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1. Students need to go through any one of these medium listed below:

a. Newspaper
b. Magazines
c. Tradeshow Journals
d. Research articles
2. Prepare a summary report, student need to:
a. Find/ collect information about any new inventions or innovations recently
happened around the globe
b. Evaluate the logical sequence of information given in the article.
c. Use your creativity and analyze how these inventions/ innovations will lead to us
in future.
3. Students also need to cover information like:
a. Main features of the product/service/ process and technology is invented or
b. Benefits and threatens for the society through this product or service or process or
4. Students can produce this summary report using their own creativity, but the summary is
restricted to max 3000 words
5. Font size is 12, either Arial or New Times Roman, requires proper spacing 1.5
6. Header and footer needs to be included.
a. Header – subject name, title of the summary
b. Footer –prepared by & page number
7. You will be given ONE week time, Kindly submit the assignment before the dateline
8. Refer dateline in LMS.

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