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T ask A4 | ​Design brief 

🔎 What? 
Develop a design brief, which  You have to make a decision at this point in the project: What will you design and create, 
presents the analysis of relevant  for whom and why. You want your decision to be based on sufficient background 
research.  research.  

⚙ How? 
Research results summary 
● Present​ the main results of your research (from A2) in a concise list of bullet points. This must be in your own words! 
● Illustrate​ your take-aways with imagery wherever you feel this reduces the amount of writing needed. However, don’t 
add images for the sake of adding images. Cite any images that you use. 
● Cite​ (in-text) from the sources that you found your answers from. Use the proper MLA format. 

DEFINITIONS  By consulting sources, I have found out: 

● A fabric is a cloth produced by weaving or knitting textile fibres.
● Textiles are a type of cloth or woven fabric.
● Garments are an item of clothing.

MANUFACTURING  By consulting sources about manufacturing cotton, I have found out: 

● Cotton is de-seeded then c​ leaned, carded (fibers aligned), spun, and woven into a 
fabric. ​Which we call cotton. Next cotton is then made into yarn, which is then 
flattened, twisted and lock together and spun.   
● Adhesive is one way you can glue your fabrics together.   
● You can also sew or stitch the fabrics or felts together.   

TECHNIQUES AND  By consulting sources such as, I have found out the following information that I can use for 
TOOLS FOR MAKING  designing and creating my product: 
● First measure yourself around the neck. Then your chest and waste. If you want 
to make short or long sleeves measure your arms to find the right length. Then 
draw a rough sketch of your garment or upcycled project ( decide what your 
making, that's one of the important part).  
● Thread  
● Eyelets  
● Studs 
● Rivets 
● Snap fasteners 
● Velcro  
● Fabric glue 
● Contact adhesive  
● Sewing machine 
● Needles 
● Seam ripper 
● Fabric shears 
● Rotary cutter 
● Hole punch 
● Rivet/eyelet setter and die 

CLIENT INFORMATION  By consulting sources such as, I have realized the following considerations should be 
taken into account when designing and creating my product: 
● Me  
● Middle Schooler at CIS LKS (Male) 
● The colors I would like would be: 
● But these are the colors i have to work with:  


PRACTICAL SKILLS  By completing the practical skills tasks, I have learned the following skills (list & explain): 
● How to sew together fabric using a running stitch. I ended up with a bookmark 
by holding the two pieces of fabric together using a running stitch.   
● I'm also able to securely tie a button on a piece of fabric.  
The skills that will be useful for my project are (list & explain why): 
● I think that if I use the button sewing skill for eyes in my upcycled stuffed animal.   
● I think that the running stitch is ok for an upcycled animal, but I may use another 
The skills that I still need to practice or want to learn more about are (list & explain): 
● I need to work on braiding. I'm way too slow when it comes to that.   
● I could also a new stitch, because I only use the running stitch.   

Works cited 
● List​ any sources of information used in this section. Present in-text citations in your r​ esearch summary​ section to the 
references listed in this section. 

Assembly methods  
Color scheme  
What is a pattern  

Project commitment 
● State​ what type of product you are going to develop in your project in this unit and ​outline​ the direct practical purpose 
of this product. 
● Outline​ the bigger picture purpose of the product. 
● Describe​ the client or target audience for whom you will develop the product. 

Product and Purpose   In this project, I will create … 

An economically friendly upcycled stuffed animal (Reused from an old t-shirt).  
The purpose of my product is… 
To stop people from throwing away old garments and try making new things out of them. 
There is a huge problem when it comes to garment waste, some people quickly throw old 
garments away or send them to the Salvation Army, a special organization that donates 
clothes. But the Salvation Army has had a bit of an overload. They don't take clothes as 
much as they used to. So if we can reuse some of our own clothes then it will take a lot of 
the pressure off the Salvation Army.   

Design Goal  My product will address the design problem of -textiles being quickly sent to landfills- by… 
Creating my own upcycled stuffed animal won't be thrown away immediately. .   

Intended   My product is intended to be used by … 

Target audience   
Myself (Middle Schooler at CIS LKS (Male)) 

Target audience representative  I would describe my client as… 

Middle Schooler at CIS LKS (Male) 
Their needs and wants for the product are… 
They want bright colors and a sturdy fabric. Maybe something huggable? 

A4 Assessment 
Level  Descriptor  Typical features of student work 

0  The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 

1-2  The student ​states some​ of the  ❏ Summary contains little credible, factual information. More evidence of 
main findings of relevant  relevant research was needed. 
research.  ❏ Sources are not cited (in​text or footnote). Review the MLA format for 
❏ Works Cited is not complete. Use Noodletools. 
❏ The project commitment identifies the product and client in a limited way. 
More explanation of the needs & wants of the client are needed. 

3-4  The student ​outlines​ a basic  ❏ Report includes some credible, factual information about the issue. More 
design brief, which ​outlines  explanation of your findings and more varied sources was needed. 
some​ findings of relevant  ❏ Some sources are cited (intext or footnote). Review the MLA format for 
research.  citations. 
❏ Works Cited - Student attempts some sort of listing of texts but in an 
improper and incorrect way. Use Noodletools. 
❏ The project commitment describes the product and client. More 
explanation of the needs & wants of the client are needed. 

5-6  The student ​describes​ a design  ❏ Summary effectively recaps relevant and credible information about the 
brief, which ​describes​ the  issue. A greater variety of sources would prepare you for further for the 
findings of relevant research.  next stage. 
❏ Sources are cited properly (intext or footnote). 
❏ Works cited is correct. 
❏ The project commitment explains the product and client.  

7-8  The student ​develops​ a design  ❏ Report effectively synthesizes relevant and credible information about the 
brief, which ​presents​ the  issue. 
analysis​ of relevant research.  ❏ Sources are always properly cited (intext and footnote). 
❏ Works cited is correct and includes an appropriate number of texts. 
❏ The project commitment explains & justifies the product and client.  

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