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Latin as the language of medical terminology: Some remarks on its role

and prospects

Article  in  Swiss medical weekly: official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society
of Pneumology · December 2002
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Elena Marecková František Šimon

Masaryk University Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice


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Review article S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 2 ; 1 3 2 : 5 8 1 – 5 8 7 · w w w . s m w . c h 581
Peer reviewed article

Latin as the language of medical terminology:

some remarks on its role and prospects
Elena Marečková a, František Šimon b, Ladislav Červený a
Department of Languages, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Languages, Šafárik University, Košice, Slovak Republic

The present paper offers an up-to-date view of has the greatest chance of becoming a new lan-
the status of Latin as the language of medicine, guage in the particular region of clinical medicine.
namely in its terminological component. It is con- In pharmaceutical terminology Latin has, for the
cerned in greater detail with the three basic termi- time being, remained a functioning means of in-
nological vocabularies in which a doctor cannot so ternational communication, guaranteed by the
far manage without its knowledge. In this sense a European Pharmacopoeia (1996) and by the cor-
primary rank is occupied by anatomical nomen- pus of International Non-proprietary Names
clature whose international version remains Latin (1992, 1996), even though in the future an ever
in the full extent. A more varied picture is pre- stronger competition of national languages should
sented by the clinical disciplines where, apart from be taken into account.
Latin terms, expressions of ancient provenance
have been applied in a large measure in the form Key words: Latin; language of medicine; anatomical
of ethnic languages. At the same time, particularly nomenclature; clinical terminology; pharmaceutical
in view of the needs of computerisation, repeated Latin
attempts have appeared to support English, which

The branches of science in which Latin has sult of these considerations was that in 1840 L.
traditionally found its application involve indis- Schönlein decided to deliver his inaugural lecture
putably medicine. While until the close of the for the Berlin Clinic in German. Similarly, the re-
Middle Ages a medical text not written in Latin was puted Viennese clinician J. Škoda regarded Latin
a rare exception, modern languages began to gain to be a burden. However, in 1846 he was forced to
ground with increasing intensity from the 16th translate his inaugural lecture into Latin at the last
century on. Although in France there even was a moment [5]. He had, at least at the end of it, con-
court case held against a certain doctor named Ri- demned the use of Latin and declared: “Medici-
vière, in which he was accused of not being actually nam a linguae Latinae onere liberare conabor”
able to be a doctor because he did not have a good (i.e., I shall strive to free medicine from the bur-
command of Latin [1], it was in France that Latin den of Latin) [6]. In the course of the 19th century
first started retreating from medicine (cf. [2]), fol- this requirement could be fulfilled at last. For ex-
lowed by Italy and later England. On the other ample, at the medical faculty in Prague, some dis-
hand, in Germany and in the central European ciplines were read in Latin until the year 1848 [7].
area Latin survived even in teaching until as late as But even after the abolishment of Latin as a teach-
the 19th century [3]. The doctors themselves were ing and scientific language it has retained its nom-
expressing dissatisfaction with this state of affairs; inating function, and has preserved a permanent
e.g. the well-known German doctor L. Schönlein position in the key component of the language of
mentioned in one of his letters in 1839 that using medicine terminology.
Latin in clinical instruction was a considerable im- Despite the obvious retreat of Latin from the
pediment. In the natural sciences, which greatly medical terminology in the 20th century, profes-
influence medicine, so many new terms have de- sional communicative acts in the national lan-
veloped that seeking Latin words for them would guages have so far been realised with the use of in-
be in his opinion a waste of time. What remains is ternational Latin-Greek terms. This state follows
No financial either sacrifice new discoveries to the genius of the from the advantages that have been generally
support to declare.
ancient world or violate the language [4]. The re- known: terminological continuity, on the one hand
Latin as the language of medical terminology 582

as regards space (it is a worldwide, universal ter- fierce onset of English in the 20th century. Based
minology, not bound to any nation), and on the on this experience he infers that in the future the
other hand as regards history (terms have been contemporary English pressure will only appear as
used in a more or less unchanged form for over a historical interlude. We are rather inclined to ac-
2000 years). Apart from this, Latin and Greek con- cept this conclusion because, besides other things,
stitute a unique stock which may also be drawn English medical terminology is predominantly
upon in case of the need of creating a new term. Latin or Latinate.
The incomprehensibility of the two languages for When taking a cursory glance at the English
the patient is a specific moment of preference, as anatomical nomenclature, one is likely to note that
it is not always in his or her interest to understand there is Latin present not only in the nominative
the utterances of physicians. Thus the doctor plural of some of the nouns, e.g.: fascia – fasciae, sul-
speaks an incomprehensible language and, cus – sulci, but that there also occur nominative
through a reversed logical process, the impression plurals of some adjectives, e.g.: chordae tendineae,
may arise that if somebody uses an incomprehen- foramina nervosa, rami communicantes. Further-
sible terminology, she or he is a good doctor. We more, one will also find nouns in genitive singular
might designate this phenomenon as the mystery and genitive plural, e.g.: orbicularis oculi/oris, crista
of the foreign-language medical communication galli, levator anguli oris, vasa vasorum, quadratus
at the doctor versus patient or professional ver- lumborum, graded forms of Latin adjectives, e.g.:
sus layman level. This was already discovered by scalenus minimus, latissimus dorsi, levator palpebrae
Pliny the Elder (Naturalis historia 29,8,17), who superioris, longissimus capitis, and even purely Latin
claimed, when speaking about ancient Romans multiple-word terms, e.g.: flexor digiti minimi bre-
who did not know Greek, that such people “minus vis, levator labii alaeque nasi. When Latin forms are
credunt, quae ad salutem suam pertinent, si intel- borrowed, no system is observed in the English
ligunt” (believe less what regards their own health, nomenclature. We have registered numerous in-
if they understand). In modern times Montaigne stances of pairs in which the English version of the
(Essais 3,11) expressed himself similarly: term or of its component is applied at one time,
“Maiorem fidem homines adhibent iis quae non and the Latin version at another time, e.g.: arteria
intellegunt” (People trust more what they do not thyroidea ima – deepest layer of subcutaneous tissue,
understand). However, with the decreasing knowl- foramen magnum – mental foramen, major/minor
edge of Latin in the new generation of doctors salivary glands – greater/lesser vestibular glands. (The
there is the menace of the risk referred to by a cer- examples used are given in Terminologia Anatom-
tain Slovakian professor at the faculty of medicine ica [9].)
who complained that as he spoke Latin while at the A similar situation is faced in clinical termi-
patient’s bedside so that the patient might not un- nology. Some terms of Graeco-Latin origin are
derstand, the medical students did not understand presented in an English variation, i.e. mainly with
either. Anglicised suffixes, e.g.: peptic ulcer, thromboembolic
Furthermore, it should be noted that in the last pulmonary hypertension, acute viral gastroenteropathy,
century there appeared a new phenomenon which congenital omental cyst. Others are used by the Eng-
was menacing the special terminological function lish professional terminology in their original
of Latin in modern medicine – the English lan- Latin wordings (naturally with an English pro-
guage. There exist contradictory views of its status nunciation), e.g.: salpingitis, nephrolithiasis, colitis
and perspectives. These range from H. Lippert’s cystica profunda/superficialis, pseudomyxoma peritonei,
assertion [8] according to which English has taken tinea unguium/manuum/pedum/capitis (examples
over the role of Latin in medicine, to the opinion taken from the International Nomenclature of
of the well-known German historian of medicine Diseases [10]). Therefore, it is debatable whether
H. Schipperges [6], who states that Latin with the English medical terminology can at all be rea-
Greek “have masterfully outlived” not only the sonably mastered without the knowledge of basic
Arab influence in the Middle Ages, but also the Latin.

Anatomical nomenclature
The following part of our paper will focus, in anatomists at a congress of the Anatomische
a brief survey, on the three most important cor- Gesellschaft in Basle in 1895. This step had re-
puses of terminology and on the role which Latin sulted from an urgent need in its time. The nom-
plays in them at present. The first place has to be ination system had proved to be quantitatively sat-
reserved for the language of anatomy, where it has urated and confused to the extent that it rendered
gained the firmest position. All of the anatomical communication impossible, and thus it menaced at
nomenclatures produced so far have used Latin as the same time scientific research and the study of
their base. A first legalisation and official ac- medicine. The Basiliensia nomina anatomica (BNA,
knowledgement of the Latin anatomical nomen- 1895) were then, apart from the original disunited
clature was reached thanks to the German terminology, being used in anatomical institutions
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 2 ; 1 3 2 : 5 8 1 – 5 8 7 · w w w . s m w . c h 583

and in professional publications until the year 1935 volved the naming of new structures, the intro-
when, in Jena, it was again German specialists who duction of different terms and those so far used by
adopted another project of their own, differing in clinicians only. In addition, a request was presented
many factual and linguistic aspects from the pre- that the future versions should meet the demands
ceding project. The time of the origin of the of all users, both in theoretical and in clinical dis-
I(J)enaiensia nomina anatomica (I(J)NA, 1935), ciplines. On the whole, this procedure may be un-
falling within the era of fascism, probably fore- derstood as an attempt at changing over to a reg-
shadowed the adverse fate of this codification. At ulated, yet considerably more liberal treatment of
the same time, however, it complied with the high- terms. This is in obvious contradiction to all the
est criteria from the point of view of language, be- preceding tendencies that had been striving delib-
cause in this case classicists had also been taking erately to eliminate synonymous expressions. Fol-
part in the preparatory work in the form of con- lowing unsuccessful attempts at establishing a con-
sultations [11]. After the Second World War this tact to IANC, the new team chose the 5th edition
corpus was rejected at a suggestion put forward by of NA, published in 1983, as its starting point.
American and Canadian anatomists, and a decision They at first prepared a working version, which
was drawn to come back to the Basle names, which they offered for a wide international evaluation
were subjected to a conservative and thus only whose numerous suggestions were incorporated in
minimal revision. The subsequent efforts, co-or- the final version. Then, in 1998, a new corpus of
dinated since 1950 by the newly established Inter- anatomical terms was published, called Terminolo-
national Anatomical Nomenclature Committee – gia Anatomica [9]. It is worth mentioning that the
IANC, resulted in a third standardisation called FCAT confirmed Latin expressis verbis as the lan-
Parisiensia nomina anatomica, according to the guage of “definitive terminology”. This had previ-
venue of the authorising congress (PNA, 1955). ously happened only once, at the 8th International
From that time the Parisian nomenclature, later Congress of Anatomists in Wiesbaden (1965). In
(from 1965) referred to as Nomina anatomica (NA) his article presenting the new nomenclature to the
for short, has been published in six revised editions expert public, I. Whitmore [12], chairman of the
worked out within the competence of the above- FCAT, considers it necessary to explain the reasons
mentioned committee. Its principal intention was for such decision to possible sceptics. He points
to reflect the current requirements, primarily to out that Latin as a dead language no longer devel-
introduce new terms for new concepts and to elim- ops and does not belong exclusively to any coun-
inate any shortcomings found both on the factual try or nation. Its use in terminology can, accord-
and linguistic levels. Due to serious objections re- ing to Whitmore, be characterised as global and
lating to organisation and to persistent technical “non-secular”, i.e. destined for the whole world
disputes between the International Federation of and professional layers. This means that, out of the
Anatomical Associations (IFAA) and the nomen- number of advantages that classical languages
clature committee, which culminated with the offer, it is constancy, international character, and
publication of the sixth edition in 1989 in a form neutrality (unlike national languages) that are ac-
showing little respect for the comments of a part centuated. The professional benefit of the new
of the IFAA members, a further committee was es- corpus of nomenclature was assessed favourably by
tablished under the auspices of the Federation J. Drukker [13]. In conclusion of this section we
(Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminol- would like to remark that all the editions of Nom-
ogy – FCAT). It was charged with elaborating “the ina anatomica, including the latest, bear evidence
official terminology of the anatomical sciences” of non-participation of Latinists in their revision,
[12], based on consultations with all the anatomi- which unnecessarily decreases the linguistic level
cal societies and emphasising the principle of of the text (cf. [14]).
democracy in this collaboration. The key tasks in-

Terminology of clinical medicine

A substantially more complicated and less opment of opinions on their origin, therapy, and
consistent image is provided by the terminology the like.
of the clinical disciplines. It is comprehensible Clinical terms as well as terms relating to
because, first, its range is much larger (up to 60 pathological anatomy may be encountered in med-
thousand terms according to some estimates) and, ical literature, in the doctor’s current practice when
second, there is a difference between the descrip- writing out case records, in diagnoses relating to
tive disciplines such as anatomy and histology on pathological anatomy, and in normative hand-
the one hand, and clinical medicine, which un- books of medical terminology. As far as the use of
dergoes far more serious upheavals, on the other. terms in the literature is concerned, apart from
The causes of some diseases have namely been some new expressions coming from English, e.g.
unknown as yet, and there even appear new dis- in Czech stres, by-pass, katgut / ketgat, there still pre-
eases whose names are later subject to the devel- vail traditional terms of Graeco-Latin origin,
Latin as the language of medical terminology 584

though ever more frequently in the national lan- languages are supposed to elaborate their own ver-
guage forms, e.g. (Czech / Slovak) gastritida / gas- sions (e.g. the German version appeared in 1984
tritída, hysterektomie / hysterektómia, hematom / [20]). For the SNOMED authors there is no prob-
hematóm, encefalopatie / encefalopatia, premedikace / lem about Latin; the introduction lacks even the
premedikácia. However, this does not hold ab- slightest mention of its role in medicine, although
solutely, because there also exist publications the traditional Graeco-Latin terms are used
which use Latin consistently, and sometimes even throughout the text, of course besides frequent
in a form surprising for the present day. For ex- Anglo-Americanisms (SNOMED, 1984). The task
ample, in the Slovakian Vademecum medici [15] of the GALEN project (Generalised Architecture
there occur constructions such as hyperkinesis in- for Languages, Encyclopaedias and Nomencla-
voluntaris de origine extrapyramidali, morbus ex irra- tures in Medicine), realised in the years 1992 to
diatione, paralysis nervi facialis peripherica, and also 1995, was to make “a semantically valid model of
AIDS in the Latin form syndroma immunodeficien- clinical terminology, represented in a formal lan-
tiae acquisitae. The Czech text [16] does not avoid guage, and associated with sophisticated support
Latin either, although domesticated terms prevail, for different natural languages and conversion be-
e.g.: pseudoappendicitis (p. 94), acanthosis nigricans tween different coding schemes” (
maligna (p. 512), erythema exsudativum multiforme mig/galen). It was followed up by another project
(p. 512), lichen ruber planus (p. 513), mastopathia called GALEN-IN-USE [21], realised in the years
chronica cystica (p. 357). 1995 to 1999 in co-operation with the European
When writing case records, doctors in our Federation of Classification Centres. Let us add
central European geographical area have still been that both WHO and CIOMS (Council for Inter-
prioritising Latin terms, even though they some- national Organizations of Medical Sciences) also
times deliberately facilitate their situation by pro- came with the initiative to elaborate an interna-
fusely using abbreviations or circumventing tionally unified and recognised terminology de-
oblique cases. For example, instead of status post signed for global use. Between the years 1979 and
bronchitidem they write: bronchitis, status post. It is 1992, seven volumes of IND (International
true that abbreviations do accelerate work, but at Nomenclature of Diseases [10]) appeared, which
the same time they cause the complete and correct provided both the recommended names furnished
wordings gradually to disappear from knowledge with definitions and the rejected synonymous ex-
so that quite a number of doctors have no longer pressions for infectious and parasitic diseases, as
an active command of them. well as diseases of the respiratory, gastrointestinal,
From a linguistic point of view the most diffi- cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, and dis-
cult task is represented by diagnoses relating to orders of metabolism, nutrition, and glands with
pathological anatomy where it is often necessary to endocrine secretion. The purpose of these cor-
form long phrases consisting of many words in var- puses is to supplement the international statistical
ious grammatical cases, e.g.: Metastases neoplasma- classification of diseases with a standardised list.
tis maligni ad nodos lymphaticos bronchiales, tracheo- The nomenclature presented is compiled in a
bronchiales dx., sin., paratracheales, mediastinales ant. somewhat peculiar English, which often vaguely
et cervicales profundos inf. l. dx. et ad corpus vertebrae recalls Paracelsian individual combination of Ger-
thoracicae IV et XII; Decubitus reg. sacralis et glutaeae man and Latin. It is in fact a special linguistic con-
lat. sin., calcanearis lat. utque, partis lateralis dorsi struct, which is well described by the term “lingua
pedis sin., reg. trochantericae lat. dx. et reg. femoris anglatina” or “Englatin”, inspired by the expres-
post. lat. sin. et patellae lat. dx. It is no wonder that sion “Czenglish” for English affected by Czech
here too Latin sometimes happens to be aban- [22]. For example: oesophageal web due to dyskerato-
doned, being replaced with terms of Graeco-Latin sis congenita syndrome, adenocarcinoma of the appen-
origin but in the national language form. As can be dix, acute/chronic cor pulmonale, agenesis of the ductus
seen, these texts like previous ones abound in ab- deferens, congenital stenosis of the urinary meatus,
breviations. leiomyoma of the cervix uteri. The obligatoriness of
Within the scope of lexical handbooks, medi- this nomenclature is debatable and many doctors
cine has had at its disposal for quite a long time do not even seem to have taken notice of it. Ac-
only the statistical classification of diseases issued cording to information from the CIOMS secre-
by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in a tariat the work on this extensive project has been
new revision every ten years; this, however, is not interrupted for economic reasons.
a real terminological instruction but serves just sta- On the other hand, we have a fresh experience
tistical purposes. The chaotic situation in clinical from the Czech Republic. For the needs of the
terminology has recently instigated several at- Faculty Hospital in Brno, a computer programme
tempts at its standardisation, which mainly react to was developed named PFANNENSTIEL (1998),
the current demands of computerisation. The whose initiators had decided in favour of the Latin
projects SNOMED [17, 18] and GALEN [19] names of diseases, injuries, and even medical pro-
have been well known. In 1979 the American edi- cedures. Based on this material one can convince
tion of SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature oneself that Latin commands plenty of means of
of Medicine) was issued. It is not based on one expression suitable for communication of both sci-
initial language (e.g. on Latin), but the individual entific and factual information in contemporary
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 2 ; 1 3 2 : 5 8 1 – 5 8 7 · w w w . s m w . c h 585

medicine. For example: endoresectio endometrii per myringoplastica per prothesim, resectio vesicae urinar-
hysteroscopiam, microabrasio cavi uteri, partus non iae cum reimplantatione ureteris, nephrectomia bilat-
progrediens, pseudohermaphroditismus masculinus / eralis donoris mortui, asphyxia livida intra partum.
femininus, fixatio gypsea membri inferioris completa,

Pharmaceutical Latin
A third area where Latin has been traditionally ish, or also German version. In the case of names
preserved is represented by pharmaceutical and denoting binary compounds and salts or esters,
pharmacological terminology. For prescribing which had traditionally been formed by a nominal
medicaments, some of the countries have to date phrase with an attributive adjective, there occurs
availed themselves of what is called prescription- transformation of the adjectives to nouns, and the
related Latin, which in full measure respects the originally dominating substantive element gets
original linguistic usage. In order to master this into the position of an appositional adjunct with
significant part of his professional activity on the explicative meaning, e.g.: calcium oxydatum → calcii
required level, a doctor has, among other things, oxidum, ammonium chloratum → ammonii chlo-
to acquire the specific lexicon as well as a model of ridum, natrium salicylicum → natrii salicylas, kalium
the grammatical structure of the prescription-re- nitricum → kalii nitras, natrium nitrosum → natrii
lated text, particularly the relationships between nitris. Obviously by analogy, a change has been un-
the address (Invocatio) and the structural compo- dertaken in the word order of the pharmacopoeial
nents of the proper prescription (Praescriptio). names of plant drugs, which are also realised by
The names of the individual remedies have the means of noun phrases with appositional genitival
form of a genitive with an attributive partitive adjuncts, e.g.: Uvae ursi folium, Valerianae radix,
function, and the expressions superior to them and Anisi stellati fructus, Lini semen, Calendulae flos,
indicating the dose data (given in grams as a rule) Quercus cortex, Acaciae gummi, Melissae herba. The
are placed in the objective accusative supplement- formally identically constructed names of the
ing the imperative form “recipe”. The terminol- other drugs and preparations have also been mod-
ogy of subscription and/or signature, which con- ified, e.g.: Sesami oleum, Belladonnae folii extractum
tains instructions on the preparation, form and way siccum normatum, Citri etheroleum, Glyceroli suppos-
of dispensation of the drug, and/or other instruc- itorium, Iodi solutio aquosa, Natrii iodidi solutio, Anisi
tions destined for the chemist, remains unchanged spiritus compositus, Zinci oxidi unguentum, Acidi borici
in the long term; e.g.: Misce fiat solutio modo asep- aqua ophthalmica. Thus, for the first time in termi-
tico, Da cum formula, Adde guttatorium sterile in cap- nology, there appears anteposition of an apposi-
sula, Divide in doses aequales No V (quinque), Ster- tional substantival adjunct instead of the current
ilisetur, Ne repetatur, Ad usum medici, Sub signo ve- postposition. However, the word-order adjust-
neni, and the like. On the other hand, the official ment is not carried out consistently and, not infre-
names of the drugs and adjuvant substances, med- quently, the original ordering is preserved, e.g.:
ical preparations and health care means, i.e. of Spiritus saponis kalini (but Camphorae spiritus), Lana
components which are usually set as normative in cellulosi regenerati (but Cellulosi pulvis), Praeparata
the pharmacopoeias, have undergone marked insulini iniectabilia (but Insulini solubilis iniectio),
changes during the last decade. In the Czech Re- Adeps lanae, Alcoholes adipis lanae (but Alcoholis
public, the Czech Pharmacopoeia of 1997 [23] and cetylici cremor). All the above-mentioned modifica-
the Addendum of 1999 [24] are currently in valid- tions bear traces of a transitory period and cause
ity; in compiling them, a harmonisation of their considerable difficulties in introducing them into
contents with the European Pharmacopoeia [25] professional and especially teaching practice. Even
as an internationally recognised European stan- though national languages have been favoured in
dard was undertaken for the first time. In the case dispensing prescriptions in some of the countries
of medicines, this has led to a transition from the of the European Union, in the central European
traditional Latin names currently used in central area Latin has continued to be preferred and the
European pharmacopoeias to an international standard international nomenclature of drugs and
nomenclature which, though being also Latin, dif- auxiliary substances has generally been based on
fers quite essentially from the original one in for- the Latin version. The Latin version of the phar-
mally grammatical and lexical aspects. It takes as macopoeia has, among other countries, been used
the starting point international unprotected names in Germany, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, the coun-
(International non-proprietary names /INN/ [26]) tries of the former Soviet Union and, which is es-
with Latin as the base wording, which is supple- pecially remarkable, also in Japan and China.
mented with an English, French, Russian, Span-
Latin as the language of medical terminology 586

Phraseological collocations in medical Latin

Phraseological expressions with medical con- cratic face; a face showing the critical state of a dis-
tent may be conceived as a separate group. They ease, the expression of a patient’s face before
represent quantitatively no large but, from the death), signum mali ominis (a sign of ill omen, un-
point of view of their practical utilisation, a non- favourable sign as regards prognosis), vitium artis
negligible and at the same time inseparable part of (defect in /medical/ art, designation of the subject
the technical language. In a formal respect they of a doctor’s criminal and civil liability), excisio pro-
are, as a rule, composed of noun phrases of which batoria (tentative excision of a morbid focus for the
at least one element is restricted as to meaning and purpose of histological examination), circulus vitio-
function exactly to the corresponding collocation. sus (vicious circle, designation for simultaneous oc-
They have continued to remain a living compo- currence of morbid processes affecting each other
nent of the communication outfit of a modern doc- unfavourably), experimentum crucis (crucial experi-
tor. Their popularity consists, besides the respect ment, a decisive test supposed to show which of
for tradition, in the ability to express economically several hypotheses is correct), (prognosis) quoad
and succinctly, like terms, often complicated fac- vitam (a forecast so far as life is concerned, i.e.,
tual contents, which in the national languages preservation of life, or of the quality of life), inter-
mostly correspond to multiple periphrastic ex- valla lucida (lucid intervals, clear moments, brief
pressions. For example: facies Hippocratica (hippo- returns to consciousness).

As follows from the preceding exposition, precise and linguistically correct usage of the ter-
Latin has been so deep-rooted in medical termi- minological apparatus. One can well speculate
nology and thus also in medicine, and at the same that, on the one hand, it is a lucky solution for Latin
time constantly so productive that its presence in in medicine to have its “continuation” in the Eng-
it appears as a natural matter of course (though lish medical terminology because it so maintains
there do exist certain geographical variations in the its unique standing and, on the other hand, for the
individual areas). This fact is still noticed in earlier English medical terminology its Latin origin is an
publications (cf. [27]), while in many of the more advantage because in that way its spread is accel-
recent ones it is only, as if implicitly, presupposed erated and facilitated. Finally, in an effort to offer
but silently avoided (cf., e.g., [28] and [29]). In any a more comprehensive view, let us recall the apho-
case, it can be confirmed that in the course of a de- ristic expression of the already quoted German his-
velopment lasting more than two millenniums, an torian Schipperges [5], in which the problem of
extraordinarily influential and viable tradition has Latin in medicine, and/or that of Latin versus Eng-
been established, such as hardly any other com- lish, is made relative using the experience of an en-
petitive substitute may fully withstand. Thus any lightened expert: “The old doctor spoke Latin, the
possible doubts about further functioning of Latin new doctor speaks English, the good doctor speaks
in medicine may be regarded as unsubstantiated. to the patient.”
In this sense let us add here a hitherto topical Neo-
Latin adage “Invia est in medicina via sine lingua
Latina” (The way without Latin is impassable in Correspondence:
medicine), which poignantly reflects the situation PhDr. Elena Marečková, CSc.
as characterised in the present article. This also ac- Department of Languages, Medical Faculty
counts for the need and legitimacy of teaching Masaryk University in Brno
Latin terminology at medical faculties (cf. [30]), Komenského nám. 2
whose purpose is primarily to provide students and CZ-662 43 Brno
future clinicians with a functional instruction on E-Mail:


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