YPF Policy Networks

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YPF Policy Networks

Our policy network initiative has been created to facilitate deeper discussion of topics
which fall under various policy areas. This programme will encourage extensive
research and reading of the members, helping them strengthen the understanding of
different policy issues. Our programme aims that the members will gain prowess in the
fundamental concepts of their preferred policy areas, meanwhile exchanging their
knowledge with others.

Our Policy Networks

Under our programme, we have 7 policy networks and one taskforce.
1. Economic Opportunities and Jobs network
2. Technology and Big Data network
3. Infrastructure, Energy and Environment network
4. Healthcare network
5. Education network
6. Law and Justice network
7. Gender and Inclusion network
8. Banking and Financial sector taskforce
How to be a part of our Policy Networks
Anyone who would like to be a part of our policy networks can fill up a form that has
been shared in our Facebook group and sign up for the program. They can also express
their interest to someone from the core team of YPF, who will cooperate with them.

How our Policy networks function

● A theme will be selected each month for each of the policy networks. Working
together with the respective coordinators of the network, the members will
produce write-up, infographics and other relevant contents to demonstrate their
understanding of the topic.
● Each policy network is expected to hold at least one online webinar every three
months as a collaboration of their efforts.
How will you benefit from being part of our policy networks?
● Networking opportunity with several like-minded students and professionals.
● A reputed platform to showcase one's talent and expertise.
● Solidifying existing understanding of the policy network.
● Member produced contents will be shared on YPF group with due credit of the
● The best contents will be chosen to be published in our soon to be launched

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