <3 .
To get to the feed, go to game requests, then scroll below the requests, select happy pets and there is your game feed!

Right Click & Open in

New Tab, Can Only Do
One at a Time but You
Want to Keep This
Window Open To Place
Your Comment When

If possible you should try to bless your neighbors baskets in their nursery daily. If not possible at least bless the baskets of
those that have given you pets and helped you with advice in the past.
If you see a neighbor online and you like their pets tell them you enjoy seeing their pets. If they have pretty glow baskets
compliment their baskets.
When you have been a good neighbor you can message your neighbors who don’t have trade/adoption albums or
trade/adoption rooms in their homes and tell them you really love their pets and would like to know should they ever
decide to trade or put any up for adoption. Do not ask your neighbor to give you a pet, but tell them you love their pets
and would be interested in one should they give them up for adoption/trade.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
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The Happy Pets Community
The majority of the people I have traded with over the months I found
in the Happy Pets Community Cats forum.
Go to the Happy Pets Community and scroll down to the forum named
cats. Here you can dig through hundreds of lists of cats UFA and UFT as
well as people that are looking for specific cats that you may have.
If you cannot find what you are looking for you can always post a new
topic requesting a certain type of cat.
Keep in mind though, trading with your neighbors makes for loyal

The Store
I have put this last, because aside from limited edition and Facebook credit cats, the cats from the store will not be as
unique as ones you can get from breeding, trading, and adopting if done properly.

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Trading Tips
If possible, and you aren't just picking up a quick adoption that was already in trader you always want to get some
background on the cats first.

Information About Parent Cats

If the parent cat was a glow cat, ghost cat, sparkle cat, or multi-glow cat the cat you are adopting has a higher probability
of passing on those traits to their offspring.

If the cats you are adopting are related to each other you will not be able to breed them together. You cannot breed
Daughter/Son to Mother/Father, Brother/Sister to Brother/Sister, or Half-Brother/Half-Sister to Half-Brother/Half-Sister.

When taking pictures of pets there is no difference shown in size. You will not be able to tell from most pictures the size of
a cat. If you are specifically seeking a certain size or avoiding a certain size it is best to see the cat roaming in a room
before you decide to adopt.

Basic Cats
If you like really pale colors, get some white cats to lighten the colors of the cats you adopt through color mixing (more
later). If you like darker colors get darker cats, etc… Pick single features in cats that you like with the plan to breed those
features into multiple cats. For example spotted striped cats can come from a striped cat and a spotted cat.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page 23
This section addresses how
to breed a variety of cats

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Breeding New Cats
Breeding in General
Once you have some cats that you want to breed it is best to first get organized. Pick two cats you want to see traits
combined on and start breeding.

Breeding in general has a 45% success rate when the cats are in a clean room
with full Hunger and Happiness.

In theory, if you breed the same When you are randomly breeding
two cats together 10 times you will random cats together with no
produce 4 babies, 20 times will achievement goal you will quickly
produce 9 babies. learn you are not getting the cat
traits you want.

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Breeding Like Types
Here I am breeding two multi-glows. As you can see, each time I am consistently given multi-glow kittens but the coloring
and breed of the kitten changes. I have actually bred these two cats well over 30 times and have gotten a myriad of
combinations from these two cats. For a few days now though I am retiring their breeding to breed that multi-glow
Siamese with a black cloud/puff in effort to create a Siamese multi-glow black puff.

This is an example of why it is important to stay organized. These cats have simplified coats, to breed more complex coats
you would have to breed the same pair of cats together sometimes for a long while before getting the desired result.
Same thing goes for passing on rare traits (more later).

For more examples of breeding outcomes over time between cats check out this pictorial log HERE.

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Breeding Special Traits
On page 15 we discussed special traits: Sparkle, Glow, multi-glow, Cloud/Puff, and Ghost. If you read the HPC forum
announcements when these pets are announced they list specific percentages sometimes for breeding outcomes on
these cats. However I have noticed that over time these have changed.

Breeding Glow to Multi-Glow

We are still subject to the 45% success rate for breeding. Of those successful breeds 40% will result in a multi-glow cat.

Breeding Glow to Ghost

We are still subject to the 45% success rate for breeding. Of those successful breeds 10% will result in a ghost cat.

Breeding Glow to Non-Glow

We are still subject to the 45% success rate for breeding. Of those successful breeds 10% will result in a glow cat.

* Breeding statistics on this page are based on data from breeding the same two cats together over time. Breeding outcome was tracked in
a spreadsheet. When you are mixing and matching cats you can alter the amount of time it takes to achieve these results. Breeding
outcome images on this page show worst case scenario with the desired cat at the end of the breeding line.

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Breeding Sparkle to Non-Glow
When breeding a Sparkle cat to a non sparkle cat you will pretty consistently get sparkle cats. My data on this varied over
time, as I had sparkles before I ever had glows. But it seemed to range depending on my pair of cats anywhere from 60-
100% of breeds resulted in a sparkle basket.

Breeding Sparkle to Glow or Multi-glow

We are still subject to the 45% success rate for breeding. Of those successful breeds 10% will result in a Sparkle Glow or
Sparkle Multi-Glow Cat.

Breeding Cloud/Puff Cats

Breeding puff cats is more difficult because puff cats are not as much of a special trait as they are an anomaly. For this
reason, you will see a ton of panther puffs because taking a cat with a solid black body and breeding it to a black glow is
much easier than matching other bodies to glows.

If you have one puff cat, the best advice to keep the bloodline going is to find a cat with the same color fur as its glow and
breed them together until you produce a second puff cat.

Of course if you are lucky enough to have two identical puffs that are not related, they will continue to produce puff
* Breeding statistics on this page are based on data from breeding the same two cats together over time. Breeding outcome was tracked in
a spreadsheet. When you are mixing and matching cats you can alter the amount of time it takes to achieve these results. Breeding
outcome images on this page show worst case scenario with the desired cat at the end of the breeding line.

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Getting The Colors You Want
Glow Colors
When dealing with a single glow or a multi-glow that sticks pretty close to a close range of colors the color mixing is
simple. Having a background in art I turn to a simple color mixing chart to try to see what color combinations I can get.
Keep in mind that sometimes in breeding instead of the colors mixing one of the glow colors will just be duplicated. But
once they do mix it is easy to get your desired result using a mixing chart. Select a color from the vertical axis and the
horizontal axis and drag your finger. Where they meet will be the outcome color.

Coat Colors
This is very simple when dealing with non-complex coats or coats with
features that are a similar color to the base coat.
Select a color from the vertical axis and the horizontal axis and drag your
finger. Where they meet will be the outcome color.

Brighten / Darken Colors

Cats with pure white glows, pure white bodies, pure black glows, and pure
black bodies are highly desirable because they can be used to lighten and
darken coats and glows.
Again this takes time as sometimes when you breed them to another cat you
will get a duplicated feature instead of a mixed feature.

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Breeding Cats That Pull Weight in Trade
Of course the number one most desired thing will always be the purebred offspring (PB OS)of limited edition special cats
from the store. Purebred Offspring are the children of two identical store bought special cats.
Anomalies made from the special limited edition cats such as:
Sparkle Glows
Multi-Glow Ghosts
Patterned Fur Ghosts
Glow Fluffy Cats
Multi-glow Fluffy Cats
Glow Calico Cats
Multi-Glow calico Cats
And any other feature combination that cannot be purchased and
was never available for purchase from the store.

Other people are seeking specific coat types and non-special cats.
However, you cannot trade these with as much ease as the items
listed above.

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This section defines
abbreviated and other
Happy Pets terms

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
BR Breeding Request A breeding request would refer to a social breeding request.
FB Facebook
FBC Facebook Credits The credits purchased within Facebook with real world money for virtual currency.
FR Friend Request
HP Happy Pets
HPC Happy Pets Community The support forum for Happy Pets.
LF Looking For Typically used in forum posts when you want to post what you are looking for.
LP Love Potion The 20FBC item that you can purchase to guarantee a single breed success.
G Glow Glow on pet.
MG Multi-Glow Multi-glow on pet.
MOD Moderator Moderator on Happy Pets forum.
NFSB Not for Social Breed Indicates that the cat is not available for social breeding.
NFT Not For Trade Do not ask for these cats because the owner wants to keep them.
NR Neighbor Request The neighbor request sent through Happy pets.
OS Off Spring Off spring of cats, usually used to talk about PB OS (Purebred offspring).
PB Pure Bred Cats bred from two identical tagged cats.
RC Random Cat 150 FBC random traited cat that was available from the store for a while.
RTF Return The Favor Generally asking you to return the favor of nursery basket blessing.
SB Social Breed Breeding between cats from two different FB accounts.
Tagged Cat bought from the store. Will not show parents on info click, instead will show name of cat type.
UFA Up For Adoption Cats available free to a new home.
UFB Up For Breed
Cats that are up for breeding with neighbor's cats upon request.
UFSB Up For Social Breed
UFT Up For Trade Cats available for trade of specific items or pets.
WRTF Will Return the Favor Will, generally speaking, bless your baskets in nursery.

Unofficial Cat Development Guide

Compiled by: Jessica Rangol
Page 30

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