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Home working benefits and statistics

Increased productivity

A two-year study by Stanford University Economist Nick Bloom found a massive increase in work
productivity among remote workers. The study of 500 people, working in both a traditional office and
remotely, concluded that the productivity among remote workers was equal to an extra full day’s work
each week.

Increased employee retention

The same Stanford University research found that people who worked remotely were 50% less likely
to leave the company for other employment.

Less stress

The stress of the daily commute should not be underestimated. It is something that most people living
in big cities endure and is not always a great start to the day. Public transport is often cramped and
traffic jams are a regular occurrence. If you worked remotely, you could spend that commute time
doing pleasant activities to make you happier, such as meditating, yoga or reading:

Fewer sick days

Remote working reduces the transmission of viruses commonly passed around in shared office
spaces or spread on the daily commute. The usual etiquette is to stay at home if you have
a cough or a cold, however remote workers are already at home, making it less likely for them to fall
ill in the first place.

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Reduces costs for employers

Renting or buying office space is a big overhead for companies, and remote working removes this.
The average savings for employers with full-time remote workers in the US in 2013 was $10,000 per
employee per year, according to statistics from PGI News.

Reduces costs for employees

Most of the savings for employees comes from reducing or eliminating the cost of commuting, food,
clothing, and child care.

Environmental benefits

The environmental impact of remote working results in decreased greenhouse gas emissions due to
less commuting, to improved air quality, especially in urban areas.


Work can be slotted in around life commitments, such as dentist appointments and school pick-ups.

Good for personal relationships

Remote working can help people spend more time with their family and loved ones. This has a
significant impact on the ability of parents and caregivers to return to work and also on people’s
emotional wellbeing.

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