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International Fee Sharing Rules for Lease Transactions

‘One-off Transactions’
Lease Transactions
The referring party will receive the following percentage of the net commission paid to the executing
For business referred with competition*
• For the portion between $0 - $25,000 0%
• For the portion between $25,001 - $100,000 20%
• For the portion between $100,001 - $200,000 30%
• For the portion above $200,001 35%
For business referred without competition*
• For the portion between $0 – $25,000 0%
• For the portion between $25,001 - $100,000 25%
• For the portion between $100,001 - $200,000 35%
• For the portion above $200,001 40%
The protection period for the above-referred client will be no more than 9 months for all
transactions and assignments.
*with competition – When the executing party has to compete for the business. Competition
will usually involve some form of presentation to secure the business, preparation of
proposal, submission & negotiation. It is essential that the referring party will actively
participate in this process.
*without competition – When the executing party is not required to do any selling to the
prospective client. The referring party delivers the assignment with minimal or no
involvement from the executing party i.e., (no RFP submission, no pitch presentation etc).
Rules for Implementation
1. This fee sharing agreement is intended to generate increased inter-region transactions business.
It is not intended or to be used as a “border tax.”
2. The fee sharing agreement does not apply to Corporate Solutions accounts or Markets Corporate
Solutions accounts with in-region resources.
3. Local market fees – consistent with competitive market pricing practices for the size and
character of the specific transaction.

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4. The referring party to sign-off on all agreed fee shares before the commencement of an
instruction and will be responsible for tracking and verifying actual payments.
5. The fee share proposal has been communicated by the referring party, and agreed to by the
receiving team, prior to transaction initiation.
6. The referring party performs the global transaction management (including items such as: client
relationship management, transaction updates to the client, providing client standard financial
models and templates to the receiving team as applicable, etc.).
7. Disputes – If a dispute arises between two parties and the parties cannot reach an agreement
within one meeting, it will be referred to the Global Tenant Rep Board for a ruling. Each party
may submit a maximum two-page document outlining their recommended outcome and
supporting their case. The Global Tenant Rep Board to decide on the basis of “baseball
arbitration” (i.e., select one of the submissions).
8. Any charges for travel, lodging or entertainment by the referring party to be taken off the top of a
fee must be approved in advance by the executing party.
9. To reduce unnecessary administration, the minimum fee share will be US$1000. Fee shares
calculated below US$1000 will not be paid.
10. Fee sharing does not apply when it can be reasonably demonstrated that the executing party
would have sourced and won the business without the efforts of the referring party.

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