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The Registry Preschool Credential

Self-Assessment: Professionalism
Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

How does following state licensing regulations relate to professionalism?

Following state regulations help to make sure things are being done correctly and ethically. The state
regulations are regulations for a reason. This is because they are the right thing to do and they show

Describe the responsibilities that you have as outlined in the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. Give
an example of a situation where you behaved ethically in following the principles and ideals listed in
the Code.
The responsibilities outlined are to be respectful and professional within four areas. Those areas
include with children, with families, with co-workers and with the community. When there is
something that parents need to be aware of I make sure to share that information with them in a
professional way.

Describe how you could advocate for developmentally appropriate best practices in your program.
It is important to follow best practices. It is important to have curriculum that the children are
interested in as well as challenging to them. Make sure that those around the children understand that
children need care to grow and learn.

Describe how you could communicate and cooperate respectfully with co-workers and function
smoothly as a team to meet child and family needs. Describe how you share planning or decision
making in classroom activities and/or program practices. (FCC providers balance needs of program
with needs of own family.)
It is important to work with co-workers to develop the best plan. Having discussions about what you
want to do is important. Also having these discussions when there are no children are present helps to
make sure you can fully focus on the discussion. When discussing with co-workers I try to talk to them
and share ideas as well as be open to new and different ideas. Being flexible is important but also doing
what is right.

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