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Hi there! Congratulations learners for a job well done in your previous lesson. In this
module you are going to learn the following competencies:
A. Explain the predominance of colloquial or idiomatic expressions in oral
communication (EN7LT-I-F-2.2.3)
B. Distinguish features of colloquial language (fillers, contractors, etc) (EN7N-I-g-
C. Read Intensively to find answers to specific questions. (EN7RC-I-c-7.1)
D. Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph. (EN7WC-I-e 2.81)
E. Sequence steps in writing a simple paragraph. (ENWC-I-g-4.4)
What I Know
In the previous lesson, you learned about myth, epic and legend. In addition, you
analyzed the elements of creation stories, their intended purpose, and the setting during
which they were produced.
What’s In
Before we go further in this module, I would like you to take this pre-test to assess your
prior knowledge on the lessons that you are about to study.
1. Writing a poem is just a piece of cake for her. The underlined idiom means
a. easy
b. complicated
c. hard
d. taste like a cake
2. They went to Lake Holon once in a blue moon. What does the idiom once in a
blue moon mean?
a. everyday
b. during high tide
c. during noon
d. rarely
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of idiomatic expression?
a. a honey tongue
b. a watched pot never boils
c. go to the extra mile
d. let the cut out of the bag
4. What does “To show compassion or kindness for” mean?
a. carry out
b. move over
c. take pity
d. turn over
5. Anna purchased three cases of soda. Give the colloquial term used in the
a. Case
b. Soda
c. Purchase
d. Three
6. Banag is my chum inside the classroom. The underlined word is a familiar
language. Give the colloquial term of the underlined word.
a. cousin
b. enemy
c. friend
d. lover
7. It is a group of words or phrase or expression that is figurative. Its meaning
cannot be inferred from the words contained.
a. Colloquial
b. Idiomatic expression
c. Proverbs
d. Figures of speech
8. The kind of language used in everyday speech.
a. Colloquial
b. Idiomatic expressions
c. Proverbs
d. Figures of speech
9. The vocabulary is nonstandard or is not universally recognized. This is
commonly used by certain age group of people.
a. Filler
b. Contractions
c. Slang
d. Familiar
10. Below are examples of feature of colloquial Language EXCEPT,
a. because
b. cuz
c. gonna
d. wanna
11. It contains a group of sentences arranged in a certain order.
a. Clause
b. Idioms
c. Paragraph
d. Phrase
12. It is derived from the name “cohere” which means “to hold together”.
a. body
b. completeness
c. emphasis/order
d. unity
13. It is the part of the paragraph that introduces the topic.
a. body
b. conclusion
c. introduction
d. order
14. It presents ideas that support the topic.
a. Completeness
b. Coherence
c. Emphasis
d. Unity
15. The oneness of the idea.
a. Body
b. Conclusion
c. Coherence
d. Unity

What’s New
Great job for completing the task in What’s In. Now let’s read the myth “The
Origin of the Rice” from Tagalog Region. Are you Ready? Now fasten your seatbelt as
we take you to Tagalog Region.

The Origin of Rice

(Tagalog Version)

(c/o Illustrator –sample picture)

Long ago, people did not plant crops or raise

animals for food. They relied only on nature
and their surroundings. They would live in
places where they could find food. Some
stayed in caves and lived on fruits and
animal meat. Some stayed by river banks and the sea, so they could fish for their food. They
would stay in a place until food got scarce and then move to another place where food was
bountiful. The couple Banag and Danas belonged to a group who used to live near the sea.
They were looking for a new place. A fierce storm had destroyed their houses near the sea.
They feared the coming of another storm. "Why do we always move our home?" Banag
asked Danas. "I am tired of this kind of life. We cannot even have children because we keep
moving." Banag wanted to separate from the rest of the group and stay behind in a pleasant
place. "I want to bear our child there." Danas gave in to his wife's request. They chose a nice
place in the mountains and built a simple house there. Their new home was tranquil and
food was bountiful. Nearby was a clear stream where Danas caught many fish. But then
came a drought. For a long time, no rain fell, and the earth dried up. Plants and trees died,
and birds and animals and disappeared. Fish perished in the dried stream. Danas traveled
far to look for food. But the drought was merciless. He traveled until he reached the next
mountain. Still, he could not find food. Exhaustion caught up with Danas in the middle of a
vast field. He lay among the grasses and fell asleep. Suddenly, the wind blew, and the
grasses danced and sang. Danas woke up surprised. Danas listened to the song of the
grasses. "We are the hope of the people, Danas. Gather our grains. Our grains are good
food." Danas noticed the head of the grains of the grasses. Each head was full of golden
grains. He picked a grain and bit it. "Pound our grains to remove their golden covers, " sang
the grasses. "Cook the white kernels inside the grains to soften them. It is good food.”
Danas gathered the grains until his bag was full and then hurriedly went home to Banag.
“Now we have food,” he happily told Banag. He removed the golden covers of the grains, as
e grasses had instructed him, cooked the grains, and then ate them.
The next morning, Danas returned to the field, “plant our grains,” sang the grasses. “Plant
them on land softened by rain. They will grow, and you will take care of them. When you
harvest, save some grains to plant again. Learn to plant and take care of plants. Planting will
become your source of livelihood.”
Danas suddenly felt raindrops. He looked up to see the heavens darken with rain. “Call your
crop palay (rice).” sang the grasses which danced vigorously as the rained poured. “Tell
other about this. Teach them how to plant palay.
Danas followed the advice of the grasses. He planted a rice field around his house and
studied farming. He taught the others what he had learned. Farms got bigger and bigger and
people no longer had to move search for food.


What is it

A. Amazing! Did you like the story? I hope you had fun reading it.
This time, let’s recall important details from the story. Draw a sun if the
statement tells true about the story and a cloud if it does not.
_____1. Long ago, people knew how to plant.
_____ 2. People move from one place to another.
_____ 3. The great typhoon came and the people were afraid.
_____ 4. Banag and Danas have a beautiful child.
_____ 5. Banag and Danas belonged to the group who lived in the forest.
_____ 6. There were no rain and the earth dried up so, Danas travelled to look
for food.
_____ 7. Banag told to his husband that she was enjoying to move from one
place to another.
_____ 8. Danas returned to the field and planted the grains.
_____ 9. Danas did not notice the golden head of grains of the grasses.
_____10. They named the crop as “Palay”.

B. Philippines is one of the largest producer of rice in the world. It is the center plate
of each Filipino in their table. Each grain a question to check on how you
understand the story.

12. What did Banag

(c/o illustrator sample picture) wish from her husband?
11. Why did the early people keep on
moving from one place to another?

13. What do you think 14 .How do you

is the significance of rice to the show the value of the farmers?

15. What does the myth

teach you?
Wow! Great job in your previous activities. It looks like you are having fun in this

Let’s learn more in this next discovery.

Banag and Danas see eye to eye to their situation.

The underlined phrase above is an example of idiomatic expression or idiom.

Idiom is a group of words or phrase that have a figurative meaning. It has a different
meaning from the dictionary. You cannot infer the meaning based on the words that
comprise it. Idiomatic expression is useful in communicating your emotions.

Below are the common examples of idiomatic expressions.

Idiom Meaning
See eye to eye Two or more people agree on something
Kill two birds in one stone Two things done at the same time
Cost an arm and a leg Very expensive
Sit on the fence Nothing to do or decide
On the ball Someone understands the situation
Once in a blue moon Rarely

Did you get it? Now let’s try this activity. The following sentences below are
derived from the myth you have read. Give the meaning of the underlined idiomatic
expression used in the sentence.
1. For a long time, no rain fell, and the earth dried up at the drop of a hat Danas
went to some other places to look for food.
2. Banag asked up in the air to Danas to stay in one place.
3. Banag and Danas have the time of their lives in staying in the forest.
4. They are in the same boat when the fierce storm came.
5. Danas hit the nail on the head the advice of the grasses to the people.

Idiomatic Expressions Meaning

Good job! You are doing well in our activities.

Now let’s have more fun in learning.

Don’t you know that there are different ways in communicating people? It
is more important to know on how you are going to use the proper words in
a conversation with certain types of people and situation. This time lets
define and learn about colloquial language.
Colloquial Language define is the level language used in everyday
speech. This presents a neutral tone, not so much informal or formal. This is
the level used in ordinary conversations. This is the level used in speaking
with classmates, teachers, visitors, etc. Examples: cuz-because, gonna- got a
go, wanna want to , sko- lets go

Below are some features of colloquial Language:

1. Slang
The vocabulary is nonstandard. Commonly used by certain group
of people particularly age group and it is not universally recognized.
Frenemy- describes one person who is your friend at the same
time your enemy. Bantugan’s brother is his frenemy.
Bae- an endearment for romantic partners or you close friends
Lol- Laughing Out loud.
Veges- Vegetable
2. Filler
Filler is a meaningless word, phrase and or sound that marks as a
pause and also known as hesitation form of speech
Example: sshhhh,, ummm, ahhhh

3. Jargon
Is usually used by a certain group of people specifically in their
profession, like doctors who use a medical terms.
4. Familiar
A level of language that reflects the close relationship of the people
speaking. This intimacy is observed in the use of details and personal
references in speech. The authority that a speaker may have on others
may also be observed in familiar language. This is the level used when
speaking with people who are close to us.
Friend- chum, buddy, pal
Eat- pig out

Source: English_gr_7_learners_matls__q1_2_.pdf

You are Great! Get ready and let’s check your understanding.
C. Read the sentences below. Underline the feature of colloquial and tell whether it
is slang, familiar, filler or jargon.
1. Chums, let us go the park.
2. Danas is the frenemy of Banag.
3. It is a genetic disease.
4. Sshh.. the people in the river bank are coming.
5. I wanna drink soda.

High Five! You are doing great.

Do you love to write? You can write or narrate about your emotions and opinions but
you must know the sequence and its basic parts.

Paragraph contains a group of sentences that discuss, describes an idea. It is

also the arrangement of a sentences in a certain order.

Simple paragraph possesses three basic parts.

First is the introduction. It introduces the topic. It is very important because
sometimes it tells the idea of the whole paragraph. Example, Mia loves to swim in her
free time.

The body presents ideas that support the topic. Example. Her favorite strokes
were breast stroke and freestyle. She enjoys to swim under water like a mermaid. On
summer Mia goes to the beach with her friends.

The conclusion ties up all the ideas. There are ways in concluding sentences
like: All in all, In conclusion, Therefore, Thus, Resulting, Finally, In sum.
Be sure that you know how to use each concluding words. Example. All in all,
Mia enjoys swimming in her free time,

Mia loves to swim in her free time. Her favorite strokes were breast stroke and free style. She
enjoys to swim like a mermaid under water. On summer Mia goes to the beach with her
friends. All in all Mia enjoys swimming in her free time

In a simple paragraph, there is also a basic feature.

1. Unity
Unity means oneness of idea. A good paragraph must possess a unity in
where sentences develop the main idea. 1. It introduces the topic sentence. 2. It
supports the main idea or develops the idea 3. It clinches the sentences
2. Coherence
The word coherence came from “cohere” means “to hold together. The
sentences are arranged in sequence that could be linked to one another to
ensure the smooth flow of ideas from one sentence to another sentence.
3. Emphasis/ order
Emphasis is achieved when sentences reveal an order that the reader can
see and follow such as general to specific, specific to general, cause and
effect and so on.
4. Completeness
This is achieved in a paragraph if it says all what it intends to say. It includes
enough and only enough examples.

Great work! Now you have identified the parts of the paragraph. Rewrite the
following sentences using organizer below.

A. A hawker is a person who moves from one place to another and sell their
goods, by shouting on the streets.
B. They work hard through the day.
C. They move on the street on their bicycle and sometimes on foot and sell
their products.
D. We can see hawkers everywhere.
E. They move everywhere selling their goods without caring about the
Source: Grade 7 English Learner’s Material


2 3. 4.
What’s More
Let’s learn some more for you to increase the level of your understanding in this
Directions: Danas wanted you to help him in planting a palay. Let’s help him to plant by
giving the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expression

1. Long time ago, the people of Danas and

Banag planted once in a bluemoon.
(c/o illustrator__________________________________
sample picture)

2. 1 sack of rice today can cost an arm and a


3. The people cry over spilled milk when the

droughts came.

4. Banag saw her husband, at the drop of the

hat she prepared the foods.
5. Danas gathered the grains while dancing:
he is killing two birds with one stone.

B. Write a paragraph using the pictures provided below. ( c/o illustrator sample picture)

(c/o illustrator
sample picture)

Awesome! You did it well.

What I have learned

In this lesson I read the story _________________________. The lesson that I
get from the story _______________________________________________________
I also identify the different features of colloquial like ___________________
Lastly, I know the basic parts of the paragraph ________________________________
And its feature ______________________________________________________
What I Can Do
Good Job!
Palay is the most important agricultural crops of the Filipinos and this is the major
source of income of Filipino farmers. What are your ways to support our farmer? Write
your answer in a paragraph form observing the basic parts of the paragraph.


A. Identify the meaning of the underlined idiom in each sentence. Write only the
letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
_______ 1. Banag tries to fish in troubled waters of his community.
a. To get money
b. To cause trouble
c. To ruin the situation
d. To get the benefit in bad situation
_________2. His bad attitude with other people has left him high and dry.
a. Isolated
b. To get in trouble
c. To quarrel
d. Cause panic
________3. I want to talk to people face to face.
a. Quickly
b. Look at them
c. In person
d. Uniquely
_______4. The teacher keeps an eye to the new student.
a. Scolded the student
b. Check
c. Do want they want
d. Observe
________5. You can always count on me when things get tough.
a. To cheer up
b. to run
c. to come quickly
d. to rely on

B. Underline the colloquial words that used in the conversation (6-11)

Ian: Hi Johnny wats up!
Johnny: I’m alright buddy.Wanna drink soda?
Ian: uhhhmmm .No, thanks. Cuz its bad for our health.
Johnny: Ok, next time I’ll drink healthy juice.

C. Identify the following. Write your answer on the space before the number.
___________ 12. It is a group of sentences that discusses, describes an
idea. It is also the arrangement of sentences in a certain
____________13. The part of the paragraph that. introduces the topic.
____________14. It presents ideas that support the topic.
____________ 15. Ties up all the ideas.

Additional Activities
Write a simple paragraph on “How are we going to fight against Corona Virus?”
Criteria in Writing A simple paragraph
Content 10 points
Organization of words 5 points
Mechanics in writing 5 points
(spelling, capitalization,grammar) 15 points


Grade 7 English Learner’s Material

-Ma. Irish Ace B. Magatao

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