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Analysis of the various factors to consider in site selection should be the first step to
be undertaken before deciding finally to go into actual farming. This also applies
where the crop to be grown has already been decided and what remains is the finding
of a suitable land where it is to be grown. It also includes the selection of the right
geographial location. This is so with corporate investors and enterprising individuals
with sufficient capital. They would have realized that engaging in the commercial
production of certain crops is a sound business venture. The farm may be located
within the country or region of their residence or elsewhere.

Examples of commonly pre-decided crops prior to site selection are sugarcane,

banana, pineapple, rubber and oil palm. These are mostly high-value crops and are
widely preferred for commercial planting in plantation scale.

The selection of a suitable farm also follows when an individual decides to go into
farming, the purchase of a farm lot being considered as a better alternative of
investing hard-earned money rather than depositing it in a bank. Here one of the most
important considerations is the value of the property, that is, the selling price is as
low as can be reasonably possible.

Other factors to consider are water supply and those which make the farm suitable to
a wide choice of crops and investment opportunities. Author provides an update in
relation to labor based on lessons earned the hard way.

Where the crop to be grown has already been decided, some factors  to
consider in both location and site selection are the following:

1. Soil, topographic, and climatic requirements of the crop. Consistent with the

rule know your crop first then select the farm, the first part in the planning stage
before site selection is to learn everything about the crop to be grown. This involves a
thorough identification of the environmental adaptation of the crop, particularly its
soil, topographic, and climatic requirements.

With such information, the selection of a suitable location and farm can proceed.
Assuming, by way of example, that the crop to be grown is lowland rice, an upland
farm will not be suitable. However, it is difficult to find a specific farm that possesses
all the requisites of the crop in which case it is necessary to make modifications such
as correcting soil pH by liming, applying soil amendments, and providing irrigation

The soil requirement of a particular crop includes such specific characteristics as soil

type, depth, drainage, texture, organic matter content, pH, and fertility with respect
to the macronutrient and micronutrient content of the soil. The topographic
requirement of a crop refers to its natural adaptation or tolerance to land features
such as elevation, slope, and terrain.

The climatic factors that can influence the growth and yield of crops include
temperature, water or rainfall, light (including photoperiod or light duration),
relative humidity, and wind. These factors may vary with geographical location and,
as to microclimate, from farm to farm. Plants are also distinguished into various
classification according to climate adaptation such as temperate, sub-tropical and
tropical crops.

2. Biotic factors and the prevalence of pests and diseases. Site selection may
consider the natural population of certain organisms like bees and other pollinators.
Where the agriculture venture involves the production of civet coffee or kape alamid,
farmlands adjacent to forested areas may be preferred. But places with a long history
of the presence of serious pests and diseases may be avoided. Likewise, caution
should be exercised in choosing farm sites dominated by weeds which are difficult to

3. Cost of acquisition or lease and in preparing the land. Where financial feasibility

or affordability is a consideration, the cost of procuring or leasing the farmland is a
limiting factor. This may take into consideration also the cost of modifying the
physical features of the land such as in flattenning or modifying the landscape if so
desired, the removal of barriers like unwanted trees, clumps, stumps and boulders,
diversion of floodways, construction of drainage, roads and fire lanes; and in
preparing the land for crop growing including the eradication of major weeds and
disease-causing organisms, soil amendment, and provision of irrigation water.

4. Frequency of typhoon and other calamities. The frequency of typhoon and the

possible occurence of other calamities like flood, drought and volcanic eruption are
always considered in both location and site selection because they can cause severe
loss in investment or total crop failure. In particular, some crops like banana are
prone to injury due to strong winds.

5. Accessibility. A farm that is managed as a business must have access to supplies,

equipment, and the market. It must be provided with infrastructures (e.g. roads) and,
if the product is intended to be marketed elsewhere, shipping facilities or airports.
Moreover, there is a general preference for farms in familiar locations and which are
easily accessible to owner-managers.

6. Labor supply and cost. Skilled labor must be available at reasonable cost.

Otherwise, laborers from other parts of the country may have to be imported.

This factor should be a main consideration for those individuals who may entertain
the idea of spending hard-earned money to acquire a low-cost but raw farm to be
developed, at the least, into a family retreat or a quiet place to entertain friends. A
thorough dissect should be undertaken and the analysis ought to start with the
community surrounding the prospect farm land from where labor may be hired.

The honesty and dishonesty of the general populace, their lawfulness or lawlessness,
their helpfulness or indifference in eliminating thievery, their work ethics, their
sincerity to educate the young, their diligence or lack of it in achieving self-
sufficiency, their customs and traditions, their attitude towards newcomers and the
reach of the law, all of these should be considered. The same ought to apply to the
engagement of farm caretakers. 

The bottomline is to be able to live in peace and to continue development works

without having to worry so much about untrustworthy workers and neighbors.

7. Security and political stability. The farm should be secure from thieves and astray
animals. Otherwise, additional investment may be provided for fencing or security
personnel. In addition, farms are preferred in locations where the local and regional
populace is compliant to the rule of law and where there is stable existence of peace
and order.

Conversely, places with history of unrest, interfamily, interclannish and intertribal

feud, political turmoil, banditry and lawlessness tend to be avoided in site selection.
8. Bureaucracy and investment benefits. Site selection favors those locations where
bureaucratic red tape is minimal so that business permits and other papers if so required can
be processed with haste. Likewise, countries and localities which offer incentives, like tax
exemption, are preferred.

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