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Guidelines for Handling of Payment Related Complaints.

During these days CESU has received consumer complaints regarding non-posting or mis-
posting of money during the DFA tenure. These complaints are forwarded to DF for
immediate deposit of money for giving credit to consumer account.
Each of these cases are investigated by DF and whenever the case is confirmed as
genuine non-deposit/non-credit DF takes appropriate action including deposit of money.
In many cases deposit of money is not involved and only a clarification required.
To resolve the above cases CESU is requested to forward the following:
 Documents required from Consumer.
1. An application with nature of complaint having MR No, date, amount etc.
2. Original Money Receipt for which complaint is lodged.
3. Photocopy of 2 subsequent payment receipts (clearly visible).
4. Photocopy of 2 prior payment receipts (clearly visible).
5. Bank statements/Passbook photocopy in case of Non-cash transactions
(clearly visible).
6. Additional documents submitted by consumer.
 Documents required from CESU.
1. 2nd Copy of MR (Pink Copy) attached along with DC Sheets.
2. All the DC sheets in which pink copy of the MR book in which the MR in
questions falls. For example if we are dealing with MR no IO-XX-012345
then all the pink copies of MR no IO-XX-0123201 to IO-XX-0123400 needs to
be forwarded (other than case reported as lost and advertised through
3. The complete used MR book which has 3rd Copy of MR (Yellow Copy).
The above will help the DF to investigate the cases and take appropriate action.

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