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FM 417

English language influence on learning and medium of

instruction in schools – A study Ruango Primary (Kimbe-



English is an important language in the dialogue and understanding between the teacher
and student. It’s the language that is added to the local language of the country because it
has become the language for almost all human beings. English language in schools are
starting to fade as teachers are lecturing in Tok-Pisin as a form of instructional language in
classroom. Many students find it difficult in understanding English that makes learning
even harder. English is a vital learning tool that all the educational instructions are all in
English language. The language acts as a base and on behalf of the school age children to
access improve and better education. To best understand material written in English, there
must be a study to identify the issues and solve or help individual benefits. This research
will help the students to know the importance of English language and its benefits
preparing them to face the changing technological world today.

This Research paper will cover the study taken at Ruango Primary School which is a level
seven catholic agency school. The study is based on the topic ‘English language influence
on student learning and the medium of instruction. Ruango Primary was established by the
Catholic Mission in 1953 to cater for the school-age children whose parents resides within
the villages nearby. This school caters for the children of the nearby villages and other
surrounding villages as well as the public servants children within the township of West
New Britain Provincial Head Quarters- Kimbe and other owned by the land owners as well
as settlements the current population of the school is one thousand four hundred and fifty-
eight (1458). It is located along the Kimbe Hoskins hi-way and a 15-20minutes walk into
the heart of Kimbe town.
Many Primary schools in the province rarely, on an individual basis, are facing English
learning and understanding on the daily learning bases. They may have a deteriorating
infrastructures/facility or build new infrastructures/facilities. This has evidently
contributed to learning environment for the students compliment ever increasing school
age student population as well as changes in technology a classic example Ruango Primary
School in West New Britain Province. The main reason for this research to see how well
student have well understand and use the English language during their learning processes
and in what medium they learn the English language and learning instructions in the
This study will help to improve the basic school services in the building of library
infrastructure to accommodate the growing population of Ruango Primary school.
Language understanding is the system spoken or can be written that can communicate
ideas emotions and even experiences. By understanding this role of the English literature,
this language can improve the skills and develop a satisfactory level of English
understanding through what type of medium its use in the school. Teachers and students in
schools can’t cope easily due to the changing of the education system and its
implementation. Huon Gulf District Education Manager Moses Wanga said ‘there are two
policies that are important in school that speaking of English in the school and reading of
library books is not fully applied by the school. As a result of the problem is evident when
student don’t read books and understanding the language finds it hard to cope with the
English word in the exams are even worse.



From the study conducted by Julie Dearden title English is a medium of instruction in this
growing phenomenon stated from her introduction that the use of English language to
teach another subject must be the first priority . English language written by Hilda Hulme
an old journal dated January 1958. According to the research done by David Graddol
English learning is associated with the Era of the 21 st century as the leading edge of the
global scientific, technological, economic and culture development. As a saying goes for
Elizabeth Greef article title ‘Developing a School Library’, states If you can read and
write, you can learn to do, and be anything.

English is one of the school subjects and plays a right of medium in teaching which
provides access to the whole curriculum. As a matter of fact, English language is the base
for all subject success (Brennan, Hatchett & Lloyd, 2014). studies show that learning and
understanding of English allows people to develop new ideas and ethical opinions and help
people present themselves in the society as an educated individual. Today literature is the
second language classes that plays a very important and valuable role in the learners’
motivation. According to Ansari A ‘our daily speech we take language and literature as the
same thing, language is a set of words that we understand to express different ideas to
others’. According to a journal written by Berlinda Mandasari states that the Indonesia
government has consider English as the subject that student should master that will help
them to pass their national examinations. English can be learnt to speak and will use on
effectively when you travel or even with your studies to make its more comfortable.


The quantitative method is use for this data collection.

Source of the data

This research method is conducted in three parts that has been carried out. First a
questionnaire issued to the students to complete, second for teachers to complete forms
and four to be interview and third a parent interview questions conducted. Questions asked
on how well they understand the English language and its medium of instructions in
schools. They were also asked to state their point of view on the factors that affect student


learning in relation to English language understanding. A copy of the questionnaire and
interview question is contained in the appendix A page 10.

Sample selection

The participants who took part are selected students from grades 6, grade 7 and grades 8
to participate in these questionnaires which total up to 100 students who participate. There
are ten (10) students from grade 6, Forty (40) students from grade 7 and Fifty (50) students
in grade 8.

For interviews six people have been interviewed, four (4) teachers and two parents from
nearby suburb on their point of view on the English language and its medium of instruction
for Ruango Primary school students. Each student and teachers were responsible to fill out
the forms depending on how well they understand the questionnaires. All the question
confidentiality answers in hard copy are destroy as agreed upon when filling the form. The
respondent from the questionnaires are tabled on below where all the data sources came
from the student and teachers that participate. The study was only limited to the students
available from grades six, seven and eight as Method used is distributing questionnaires
and collect information.






20 19
16 17

11 11
10 9



igure 1: Distribution of English language responses


The finding of this study see that many students fail to speak English well due to common
reasons that they practice mixture of pidgin English. When it comes to English language
understanding they can write or speak properly which affect their learning. They use
medium in learning such as chalk board presentations, text book, charts, teachers aid to
teach students. Out of the 34 teachers,30 fill out the questionnaires and 4 teachers were hundred students were issued questionnaires to fill them out stating their
understanding on the topic on English language influence on their learning. The
respondents are asked to give their view on how well they use English and its medium in
their learning, the benefits and the factors that affect the student learning and also the
feedback from their teachers in the classroom settings. The study shows that 70% of the
students does not have library lessons resulting in them not been exposed to new words
and vocabulary to inspire their English language skills. From the questionnaire a parent is
also ask to give her opinion as a parent base on their child’s (as student) performance in
learning. One advantage of instruction in English is higher quality of support materials like
text books, articles websites etc.

According to the finding from the questionaries from individual students many face
difficulties when understanding words and pronunciations. Some use English most times
but when it comes to understanding English instruction its difficult during tests and exams.


Library skills and making use of the library times are sometimes been abuse and use as
free time for students. The library no sessions problem can be solve that all classes must
prioritise their time to help student improve their ability to master English language well
and be successful learners. I also discover that some students have come backgrounds
where that may affect their learning for instance a family problems or single parent.


18 Read and download 1 Conduct a 13
articles and research face to face Finalised
sample outline interview the report

19 Read the proposal 2 Enter data into 14

outline computer Ready and
20 Draft out & 3 Analyse 15
paraphrase Abstract the data Finalised
22 Add information onto 4 Update 16
the introduction section literature
23 Construct 6 Create 17
literature review bibliography

24 Outline the research 7 Drafting 18

method the Approved
chapters due date

25 Draft the method 8 Complete

26 Develop a 9 Read the
questionnaire whole report

29 Administer the questionnaire

11 Edit the report

Table 1.1-Report timescale on activities done


The research activity covers approximately one month too be exact. Drafting out the
questionnaire to the classes and interview on selected teachers and parent. The timeframe
is summarised as stated on the table above the

 conduct of the study,

 analyses the data and
 writing up of the research report.


Base on the findings on this topic there are some conclusions that are suggested which
affect English learning and the influence it has on student understanding. Many students
are too lazy to practice proper English language and having difficulties in understanding
English instructions given in class. Many are from their backgrounds that affect their
ability in school, some are too shy to speak English and most they don’t have the attitude
of reading books to help them familiarised them with new words and pronunciation of
words. From the study the medium of instructions used are in forms like teachers text
books or guide, also charts of information which are written in English and most are
written on chalk boards.

Based on the findings that been carried out the utilising of library classes of reading library
books are recommended to students to help improve their English language learning.
Understanding English more can help student perform well in their other areas of study
(other subjects) therefore School teachers are encouraged to supply pupils copy so they
learn by themselves and encourage them to speak English so they (students) learn from
each other. These findings take into consideration that English language is the main
language of instruction. Reading skills programs and English oral exercised are
recommended to be effective to develop every student learning effective.

From the findings through the questionnaires given and collected from students and
teachers there are some recommendations made to improve the English learning and
medium of instruction in the school such as,

 Exercise more English speaking inside the school premises

 Encourage students to read a lot during their free times
 Enforce class and school rule of English speaking everyday


 Set up a classroom library and provide reading materials and any other visual aids
in English
 Create group reading and learning from each other through comprehension reading
 Make a compulsory practical library periods for all students from all grades.
 Teachers must set up a strategy that the students may use to understand well the
language in English instructions in school. E.g. a compensation language learning
strategies (Mandasari,B & Oktaviani L(2018).) Or a memory strategy skill can also
be use enabling student to learn and gain information in an orderly way through
sounds, images, a combination of sounds and images, body movements that helps a
person to memorise.

Better learning methods better students for the changing technological world.



Papua New Guinea Education Department News (2016). Schools face problems with
education system changes in Papua New Guinea: from

Act Government Education, School Libraries (2015). The heart of 21 st century learning:

Dearden, J. (2014). English is a medium of instruction: growing global phenomenon. Ox

ford University. British Council.
Greef E. (2015) Developing a Library. Retrieved 11 September 2019 from
Brennan, J. Hatchett D, & Llyod K. (2014). Importance of English language in school
curriculum: managing &implementing the national curriculum. Oxford University
Press. From>pages

Mlay, N. (2010). The influence of the language of instruction on student’s academic

performance in secondary school. A corporative study of rural and urban schools in
Arusha, Tanzania. From

Hoge, A.J. (2014). Effortless English. Learn to speak English like a native. Effortless English
LLC 1702 A. Street, Ste.C. Sparks, NV 89431.From




English language influence on learning and the medium of instruction in School

Any information given by filling in this questionnaire will be kept confidential. Your information
will be destroyed once all data is collected and generalised in written words.

Personal Information-Student questionnaire

Name Sex-Male/Female Grade Age

Question 1. What type of language is used most times in learning?

Question 2. Explain the importance of English in one sentence

Question 3. What role does English literature contribute to learning?

Question 4. In what language does teachers use when giving Instructions during class periods?

Question 5.why is English important from all other school subjects?

Question 6. How well can you categorise your understanding of English instructions during Test
and assignment?

Question 7. What are some difficulties you face trying to understanding learning instruction in

10 | P a g e - F L O R E N C E N A R A C O H O R T D 2 0 1 8 - B O M
Question8.Have you scored good results in your English subject assessments?

Question.9. What type of medium(standard) of instruction use during learning?

Question 10. Are there any Library skills or lessons being taught in class?

Question 11. How often do you use your reading skills during library lesson(period)?

Question12. Will your reading skills improve your English understanding? Give your reason.

Personal Information-Teacher interview questions

Title-Mr, Mrs, Ms or Name Class allocation Subject /s-Major


Question 1. How can you define English language from a teacher’s point of view?

Question 2. What Role does English language plays in student learning?

Question 3. How can you as a teacher evaluate you student English understanding?

Question 4. How can you differentiate English language and its medium of instruction in Ruango
Primary school?

Question 5. Why is English important from all other school subjects?

11 | P a g e - F L O R E N C E N A R A C O H O R T D 2 0 1 8 - B O M
Question 6. What are some factors you may name that affect student English learning and the
medium of instruction in the student learning?

Question 7. What are you medium of instruction when teaching student in English or other

Question8.Is there are Library Lessons and reading skills being utilised well? Elaborate method

Question.9. How will reading skills or reading books contribute to English learning?

Question 10. What are some ways that you will implement to improve student English learning
and understanding?

Question12. What can you say to student who mis interpret English instructions and their future?

12 | P a g e - F L O R E N C E N A R A C O H O R T D 2 0 1 8 - B O M

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