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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.



Project Geneva

SOP- SAP Note Implementation and De- Implementation

Tata Consultancy Services 1 Tata Motors Limited.
SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

Tata Consultancy Services 2 Tata Motors Limited.
SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

Document Release Notice

This SOP – Sap Note Implementation and De- Implementation is intended for TATA MOTORS
LIMITED environment with effect from 25/11/2017.

This Manual is subject to TML – TCS document control Procedure.

Reviewed By: Kinzel Jain Date: 23/11/2017

Approved By: Abhinav Dhoke Date: 25/11/2017

Tata Consultancy Services 3 Tata Motors Limited.
SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

Version Control

Document Name: Standard Operating Procedure for SAP Note implementation

Version No: 2.0

Owner: Shivaraj KS

Rev Revision Page

No. Revision Date Description No. Updated By Reviewed By

1.0 April 2013 First Release 8 Naresh Jangu Sandeep Dalvi

2.0 Nov 2017 Second Release 11 Kinzel Jain Abhinav Dhoke

Tata Consultancy Services 4 Tata Motors Limited.
SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

Scope of the document:

This document is useful to understand processes and step by step technical procedure to implement the SAP note.

Tata Consultancy Services 5 Tata Motors Limited.
SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

Table of contents

Version Control ................................................................................................................................... 4

Scope of the document:...................................................................................................................... 5
Table of contents ................................................................................................................................ 6
SOP - SAP Note implementation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…. 5

Tata Consultancy Services 6 Tata Motors Limited.
SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0



OSS Note is frequently released bug fixes, new program developments, enhancements, or other miscellaneous
updates by SAP. OSS stands for “Online SAP Support. In this document, we will understand the process of
implementation/de-implementation of OSS note along with process followed by TML.

An OSS Note can be of three types. They are as follows –

a. Informative
b. Corrective
c. Manual

Process and Pre-requisites

1. As per the process, check the authorized signatory list for requests coming for implementation of OSS note.
2. The owner of the system as per the signatory list should duly approve the request.
3. Log in into using S-user ID as shown in the following screenshot.

4. Navigate to SMP as below

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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

5. Enter Note number

6. Read the S-Note thoroughly, analyse the S-note getting implement along with the dependent notes (if any).
Send the list of dependent S-notes to the requester for impact analysis. Prerequisites are taken care by the
requestor themselves.

Implementation of SAP NOTE

1. Login to development System and execute SNOTE transaction.

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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

2. Download SAP Note, SNOTE->Goto->Download SAP Note.

3. After downloading the SAP note, check the status of note, SNOTE-> Goto-> sap note browser.
Following is the list
d. Can be implemented
e. Cannot be implemented
f. Completely implemented
g. Incompletely implemented
h. Obsolete
i. Obsolete version implemented
j. Undefined implementation

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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

4. To proceed with implementation the status of note should be “can be implemented”.

5. Select the note and click on execute.

6. Create a Transport request (TR) to capture the S-note for further processing.
7. After complete implementation of S-Note the status should be “completely implemented”.
8. Send the Transport Request number to user/requester. Also ask user to change the owner of request, Once the
ownership is changed, the user will ask for further processing of the TR to QA and Prod environment.
9. If user requests multiple independent notes, clarify with the user if the note can be captured in same TR, if not
then ask them to release the previous TR first, otherwise by default system will take the TR which is not
10. To create a new TR, click on create

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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

And then provide TR description, if it is not accepting description given by you, Ask user to provide you description
for TR and proceed.

NOTE: During implementation of note, if any error occurs, send screenshot to requester and get confirmation
before proceeding further.

11. If the status of note is “Cannot be implemented”, inform same to requester

12. If status of note is “Completely implemented”, then communicate same to requester also providing the
transport request number in which note is captured. This can be checked from logs. If they ask to de-implement
it, then browse the note from GOTO -> SAP NOTE BROWSER and then click on reset. This will generate a
transport request, provide the same to requester asking him to change the ownership of transport request.

13. Also we may get requests for the implementation of new/current version for a note, in such cases, older version
of note is already implemented with status as “obsolete version
14. Download the latest version of note and implement it

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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

De-Implementation of SAP NOTE

1. Check the status of note, SNOTE-> Goto-> sap note browser. It should be completely implemented

2. Select the note and click on Reset SAP note button.

3. Note down the transport request number and Send it to user/requester. Also ask user to change the owner
of request, Once the ownership is changed, the user will ask for further processing of the TR to QA and Prod
Find Transport Request number from logs.

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SOP - SAP Note implementation Version 2.0

[End of Document]

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