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Lithuanian grammar

Lithuanian grammar retains many archaic features from Proto-Indo European that have been lost in other Indo-European languages,
and is consequently very complex.

Properties and morphological categories
Grammatical terminology
Grammatical number
Cases of declined words
Noun modification by numeral
Grouping by a syllable nucleus of a pre-desinential syllable

Degrees of comparison
Personal pronouns
Reflexive pronoun
Active voice
Indicative mood
Present tense
Past tense
Past iterative tense
Future tense
Compound tenses
Perfect tenses
Inchoative tenses
Indirect mood
Imperative mood
Conditional mood
Passive voice
Adjectival participles
Adverbial participles
Grammatical aspect
Verb prefixes
General usage notes
Stress retraction
Stem classes

Word order
Used with genitive form of noun
Used with instrumental form of noun
Used with accusative form of noun
External links

Properties and morphological categories

Grammatical terminology
The following is a list of Lithuanian terms for properties and morphological categories, with their English translations or equivalents:
Lithuanian English
daiktavardis noun
būdvardis adjective
veiksmažodis verb
skaitvardis numeral
įvardis pronoun
Parts of speech prieveiksmis adverb
dalelytė particle
prielinksnis preposition
jungtukas conjunction
jaustukas interjection
ištiktukas verbal interjection
vardininkas nominative
kilmininkas genitive
naudininkas dative
Main cases (liñksniai) galininkas accusative
įnagininkas instrumental
vietininkas inessive
šauksmininkas vocative
iliatyvas, kryptininkas illative
Locative cases aliatyvas allative
adesyvas adessive
vienaskaita singular
Number (skaĩčiai) dviskaita dual
daugiskaita plural
nelyginamasis absolute
Degrees of comparison (láipsniai) aukštesnysis comparative
aukščiausiasis superlative
vyriškoji masculine
Genders (gìminės)
moteriškoji feminine
esamasis present
būtasis kartinis past
Tenses (laikaĩ)
būtasis dažninis past iterative
būsimasis future
tiesioginė indicative
netiesioginė indirect
Moods (núosakos)
tariamoji conditional (subjunctive)
liepiamoji imperative
Voices (rū́šys) veikiamoji active
neveikiamoji passive
įvykio perfective
Aspects (veikslaĩ)
eigos continuous, progressive

Lithuanian nouns are classified into one of two genders:

Lithuanian adjectives, numerals, pronouns and participles are classified into one of three genders:

Since no noun can have a neutral gender, it is used with subjects of neutral or undefined gender:

Ji (fem.) yra graži (fem.) – She is beautiful. Mokytojas (masc.) bus pasirengęs (masc.) – The teacher will be ready. Skaityti (undefined)
buvo įdomu (neuter) – Reading was interesting.

The gender of a pronoun kas – 'who? what?', personal pronouns aš / mes – 'I' / 'we', tu / jūs – 'you (singular) / you (plural)' and a
reflexive pronoun savęs is indefinite, it means any of the genders. The word kas uses masculine inflections, the other pronouns have
their own specific paradigm. The nouns of the indefinite gender have feminine form inflections.

The masculine gender is also the indeterminate gender as in many other Indo-European languages. This means that for an entire mixed
group of objects belonging to masculine and feminine genders, the masculine gender is used.[1] The masculine as the indeterminate
gender differs from the indefinite gender, which allows treatment of the word in two ways.

Note that there are many nouns that use masculine or feminine genders without any reason of biological gender, for instance, words
that denote inanimate objects. The masculine or feminine usage of these words is stable (with few exceptions) and doesn't depend on
the will of a speaker.

Lithuanian grammatical genders are similar to, for instance, Latin:

nominative vilkas kalba prekė pilis viršus akmuo girdė́tas, girdė́ta, ìšgirstas,
wolf language commodity castle top stone girdė́ta išgirstà,
genitive vilko kalbos prekės pilies viršaus akmens heard; gender sequence: ìšgirsta
m, f, n heard
girdė́to, girdė́tos ìšgirsto,
from girdė́ti – to hear išgirstõs
(continuing, imperfective from išgir ̃sti –
action) to hear (one-
nominative lupus lingua rēs turris frūctus acūmen n audītus, audīta,
wolf language thing tower fruit sharp point audītum
genitive lupī linguae reī turris frūctūs acūminis heard, listened; from
audīre [1] (https://en.wikti
n) – to hear, listen
audītī, audītae, audīta

Grammatical number
The Lithuanian language has two main numbers, singular and plural. It has also a dual number, which is used in certain dialects, such
as Samogitian. Some words in the standard language retain their dual forms (for example du ("two") and abu ("both"), an indefinite
number and super-plural words (dauginiai žodžiai in Lithuanian). Dual forms of pronouns used in the standard language are also

The singular number indicates that the denoted thing is one or indivisible (as in méilė – love, smė̃lis – sand, píenas – milk). The plural
number, when it can be in contrast with the singular, indicates that there are many of the things denoted by the word. But sometimes,
when a word doesn't have the singular number, being a plurale tantum noun, the plural form doesn't indicate real singularity or plurality
of the denoted object(s).

Adjectives and numerals also have the singular-plural distinction. Their number depends on that of the noun they are attributed to.

The dual number indicates a pair of things. Historically, the dual number has been a full grammatical number, participating as the third
element in singular-dual - plural distinction. During the last century, the dual was used more or less sporadically in Lithuanian,
sometimes reaching the status of a full number for agreement purposes, meaning the dual of noun required dual agreement in its
adjectives or the dual of the subject required the dual of the verb. But in many more cases the dual was reduced to a nominal category
explicitly indicating a pair of things, but not requiring dual agreement of adjectives or verbs. Presently, the dual is mostly used as a
declension paradigm for numbers du – two, abu – both (and a variant abudu – idem) and with personal pronouns aš – I, mùdu dual – we
two (mẽs pl. – we) and tu sg. – you, jùdu dual – you two (jū̃s pl. – you).

dual plural
present past future imperative present past future imperative
eĩnava – we two are going; we eĩkiva – let us eĩkime –
ė̃jova eĩsiva eĩname ė̃jome eĩsime
two go two go let us go
eĩnata – you two are going; you eĩkita – you two
ė̃jota eĩsita eĩnate ė̃jote eĩsite eĩkite
two go go
einù ėjaũ eĩsiu
einì ėjaĩ eĩsi eĩk – go
The indefinite number indicates that the same form of the word can be understood singular or plural, depending both on situation and
on other words in the sentence. There are only few words that demonstrate indefinite number, and the indefinite number doesn't have its
own forms in Lithuanian. These words are pronouns kas – 'who? what?', kažkas – 'something, somebody' and reflexive pronoun savęs.
All of them use inflections of the singular.

The super-plural words are a few numbers and pronouns that indicate a counting not of separate things, but of groups of things.

keleri - 'several (groups of)'

abeji - 'both (groups of)'
(vieneri - 'one (group of)')
dveji - 'two (groups of)'
treji - 'three (groups of)'
ketveri - 'four (groups of)'
penkeri - 'five (groups of)'
šešeri - 'six (groups of)'
septyneri - 'seven (groups of)'
aštuoneri - 'eight (groups of)'
devyneri - 'nine (groups of)'
These words are also used with plurale tantum nouns instead of plural words (keli, abu, du, trys and so on), in which case they indicate
not the plural of groups, but just the semantic plural or singular (a word vieneri – 'one' only) of the noun.

Cases of declined words

Nominative – vardininkas
Genitive – kilmininkas; it also functions similarly to the ablative case in other languages.
Dative – naudininkas
Accusative – galininkas
Instrumental – įnagininkas
Locative cases:

Locative (inessive) – vietininkas

Illative – (iliatyvas, sometimes referred as kryptininkas); dialectic, without clear status in the standard Lithuanian
Allative; obsolete, the singular is reduced to adverbs
Adessive; extinct
Vocative – šauksmininkas
Examples of the locative cases:

inessive is fully used locative case. An example: nãmas – a house, namè – in a house, vyruose - in men. It is also
used for a temporal meaning in some words: vakarè [vɐkɐrʲˈɛ] – in the evening (vãkaras [ˈväːkɐrɐs̪] nom. 'an
evening'). But more verbs are used in accusative for the latter meaning: vãsarą – in summer, rùdenį – in autumn,
trẽčią vãlandą – in three o'clock. This accusative form also means duration: trečią dieną kepina [ˈtʲrʲæːt͡ʃʲæː ˈdʲiən̪äː
ˈkʲæːpʲɪn̪ɐ] (kepina is idiomatic or slang in such meaning) – it is the third day when it (sun) sizzles (it's heat). Plural
forms for temporal "locatives" are expressed by instrumental: vakaraĩs – in / by the evenings, vãsaromis – in / by
illative is used sparingly. Some terms are normal, for example, in law: patráukti baudžiamõjon atsakomýbėn – to
prosecute; literally: to draw, pull, move to penal amenability (not į (to) baudžiamają atsakomybę acc., not (for)
baudžiamajai atsakomybei dative). Other examples: singular káiman – to(wards) the village, miškañ – to(wards) a
forest, and forms of the common language į káimą, į mìšką; plural káimuos-na, miškúos-na and common forms į
káimus, į miškùs;
allative. Examples: namop – up to the home. Today it is used only in a few idiomic expressions like vakaróp – about
nightfall, velnióp – to hell with smth.; šuniop – down the drain (about dog, to a dog); galóp – ultimately; nuteisti myriop
- to send to the scaffold;
adessive. Examples: laukíe-p sg. – beside the field, at the field, namíe-p sg.. It is a historical or dialectal case, extinct
in modern standard Lithuanian, but it is preserved in the adverbs: namie – at home, netoli(e) – not far, toli(e) – far,
arti(e) – nearby, vienaip ar kitaip – anyway, savaip – in one's own fashion/way, tavaip – in your (sg.) fashion/way, visaip
– diversely. etc.
The later three locatives are adverb-forming cases.

Lithuanian grammar makes a distinction between proper and common nouns. Only proper nouns are capitalized. Some nouns, for
example sun and moon, can be both proper and common. There are no articles in Lithuanian.

The genders of nouns are masculine and feminine. A rough rule of thumb is that almost all masculine nouns in nominative case end in -
s and most feminine – in -(i)a or -ė. There are no strict rules governing the gender. For example, upė – river, is feminine, but upelis –
rivulet, is masculine. There is no neuter gender ("it gender"), but there are a few words that can be applied to both genders equally.
They mostly describe people, have negative connotations, and end in -a, for example vė́pla – dummy, elgeta – beggar, naktìbalda –
night-lumberer, a person who does not sleep at night, but mėmė̃ – gawk.

There are no separate declension paradigms for animate and inanimate nouns in Lithuanian.

Most nouns have singular and plural numbers. There are some words that have only singular (e.g., pienas – milk, auksas – gold, gripas
– flu, laimė – happiness) or only plural (e.g., lubos – ceiling, miltai – flour, kelnės – trousers) forms. Most such words are abstract (i.e.,
represent concepts like luck or love and not tangible things such as table or house), describe material or name a disease. However, in
some instances, for example poetic language, it is possible to use singular nouns in plural form.

Noun modification by numeral

In Lithuanian, unlike in Romance / Germanic languages, and like Slavic languages but in a different way, the form of a count noun
depends on final digits of the number.

Number ends with Form Example

1 (excluding 11) Singular 31 litas
2–9 (excluding 12–19) Plural 25 litai
0 or 11–19 Special case: 110 litų
Singular + noun
111 litų
in plural genitive

Note: Plural or singular without the case means that the word or words can be declined in any case in plural or singular respectively,
but Plural genitive means, that the second word remains undeclined.

Nouns in Lithuanian language have 12 declension paradigms, in scholar grammar corresponding to five declensions which are defined
by the inflection in singular nominative and genitive cases. Only few borrowed words, like taksì – taxi, kupė – compartment (in a
train), coupe, are not subject to declension rules.

Inflection in singular cases Examples Notes

Nominative Genitive Nominative Genitive Meaning
I -as, -is, -ys -o výras výro man, male; husband Main pattern for
mẽdis mẽdžio tree masculine
traukinỹs tráukinio train nouns
kẽlias kẽlio road
II -a, -i¹, -ė -os, -ės žmonà žmonõs wife Main pattern for
šviesà šviesõs light feminine nouns;
várna várnos crow few masculine
pradžià pradžiõs beginning exceptions
sáulė sáulės sun
III -is² -ies móteris³ f móteries woman, female Rarer, feminine
pilìs f piliẽs castle nouns, fewer
avìs f aviẽs sheep masculine
dantìs m dantiẽs tooth
IV -us -aus žmogùs žmogaũs man (human being) Rare, masculine
sūnùs sūnaũs son nouns
medùs medaũs honey
skaĩčius skaĩčiaus number
V -uo, -ė³ -en-s, -er-s f vanduõ vandeñs water Rare, masculine
akmuõ akmeñs stone nouns, four³
skaitmuõ skaitmeñs digit feminine;
sesuõ seser ̃s sister suffixed by -en-
duktė̃ dukter ̃s daughter m and -er- f.

1. There are only two nouns ending in -i: pati 'wife' and marti 'daughter-in-law'. Their declension is the same to the
second adjective feminine declension and similar to a second feminine noun palatalized declension. The noun pati is
the same to a pronoun pati 'herself; myself f; itself (for feminine nouns)'
2. Exception: petys m – shoulder, peties, etc., after this declensional pattern. The third declension is very similar to the
fifth declension.
3. Duktė 'daughter' is the only word of the fifth declension, not having an ending uo. A word moteris 'woman, female'
often has a genitive móters; the plural genitive of moteris is moterų (not palatalized -ių); it is the only normal form for
the fifth declension and one of the two (the main is -ių) for the third. The more two words, obelis f – apple tree and
dieveris m – (older) brother-in-law, are the same declensional case as moteris, but dieveris, being masculine possibly
has a sg. inst. -iu. Dieveris is also the only -er- masculine case.

In the table below the numbers of nouns, received by the statistical analysis of the data in the Dictionary of contemporary Lithuanian
language (Dabartinės Lietuvių kalbos žodynas; the fourth issue, 2000), are given grouped by the patterns of declension and
accentuation.[2] The data does not include verbal abstracts ending in -imas, -ymas, -umas (for instance, metimas 'a throwing; a throw'
from mesti 'to throw'); 18.7 thousand in numbers (12 thousand of the first accentuation paradigm, 6 thousand of the second), because
they can be made from any verb. There may be some inaccuracies due to some specific features, for instance, there are homonyms,
which differ only in an accent: síetas 1 – sieve (related to sijóti – to sieve), siẽtas 2 – tether, leash (related to siẽti – to tie, bond; saĩtas –
bond; leash), and the possibility exists that in some of such cases the two words were taken as one.

Words with a suffix -m-en-, are attributed to the third declensional pattern in these tables, but they are of the fifth, the singular (can be
used for all, but is not usual for all) nom. is -uo: for example, ãšmenys pl. 3b – blade, sė́dmenys pl. 3a – buttocks, nates, sėdmuõ sg.,
nẽšmenys pl. 3b – silts, sediments carried by a water stream. The singular instrumental is -imi, like in the third declension, while for
masculine words of the fifth declension the proper ending is chosen to be -iu; but -imi can also be chosen for the words of the fifth

The numbers in the upper row

1 2 3 3a 3b 34a 34b 4 alt. all
mean accentuation types. For the
1907 3499 90 35 393 48 5 340 94 6411 third type the additional information
is given in dictionaries. The mark 3
-j- 921 16 4 944
as without the letter added, is for
words, stressed in the next-to-last
1 2 syllable. The letter after is for
-is 3085 2188 22 5295 polysyllabic words and says what
type of stress the syllable has in
16 192 581 48 25 282 102 1246 those cases where the stress falls
-a f 1571 635 19 58 369 16 1 405 26 3100 on the stem (other cases receive it
on the ending) and how distant
m 1 11 12
from the ending the syllable
c 207 32 3 1 6 16 1 266
stressed is. The letter a is for a
-j- 1821 114 22 43 5 2005 start-firm (tvirtapradė priegaidė)
accent and the letter b – for an
-ia end-firm (tvirtagalė priegaidė) and
-ė f 2668 2895 14 30 125 14 1 202 59 6008 short stressed vowel. The single
m 4 4 digit with a letter means that the

c 2 6 7 4 19 stress falls on the third syllable

from the ending; if the stress falls
-is f 50 2 7 10 76 1 99 10 255
on the fourth syllable from the
m 1 1 2 6 10 1 3 3 27
ending, the mark is 34a or 34b,
c 3 1 1 3 8 there are also nouns having stress
- in the fifth (35a, 35b) and sixth
7 2 10 19
us (36b) syllable from the ending.
-j- 184 314 1 504
us Here are a few examples of the
- nouns of the third accentuation
pattern, the singular nominative
- and the plural dative and
23 38 1 1 63
accusative cases: akmuõ,
akmenìms, ãkmenis; áugalas,
augaláms, áugalus; žándas,
žandáms, žándus. The first
declension also include nouns
stressed in the more distant from
the ending syllable than the next-
to-last, but their stress is steady
through the cases and is always
clear from the nominative singular.

In the left column the nominative singular endings of words, grouped by declensional paradigms, are written: -as, -is, -ys, -ias
(masculine gender) – the first; -a (-ia), -ė (feminine gender; some other) – II; -is (feminine, some other) – III; -us (-ius) (masculine) –
IV; -uo (masculine; two feminine) – V. The palatalized variants of -as, -a, -us types, that is, -ias, -ia, -ius, are counted together with
those having -j- before the inflectional ending: -j-as, -j-a, -j-us.

The letters f, m, c mean gender: f – feminine, m – masculine, c – common (is understood as either of the genders). The column under
the abbreviation alt. is for alternative forms, for instance, a word grobuonis 2, 3a c – predator (of the third declension), can be
accentuated in two types: (2) grobuõnis, grobuõnies, grobuõniui; (3a) grobuonìs, grobuoniẽs, gróbuoniui.

-as -j-as -is -ys -ias

1. výras - man, male, pienas vė́jas - wind, brólis - brother, sotis - – élnias - deer
- milk, skruostas - cheek šilójas - heather, satiety, gruodis - (also
ling; veikė́jas - December, kūjis - accented
agent, actor, hammer, dilbis - elnias 2)
vartótojas - forearm, jautis - bull,
consumer ox, pojūtis - sense,
2. sõdas - garden, metas - galvijas - cow žõdis - word, skonis - –
specific time (to do smth, (cattle); yahoo, taste, lygis - level, kelis
for smth), padas - sole, šalavijas - salvia, - knee, medis - tree,
metatarsus, ginklas - sage valgis - dish, meal,
weapon, varžtas - screw, karštis - heat
kuras - fuel
3. stógas - roof, óras - – – arklỹs - horse, (1) vélnias -
weather, žándas - face pavyzdỹs - devil
part down from example, obuolỹs -
cheekbone, kalnas - apple
mountain, beržas - birch,
aidas - echo, augalas -
4. krãštas - region; edge, (4) kraũjas - blood, – kepsnỹs - roast, (2) kẽlias -
strazdas - trush, ledas - pelėjaĩ pl. - molds fry, genỹs - road, svẽčias
ice, penas - food, (fungi), kapojaĩ pl. woodpecker, - guest
pabulum, sniegas - snow, - chaffed fodder, vabzdỹs - insect
vardas - name, kulnas - klijaĩ pl. - glue
heel, laikas - time, dugnas
- bottom
-a (-ia) -ė
1. vė́tra - windstorm, scud, pė́da 3 - foot, lova - bed, lūpa dróbė - linen, dìldė - rasp, kárvė - cow, pagálvė - pillow,
- lip, líepa - linden, July; duona - bread, spurga - vaivórykštė - rainbow, daržóvė - vegetable
doughnut, kaina - price, koja - leg, pérėja - crosswalk,
vartótoja - user
2. rankà - hand, arm, putà - froth, vietà - place, valià - brãškė - strawberry, žẽmė - earth, prẽkė - commodity,
will, galià - power piẽnė - sowthistle, vìrvė - rope, raidė (3, 4) - letter, ùpė -
river, bìtė - bee, pùsė - side, half, striùkė - jacket
3. galvà - head, burnà - mouth, pėdà 1 - foot, apačià - versmė̃ - fount, spring, varškė̃ - curd, aikštė̃ - square,
bottom, underpart plaza
4. vėsà - chill, dienà - day, lentà - board, wood cut, dainà srovė̃ - stream, kėdė̃ - chair, dėžė̃ - box, vertė̃ - value,
- song, pradžià - beginning erdvė̃ - space, eilė̃ - queue, row

-is -uo -us -ius -j-us

1. nósis - nose, rė́muo 1 (also rėmuo there is one proper (2) ámžius - age, rytójus - tomorrow,
krósnis; masculine: 3a) - waterbrash word: Jė́zus - stálčius - drawer kritèrijus - criterion
(1) gẽležuonys pl. - Jesus (furniture); there is
adenitis equorum, also one proper
strangle word: Vìlnius
2. dùrys pl. - door, – (7) Tur ̃gus - market sõdžius - village, pavõjus - danger
gaĩštis - dallying; place, cùkrus - vaĩsius - fruit,
masculine: (1) sugar baldžius - furniture
pirmuõnys pl. (also maker
deguõnis - oxygen;
deguonis 3b is a
rarer variant)
3. širdìs - heart, obelìs akmuõ - stone 3b, (2) sūnùs - son, – –
- apple tree, vanduõ - water 3a lietùs - rain
smegenys pl. -
brain; masculine:
(19) debesìs - cloud,
žvėrìs - beast
4. naktìs - night, žuvìs - (1) šuõ - dog (10) medùs, alùs, – –
fish, sritìs - area, viršùs, vidùs,
district, vinìs - nail, piẽtūs pl. - dinner;
spike, pirtìs -, šalìs, the south
griñdys - floor,
flooring; masculine:
(3) dantìs - tooth,
petỹs - shoulder,
ropuonìs - reptile
(used word is roplỹs

The first declension, -as, -is, -ys, -ias.

Names of -as type have vocative -ai instead of -e of common nouns: Jõnas - Jõnai, Tòmas - Tòmai. Common nouns
sometimes have this ending, it is usual for a word tė́vas: tė́vai and tė́ve.
Words having -j- before the ending -as (vė́jas – wind, naudótojas – user) have two differences of declensional cases
from other -as words; -j- is soft sound and the locative for these words is like in soft -is / -ys / -ias type (mẽdyje,
kepsnyjè, kelyjè), but with a vowel changed where needed for an easier pronunciation: vė́jyje, but naudótojuje.
Vocative is also different: vėjau, naudótojau (naudotoje would sound the same to naudótoja, which is feminine
(nominative and vocative) form of the same word. The vocative is similar for -as m and -ė f words: ą́ žuolas – oak :
ą́ žuole and ẽglė – spruce : ẽgle). This form is sometimes present in other cases: nom. brólis : voc. bróli and brolaũ,
vélnias : vélniau. Many of these -j- words are made with an actors (personal, not for things) suffix -ėjas m, -ėja f, -t-ojas
m, -t-oja f: veĩkti 'to act, affect; operate' – veikė́jas 'actor, character'; naudóti 'to use' – naudótojas 'user'.
There are only a few -ias words, they are declined like -ys words, except some cases: nominative for kẽlias,
nominative and vocative for elnias - elni, and vélnias - vélniau.
-is and -ys words differ in that, that -is words (with the short i sound) are stressed on the stem (I, II accentuation
patterns) and -ys words (with the same, but long sound) are stressed on the ending (III, IV accentuation patterns). In -
is type almost half of the nouns has consonants t, d in the ending of a stem (these consonants change when
palatalized: mẽdis nom. - mẽdžio gen. etc.; in -as type paradigm, for example, there are no cases with palatalization:
vardas - vardo etc.). In -ys type about 12% of nouns have t, d ending stem.

The second, -a (-ia), -ė (gen. sg. -ės)

a type; twelve nouns are of masculine gender: viršilà 2 – warrant-officer, sergeant, barzdylà 2 – bearded one (person)
(gen. barzdỹlos; it can also be heard barzdýla 1, barzdýlos; this is either a mistake and outcome of nivellation of
accents or a type of word formation without changing an accent, compare adjectives, for example, ausýlas m, -a f
'sharp-eard'), vaivadà – voivode (historical office) (it is attributed to be of the 2 accentuation type in vocabularies, but it
is of 3 or 1 if used in language: vaivadà 3, dat. vaĩvadai or vaĩvada 1), maršálka 1 – historical office: mareschalus,
marshal. 265 - of common gender: mušeikà 2 (1) – scrapper, bruiser, personà 2 – personage, nebrendilà 2 –
immaturely behaving person (in language can also be heard nebrendýla 1, nebrendylà 2), nekláužada 1 – tinker (kid),
namìsėda 1 – home-keeping, who sits at home. Two words have -i ending: martì 4 – daughter-in-law, patì 4 – wife
(more like older).
ė type; four nouns are masculine: dė̃dė 2 – uncle, tė̃tė 2 (more used or equal variant is tė̃tis 2) – dad, dailìdė 2 –
carpenter, woodworker and ciùcė 2 – doggy (in kid speech). 19 words are of common gender: garsenýbė 1 –
renowned (person, thing), tauškalỹnė 2 – wind-bag, gasser, mėmė̃ 4 – gawk, spiegėlė̃ 3b – who shrieks too much (the
latter word, for example, is not very likely to be heard, a word spieglỹs, -ė̃ 4 would probably occur). The t, d stems in -ė
are present in the following percentage through the four accentuation paradigms: I – 15%, II – 35%, III – 23%, IV –

The third, -is

There were 245 feminine and 24 masculine nouns in this class. 6 nouns have common gender: (the first three can also
be attributed to masculine gender[2]) palikuõnis 2, 34b 'progeny, offspring', grobuõnis 2, 3a 'predator', žiniuõnis 2, 4
'knower; witchdoctor', delsuonìs 3b 'who is dallying', giežuonìs 3b 'tiresome, sour (person)', vagìs 4 'thief'. Some other
-uonis words are attributed to a masculine gender, for example, geluonìs 3b (2) – sting, deguõnis 2 (3b) (here in the
table given as 3b, while 2 accentuation pattern is probably more used) – oxygen. A word vinìs f, c 4 'nail, spike' is also
sometimes understood as of common gender. The singular dative is -iui for the common gender, like in masculine
nouns. The biggest part of these words have -t- stem. The second accentuation pattern is the rarest, among its
examples are: durys pl. 2 'door', slistis 2 (4) 'simulation', gaištis 2, 4 'dallying' (the two latter can also be accentuated in
the fourth paradigm), masculine: pirmuõnys pl. – protozoa, deguõnis (3b) – oxygen. Words with a suffix -m-en-, for
example, ãšmenys pl. 3b – blade, sė́dmenys pl. 3a – buttocks, nates, nẽšmenys pl. 3b – silts, sediments carried by a
water stream, are attributed to the third declensional pattern here, but they are of the fifth: the singular (can be used
for all, but is not usual for all) nom. is -uo: sėdmuõ – buttock. The singular instrumental is -imi, like in the third
declension, while for masculine words of the fifth declension the proper ending is given to be -iu; but -imi can also be
and is chosen for the words of the fifth declension.

The fourth, -us, -ius

There are only 19 words with a non-palatalized ending, and more -j-us, and -ius words.

The fifth, -uo, -ė (gen. sg. -ers)

The number of words of this class is small. The words are of the third accentuation pattern; one word, šuõ – dog, is of
the fourth and has sg. inst. -imì. One, or maybe even some more, word is of the first accentuation pattern, rė́muo –
waterbrash (it can also be accentuated in the third pattern).
About 45% of all nouns are feminine, 55% – masculine.

Grouping by a syllable nucleus of a pre-desinential syllable

In the tables below the possibilities of syllable nucleus of the next-to-last syllable and their accent is shown. The different sound of a
next-to-last syllable makes no grammatical distinction, for example, words nóras – wish and kū́nas – body, are of the same
declensional and accentuation patterns. But there are a few certain differences in the accentuation features of the nucleus sounds of the
next-to-last syllable. Most of the vocals and diphthongs can have either of the accents: a start-firm or an end-firm. Short a, e sounds,
when they are in a stem of a word and stressed, lengthen and have always an end-firm accent; i, u are short and there is no accentual
differentiation in their stress. Mixed diphthongs a, e + l, m, n, r have the first element lengthened when stressed in a start-firm accent,
when in i, u + l, m, n, r and a diphthong ui the first element remains short in the same case. The words having ą, ę in a pre-desinential
syllable are not included here because of the lack of declensional types. Some examples: rą̃ stas 2 – balk, timber; žąsìs 4 – goose; ąsà 4
– handle; kę́sas 3 – hassock.
The four different accentuation patterns are distinguished by two different colors in the rows of the table, their sequence is from the top
to the bottom – I, II, III, IV. The words of each accentuation type are given in the following sequence of the declensional types:

The first declension (masculine)

-is (I-II accentuational pattern) / -ys (III-IV accentuational patterns) and a few -ias words. Their genitive singular is -
The second declension (feminine)

-a (-ia)

The third declension (mostly feminine, few masculine): -is; genitive singular is -ies
The fourth declension (masculine): -us (-ius)
Some spaces of the tables are not filled, but this does not mean that there are no words which would fit. The sounds a, e (end-firm when
stressed) and i, u (short) can not be start-firm and consequently the word having them in the next-to-last stressed syllable can not be of
the first and the third accentuation pattern. Some of the declensional types include few words, for example there are only two words of
the third accentuation pattern in the fifth declension: sūnùs and lietùs. The number of words (Dictionary of contemporary Lithuanian
language / Dabartinės Lietuvių kalbos žodynas; the fourth issue, 2000) of the declensional patterns can be checked in the section above.

The numbers are written after some of the words in the tables. They mean an alternative existent accentuation pattern and are given
only for some of the words, which have an alternative accentuation in a language. Notice that the type of accentuation of a word is
shown by the place in the table and the number added means only an alternative accentuation type, which is not necessarily the main
one. Some of the alternative accentuation patterns of a word are used equally (then they are given not in brackets here), some are
known from dialects, not preferred (then they are given in brackets).

Here are some illustrations of the alternative accentuation: a word nykštỹs 3 is also commonly said nýkštis 1; zýlė 1 is also known as
zylė̃ 3 in some dialects, but this form is used more narrowly and not shown here. Similarly, a word rýkštė 1 is also known as rykštė̃ 4;
this is shown in the table. In a case of šálmas 3 – helmet, the variant šalmas 4 is also very common. The alternative forms are most
usually present between the 1-3 and 2-4 accentuation patterns, same in the type of an accent. But there are also different cases, for
example, rýkštė 1 and rykštė̃ 4. The fourth accentuation paradigm can be result of a shift of the third paradigm. The shift can happen
following nivellation of the two accents, a loss of accentual contrast. In a case of nivellation of the start-firm and end-firm accents the
distinction between the 3-4 and 1-2 loses its ground, because in a place of the stress the 1 with the 2, the 3 with the 4 acentuation
groups differ only in a few cases.

Among the words given in the table, some are older, for example, ver ̃pstė 2 – distaff, sker ̃džius 2 – chief cowherd, butcher, and some
other. Some words are borrowings: bánkas 1 – bank, tánkas 1 – tank, dùrpės - peat, turf and some other. Old borrowings: vỹnas 2 (4) –
wine, blỹnas 2 – pancake, rõžė 2 – rose, rūtà 2 (4) – rue, slyvà 2 (4) – plum, vyšnià 2 (1) – cherry, and some other.

o ė y ū i.e. uo
nóras - vė́jas - wind výras - man, kū́nas - body píenas (pl púodas -
wish male liū́nas - bog 1, 3) - milk pot
plótas - týrai pl. - svíestas šúoras -
area, large empty (3) - gust, air-
stretch stretches butter blast
sóstas - sývai pl. - skrúostas -
throne, liquid part of cheek
stool smth.
brólis - pavė́sis - cooler place blýksnis - sū́ris - cheese kíetis - šúolis -
brother in a shade flash kū́jis - hammer artemisia jump
sótis - nýkštis 3 - kū́gis - cone (geometry) (plants) slúoksnis -
satiety thumb layer
klónis - súopis -
dene, buzzard
hollow rúonis -
mólis - clay seal
úošvis -
kója - leg vė́tra - windstorm, scud gýsla - lū́pa - lip líepa - úoga -
lóva - bed lė́šos pl - fund, means thread, vas kū́dra - pond, mere linden berry
pė́da 3 - foot ýda - defect, píeva - dúona -
vice meadow bread
síena - kúosa -
wall jackdaw
dróbė - zýlė - tit kíelė (3) - úošvė -
linen, cloth (birds) wagtail mother-in-
rópė - rýkštė (4) - law
turnip rod, switch
lýsvė - bed
nósis - klė́tis - barn, granary nýtys pl. - lū́šis - lynx íetis -
nose harness for rū́šis (3) - sort; species spear,
krósnis - warp kliū́tis (4) - obstacle; javelin
stove, hurdle
tóšis -
upper layer
of birch
sõdas - dė̃klas - encasement sklỹpas 4 - bū̃das - mode; nature luõtas (1) -
garden kė̃nis - fir (abies) plot, parcel dugout,
skrõblas - vỹnas - wine cockleshell
hornbeam blỹnas -
žõdis - vė̃sis - cool lỹgis - level bū̃vis - state, existence kiẽtis - guõlis -
word bė̃giai - metal, railing skỹstis - dū̃ris - prick hardness lying place;
skõnis - smė̃lis - sand liquid, fluid; smū̃gis - punch; thwack viẽnis - bearing
taste liquidity rū̃gštis - sourness oneness (mechanical)
lõbis - miẽžis -
treasure barley
sriẽgis -
kopà - vyšnià - rūtà - rue (plant) vietà -
dune cherry place
slyvà - plum
rõžė - rose nė̃gė - lamprey (fish) lū̃gnė - nuphar piẽnė -
(krū̃tis) 4 - breast (womans')
sõdžius - skỹrius - spiẽčius -
village departament; close
rõjus - chapter cluster,
paradise swarm
(often for
stógas - krė́slas 1 - easy chair rýtas - grū́das - grain stíebas - lúobas -
roof pė́das - sheaf morning stipe thick peel
kótas - dríežas - úodas -
shaft, lizzard mosquito
óras - air;
lokỹs - vėžỹs (4) - crayfish nykštỹs (1) -
bear thumb
pėdà 1 - foot skiedrà (kuopà) 1 -
(4) - company
sliver, (military)
brėkšmė̃ - dusk, break
(around suset or before
rūgštìs (1) - acid
(rūšìs) 1 - sort; species
sūnùs - son lietùs -
lõpas - rū̃kas - fog sniẽgas - kuõlas -
patch snow stake,
kiẽmas - picket
šiẽnas -
lovỹs - vėžlỹs - turtle ryšỹs - link, būrỹs - squad; huddle kvietỹs 3
trough, bond rūsỹs - cellar, vault - wheat
chamfer plyšỹs -
korỹs - interstice,
honeycomb opening
žmonà - vėsà - cool bylà - pūgà - blizzard dienà - puotà -
wife bėdà - trouble, grief lawsuit, stūmà - repulsion (physics) day feast;
tvorà - mėsà - meat cause šviesà - beanfeast
fence tylà - silence light uolà - rock
vorà - liepsnà -
queue, file flame
srovė̃ - gėlė̃ - flower skylė̃ - hole, žūklė̃ - fishing miẽlės pl duobė̃ (3) -
current, kėdė̃ - chair slot - yeast pit, hollow
stream dėžė̃ - box rievė̃ - uoslė̃ -
notch, smell;
groove scent
lytìs - sex, krūtìs (2) - breast (womans')
gender griūtìs - avalanche, fall
vytìs -
switch, rod
žmogùs - piẽtūs pl.
man - dinner;
(human) south

au ai ei a e i u
šáukštas - káimas - véidas - face
spoon village,
jáutis - bull, stáibis 2 - dial.
ox shin; forearm
for birds:
sáuja - káina - price
sáulė - sun váišė - regale méilė - love
kriáušė - láimė - luck,
pear happines
báimė - fear
gaũbtas - saĩtas 4 - pleĩštas 1 - pãdas - mẽtas - specific sprìgtas - bùtas -
hood bond; leash wedge, shim sole, time flip, flick flat
skliaũtas 4 - žaĩzdras 4 - reĩdas - raid metatarsus (to do smth.; of smth.) kùras -
vault forge, hearth žãbas - fuel
(architecture) switch,
aũlas 4 - stick
bootleg; lãbas -
sheatheable good,
thing welfare
paũkštis - raĩštis - band, peĩlis - knife vãris - kẽlis - knee
bird tie copper mẽdis - tree
plaũtis - lung kaĩštis - spile, sẽnis - old
kriaũšis (4m, plug
4f) - steep
balà - girià - putà -
puddle forest froth
raũdė - rudd raĩdė 4 - kreĩvė (4) - brãškė - žẽmė - earth, bìtė - bee ùpė -
kiaũlė - pig letter curve, graph strawberry ground river
(kriaũšė) - skaĩdrė (4) - prẽkė - commodity, pùsė -
steep slope slide, item half, side
transparency kẽkė - raceme, striùkė -
cluster jacket
gaĩštis 4 - slìstis (4) dùrys pl
dallying, - - door
waste of time simulation
vaĩsius - fruit; cùkrus -
growth sugar
skaĩčius -
number; digit
šiáudas - dáiktas - méistras -
straw thing master
máuras - (material) (artist);
slime, algae láiškas - letter craftsman
áidas - echo
aikštė̃ -
square, field
sraũtas - maĩstas - veĩksmas - krãštas - lẽdas - ice klijaĩ pl. - dùgnas -
flow, torrent food act, action edge; pẽnas - pabulum glue floor,
laukas - field; žaĩbas - country kẽras - plant bottom
outside thunder smãkras - sinuous
džiaugsmas - žaĩslas - toy chin ramification
joy laĩkas - time kãras - war
kraũjas - laĩdas -
blood cable, lead
šaulỹs - gaidỹs - dagỹs - kepsnỹs - roast, fry drugỹs -
rifleman, rooster thistle krepšỹs - basket, butterfly,
shooter vabzdỹs - bag moth;
straublỹs - insect genỹs - woodpecker shake,
trunk, kẽlias - road shiver
proboscis svẽčias - guest
(kriaušỹs 2m
4f) - steep
briaunà - dainà - song šeimà - girà -
edge, brow gaivà - fresh family kvass
klausà -
šaulė̃ - raidė̃ 2 - eilė̃ - row katė̃ - cat skruzdė̃
shooter slide, - ant
raukšlė̃ - transparency
ausìs - ear gaištìs 2 - naktìs - sritìs - ugnìs -
šlaunìs - dallying, night area fire
thigh waste of time šalìs - vinìs - pusnìs -
(kriaušìs 2m country nail, spike snowdrift
4m) - steep žuvìs -
slope fish
alùs - beer medùs - honey vidùs -
midùs -

al el am em an en
káltas - chisel, kéltas - bánkas - bank lénkas -
boaster ferryboat tánkas - tank Pole
méldas -
sámtis - ladle
málka - firewood gélda - bámba - lémpa - lamp
billet trough, navel
dálba - pole, stick tub támsta -
address to a
kálvė - smithery, kélnės pl. pémpė - lapwing néndrė -
forge - trousers reed
pélkė - ménkė - cod
váltis - boat pántis - tether péntis - thick
ántis - duck side of a
ánkštis - pod, pulse sharp
stálčius - drawer ámžius - age
baldai pl. - gañdras 4 - stork beñdras -
furniture confederate,
valgis - meal, dish, kam̃štis - skrañdis - stomach sleñkstis -
food plug, cork añtis - slash of threshold
alksnis - alder sam̃tis - garment at the
dalgis - scythe ladling bosom; place inside
(action) it to the girdle
añkštis - lack of
valkà - draught rankà - hand; arm
palvė - flat place in šveñtė -
terrene side feast,
behind shore celebration
dunes skleñdė 4 -
beñdrė - see
baldžius - furniture
maker (person)
kálnas - mountain délnas - kémsas - žándas - face side
šálmas 4 - helmet palm, flat hassock below a cheekbone
of a hand lángas - window
kélmas -
galvà - head
balnas - saddle pelnas - kam̃pas - lañkas - bow
valksmas - haul of profit angle; corner (weapon)
a fishing net; gañdas - hearsay,
track of lumber rumour
dragging krañtas (dial. 2, 1) -
waterside, shore
žaltỹs (3) - grass kamblỹs - kremblỹs -
snake; colubrid stipe; squat gnarly tree
dramblys -
kalbà - language lankà - meadow, lentà -
spalvà - colour hollow board; wood
algà - salary dangà - covering cut
valkà - puddle bandà - herd; loaf
kaltė̃ - guilt; fault templė̃ - elastic tankmė̃ - thicket sklendė̃ (2) -
string (of a bow valve; latch
dantìs - tooth
dangùs - sky

ar er ir ur
tárpas - gap ìrklas - oar, paddle dùrklas - dagger
tvártas - cattle-shed
žárdas (3 2) - rack
from poles
žvìrblis - sparrow gùrkšnis - swallow, gulp
vìržis - heather, ling kùrmis - mole (animal)
žìrnis - pea
várna - crow stìrna - roe, hind spùrga - doughnut
žárna 3 - bowel; hose gìrna - millstone
kárvė - cow šnérvė 4 - nostril dùrpės - peat
kérpė - lichen
šérpė - burr, tear off
kártis - long slender kìrkšnis 3 (4) - groin
pole svìrtis (4, 3, 2) - lever;
var̃žtas - screw ner̃štas - spawning skir̃pstas - field elm Tur̃tas - wealth, property
var̃tai pl. - gate sver̃tas - lever; fig. pur̃slas 4 (1) - spatter,
kar̃tas - time leverage spray
or occurrence)
kar̃štis - heat ver̃šis - calf tvir̃tis - strength of
kar̃šis - bream material, toughness
virkščià - stem of some
gramineous plants
(pea, potato)
pirkià (4) - dial. house,
cottage (traditional)
gar̃dė - barrier wood ver̃pstė - distaff vir̃vė - rope
in a side of a horse
der̃lius - yield, Tur̃gus - market, mart
sker̃džius - chief
cowherd; butcher
dárbas - work bérnas - boy, lad; spìrgas - crackling spùrgas - hop cone; bud;
(older) hind, hired (food) catkin
hand žìrgas (4) - riding horse ùrvas - cave; burrow
béržas - birch
šérnas (4) - wild
arklỹs - horse
burnà - mouth
varškė̃ - curd versmė̃ - fount,
širdìs - heart
kirkšnìs 1 (4) - groin
var̃das - name šer̃kšnas - vir̃bas - rod, switch pur̃vas - mud, dirt
gar̃sas - sound hoarfrost, rime dir̃žas - belt (clothing);
kar̃klas 2 - willow, ver̃slas - trade, strap
osier enterprice, business pir̃štas - finger
gar̃das - animal stall ver̃ksmas - cry
siurblỹs - pump; (dulkių
siurblys) vacuum cleaner
čiurlỹs - swift
varžà - resistance; skerlà - sliver, shiver purkšnà - mizzle, spraying
impedance (physics)
barzdà - beard
tarmė̃ - dialect vertė̃ - value
dermė̃ - tone, fitness erdvė̃ - space
varlė̃ - frog veržlė̃ - nut
tartìs - pronunciation, šerdìs (3 1) - core pirtìs - steambath
viršùs - top

il ul im um in un
tìltas - bridge tùntas 4 -
miltai pl. - flour swarm,
dìlbis - forearm mùlkis - ninny, kùmštis - fist vìngis (2)
ìltis - fang gull, noodle - winding,
stùlgis - (older) curve
dagger lìnkis -
kùlšis - haunch, bend,
thigh (mostly curvature
used for chicken
smìlga - bentgrass tìmpa - vìnkšna - plùnksna -
vìlna - wool elastic string elm feather
drìmba 2 - (ulmus
ponderous laevis)
person spìnta -
(derisive) cabinet
kìnka -
rare side
of a leg
about a
knee level
dìldė - rasp tùlpė - tulip dùmplės pl. - bellows pìnklės pl.
dùlkė - particle (2) - trap,
of dust, mote gin
bùlvė - potato
skìltis (3) - segment pìntis -
of a fruit, vegetable; amadou
section in a recurring
dulksmas 4 - stum̃bras - wisent iñdas -
dust rise dum̃blas 4 - silt dishware,
tiñklas -
giñklas -
skilvis - gizzard kum̃pis - ham skliñdis - suñkis -
pancake gravitation
liñksnis -
rinkà - sunkà -
market strained
gulbė - swan drum̃zlė 4 - bliñdė (4)
sediment - great
vilnis 4 - wave
skiltìs 1 - (see 1)
vilkas - wolf stulpas - pole, rim̃bas - gum̃bas - knag; tuñtas 1 -
pilvas - belly shaft, pillar knout; whip lumb swarm,
kulnas - heel flock
pulkas -
skilvỹs 2 - gizzard stulgỹs - great krumplỹs (2) -
snipe knuckle; cog
dulksnà - sunkà 2 -
drizzle strained
drumzlė̃ 2 - sediment
vilnìs 2 - wave kulkšnìs (1) -


In Lithuanian language adjectives have three declensions determined by the singular and plural nominative case inflections. Adjectives
are matched with nouns in terms of numbers, genders, and cases. Unlike nouns, which have two genders – masculine and feminine,
adjectives have three (except -is, -ė adjectives), but the neuter adjectives (the third example in the table) have only one form and are not
inflected. The neuter gender is formed simply by eliminating the last consonant -s from the masculine gender forms.

Declension Singular nom. Plural nom. inflection Examples

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
šáltas, šaltà, (šálta) – cold; šlápias, šlapià, (šlápia) –
I -(i)as -(i)a -i -(i)os
wet, soppy;
gražùs, gražì, (gražù) – pretty, beautiful; malonùs,
II -us -i -ūs -ios
malonì, (malonù) – pleasant;
-is -ė -iai -ės varìnis, varìnė – copper; laukìnis, laukìnė – wild;
III dìdelis, dìdelė – big; dešinỹs, dešinė̃ – right; kairỹs,
-is -ė -i -ės
kairė̃ – left.

All the adjectives (except most -inis type adjectives) can have pronominal (definite) forms that cannot acquire the neuter form:

Declension Singular nom. Plural nom. inflection Examples

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
I -(i)asis -(i)oji -ieji -(i)osios šaltàsis, šaltóji – the cold; šlapiàsis, šlapióji – the wet;
gražùsis, gražióji – the pretty, the beautiful; malonùsis,
II -usis -ioji -ieji -iosios
malonióji – the pleasant;
-is -ė -iai -ės ―
III didỹsis, didžióji – the big, the great; dešinỹsis,
-ysis -ioji -ieji -iosios
dešinióji – the right; kairỹsis, kairióji – the left.

The pronominal adjectives historically have developed from the combination of the simple adjectives and the respective pronominal
forms jis, ji (he, she), that is, gẽras + jìs = geràsis; an example in locative case (feminine gender): gražiosè + josè = gražiósiose. They
have their own separate declension paradigms.

Pronominal adjectives have a variety of purposes in modern Lithuanian. One of them is the definitiveness, that is, these adjectives can
sometimes act like an equivalent of the definite article in English: Suvalgiau raudoną obuolį – I’ve eaten a red apple; Suvalgiau
raudonąjį obuolį – I’ve eaten the red apple. But they are rarely used this way, as demonstrative pronouns serve better for this purpose.
Pronominal adjectives often indicate something unique, thus they are usually used with proper names: Juodoji jūra, Vytautas Didysis,
Naujoji Zelandija. Another use (and a very common) is scientific terminology: kvapusis mairūnas, dėmėtoji pelėda, standusis diskas
etc. In almost all of these cases, a simple adjective can be used, but it will mean a completely different thing: juoda jūra (instead of
Juodoji jūra) means any sea that is black (not necessarily the particular sea in Eastern Europe); dėmėta pelėda (instead of dėmėtoji
pelėda) means any owl that has dots on its plumage (not necessarily an owl of the Strix occidentalis species) etc.

Most of the first type adjectives of the third declension are with the suffix -in-. These are easily made from other parts
of speech by adding the suffix -in-. When made from verbs, they are mostly made from a past passive participle: vìrti –
to boil, vìrtas – boiled, virtìnis – which is boiled, made by boiling. Consequently, the suffix is -t-in- for such adjectives.
Such variants of verbal derivation easily become nouns (declined in noun declension paradigm), in this case it is a
noun virtìnis – dumpling (with mushrooms; curd; etc.; but dumplings with meat are called koldūnai).
Two adjectives of the third declension have long -ys: dešinỹs – right, kairỹs – left; plural nominative is dešinì, kairì;
plural dative: dešiníems, kairíems. A short form of dìdelis, dìdelė is dìdis, didì (similar to pats, pati). Dešinys, kairys,
didis have neuter gender of the u pattern: dešinu, kairu, didu. Pronominal forms: didỹsis, didžióji, dešinỹsis, dešinióji.
An adjective didelis, didelė hasn't pronominal forms. The word didis has more mingled forms: nominative is sometimes
didus; genitive masc.: didžio / didaus; accusative: didį (/ didų); plural masc. nom. didūs; other forms are of the regular
Some other forms having variations in a standard language: pė́sčias, pėsčià, pė́sčia – pedestrian, afoot; pėsčiàsis,
pėsčióji and pėstỹsis, pėsčióji (adjectival and substantival meanings).

In the following examples of noun and adjective matching, gatvė – street and kelias – road are matched with tiesus – straight:

Tiesi gatvė vs. tiesios gatvės (singular vs. plural)

Tiesi gatvė vs. tiesus kelias (feminine vs. masculine)
Tiesi gatvė vs. tiesią gatvę (nominative vs. accusative case)
This does not apply in case of the neuter gender adjectives because nouns do not have neuter gender. Such adjectives are used in
combination with other parts of speech having no gender (infinitive, some pronouns) or in zero subject sentences and tend to describe a
general environment. For example, rūsyje buvo vėsu (zero subject sentence) – it was cool in the cellar; gera tave matyti (the gender
neutral infinitive (matyti) is the subject) – it's good to see you. Moreover, adjectives in neuter can be used as an object (and in some
cases – as a subject) as well (a rough equivalent of English "that what is" + adjective): jis matė šilta ir šalta – he saw [that what is] cold
and hot (he went through fire and water). Adjectives that end in -is do not have the neuter gender. Most of the time neuter gender
adjectives are written just like feminine adjectives. However, vocally, neuter gender is distinct by different stressing. Also neuter
gender does not have any numbers or cases, and it is mostly used for predicatives. Usage in the role of object (like in "jis matė šilta ir
šalta") is rare.

Degrees of comparison
The Lithuanian language has five degrees of comparison. The three main degrees are the same as in English language. Note that there
are no irregular adjectives and all adjectives have the same suffixes. All such adjectives still need to match the nouns in terms of case,
number, and gender. Neuter gender comparative degree is the same as adjective comparative degree.

Language Gender absolute comparative superlative

Masculine Gẽras Gerėlèsnis Gerèsnis Geriáusias Pàts/visų̃ geriáusias
Lithuanian Feminine Gerà Gerėlèsnė Gerèsnė Geriáusia Patì/visų̃ geriáusia
Neuter Gẽra Gerėliaũ Geriaũ Geriáusia Visų̃ geriáusia
English Good A tiny bit better Better Best The very best
Masculine Gražùs Gražėlèsnis Gražèsnis Gražiáusias
Feminine Gražì Gražėlèsnė Gražèsnė Gražiáusia Patì/visų̃ gražiáusia
Neuter Gražù Gražėliaũ Gražiaũ Gražiáusia Visų̃ gražiáusia
A tiny bit more More Most
English Beautiful The most beautiful
beautiful beautiful beautiful
Adjectives of different degrees can also have their pronominal forms:

Language Gender absolute comparative superlative

Masculine Geràsis Geresnỹsis Geriáusiasis
Lithuanian Feminine Geróji Geresnióji Geriáusioji
Neuter – – –
English The good The better The very best
Masculine Gražùsis Gražesnỹsis Gražiáusiasis
Lithuanian Feminine Gražióji Gražesnióji Gražiáusioji
Neuter – – –
English The beautiful The more beautiful The most beautiful

Lithuanian has no grammatical category of animacy. Pronouns (including personal ones jis, ji, jie, jos (he, she, they)) replace any noun,
regardless if it is not animate (people, animals, objects etc.). Whom did you see? and What did you see? both translate as Ką tu matei?;
Something is there and Somebody is there both translate as Ten kažkas yra.

Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns aš (I), tu (you) jis (he, it), ji (she, it) are declined as follows:

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Locative

1st person aš manęs man mane manimi manyje
2nd person tu tavęs tau tave tavimi tavyje
Masculine jis jo jam jį juo jame
3rd person
Feminine ji jos jai ją ja joje
Reflexive pronoun – savęs sau save savimi savyje
1st person mes mūsų mums mus mumis mumyse
2nd person jūs jūsų jums jus jumis jumyse
Masculine jie jų jiems juos jais juose
3rd person
Feminine jos jų joms jas jomis jose

Reflexive pronoun
The reflexive pronoun savęs is declined like tu (savęs - sau - save ...), but it does not have the singular nominative and plural cases.

Every Lithuanian verb belongs to one of three different conjugations:

The first conjugation is the most commonly found in Lithuanian, encompassing those verbs whose infinite form ends in
-ati, -oti, -auti, -uoti or a consonant followed by -ti (e.g. dirbti). This conjugation also has the highest occurrence of
irregularity of all the Lithuanian verb cases.
The second conjugation refers to those verbs whose infinitive form ends in -ėti. There are hardly any instances of
irregularity for this conjugation. An exception: verbs that have -ėja in the Present Tense (like didėti / didėja / didėjo 'to
increase') belong to the first conjugation.
The third conjugation consists of those verbs whose infinitive form ends in -yti. An exception: verbs that have -ija in
the Present Tense (like rūdyti / rūdija / rūdijo 'to rust') belong to the first conjugation.
In Lithuanian every single verbal form can be derived from three stems: infinitive, 3rd person present tense and 3rd person past tense.

Lithuanian verbs belong to one of the following stem types:

primary (verbs without suffixes: pykti, pyksta, pyko ʽto be angry’). This group encompasses most of the verbs with
irregular or unpredictable forms;
mixed (verbs with suffixes in certain forms: mylėti, myli, mylėjo ʽto love’);
suffixal (verbs with suffixes in all forms: didėti, didėja, didėjo ʽto increase’).
The 3rd person of every conjugatable verbal form in Lithuanian has no distinction between numbers: all the singular, dual and plural
forms have merged into one single form. Declinable forms (such as compound tenses and passive structures), however, must match
according to gender and number. This is a shared feature with its closest relative, the Latvian language.

Modern Lithuanian grammarians no longer consider the 3rd person as having an ending, instead it is now called the "final stem vowel"
to which a personal ending is attached in order to make the 1st and the 2nd persons:

Simple Reflexive
Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st u me uosi mės
2nd i te iesi tės
3rd Ø Ø + si

In reality, however, the attachment of the respective ending to the 3rd person stem is not straightforward and requires additional
conversion, e. g. if the 3rd person stem ends in -a, the attachment of the ending -u to make the 1st person form produces -u instead of
the expected -au. Moreover, certain notable forms have dropped the final vowel in the 3rd person (future tense, conditional mood),
however, the forms for other persons are still composed having the stem vowel in mind (dirbti to work → dirbs he will work →
dirbsime we will work). Each one of these conversions are being represented in the following conjugation tables.

Active voice
The active voice in Lithuanian has four moods:


Indicative mood
In the active voice, the indicative mood contains 4 simple and 7 compound tenses.

In each tense five examples are given: three belonging to each conjugation group (dirbti, norėti, skaityti), one reflexive (praustis) and
būti – the only auxiliary verb in Lithuanian.

Present tense
This is the basic tense in Lithuanian which describes present or ongoing actions or, sometimes, actions without definite tense. Its forms
and stress patterns are always derived from the 3rd person of the Present tense.
dìrbti = norė́ti = skaitýti = praũstis = to bū́ti = to be bū́ti = to be bū́ti = to be
to work to want to read wash oneself (es- stem) (būn- stem) (būv- stem)
I dìrbu nóriu skaitaũ prausiúosi esù būnù būvù
dìrbi nóri skaitaĩ prausíesi esì būnì būvì
He/She/It dìrba nóri skaĩto praũsiasi yrà / ẽsti bū̃na bū̃va
We dìrbame nórime skaĩtome praũsiamės ẽsame bū̃name bū̃vame
dìrbate nórite skaĩtote praũsiatės ẽsate bū̃nate bū̃vate
They dìrba nóri skaĩto praũsiasi yrà / ẽsti bū̃na bū̃va

E.g. dirbu = 'I work', (tu) nori = 'You want', skaitome = 'We read' (present tense).

The auxiliary verb bū́ti has two conjugations in the Present tense: an irregular one (based on es-/yr- stems) and a regular one (based on
the būn- / būv- stem). The difference is that the stem bū̃n-/bū̃v- has an iterative meaning (to be frequently): Mokiniaĩ yrà pasiruõšę –
The pupils are ready; Mokiniaĩ bū̃na pasiruõšę – The pupils are often ready. The 3rd person form ẽsti is semantically equivalent to
bū̃na or bū̃va, but is rarely used in modern Lithuanian. The bū̃v- stem is very rare in modern Lithuanian.

In the -i conjugation type, the 1st person of singular loses the final stem vowel -i, but the last stem consonant becomes palatalized (the
sound [ɪ] is absent in nóriu [n̪ôːrʲʊ], the letter i merely denotes palatalization). If the stem ends with a consonant -d, it becomes -dž:
girdėti to hear → girdi he hears → girdžiu I hear.

The accentuation of all persons always corresponds to the accentuation of the 3rd person. The only exception is when its accented
syllable is penultimate (excluding the reflexive formant -si) and has a short vowel (bìjo – he is afraid) or a rising tone (skaĩto – he
reads, praũsiasi – he washes himself): in that case the 1st and the 2nd persons of singular move the stress to the ending: bijaũ, bijaĩ;
skaitaũ, skaitaĩ; prausiúosi, prausíesi.

Past tense
This is the basic tense in Lithuanian which describes past actions (ongoing or complete). Its forms and stress patterns are always
derived from the 3rd person of the Past tense.

dìrbti = to norė́ti = to skaitýti = to praũstis = to wash

bū́ti = to be
work want read oneself
I dìrbau norė́jau skaičiaũ prausiaũsi buvaũ
dìrbai norė́jai skaiteĩ prauseĩsi buvaĩ
He/She/It dìrbo norė́jo skaĩtė praũsėsi bùvo
We dìrbome norė́jome skaĩtėme praũsėmės bùvome
You (plural) dìrbote norė́jote skaĩtėte praũsėtės bùvote
They dìrbo norė́jo skaĩtė praũsėsi bùvo

E.g. dirbau = 'I worked', norėjai = 'You wanted', skaitėme = 'We read' (past tense)

In the -ė conjugation type, the last stem consonant becomes palatalized. If the stem ends with a consonant -t or -d, in the 1st person of
singular it becomes -č or -dž respectively: kęsti to suffer → kentė he suffered → kenčiau I suffered; melsti to beg → meldė he begged
→ meldžiau I begged.

The accentuation of all persons always corresponds to the accentuation of the 3rd person. The only exception is when its accented
syllable is penultimate (excluding the reflexive formant -si) and has a short vowel (bùvo – he was) or a rising tone (skaĩtė – he read,
praũsėsi – he washed himself): in that case the 1st and the 2nd persons of singular move the stress to the ending: buvaũ, buvaĩ;
skaičiaũ, skaiteĩ; prausiaũsi, prauseĩsi.

Past iterative tense

The basic meaning of this tense translates as "used to" in English. Its construction is simple:

Remove the infinitive ending -ti (the stress pattern is always the same as the infinitive).
Add the suffix -dav- to the stem.
Finally, add the corresponding ending of the past tense for the first conjugation.

dìrbti = to norė́ti = to skaitýti = to praũstis = to wash

bū́ti = to be
work want read oneself
I dìrbdavau norė́davau skaitýdavau praũsdavausi bū́davau
dìrbdavai norė́davai skaitýdavai praũsdavaisi bū́davai
He/She/It dìrbdavo norė́davo skaitýdavo praũsdavosi bū́davo
We dìrbdavome norė́davome skaitýdavome praũsdavomės bū́davome
You (plural) dìrbdavote norė́davote skaitýdavote praũsdavotės bū́davote
They dìrbdavo norė́davo skaitýdavo praũsdavosi bū́davo

E.g. dirbdavau = 'I used to work', norėdavai = 'You used to want', skaitydavome = 'We used to read'

Future tense
This tense basically describes what will happen in the future. It is relatively simple to form:

Remove the -ti ending from the infinitive form of the verb.
Add the -s- suffix which is used to form the Future Tense. Note, that ...š or ...ž + -s- assimilates to š without the final s
(the infinitive vežti 'to transport' gives vešiu, veši, veš etc. in the Future Tense). In case the stem itself ends with a
final ...s, it is eliminated as well: kąsti (to bite) → kąs.
Add the appropriate ending.
All the persons in this tense are completely regular (and retain the stress position and intonation of the infinitive),
except for the 3rd one. The latter of this tense changes depending on several rules:
a) If the 3rd person’s form is stressed in the final or the only syllable with a falling tone (without the inclusion of the reflexive formant -
is), it is systematically replaced with a rising tone (kalbė́ti (to speak) → kalbė̃s, pramogáuti (to entertain oneself) → pramogaũs;
aukótis (to sacrifice oneself) → aukõsis (the reflexive formant does not count)). This rule does not apply to cases when there the last
syllable is not stressed (sáugoti (to protect) → sáugos).

b) Primary verbs acquire a short vowel i or u (instead of long y or ū) when the infinitive and the present tense has a long vowel, but the
past tense has a short vowel: (lýti (to rain): lỹja, lìjo → lìs; pū́ti (to rot): pū̃va, pùvo → pùs, most importantly: bū́ti (to be): bū̃na,
bùvo → bùs).

dìrbti = to norė́ti = to skaitýti = to praũstis = to wash

bū́ti = to be
work want read oneself
I dìrbsiu norė́siu skaitýsiu praũsiuosi bū́siu
dìrbsi norė́si skaitýsi praũsiesi bū́si
He/She/It dir ̃bs norė̃s skaitỹs praũsis bùs
We dìrbsime norė́sime skaitýsime praũsimės bū́sime
You (plural) dìrbsite norė́site skaitýsite praũsitės bū́site
They dir ̃bs norė̃s skaitỹs praũsis bùs
E.g. dirbsiu = 'I shall work', norėsi = 'You will want', skaitysime = 'We shall read'

Compound tenses
Compound tenses are periphrastic structures having temporal meanings usually relative to actions indicated by other verbs. Two groups
of such tenses exist in modern Lithuanian: Perfect and Inchoative. All of them require an auxiliary verb būti (to be) in its respective
form and an active voice participle.

Perfect tenses
There are four perfect tenses in Lithuanian (present, past, past iterative and future) which are all formed using the verb būti in its
respective tense and person as well as the active past simple participle in its respective number and gender:

Present perfect Past perfect Past iterative perfect Future perfect

buvau skaitęs / būdavau skaitęs / būsiu skaitęs /
I esu skaĩtęs / skaĩčiusi
skaičiusi skaičiusi skaičiusi
You būdavai skaitęs /
esi skaitęs / skaičiusi buvai skaitęs / skaičiusi būsi skaitęs / skaičiusi
(singular) skaičiusi
He/She/It yra skaitęs / skaičiusi buvo skaitęs / skaičiusi būdavo skaitęs / skaičiusi bus skaitęs / skaičiusi
esame skaĩtę / buvome skaitę / būdavome skaitę / būsime skaitę /
skaĩčiusios skaičiusios skaičiusios skaičiusios
esate skaitę / buvote skaitę / būdavote skaitę / būsite skaitę /
You (plural)
skaičiusios skaičiusios skaičiusios skaičiusios
buvo skaitę / būdavo skaitę /
They yra skaitę / skaičiusios bus skaitę / skaičiusios
skaičiusios skaičiusios

These tenses (except for present perfect) correspond roughly to equivalent English perfect tenses (I had read / I will have read). They
are used in various contexts for very different meanings, but they usually indicate an action that happened before another action said
with another verb, noun or similar: Tos knygos neėmiau, nes jau ją buvau skaitęs – I didn’t take that book because I had already read
it; Po kelionės vaikai bus labai pasiilgę tėvų – After the trip the children will have badly missed their parents.

They are also used for a generalized meaning not associated with a specific event (equivalent of English "Have you ever done it?"): Ar
esi buvęs Paryžiuje? – Have you ever been to Paris [any time in your life]?; Esu skaitęs, kad vaistai nuo peršalimo nepadeda – I read
[some time ago] that pharmaceuticals are useless against common cold.

Compare phrases: Ar buvai Paryžiuje? – Were you in Paris [that day]?; Skaičiau, kad vaistai nuo peršalimo nepadeda – I read [that
day, at a specific moment in my life] that pharmaceuticals are useless against common cold.

The perfect tenses are a common feature of the Lithuanian language and are often used in all types of spoken and written speech.

Inchoative tenses
There are three inchoative tenses in Lithuanian (past, past iterative and future) which are all formed using the verb būti in its respective
tense and person, as well as the active present simple participle in its respective number and gender, complemented with the prefix be-.
Note the absence of the present inchoative tense.
Past inchoative Past iterative inchoative Future inchoative
I buvau beskaitąs / beskaitanti būdavau beskaitąs / beskaitanti būsiu beskaitąs / beskaitanti
buvai beskaitąs / beskaitanti būdavai beskaitąs / beskaitanti būsi beskaitąs / beskaitanti
He/She/It buvo beskaitąs / beskaitanti būdavo beskaitąs / beskaitanti bus beskaitąs / beskaitanti
buvome beskaitą / būdavome beskaitą / būsime beskaitą /
beskaitančios beskaitančios beskaitančios
You (plural) buvote beskaitą / beskaitančios būdavote beskaitą / beskaitančios būsite beskaitą / beskaitančios
They buvo beskaitą / beskaitančios būdavo beskaitą / beskaitančios bus beskaitą / beskaitančios

These tenses mostly indicate an action that was interrupted by another action said with another verb. They correspond roughly to
English "...was about to do something, when": Tėvas buvo beskaitąs laikraštį, bet kažkas paskambino – The father was about to read a
newspaper, but someone called.

They can also indicate an action that have started and is still going on during another action (equivalent of English continuous tenses),
but they are almost never used in such a way: Kai grįši namo, motina bus bemieganti – When you will get back home, the mother will
be sleeping.

Inchoative tenses are not a part of common Lithuanian speech, their use is limited to literary language and even there only past
inchoative tense is ever used.

Indirect mood
The indirect mood in Lithuanian has all and the same tenses (including compound tenses) as the indicative mood, but is not conjugated.
Instead of being composed of a conjugatable verb, they are made of pure active participle in nominative case, thus they must match the
gender and number of the subject.

Singular Plural
Present skaitą̃ s, skaĩtanti skaitą̃ , skaitančios
Past skaĩtęs, skaĩčiusi skaĩtę, skaĩčiusios
Past iterative skaitýdavęs, skaitýdavusi skaitýdavę, skaitýdavusios
Future skaitýsiąs, skaitýsianti skaitýsią, skaitýsiančios
Present perfect esą̃ s skaĩtęs, ẽsanti skaĩčiusi esą̃ skaĩtę, ẽsančios skaĩčiusios
Past perfect bùvęs skaitęs, bùvusi skaĩčiusi bùvę skaitę, bùvusios skaĩčiusios
Past iterative perfect bū́davęs skaĩtęs, bū́davusi skaĩčiusi bū́davę skaĩtę, bū́davusios skaĩčiusios
Future perfect bū́siąs skaĩtęs, bū́sianti skaĩčiusi bū́sią skaĩtę, bū́siančios skaĩčiusios
Past inchoative bùvęs beskaitą̃ s, bùvusi beskaĩtanti bùvę beskaitą̃ , bùvusios beskaĩtančios
Past iterative inchoative bū́davęs beskaitą̃ s, bū́davusi beskaĩtanti bū́davę beskaitą̃ , bū́davusios beskaĩtančios
Future inchoative bū́siąs beskaitą̃ s, bū́sianti beskaĩtanti bū́sią beskaitą̃ , bū́siančios beskaĩtančios

The indirect mood, sometimes called "participle speech", has multiple uses, but primarily denote actions not experienced directly by the
speaker and bearing a high degree of uncertainty: Čia kažkada stovėjusi tvirtovė – [I’m not really sure, it seems like] some time ago
there stood a fortress here.

Another widely known use of the indirect mood is describing actions in fictional literature (especially folklore) (could be considered as
an equivalent of French Passé simple, except that in Lithuanian it is not limited to the past): Kartą gyvenęs kalvis, kuris turėjęs du
sūnus – Once there lived a smith who had two sons.
In modern Lithuanian this mood is not very widely used, because other ways of expressing uncertainty and fictional events exist.

Imperative mood
The imperative mood has three forms or tenses (simple, perfect and inchoative). The simple form of the 2nd person of singular, the 1st
and the 2nd persons of plural is very regular:

Remove the infinitive ending -ti (the stress pattern is always the same as the infinitive).
Add the suffix -k- to the stem.
Finally, add the corresponding ending.
The 3rd person imperative is sometimes called the "optative mood" and has numerous equivalent forms:

By adding a simple grammatical prefix te- to the 3rd person of the present tense (tedìrba – let him work). Used
moderately often.
By adding a simple grammatical prefix te- to the 3rd person of the present tense and replacing the ending with -ie or -
ai (tedirbiẽ – let him work, teskaĩtai – let him read). Obsolete / rare.
By adding one of the particles tè, tegùl, tegù, laĩ before the 3rd person of the present tense (or sometimes the future
tense): tegùl dìrba – let him work, laĩ skaĩto – let him read. Used very often.

dìrbti = to norė́ti = to skaitýti = to praũstis = to wash

bū́ti = to be
work want read oneself
I —
dìrbk(i) norė́k(i) skaitýk(i) praũskis būk(i)
tedirbiẽ / tenoriẽ / teskaĩtai / teesiẽ / tebūniẽ /
He/She/It tesiprausiẽ / tesipraũsia
tedìrba tenóri teskaĩto tebùs
We dìrbkime norė́kime skaitýkime praũskimės bū́kime
You (plural) dìrbkite norė́kite skaitýkite praũskitės bū́kite
tedirbiẽ / tenoriẽ / teskaĩtai / teesiẽ / tebūniẽ /
They tesiprausiẽ / tesipraũsia
tedìrba tenóri teskaĩto tebùs

The imperative mood is used to describe an action that the speaker wants another person to do: Duok pinigų! – Give me some money!
Iš pradžių įleiskime svečius. – Let us at first invite the guests in. This mood is actively used in modern Lithuanian.

The 2nd person of singular has its ending -i only in poetry / fictional literature. The usage of this ending is usually an indication of
poetic style.

The perfect and inchoative forms are composed of the auxiliary verb būti in its simple imperative form and of an active participle of
the main verb, matched according to gender and number of the person:

Perfect Inchoative
I —
You (singular) būk skaitęs / skaičiusi būk beskaitąs / beskaitainti
He/She/It tebūnie skaitęs / skaičiusi tebūnie beskaitąs / beskaitainti
We būkime skaitę / skaičiusios būkime beskaitą / beskaitainčios
You (plural) būkite skaitę / skaičiusios būkite beskaitą / beskaitainčios
They tebūnie skaitę / skaičiusios tebūnie beskaitą / beskaitančios

Imperative perfect means an instruction of the speaker that has to be completed before some other event: Pirmadienį jau būkite
apsisprendę – Please have already made your decision until Monday. This form is actively used in modern Lithuanian.
Imperative inchoative means an instruction of the speaker that has to be started before some other event and continued afterwards: Kai
grįšiu, būkite bedirbą – When I’ll come back, please be working. This form is obsolete.

Conditional mood
The conditional mood has three forms or tenses (simple, perfect and inchoative). It is very regular to form:

Remove the infinitive suffix -ti (the stress pattern is always the same as the infinitive).
Add the respective suffix and ending.

dìrbti = to norė́ti = to skaitýti = to praũstis = to wash

bū́ti = to be
work want read oneself
I dìrbčiau norė́čiau skaitýčiau praũsčiausi bū́čiau
dìrbtum(ei) norė́tum(ei) skaitýtum(ei) praũstumeisi bū́tum(ei)
He/She/It dìrbtų norė́tų skaitýtų praũstųsi bū́tų
We² dìrbtu(mė)me norė́tu(mė)me skaitýtu(mė)me praũstu(mė)mės bū́tu(mė)me
You (plural)²,³ dìrbtu(mė)te norė́tu(mė)te skaitýtu(mė)te praũstu(mė)tės bū́tu(mė)te
They dìrbtų norė́tų skaitýtų praũstųsi bū́tų

¹The longer form with the ending -ei is used very rarely in modern Lithuanian.

²In modern colloquial speech the shorter forms actually retain the -mė- syllable, but remove the final -e (except for reflexive verbs):
dirbtumėm, skaitytumėt.

³A shorter form without -mė- does exist, but is used very rarely.

This mood is actively used in modern Lithuanian and one of its functions corresponds to the English conditional mood. The conditional
mood is used to describe a hypothetical action that could take place if certain conditions were met (hence the name) or a desired action
in present or in future: Panaikinus muitus, sumažėtų prekių kainos – Having eliminated customs duties, prices would go down.
Conditional mood is used in conditional (if) sentences; this usage requires conditional mood in subordinate and main clauses if both
actions are perceived as hypothetical: Visi laimėtų, jeigu priimtumėte šį pasiūlymą. – There would be a win-win situation for everyone
if you accepted this offer.

Another very important function of conditional mood is the expression of purpose in final clauses (corresponds to Subjunctive mood in
English): Dirbu viršvalandžius, kad uždirbčiau daugiau. – I work extra hours so that I earn more.

The third function of conditional mood is the expression of politeness: Siūlyčiau panagrinėti šią temą kitu kampu. – I would like to
suggest to examine this topic from a different angle.

The perfect and inchoative forms are composed of the auxiliary verb būti in its simple conditional form and of an active participle of
the main verb, matched according to gender and number of the person:

Perfect Inchoative
I būčiau skaitęs / skaičiusi būčiau beskaitąs / beskaitainti
You (singular) būtum skaitęs / skaičiusi būtum beskaitąs / beskaitainti
He/She/It būtų skaitęs / skaičiusi būtų beskaitąs / beskaitainti
We būtume skaitę / skaičiusios būtume beskaitą / beskaitainčios
You (plural) būtumėte skaitę / skaičiusios būtumėte beskaitą / beskaitainčios
They būtų skaitę / skaičiusios būtų beskaitą / beskaitančios
Conditional perfect is actively used in modern Lithuanian. It means a hypothetical action in the past that would have taken place if
certain conditions had been met (corresponds to the semantically equivalent form in English): Vadovas būtų pritaręs renginiui, bet
niekas nerodė iniciatyvos. – The leader would have approved the event, but nobody showed initiative.

Inchoative conditional means an action that could have started in the past and continued until present if certain conditions were met: Jei
jis būtų paklaũsęs mano patarimo, šiandien būtų besimáudąs turtuose. – If he had listened to my advice, today he would be rolling in
money. This form is obsolete.

Passive voice
In Lithuanian passive voice is always analytical and structured differently than the active voice. Passive voice has no perfect and no
inchoative tenses, because similar semantic relationships can be expressed by the present / past passive participle dichotomy.

Passive voice is always composed of the auxiliary verb būti in its respective tense / person and either a present passive participle or a
past passive participle that must match the gender and number of the subject. Sometimes the necessity participle can be used as well.
In order to avoid redundancy, the following table only includes the third (masculine) person of singular.

Present passive Past passive

Present yra baigiamas yra baigtas
Past bùvo baĩgiamas buvo baigtas¹
Indicative mood
Past iterative bū́davo baigiamas būdavo baigtas
Future bùs baigiamas bus baigtas
Present esą̃ s baigiamas esąs baigtas
Past bùvęs baigiamas buvęs baigtas¹
Indirect mood
Past iterative bū́davęs baigiamas būdavęs baigtas
Future bū́siąs baigiamas būsiąs baigtas
Imperative mood tebūnie baigiamas tebūnie baigtas
Conditional mood būtų baigiamas būtų baigtas

¹This form for all persons can expressed using the passive (invariable) neuter gender participle bū́ta instead of the active participle
bùvęs, usually for intransitive verbs: Prieš tai mes buvome [buvę] apsilankę muziejuje → Prieš tai mūsų būta apsilankyta muziejuje. –
Before that we had gone to a museum → Before that it had been gone by us to a museum. This structure is rarely used in modern

The subject of the active voice is converted to the passive voice using its possessive genitive form (hence aš, tu (I, you) converts not
into manęs, tavęs, but mano, tavo): Vaikus pagimdei tu, bet užauginau aš → Vaikai buvo tavo pagimdyti, bet mano užauginti. – You
gave birth to the children, but I raised them → The children were given birth by you, but raised by me.

Passive voice structures with present participle are the passive equivalents of active voice simple tenses: Mokslininkai atranda tolimas
planetas → Tolimos planetos yra mokslininkų atrandamos – Scientists discover distant planets → Distant planets are being discovered
by scientists. Kaime bijodavo vilkų → Kaime būdavo bijoma vilkų – Village [people] used to fear wolves → Wolves used to be feared
by village [people].

Passive voice structures with past participle are the passive equivalents of active voice perfect tenses: Siuntinį paštas bus pristatęs iki
Kalėdų → Siuntys bus pašto pristatytas iki Kalėdų – The post office will have delivered the parcel until Christmas → The parcel will
have been delivered by the post office until Christmas. Už tokį poelgį tave būtų pagerbę → Už tokį poelgį būtum pagerbtas – One
would have praised you for such a behaviour → You would have been praised for such a behaviour.
Because of the flexibility offered by the neuter gender, in Lithuanian most active voice structures can be converted into passive voice,
including intransitive, reflexive and even impersonal verbs. A transitive example (some or most of the English translations are literal,
do not make sense in English and are shown only to give an idea):

Tinginys valgo duoną → Duona yra tinginio valgoma – A lazy one is eating bread → Bread is being eaten by a lazy
An intransitive example: Vaikai smagiai pažais ir nueis miegoti → Vaikų bus smagiai pažaista ir nueita miegoti –
Children will play pleasantly and then go to sleep → It we be played pleasantly and then gone to sleep by children.
A reflexive example: Šeimos pykdavosi dėl menkniekių → Šeimose būdavo pykstamasi dėl menkniekių – The families
used to quarrel for nothing → It used to be quarrelled in the families for nothing.
An impersonal example: Po vakarykštės audros daug prilijo → Po vakarykštės audros daug prilyta – There is a lot of
rain water after yesterday’s storm – It has been a lot of rain water after yesterday’s storm.
Generally in modern Lithuanian absence of the subject has a very limited use (except for impersonal verbs). In cases where an active
voice structure would have no subject or there is no need for it (except for impersonal verbs), a passive voice equivalent is used instead:
Čia nerūko! → Čia nerūkoma! – [Nobody] smokes here! → No smoking here! (The subject would be too broad). Skubiai išnuomoja
dviejų kambarių butą. → Skubiai išnuomojamas dviejų kambarių butas. [Someone] is urgently renting a two-room apartment. → A
two-room apartment is urgently for rent. (The subject is not necessary).

The opposite case is true as well. If a passive voice structure has an agent expressed in the genitive case, an active voice structure is
preferred: Pilietinė visuomenė turi būti skatinama vyriausybės. → (more common) Vyriausybė turi skatinti pilietinę visuomenę. – A
civil society should be promoted by the government. → The government should promote a civil society.

Lithuanian retains a rich system of participles, fourteen in total. In contrast English contains just two: the present participle ("the eating
cow") and the past participle ("the eaten cow").

Adjectival participles decline as adjectives, while adverbial participles are not declined.[2] (

In Lithuanian participles are very important part of every type of speech. All of them have their own function, but not all are used
equally often.

Adjectival participles
Adjectival participles have all the adjectival characteristics: three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), pronominal forms, mostly
identical declension and sometimes even degrees of comparison. Their primary function is to describe a nominal part of speech (usually
a noun), like any adjective would in their position, hence they are matched by gender, case and number with the noun they are

They can be active or passive. In the following tables only nominative case forms are given.

The verb used is baĩgti (to finish).

Active (non pronominal forms):

Simple Reflexive
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
baigią̃ s / besibaigią̃ s / besibaĩgianti / besibaigią̃ /
Present baĩgianti baigią̃
baĩgiantis besibaĩgiantis / baĩgiąsis baĩgiantis baigią̃ si
Past baĩgęs baĩgusi baĩgę baĩgęsis baĩgusis baĩgęsi
baĩgdavęs baĩgdavusi baĩgdavę baĩgdavęsis baĩgdavusis baĩgdavęsi
baigsią̃ s /
Future baĩgsianti baigsią̃ baĩgsiąsis baĩgsiantis baĩgsiąsi

Active (pronominal counterparts):

Simple Reflexive
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Present baigiantỹsis baigiančióji – besibaigiantỹsis besibaigiančióji –
Past baigusỹsis baigusióji – (pa)sibaigusỹsis¹ (pa)sibaigusióji¹ –
Past iterative – – – – – –
Future baigsiantỹsis baigsiančióji – (pa)sibaigsiantỹsis¹ (pa)sibaigsiančióji¹ –

¹This form only exists for verbs with prefixes (except for be-).

One of the main functions of active participles is to describe a characteristic of a noun related to some ongoing, past or
future action in which the said noun is the agent: migruojantys paukščiai – migrating birds, nepatyręs vairuotojas –
inexperienced driver, pablogėsiančios darbo sąlygos – working conditions that will worsen. Only present, past simple
and future active participles can fulfill this function.
Another function of active participles is to describe a secondary action performed by the sentence subject before
the main action: Atidariusi langą mergina grožėjosi tekančia saule. – Having opened the window, the girl admired the
sunrise. This function is limited to the past simple participle and is one of its most common uses. If there is a need to
describe a secondary action performed by the sentence subject at the same time as the main action, the pusdalyvis
must be used instead (present active participle does not have this function): Atidarydama langą mergina grožėjosi
tekančia saule. – While opening the window, the girl admired the sunrise. See "Adverbial participles" for further
The third, a somewhat rarer, function is to explain (precise) another verb by indicating a secondary action of which the
subject is the agent: Kaltinamasis prisipažįsta padaręs nusikaltimą ir labai dėl to gailisi. – The defendant confesses
having committed the crime and sincerely regrets it. If the subject is not the agent expressed in the nominative
case of a noun or a pronoun, an adverbial participle must be used instead.
Passive (non pronominal forms):

Simple Reflexive
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Present baĩgiamas baigiamà baĩgiama (už)sibaĩgiamas² (už)sibaigiamಠbaĩgiamasi
Past baĩgtas baigtà baĩgta (už)sìbaigtas² (už)sibaigtಠbaĩgtasi
Past iterative —
Future baĩgsimas baigsimà baĩgsima (už)sibaĩgsimas² (už)sibaigsimಠbaĩgsimasi
Necessity baĩgtinas baigtinà baĩgtina (už)sibaĩgtinas² (už)sibaigtinಠbaĩgtinasi

Passive (pronominal counterparts):

Simple Reflexive
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Present baigiamàsis baigiamóji – (už)sibaigiamàsis² (už)sibaigiamóji² –
Past baigtàsis baigtóji – (už)sibaigtàsis² (už)sibaigtóji² –
Past iterative —
Future baigsimàsis baigsimóji – (už)sibaigsimàsis² (už)sibaigsimóji² –
Necessity baigtinàsis baigtinóji – (už)sibaigtinàsis² (už)sibaigtinóji² –

²This form only exists for transitive verbs with prefixes (except for be-). In Lithuanian reflexive verbs can be transitive: susipinti
plaukus – to plait one’s hair [to oneself].

Passive voice present participles and the necessity participles can acquire degrees of comparison if their meaning allows it: mėgti (to
like) → mėgstamas (favourite), mėgstamesnis (more favourite), mėgstamiausias (the most favourite); būti (to be) → būtinas
(necessary), būtinesnis (more necessary), būtiniausias (the most necessary).

The necessity participles are used to describe something that has to be done: Įsidėmėtinos rašybos atvejis – A spelling case one has to
pay special attention to. Abejotina, ar mums pavyks – It is to be doubted if we succeed. Mostly limited to official styles, but certain
participles are actively used in colloquial speech as well, some of them being considered more adjectives than verbs: Jis suimtas už
pasibaisėtiną elgesį su gyvūnais – He was arrested for an appalling behaviour with animals. (Pasibaisėtinas = one that has to be

Main passive participles mainly denote actions that have impact upon nouns they describe: statomas namas – a house that is being
built, iškeltas klausimas – a question that has been raised, vykdysimas įsakymas – an order that will be obeyed. Future passive
participles are rare in modern speech.

Present passive participles very often have an active meaning, especially if the verb is intransitive, and are one of the terminology
building tools: kuliamoji mašina – a threshing machine, taupomasis bankas – a savings bank, grįžtamasis ryšys – a feedback. If the
verb is transitive, it can be used in its intransitive meaning in form of a present passive participle: gydomasis vanduo – healing water.
Compare: geriamasis vanduo – drinking water. The difference in those cases is only semantic (water cannot be healed, thus it is
accepted that gydomasis vanduo denotes water having healing properties, but not water being healed).

Adverbial participles
As the name suggests, adverbial participles have the characteristics of an adverb and are used to describe the verb instead of the
subject. There are three types of such participles: padalyvis ("sub-participle"), pusdalyvis ("half-participle") and būdinys ("descriptive
participle"). These forms are not conjugatable, although the pusdalyvis has feminine and masculine genders for both singular and
plural. These forms do not have equivalents in English or other languages (except Latvian), the given translations of these names are ad

Simple Reflexive
Present padalyvis baĩgiant baĩgiantis
Past padalyvis baĩgus baĩgusis
Past iterative padalyvis baĩgdavus baĩgdavusis
Future padalyvis baĩgsiant baĩgsiantis
baĩgdamas (sg M), baigdamà (sg F) baĩgdamasis (sg M), baĩgdamasi (sg F)
baigdamì (pl M), baĩgdamos (pl F) baĩgdamiesi (pl M), baĩgdomosi (pl F)
Būdinys (I) baigtè –
Būdinys (II) baigtinaĩ –
The primary function of the padalyvis is to indicate an action that is happening at the same time (present padalyvis) or
before (past padalyvis) the event said with the main verb, of which the sentence subject is not the agent: Lauko
darbus mes dirbome saulei šviečiant (present padalyvis) – We were doing the field works the sun shining; Skaniai
pavalgius malonu pamiegoti (past padalyvis) – Having eaten a delicious meal, it is pleasant to take a nap.
The primary function of the pusdalyvis is to indicate a simultaneous, but secondary action done by the sentence
subject in nominative case (it must be matched according to gender and number with the said subject): Lauko darbus
mes dirbome dainuodami – We were doing the field works while singing. In this case the present padalyvis
participle can be used as well: Lauko darbus mes dirbome dainuojant, but this time the sentence will mean: We were
doing the field works while someone else was singing. A secondary action done previously by the sentence
subject can be expressed with adjectival past simple participle: Lauko darbus mes dirbome padainavę – We were
doing the field works having sung. When used with the preposition prieš (before), pusdalyvis and padalyvis denote a
secondary action in future: Lauko darbus mes dirbome prieš dainuodami. – We were doing the field works before
singing. Lauko darbus mes dirbome prieš dainuojant. – We were doing the field works before someone else
started to sing.
This table shows the participle usage in temporal adverbial phrases:

Past action Simultaneous action Future action

Sentence subject is the agent Past simple adjectival participle Pusdalyvis Prieš + pusdalyvis
Sentence subject is not the agent Past padalyvis Present padalyvis Prieš + padalyvis

Another function of the padalyvis is to explain (precise) another verb by indicating a secondary action of which the
subject is not the agent: Vartydamas seną albumą, prisiminiau mus šiame ežere maudydavusis – While seing an
old photo album, I remembered us having used to swim in this lake. If the subject is the agent, an adjectival participle
must be used instead.
This table shows the participle usage as an object.:

Simultaneous Multiple actions in

Past action Future action
action the past
Sentence subject is Present adjectival Past simple adjectival Past iterative adjectival Future adjectival
the agent active participle active participle active participle active participle
Sentence subject is
Present padalyvis Past padalyvis Past iterative padalyvis Future padalyvis
not the agent

The būdinys (the descriptive or intensifying participle) reinforces the meaning of the verb being described: Šaukte
šaukiausi pagalbos, niekas neatsiliepė – I was shouting loudly for help, nobody answered. Type I būdinys is used
relatively often in some written and colloquial speech. Type II būdinys is very rare and can only be found in literary
language. Their primary function is the same. In some grammars they are not considered verbs, but adverbs derived
from verbs.

Grammatical aspect
All Lithuanian verbs can be characterized by their aspect which can be either perfective or imperfective. Nevertheless, this important
dichotomy is semantical, rather than expressed by purely grammatical means.[3] Formally distinguishing an imperfective verb from its
perfective counterpart is not possible, since those forms are not mutually exclusive or interdependent. Moreover, certain grammatical
categories (like past iterative tense) automatically negate any perfectiveness a certain verb might have in infinitive or in other tenses.
The opposite is true as well: a different tense (like an inchoative or perfect tense) of an otherwise imperfective verb automatically
grants a perfective meaning. Contrary to Slavonic languages, each and every Lithuanian verb, in spite of its aspect, has all tenses and
forms described in previous chapters of this article.

Nevertheless, certain very general rules can be laid down to detect the aspect of a verb in Lithuanian.

The imperfective aspect of a verb means the continuity of an action or a repetitiveness of a completed action. The imperfective aspect
can sometimes implied by:

The absence of a prefix for certain verbs: dìrbti – to be working, šaũkti – to be shouting, krìsti – to be falling.
The presence of a suffix (except for -er(ė)ti, -el(ė)ti) combined with the absence of a prefix for certain verbs: maldáuti
– to be begging, mė́tyti – to be throwing [multiple times], šokinė́ti – to be jumping [constantly, multiple times].
The impossibility for certain verbs to be used without a prefix: užgaulióti – to be bullying, pãsakoti – to be telling a
The complete or partial change of meaning for certain prefixed verbs: priklausýti – to be in possession (from klausýti
– to listen), pakę̃sti – to tolerate (from kę̃sti – to suffer), atsidúoti – to be stinking (from dúoti – to give).
For some prefixed verbs that merely indicate the ability to do something: panèšti – to be able to carry, nusėdė́ti – to
be able to sit.
The perfective aspect of a verb means the completeness of an action. The perfective aspect can sometimes implied by:

The presence of a prefix for certain verbs: padìrbti – to work for a certain amount of time, pašaũkti – to call, nukrìsti
– to fall. There are very few perfective prefixed verbs that would distinguish themselves from their imperfective
unprefixed counterparts only by their perfective meaning, since any prefix almost always has a semantical nuance.
The presence of the suffix -er(ė)ti or -el(ė)ti: dìrsterėti – to take a glimpse, kúoktelėti – to become insane.
In other cases the aspect is contextual. This might sometimes be implied by:

The absence of a suffix and a prefix for certain verbs:

– mèsti – to throw:

Vakar mečiau darbą – I quit my job yesterday. (perfective)

Visas senas knygas jis metė į šiukšlių dėžę – He was throwing all the old books to the
trash bin. (imperfective)

– gr ̃žti – to come back:

Grįžęs namo, virtuvėje rasi sriubos. – Having come back home, you’ll find some soup in
the kitchen. (perfective)

Grįžtu namo, kol saulė dar nenusileido – I’m going home till the sun is not yet down.

A specific tense in some other cases:

– laimė́ti – to win:

Kol kas mūsų komanda laimi – For the meantime our team is winning. (present tense,

Mūsų komanda laimėjo dideliu skirtumu – Our team [has] won by a big difference. (past
simple tense, perfective)

Verb prefixes

General usage notes

Prefixes are added to verbs to make new verbs that have different color of the primary verb's meaning. The new verb and the primary
verb are considered different words, taking different positions in vocabularies. However their meanings are related, often showing
similarity to being forms of a single verb. In many instances a prefixed verb has no apparent semantical relationship with the primary
verb. Prefixes have mostly restrictive sense, so they restrict the meaning of the primary not prefixed verb to certain direction, amount or
limit of time.

ap- round (direction, perfective)

api- is a variant of ap- before b or p
at- from, from somewhere (direction; place, perfective)
ati- is a variant of at- before d or t
į- in (direction, perfective), be able to (imperfective)
iš- out (direction, sometimes perfective)
nu- away (direction), from the start place (action with some direction, perfective)
pa- a bit, slightly, some time (time or amount, imperfective), till end (for single actions, cf su-, time or amount,
perfective), under (direction, perfective)
par- similar to English (Latin) re- (with some differences; perfective)
per- through (place, perfective), thoroughly, completely (perfective)
pra- by (direction, perfective), starting (time, perfective rarely)
pri- up, to (direction or place, perfective), to the place (of the action) (place, perfective), much, many (amount,
sometimes perfective)
su- from everywhere (direction), together (place, perfective), till end (time, perfective), completely (long or complex
action, perfective)
už- behind (direction, perfective), in (for limited time, cf į-) (direction and time, perfective), suddenly, unexpectedly
(time, perfective)
už- on, over (direction or place), completely (short action, cf. su-, perfective)
There are also three special modifying prefixes that can be used with other prefixed or unprefixed (including reflexive) verbs. They
define different forms of the same verb, rather than a new verb:

ne- is a prefix that makes negative form of a verb: turiù – I have, neturiù – I haven’t.
be- says that an action of a verb:

– takes an undefined amount of time: Šitaip bedirbant galima susigadinti sveikatą – Working
[for a long time] like that one can damage one’s health. This function allows be- to be used as
a dummy prefix for reflexive present tense participles. In that case the reflexive formant moves
right after the prefix, thus avoiding the formation of a complex reflexive ending: džiaũgtis – to
rejoice → džiaũgiantisis – the one (masc., sg. nominative) who rejoices, but more commonly:
besidžiaũgiantis. Other forms besides nominative (džiaũgiančiasis – the ones (fem., pl.
accusative) who rejoice) are not used at all in favour of besidžiaũgiančias etc.

– may be interrupted (see "Inchoative tenses");

– is restrictive (a combination of English "only" and "still"): Ligoninėje jį motina beaplanko –

Only his mother still visits him to the hospital.

te- indicates:

– that an action of a verb is restrictive (equivalent of English "only"): Ligoninėje jį motina

teaplanko – Only his mother visits him to the hospital;

– the 3rd person of the imperative mood (see "Imperative mood").

tebe- indicates that an action of a verb is still ongoing (equivalent of English "still"): Ligoninėje jį motina tebeaplanko –
His mother still visits him to the hospital.
nebe- indicates that an action of a verb is no longer ongoing (equivalent of English "no longer"): Ligoninėje jo motina
nebeaplanko – His mother no longer visits him to the hospital.
A verb cannot acquire more than one prefix, except for ne-, te-, be-, nebe- or tebe-. Only very few words are exception
from this.
The indicator of reflexion -si is used between the prefix and the root if the verb is prefixed, e. g.

nẽšasi but nusìneša, atsìneša

laikýtis but susilaikýti, pasilaikýti
teiráutis but pasiteiráuti

The same rule is applied, when ne-, be-, nebe-, te- or tebe- is added:

nẽšasi but nesìneša, nebesìneša, also nenusìneša, neatsìneša, tebeatsìneša

laikýtis, but nesilaikýti, also nesusilaikýti, nepasilaikýti
teiráutis but nesiteiráuti, also nepasiteiráuti
Stress retraction
Certain Lithuanian verbs have the ability to move their stress to the last prefixed element they acquire. General stress retraction
principles are laid down below.

All prefixes (including ne- type, but not including the prefix per-) acquire the stress only in:

past simple tense forms of primary (monosyllabic stem) verbs. This always happens when the 3rd person has an -
ė ending, its stress would normally fall on its penultimate syllable and this syllable has a short vowel or a rising tone:

baũsti (to punish, monosyllabic stem verb) → baũdė (stress on the penultimate, rising tone) →
nùbaudė, nebenùbaudė etc.
vìrti (to boil, monosyllabic stem verb) → vìrė (stress on the penultimate, short vowel) → ìšvirė,
nebeišsìvirė etc.
kláusti (to ask, monosyllabic stem verb) → kláusė (stress on the penultimate, falling tone, the
rule does not apply) → pakláusė
darýti (to ask, suffixal verb, the rule does not apply) → dãrė (stress on the penultimate,
rising tone) → padãrė

Some present tense forms (primary or mixed stem), but only if the stress of the 3rd person falls on its penultimate
syllable, this syllable is not a suffix and has a short vowel or a rising tone:

kalbė́ti (to speak, suffixal verb) → kalba (stress on the penultimate, no suffix, rising tone) →
sùkalba, tebesìkalba etc.
sukti (to turn, primary verb) → sùka (stress on the penultimate, no suffix, short vowel) →
pàsuka, nèsuka etc.

Past simple accent retraction is regular, present tense accent retraction is sporadic. If a particular verb retracts its
accent in one tense, it does not mean that the other tense will follow suit.
The accent retraction does not depend on a particular prefix (except for per-) and will systematically happen with every
other prefixed structure (a prefix, a ne- type prefix or a reflexive formant). It means that even if dictionaries never
include ne- type prefixes, the stress retraction can be deduced from other prefixed forms that dictionaries do include:

plaũkti (to swim) → išplaũkti (to swim out) → išplaũkia (no retraction, hence: neišplaũkia,
teišplaũkia etc.)
riñkti (to gather) → suriñkti (to gather them all) → sùrenka (retraction does happen, hence:
nèrenka, tèrenka etc.)

The latter rule has two exceptions:

turė́ti (to have) → suturė́ti (to restrain) → sùturi (retraction does happen, but not for ne- type
prefixes of the non-prefixed verbs: netùri, tetùri etc.)
galė́ti (to be able) → išgalė́ti (to afford) → ìšgali (retraction does happen, but not for ne- type
prefixes of the non-prefixed verbs: negãli, begãli etc.)

The prefix pér- always has the falling tone and takes the stress in all parts of speech of that word, ignoring all the other
accentuation rules: pérduoti – to transmit, nebepérsivalgymas – the inability to overeat.

Stem classes
The below given tables are not a full collection of types of conjugation, there can be types in language not included here.

Consonants d, t become s before t in any case in language. In verbs this occurs before a desinence -ti of the infinitive, desinence with -t-
of the past passive participle.

infinitive present tense past tense meaning

III p. sg., III p. sg.,

I p. sg. II p. sg. I p. sg. II p. sg.
pl. pl.

Consonantal non-palatalized stems (it is palatalized in the form of the present II p., but not in the remaining forms).
Sounds of a stem do not change in conjugation, except a common pre-desinential alternation between historically
nasal vowels (in the infinitive) and nasal diphthongs.

áugti áugu áugi áuga áugau áugai augo to grow

bė́gti bė́gu bė́gi bė́ga bė́gau bė́gai bė́go to run

to jump, spring, leap; hop in,

šókti šóku šóki šóka šókau šókai šóko
out; dance

dìrbti dìrbu dìrbi dìrba dìrbau dìrbai dìrbo to work

sė́sti sė́du sė́di sė́da sė́dau sė́dai sė́do to sit down, sit up; mount,
get on (car, plain etc.)

grū́sti grū́du grū́di grū́da grū́dau grū́dai grū́do to thrust; hustle; pestle; tamp

ž ś ti žìndu žìndi žìnda žìndau žìndai žìndo to suck, nurse (at)

ką́ sti kándu kándi kánda kándau kándai kándo to bite

galą́ sti galándu galandi galánda galándau galandai galándo to sharpen, hone

to mount; tread (on); scale,

lìpti lipù lipì lìpa lipaũ lipaĩ lìpo

kìšti kišù kišì kìša kišaũ kišaĩ kìšo to put, slip, poke, stick in

rìsti ritù ritì rìta ritaũ ritaĩ rìto to roll, bowl

sukti suku suki suka sukau sukai suko to turn; bear (to); spin; wrap

supti supu supi supa supau supai supo to swing, sway, rock

lupti lupu lupi lupa lupau lupai lupo to peel; flay; swinge, thrash

to shave; scale, peel,

skùsti skutù skutì skùta skutaũ skutaĩ skùto
scrape; run fast

There is a frequent verb with a consonant of an end of a stem palatalized in the present tense.

léisti léidžiu leidi leidžia leidau leidai leido to let, allow; spend

Alternation between pre-desinential e of the present tense and i of the other forms. Maybe only when the syllable
contains a mixed diphthong (a, e, i, u + sonorant) and it is stressed in the end-firm accent.

sir ̃gti sergù sergì ser ̃ga sirgaũ sirgaĩ sir ̃go to be ill

kirsti kertu kerti kerta kirtau kirtai kirto to cut, fell (by axe); cross,
traverse; strike, smite; pitch
in (food)

vilkti velku velki velka vilkau vilkai vilko to pull, trail, drag

tilpti telpu telpi telpa tilpau tilpai tilpo to get / have enough of
space for oneself: be
contained, go into

rinkti renku renki renka rinkau rinkai rinko to pick; collect

lįsti lendu lendi lenda lindau lindai lindo to be getting into / through
smth.; make a pass at,
intrude, molest, cavil,

A numerous part of the verbs having any of a short vowel – a, e, i, u – in a pre-desinential syllable in infinitive receive
n, m (the latter when before p, b) after these vowels in the present.

tàpti tampù tampì tam̃pa tapaũ tapaĩ tãpo to become

rasti randu randi rañda radau radai rãdo to find

to deteriorate; decay; spoil;

gesti gendu gendi genda gedau gedai gedo

tikti tinku tinki tinka tikau tikai tiko to fit

apnikti apninku apninki apninka apnikau apnikai apniko to obsess, crowd in

migti mingu mingi minga migau migai migo to be / start falling asleep

lipti limpu limpi limpa lipau lipai lipo to stick, cling

to spread, proliferate,
plisti plintu plinti plinta plitau plitai plito

misti mintu minti minta mitau mitai mito to feed on, fare, live on

kisti kintu kinti kinta kitau kitai kito to mutate; vary

blukti blunku blunki blunka blukau blukai bluko to fade

klupti klumpu klumpi klumpa klupau klupai klupo to stumble

justi juntu junti junta jutau jutai juto to sense, feel

A small group of verbs has to be written with a nosinė in the present.

balti bąlu bąli bąla balau balai balo to become white, to whiten

šalti šąla šąli šąla šalau šalai šalo to freeze; to cool; to feel cold

to incline, bow down (hung

karti kąra kąri kąra karau karai karo
things, boughs)

For the verbs, that have start-firm accented mixed diphthongs -il-, -ir- in the pre-desinential syllable in the infinitive,
the vowel i lengthens and receives the end-firm accent in the present tense, if the syllabe becomes open.

to rise; emerge (e.g.

kìlti kylù kyli kỹla kilau kilai kilo

dilti dylu dyli dyla dilau dilai dilo to fray, decay, become dull

to crumble; fall down (for

birti byru byri byra birau birai biro

to disintegrate, decay,
irti yru / irstu yri yra irau irai iro

Cases of alternation between a pre-desinential e of the present tense and i of the other forms in verbs which receive
n, m in the present forms. A word likti has i.e. / i alternation. A word kristi can be conjugated both with -en- / -in- in the
present tense.

skristi skrendù skrendi skrenda skridau skridai skrido to fly

to wade, go on foot through

bristi brendu brendi brenda bridau bridai brido
water, grass etc.

kristi krentu /krintu krenti krinta kritau kritai krito to fall

likti lieku lieki lieka likau likai liko to remain

Stems that are palatalized in the past tense.

to eat (for animals); eat like

ėsti ė́du ėdi ėda ė́džiau ėdei ėdė
an animal; erode

vesti vedù vedi veda vedžiaũ vedei vedė to lead, take smb. to
somewhere; marry (for a
man; for a woman a word is
tekėti, teka, tekėjo)

mèsti metù meti meta mečiau metei metė to throw

to carry by means of
vežti vežu veži veža vežiau vežei vežė
conveyance, by vehicle

nešti nešu neši neša nešiau nešei nešė to carry (going on foot)

kasti kasu kasi kasa kasiau kasei kasė to dig

lesti lesu lesi lesa lesiau lesei lesė to peck

to follow; spy (on, upon); tell

sekti seku seki seka sekiau sekei sekė
a tail

kepti kepu kepi kepa kepiau kepei kepė to bake

degti degu degi dega degiau degei degė to be on fire, burn; kiln

megzti mezgu mezgi mezga mezgiau mezgei mezgė to knit

zùiti zujù zuji zuja zujau zujai zujo to pop in and out

to hammer, smith, batter;

kálti kalù kali kala kaliau kalei kalė
mint; chisel; hit

málti malu Mali mala maliau malei malė to grind, mill

bár ̃ti barù bari bara bariau barei barė to scold, trim

A verb pulti has alternation between u in the infinitive and uo in the present and past tenses. Verbs gimti, mirti have
the suffix -st- in the present.

to attack; fling, throw

pùlti púolu puoli puola púoliau puolei puolė
oneself, make a dive

gìmti gìmstu gimsti gimsta gimiaũ gimei gimė to be born, arrive

mir ̃ti mìrštu miršti miršta miriaũ mirei mirė to die, stop living

For the verbs of this group that have start-firm accented mixed diphthongs starting in i – im, in, il, ir – in a pre-
desinential syllable in the infinitive, the syllable becomes open and a vowel i lengthens (the accent remains start-firm)
in the past tense.

to pour (any non solid

pìlti pilù pili pila pýliau pylei pylė
material); tip

to investigate; analyse;
tirti tiriu tiri tiria tyriau tyrei tyrė

skinti skinu skini skina skyniau skynei skynė to pluck (fruits, flowers etc.)

pinti pinu pini pina pyniau pynei pynė to plait; weave; pleach

trinti trinu trini trina tryniau trynei trynė to rub

to step, tread (on); trample;

minti minu mini mina myniau mynei mynė

ginti ginu gini gina gyniau gynei gynė to defend

im̃ti imù imi ima ėmiaũ ėmeĩ ė̃mė to take

There are some verbs having mixed diphthongs in a pre-desinential syllable that have alternation between pre-
desinential e of the present tense and i of the other forms. A sound i of a pre-desinential syllable is not lengthened in
the past tense. A verb virti has d insterted after -er- in the present tense.

atsimiñti atsìmenu atsimeni atsimena atsìminiau atsiminei atsiminė to remember, recollect

miñti menù meni mena miniaũ minei minė to riddle, ask a riddle

giñti genù geni gena giniau ginei ginė to herd, goad, drive

to boil (figur. as well); cook

vìrti vérdu verdi verda viriaũ vireĩ vìrė
(by boiling)

Consonantal non-palatalized stems that have suffix -st- in the present. There are many verbs in this group.
When the suffix is preceded by d, t of a stem, these consonants merge with s and s remains, when it is preceded by
ž, š of a stem, the remaining are stem-ending consonants ž, š.

to explode, burst; eat (get

sprógti sprógstu sprogsti sprógsta sprógau sprogai sprogo
stomach filled)

to tear, rip, split; (coll.) get

plýšti plýštu plyšti plyšta plyšau plyšai plyšo

to mistake, err, be under

klysti klystu klysti klysta klydau klydai klydo

rūgti rūgstu rūgsti rūgsta rūgau rūgai rūgo to sour, become turned

to become remote, distant,

tolti tolstu tolsti tolsta tolau tolai tolo
to recede

to become, be hungry; to be
alkti alkstu alksti alksta alkau alkai alko
short of food

pažìnti paž ś tu pažįsti pažįsta pažinaũ pažinai pažino to become familiar, to

explore; recognize

to know smb., be
pažinoti pažinojau pažinojai pažinojo
acquaintance with smb.

pỹkti pykstù pyksti pỹksta pykaũ pykai pyko to be angry, annoyed

to dwindle, wither away,

nykti nykstu nyksti nyksta nykau nykai nyko
vanish, disappear

to become red, to redden; to

rausti raustu rausti rausta raudau raudai raudo

brangti brangstu brangsti brangsta brangau brangai brango to become expensive

to get a scare, fright; to lose

išsigąsti išsigąstu išsigąsti išsigąsta išsigando išsigandai išsigando

to have difficulties doing

vargti vargstu vargsti vargsta vargau vargai vargo
smth.; be in hardship

širsti širstu širsti širsta širdau širdai širdo to be angry (širdis – heart)

dingti dingstu dingsti dingsta dingau dingai dingo to disappear

klimpti klimpstu klimpsti klimpsta klimpau klimpai klimpo to sink (to viscous material)

drįsti drįstu drįsti drįsta drįsau drįsai drįso to dare

grįžti grįžtu grįžti grįžta grįžau grįžai grįžo to come back, return

A small group of stems ending in ž, š, has to be written with an ogonek in the present.
gesti gęstu gęsti gęsta gesau gesai geso to be stopping (intransitive)
shining, burning, working (for
light, fire; life; motor)

to become squidgy; wimp

težti tęžtu tęžti tęžta težau težai težo

For a few stems that have short i, u in a pre-desinential syllable, maybe only when it ends in ž, š, the vowels lengthen
in the present. For tikšti the forms tykšta and tyška are used in the present tense.

dùžti dū̃žta dùžo to smash, chip

to sour, become turned

gižti gyžta gižo
(figur. as well)

tikšti tykšta tiško to splash on smth., smb.

to become squidgy; wimp

tižti tyžta tižo

ižti yžta ižo to crack (usual for ice)

nižti nyžta nižo to start itching, to itch

Vocalic stems. A consonant n (or j in dialects) is inserted before desinences after a pre-desinential au. The
diphthong becomes ov in the past, when start-firm accented. Consonant v is palatalized.

eĩti einù eini eĩna ėjaũ ėjai ė̃jo to go

aũti aunù auni aũna aviaũ avei ãvė to boot, shoe

máuti máunu máuni máuna móviau movei movė to put on, glove, shoe

rauti raunu rauni rauna roviau rovei rovė to tear up

šauti šaunu šauni šauna šoviau šovei šovė to shoot

to intrude; thrust one's way;

brautis braunuosi brauniesi braunasi broviausi broveisi brovėsi
be breaking in

liautis liaujuosi liaujiesi liaujasi lioviausi lioveisi liovėsi to cease, desist

griauti griaunu griauni griauna grioviau griovei griovė to ruin, demolish; unsettle

Consonant v / n is inserted after ū.

to tumble down, fall down;

griū̃ti griūvù /-nù griūni griū̃va griuvaũ griuvai griùvo

žūti žūnu /-vu žūni žūva žuvau žuvai žuvo to perish

pūti pūvu /-nu pūni pūva puvau puvai puvo to rot

siūti siuvu /siūnu siuvi siuva siuvau siuvai siuvo to sew, stitch

gáuti gáunu gauni gauna gavaũ gavai gãvo to get

A consonant j is inserted before desinences after other pre-desinential vowels, diphthong i.e.

móti móju moji moja mójau mojai mojo to motion, wave, sweep

to clap, applaud; flatten;

ploti ploju ploji ploja plojau plojai plojo

joti joju joji joja jojau jojai jojo to ride on horse

goti goju goji goja gojau gojai gojo (dial.) to go in a hurry

kloti kloju kloji kloja klojau klojai klojo to lay, pave; to tell, report,
retail; to make a bed (lovą);

groti groju groji groja grojau grojai grojo to play (musical instrument)

sėti sėju sėji sėja sėjau sėjai sėjo to sow, seed; disseminate

sieti sieju sieji sieja siejau siejai siejo to tie, associate, bond

to pour (liquid); water

lieti lieju lieji lieja liejau liejai liejo

lýti lỹja lijo to rain

gýti gyjù gyji gỹja gijaũ gijai gijo to heal, recover

rýti ryjù ryji ryja rijau rijai rijo to swallow; guttle

výti vejù veji veja vijau vijai vijo to strand, twist; chase

Two verbs have d insterted before the desinences in the present forms.

dúoti dúodu duodi dúoda daviaũ davei davė to give

dė́ti dedù dedi dẽda dėjau dė́jai dėjo to put, lay, set; place

Palatalized consonantal stems. Maybe the most numerous group of non-suffixed verbs.

siẽkti siekiù sieki siẽkia siekiaũ siekei siekė to seek, aim (at, for)

griebti griebiu griebi griebia griebiau griebei griebė to grab; snatch

keisti keičiu keiti keičia keičiau keitei keitė to change

to wipe, sweep across; line

braukti braukiu brauki braukia braukiau braukei braukė

rausti rausiu rausi rausia rausiau rausei rausė to trench, burrow

kaupti kaupiu kaupi kaupia kaupiau kaupei kaupė to save up, gather, amass

mer ̃kti merkiù merkì mer ̃kia merkiaũ merkeĩ mer ̃kė to soak, dip

dengti dengiu dengi dengia dengiau dengei dengė to cover

švęsti švenčiu šventi švenčia švenčiau šventei šventė to celebrate

to continue, proceed; drag,

tęsti tęsiu tęsi tęsia tęsiau tęsei tęsė

čiulpti čiulpiu čiulpi čiulpia čiulpiau čiulpei čiulpė to suck

siųsti siunčiu siunti siunčia siunčiau siuntei siuntė to send

láužti láužiu lauži laužia láužiau laužei laužė to break (transitive)

grėbti grėbiu grėbi grėbia grėbiau grėbei grėbė to rake

to plunder; kidnap; usurp,

grobti grobiu grobi grobia grobiau grobei grobė

mérkti mérkiu mérki mérkia mérkiau mérkei mérkė to give a wink; to close eyes

melžti melžiu melži melžia melžiau melžei melžė to milk

jùngti jùngiu jungi jungia jungiau jungei jungė to connect, join

to tell on; tattle; appeal

skų́ sti skùndžiu skundi skundžia skundžiau skundei skundė

When a pre-desinential syllable having mixed diphthong becomes open in the past, its vowel receive a start-firm
accent and lengthens (for a, e, besides lengthening, those vowels are of different quality, o, ė) if stressed.
gérti geriu geri geria gė́riau gėrei gėrė to drink

to beat with a leafy, wet birch

pér ̃ti periu peri peria pė́riaũ pėrei pėrė
bunch (in sauna)

kélti keliu keli kelia kėliau kėlei kėlė to raise

rem̃ti remiu remi remia rėmiau rėmei rėmė to prop, bear up; support

kùlti kuliu kuli kulia kū́liau kūlei kūlė to flail

dùrti duriu duri duria dūriau dūrei dūrė to prick, stick

to push, move; thrust, shove;

stùmti stumiu stumi stumia stūmiau stūmei stūmė
(coll.) grudge

ìrti iriu iri iria ýriau yrei yrė to row, oar

to kick; spring back; press

spìrti spiriu spiri spiria spyriau spyrei spyrė
(for), push

kárti kariù kari kãria kóriau korei korė to hang over; execute

árti ariù ari ãria ariaũ areĩ ãrė to plough

tar ̃ti tariù tari tãria tariaũ tarei tarė to pronounce; assume

Alternation between u, e, a in the present and respectively ū, ė, o (long vowels, historically: ū, ē, ā) in the past. A
vowel u is short both in stressed and unstressed position, e, a lengthen and are end-firm accented in stressed
position in stem (not in desinence).

pū̃sti pučiù puti pùčia pūčiau pūtei pū̃tė to blow; toot

tū̃pti tupiu tupi tupia tūpiau tūpei tūpė to squat; hunker

drė̃bti drebiu drebi drẽbia drėbiau drėbei drė̃bė to make smth. fall on smth.,
smb. (for viscous, thick
material); sleet; plonk

krė̃sti krečiu kreti krečia krėčiau krėtei krėtė to shake smth. down

plė̃sti plečiu pleti plečia plėčiau plėtei plėtė to expand, widen, amplify

to scurry, rip along, fly; fly;

lė̃kti lekiu leki lekia lėkiau lėkei lėkė
fall out, fly away

to spread, open out (e.g.

skė̃sti skečiu sketi skečia skėčiau skėtei skėtė
arms, legs, umbrella)

to splash on smth., smb.;

tė̃kšti teškiu teški teškia tėškiau tėškei tėškė
slap; slam

võgti vagiu vagi vãgia vogiau vogei vogė to steal

-o- suffixed stems. Shorter present tense. A consonant j is iserted between a vocalic stem and a desinence to make
pronunciation easier. Historically it is most probably the same type as the full is, there are verbs that are conjugated
in both types, for example, saugoti, saugau / saugoju (< saugā(j)u). A verb pažinoti – to know (person), has the same
to pažinti – to know, become familiar, -st- suffixed present forms.

to know, be
žinóti žinaũ žinai žino žinójau žinojai žinojo
aware (of; that)

šypsótis šỹpsaũsi šypsaisi šỹpsosi šypsójausi šypsojaisi šypsojosi to smile

to protect;
sáugoti sáugau saugai saugo sáugojau saugojai saugojo
keep, save

Full type of -o- suffixed stems (the suffix is kept the same in conjugation)

naudóti naudóju naudoji naudoja naudójau naudojai naudojo to use

putóti putoju putoji putoja putojau putojai putojo to foam

to speak,
býlóti byloju byloji byloja bylojau bylojai byloja

to protect;
sáugoti sáugoju saugoji saugoja saugojau saugojai saugojo
keep, save

šakótis šakojuosi šakojiesi šakojasi šakojausi šakojaisi šakojosi to spread

boughs: ramify;
(coll.) conflict,
put one's own
condition over
smb.; fork,

to attract,
vilióti vilioju vilioji vilioja viliojau viliojai viliojo
seduce, bait

to stand, hold
galióti galioja galiojo
good, be valid

Stems that do not have -o- suffix in the present tense.

miegóti miegù miegi miẽga miegójau miegojai miegojo to sleep

raudóti ráudu raudi ráuda raudójau raudojai raudojo to weep, mourn

to chant
giedóti gíedu giedi gieda giedójau giedojai giedojo (religious);
warble, crow

-y- suffixed stems. The present is of the -o- suffixed type. The past forms are historically possibly the same to the
full -y- suffixed type, there are verbs that are conjugated in the both types, for example, pelnyti, (past) pelniau /
pelnijau, pelnė (< pelnē < (possibly) pelni(j)ā) / pelnijo (< pelnijā) (a after a soft consonant is e).

sakýti sakaũ sakai sãko sakiaũ sakei sãkė to say

klausýti klausau klausai klauso klausiau klausė klausei to listen

darýti darau darai daro dariau darei darė to do

matýti matau matai mato mačiau matei matė to see

mė́tyti mė́tau mėtai mė́to mė́čiau mėtei mė́tė to throw (one-

time: mesti,
metu, mečiau)

gáudyti gaudau gaudai gaudo gaudžiau gaudei gaudė to catch (one-

su/pagauti, -
gaunu, -gavau)

ródyti rodau rodai rodo rodžiau rodei rodė to show

pelnýti pelnaũ pelnai pelno pelniau pelnei pelnė to earn

Full type of -y- suffixed stems. The suffix is shortened in conjugation if not stressed and is long or short (both variants
are apt) in the present if stressed.

(obsolete) to
pelnyti pelniju pelniji pelnija pelnijau pelnijai pelnijo

to lay bricks,
mū́ryti mū́riju mūriji mūrija mūrijau mūrijai mūrijo

nuõdyti nuõdiju nuodiji nuodija nuodijau nuodijai nuodijo to poison

trūnýti trūnỹja trūnijo to rot, putrefy

-ė- suffixed stems. Shorter present tense, palatalized ending consonant of a stem. It is possible that historically it
would be the same type as the full one, there are words that are conjugated in the both of the types, for example,
ryšė́ti – to wear smth. tied on oneself (rišti – to tie), ryšiù / ryšė́ju. For a verb vertėti the mainly used form is
subjunctive, III p. (present) vertė́tų – it would be worth, for the present tense it is mostly said in a neuter adjective:
ver ̃ta – it is worth (to do smth.), for the past tense it is said either buvo verta or vertėjo – it was worth (to do smth.).

mylė́ti mýliu mýli mýli mylė́jau mylė́jai mylė́jo to love

norė́ti nóriu nori nori norėjau norėjai norėjo to want

blyksė́ti blýksiu blyksi blyksi blyksėjau blyksėjai blyksėjo to twinkle, blink

galė́ti galiù galì gãli galė́jau galėjai galėjo to be able

girdė́ti girdžiù girdi girdi girdėjau girdėjai girdėjo to hear

to concern, be
rūpė́ti rūpiù rūpi rūpi rūpėjau rūpėjai rūpėjo interesting to

to be
nyrė́ti nyriù nyri nyri nyrėjau nyrėjai nyrėjo submerged and

tikė́ti tikiù tiki tiki tikėjau tikėjai tikėjo to believe

to be worth for
vertė́ti (verti) vertėjo being done / to
be done

Full type of -ė- suffixed stems (the suffix is kept the same in conjugation)

ryškė́ti ryškė́ju ryškėji ryškėja ryškė́jau ryškėjai ryškėjo to become

more clear,
bold, bright,

to stiffen,
tvirtė́ti tvirtėju tvirtėji tvirtėji tvirtėjau tvirtėjai tvirtėjo strengthen, firm

to become red,
raudonė́ti raudonėju raudonėji raudonėja raudonėjau raudonėjai raudonėjo
to redden

to foster;
púoselėti púoselėju puoselėji puoselėja púoselėjau puoselėjai puoselėjo
The stems having the suffix -in-ė-, which is used to make iterative or progressive meaning, are of this type. Varaũ į
darbą – I am driving / going to work (or "I am going to drive / go to work", if said before the action happens). Varinėju
po miestą – I am driving / going in the town / city here and there. Varau per miestą – I am driving / going through a
town / city. Atidarinėju tą dėžutę – I am opening / I am trying to open that can (at the moment) ("atidarau" is also
possible as "I am opening"). Lengvai atidarau – I open it easily.

varinė́ti varinė́ju varinėji varinėja varinė́jau varinėjai varinėja to drive, direct;

drive, go (on
foot, by train,
etc.); propel,
power (not
varyti, varau,

pardavinėti pardavinėju pardavinėji pardavinėja pardavinėjau pardavinėjai pardavinėjo to sell, market

parduoti, -
duodu, -daviau)

klausinėti klausinėju klausinėji klausinėja klausinėjau klausinėji klausinėjo to ask (not

klausti, klausiu,

Stems that have neither -ė- suffix nor palatalization in the present tense.

kalbė́ti kalbù kalbi kalba kalbė́jau kalbėjai kalbėjo to speak; talk

to move, be in
judė́ti judu judi juda judėjau judėjai judėjo

to glitter, glint,
žibė́ti žibu žibi žiba žibėjau žibėjai žibėjo

to grouse, be
bambė́ti bámbì bám̃ba bambėjai bambėjo
on smb's case

skambė́ti skamba skambėjo to tune; sound

skaudė́ti skauda skaudėjo to hurt, ache

byrė́ti byra byrėjo to crumble; fall

(small particles,

-au-, -uo- suffixed stems, the suffix is -av- in the past. Verbs of this group are made from nouns, adjectives, etc. Verbs
made from borrowings from other languages receive a suffix -uo-, for example, sportuoti – to go in for sports.

bendráuti bendráuju bendrauji bendrauja bendravaũ bendravai bendravo to associate


to be at war,
kariáuti kariauju kariauji kariauja kariavau kariavai kariavo
wage war

matúoti matúoju matuoji matuoja matavaũ matavai matavo to measure

dainúoti dainuoju dainuoji dainuoja dainavau dainavai dainavo to sing

sapnúoti sapnuoju sapnuoji sapnuoja sapnavau sapnavai sapnavo to dream

(coll.) to speak
about smth.
orientation in it
vėlúoti vėluoju vėluoji vėluoja vėlavau vėlavai vėlavo to be late, to fall

raudonúoti raudonuoju raudonuoji raudonuoja raudonavau raudonavai raudonavo to blush; to

attract attention
by being red

to swing, sway,
sūpúoti sūpuoju sūpuoji sūpuoja sūpavau sūpavai sūpavo

kopijúoti kopijuoju kopijuoji kopijuoja kopijavau kopijavai kopijavo to copy

Some other suffixes, for example, transitivity-forming suffix -in-. A suffix -en- can have a meaning of moderate
intensity of action. The suffix -in- is usual for making verbs from foreign words, e.g., (coll.) kòpinti – to copy, which is
used besides longer standard kopijuoti.

rū́pintis rū́pinuosi rūpiniesi rūpinasi rū́pinausi rūpinasi rūpinosi to take care

grãžinti grãžinu gražini gražina grãžinau gražinai gražino to beautify

to give back,
grąžìnti grąžinù grąžini grąžìna grąžinaũ gražinai grąžino

to move, make
jùdinti jùdinu judini judina jùdinau judinai judino
smth. move

lýginti lýginu lygini lygina lýginau lyginai lygino to compare; to

level, make
level; make
smooth; to iron
(clothes); to

to stream
srovénti srovẽna srovẽno tranquilly, in
small ripple

kuténti kutenù kuteni kutẽna kutenaũ kutenai kutẽno to tickle, titillate

gabenti gabenu gabeni gabena gabenau gabenai gabeno to convey, carry

to fire furnace,
kūrenti kūrenu kūreni kūrena kūrenau kūrenai kūreno

to trundle,
ridenti ridenu rideni ridena ridenau ridenai rideno wheel, roll,
make roll; bowl


Word order
Lithuanian has an SVO (subject–verb–object) as the main word order:

Adjunct(s)(temporal, locative, causal) + Subject + Adjunct(s)(other) + Verb + Object(s) +

Infinitive + other parts.

At the same time Lithuanian as a highly declined language is often considered to have the free word order. This idea is partially true,
and a sentence such as "Today I saw a beautiful girl at the movies" could be said or written in many ways:

Šiandien kine aš
Today at the movies I
mačiau gražią mergaitę.
saw beautiful girl
(the main order)

Aš mačiau gražią mergaitę kine šiandien.

Šiandien aš mačiau gražią mergaitę kine.
Gražią mergaitę mačiau aš kine šiandien.
Gražią mergaitę aš šiandien mačiau kine.
Kine šiandien aš mačiau gražią mergaitę.
Kine gražią mergaitę aš mačiau šiandien.

However word order isn't a subject of intonation only. Different word orders often have different meanings in Lithuanian. There are
also some strict rules and some tendencies in using different word placing. For example, a word that provides new information (rheme,
or comment) has tendency to be postponed after other words, but not always to the end of the sentence. Adjectives precede nouns like
they do in English, but order of adjectives in an adjective group is different from in English. If the main word order is followed, a
temporal, locative or causal adjunct is put at the beginning of the sentence, while adjuncts of other types go directly before the verb and
its objects (see the SVO rule above).

The word order in Lithuanian can also be described, using concepts of theme and rheme. Looking from this point of view, the structure
of a sentence is following:

Initial complementary words or clauses + theme + middle words or clauses + rheme + final
complementary words or clauses

The middle words or clauses are more significant words or word groups other than the theme or the rheme, but complementary words
or clauses (both the initial and the final) are less significant or secondary. Local, causal or temporal adjuncts are typical parts of the
initial complementary words group, while other complementary words are put to the final group. If an adjunct is more significant in a
sentence, it should be put to the middle group or even used as theme or as rheme. The same is true, considering any other part of
sentence, but the Subject and the Verb aren't complementary words typically, and they often serve as the theme and as the rheme
respectively. Note, that a sentence can lack any part of the structure, except the rheme.

Prepositions tell us where an object is or what direction it is going. Some cases of nouns, such as the genitive, accusative and
instrumental, take prepositions. Some cases never take prepositions (such as locative and nominative). Certain prepositions are used
with certain cases. Below is a list of some common prepositions used in Lithuanian.

Used with genitive form of noun

iš - from, out of
ant - on
iki - until
po - after, past, succeeding
prie - near, at
už - behind

Used with instrumental form of noun

po - under
su - with
sulig - up to
ties - by, over
Used with accusative form of noun

į - in
pas - to, at
per - across, by, over, through, during, via
pro - through, past, by
apie - about

Conjunctions are used to link together clauses in a sentence, for example "I thought it would be a nice day but it was raining." Some
common conjunctions in Lithuanian are:

ir - and
bet - but
ar - used to start a question, but can also mean "or"
jei - if
kad - that (not the demonstrative pronoun)
kol - until
arba - or/but
nes - because
tačiau - however

1. In some languages like Icelandic neuter is used in such cases.
2. "Naujas požiūris į lietuvių kalbos linksniavimo tipus […]" (
195CA9-97D7-11DA-8299-005022B04780), Acta Linguistica Lithuanica (in Lithuanian): 3, 6–7, 10–16, 17–18, 16,
3. Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos gramatika. Vilnius, 1997, page 288–289

External links
Lithuanian grammar: categories, conjugation, declension (
Lithuanian Grammar, edited by Vytautas Ambrazas. Institute of the Lithuanian Language, 1997. [3] (http://lukashevich
The Historical Grammar of Lithuanian language (
(in Lithuanian) Web page on Lithuanian grammar (; there are
accentuation (kirčiavimas) patterns given here.
Some Unique Features of Lithuanian ( on (http://www.Litua
Some Unsolved Riddles of Lithuanian Linguistics ( on
Lithuanian verb conjugation (
Lithuanian verbs training (
Lithuanian verbs test (

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