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Strategy Name: Low Bid Strategy

Description: In this strategy we can create a campaign with high budget and low bids for the
keywords. We can create the 3 Ad-groups (broad, phrase, exact) with the low bid of 0.18. Then add
these keywords in the negative phrase for the exact campaign to minimize the competition with own
Ad-group. Similarly, add the keywords in the negative exact for the phrase Ad-group and for the Broad
Ad-group add them in both negative phrase and broad.

Case Study: I have run this type of campaigns on the multiple ASINs and found that it is more
effective on the ASIN that is in demand rather than the product which demand is medium or low.

Result if possible: When the campaign is created it has a good number of expressions within 2
days, on 3rd day it has 3 clicks and 1 sale. After that the sales % increased gradually with the low ACoS.

Strategy Name: Long Term Keywords Strategy

Description: In this strategy we can add the long term keywords in the phrase Ad-group with the
normal bidding and budget of $20.

Case Study: I have run this campaign on the product whose keywords competition is quite high and
on the exact search terms the click percentage is higher than the sales.

Result: Positive in bringing the ACoS & Spending down

Strategy Name: Adding Profitable search terms in negative section

of Auto campaigns
Description: In this strategy we add Profitable Keywords in Negative Section of Auto
Campaigns. so we can get the new profitable search terms. Also it indicates that how much
keywords we have utilized in our content because auto campaigns fetch data from the content.
So at the end it will help us to optimize our listing more accurately.

Case Study: Tried in client’s Account, She had a lot of variations in her products Mugs,
Tumbler, Tote Bags and Blankets. (Related to customizable products) So we have used different
keywords at the backend of in each child ASIN. So we added all variation of each product in
one auto campaign and applied this strategy.

Result: Positive

Strategy Name: Density Analyzer

Description: We can run that strategy by using our listing content or by using the number of
keywords that we export from the tools like H10, if we are running that strategy on our listing
content, or we can also use competitors listing content.

Use that website named as "" here is a tool called " Keyword density
Analyzer." We can copy all of our listing content and paste it into that tool. Then that tool will
give us the keywords with density in front of them in percentages. We can export all data, and
then after sorting out the most relevant search terms, we can run them in the broad match
type at a low bid like 0.25.

Result: Campaign will increase the number of impressions and will give sales at a low cost.

Strategy Name – Bid Adjustments by Placement (Top of Search)

Description: If we see several ASINs in the customer search term column then those ASINS
mean the buyers moved to another product ASIN, we can prevent it by putting our own
percentage up to 900% on top of search to avoid extra spend through product pages
Example: A £1.00 bid will be £1.30 for the placement if you adjusted the top of search
percentage bid to 30 %.

Case Study: we have seen the difference in sponsored Ads (Auto campaigns).
Result: If we follow this strategy, it will results in bringing our sponsored product ads at the
top row on the first page of search results.

Plan of action consists of 3 Phases.

 Cost Reduction Phase

 Restructuring Phase
 Growth Phase

In the cost reduction phase, we will focus on current products and work on Negative Search
Terms extraction for each product in all marketplaces by downloading Search terms of last 60
Days to find negative search terms. Once we got enough negative search, we will do the

 Utilize negative search terms at the ad group and campaign level

 Utilize different match types of negative Targeting as and when required
 Utilized Irrelevant words that could be used in search queries as a negative phrase.
 Search terms with brand names will also be treated as negative keywords for that
specific campaign.
2nd phase will be restructuring of current campaigns and follow below-mentioned steps in
order to get the maximum output from each portfolio:

 Target Competing brands in a separate campaign,

 Keywords with low or zero conversion which has the relevancy to product(s) shall be
targeted in different low bid campaign with exact, phrase and broad targeting type
 Keywords with High CTR shall be targeted in a separate campaign with medium/low bid,
 Operated in High spend and high CTR keywords in separate campaigns•
 Broad Targeting, all positive targeted keywords which are being utilized in any other
targeting type, will be added as negative exact and phrase at the ad group level.

Once we have control over current portfolios and reduced our irreverent costs by utilizing
negative search terms aggressively and introducing fresh brand and high CTR campaigns. Then
our main focus will be on growth phase in which we will adopt the best possible growth
opportunity which is being offered by recently and also other ways which are proven as
successful after being implemented on several accounts

 Auto campaign with medium bid and aggressive negative Targeting

 Different auto campaign for each targeting type with different negative keywords
targeting scheme
 Initiate different campaigns and bidding strategy for low, high and medium search
estimated keywords,
 Mass Keyword Targeting with Phrase and Broad low and medium search estimate
keywords with negative keywords placed at an ad group level
 Utilize Positive medium and low search estimate terms from Helium 10.
 Product display ads for the USA market only. We will target buyers off Amazon and On
Amazon Product pages.
 Separate Campaigns of brand-specific keywords and put all those brands as the
negative phrase for the rest of the campaigns.
Strategy Name: Go with only one ad group in one campaign
Description: Amazon prioritizes campaigns much more than ad groups. In case of another ad
group, go with new campaign.

Case Study: Results showed the clear difference among the results of multiple ad groups
Result: Clear and solid control and results equally
I have the one PPC strategy that I used mostly.
Running Individual campaign for each listing means for each child listing there is separate
campaign doesn't matter the variations type color size etc.
What is the benefit of running each child individual campaign: the benefit is that they show
separately for each search results as compared to the single campaign running on all the child’s
Keywords strategy for the campaign is:
3 ad group
Same keywords for all the add group Like 10-15 keywords of them in each Ad group.
In broad campaign we will also add the same keywords in broad ad group as negative phrase
and negative exact.
In phrase ad group we will put the same keywords as negative exact.
So we have new keywords every time and we have good conversion as well.

Strategy Name: Multiple Ad groups

Description: ad-groups for each product (if there is difference in the product).
1. For each variation in a campaign, build several ad-groups (if the theme is the same), either
auto or manual.
1. This way, instead of having meaningless clicks, you'll get the most important customer clicks.
2. This will slash your PPC income.


Start at the Bottom and Work Your Way Up with Keywords
Whether you are launching a new product on Amazon or are just starting as a seller, you should
ideally launch your PPC journey with long-tail keywords. Only after you have attained a certain
level of mastery and success with these long-tail keywords, you should move up in the pecking
order and go after the generic, most-searched keywords.
The reason why this PPC strategy works is that as a new seller, you will have a tough time
competing with well-established players in the market. If you target the highly searched
keywords right at the beginning – keywords that usually come with high competition and CPC,
you will end up spending a lot of money without getting any exposure for your brands, let alone
traffic and conversions.
Even if your listings get the ad impressions, the likelihood of getting sales will be low since your
competitors have a much better position and reputation in the market, for those generic
Therefore, the plan here is quite simple: go after the long-tail keywords right initially, as you
will face little resistance in getting ranked for those phrases. With little competition and a high
intent of purchase, you can land sales rather easily and boost your sales history. Once
consumers start to become more aware of your brand, and the product starts to achieve a
superior rank in the Amazon SERP, you can start targeting the next level keywords and
gradually make your way up.

Rank Optimization Through Amazon PPC

Beyond Page Five
If the listing is ranking beyond page five or six on Amazon, then it is recommended that you
focus only on a handful of keywords that are converting well, rather than all the keywords that
are ranking there. This way, you preserve your funds and concentrate on the phrases that are
ranking in sales but are quite far behind in the search results. The bid here needs to be rather

Page Two-Five
Similarly, for those keywords ranked in the third, fourth, and fifth pages, you can follow a more
moderate strategy that focuses on top performing keywords as usual. You need to keep bidding
consistently over time and see which keywords are getting the most sales. Then, optimize your
campaigns accordingly with these keywords. Amazon will automatically enhance the organic
ranking of your listing for these queries as they begin to generate conversions.

Page One and Two

Lastly, for keywords that are ranking on page one and two, you need to proceed with an
aggressive stance. Since you are just a few spots shy of the prime positions, you want to be as
aggressive as possible with your bidding so that you can win those positions and improve your
product’s visibility.

Adjust Your Bids by Ad Placements

This PPC strategy allows you to optimize your campaigns with much more finesse and gives you
more control over where you want your ads to appear and how much you are willing to pay for
This strategy deals mainly with adjusting your bids based on placements.
As you know, your ads with Amazon PPC will appear in either of the three places
Top of the search results on page one,
Within the rest of the search results (middle, bottom, and in the second page of Amazon SERP
and beyond)
And, in the product details page and other positions off search results like the add-to-cart page
and so on.
For every campaign that you run on Amazon, you can view the placement report and see which
of the three positions brought you the most exposure and conversions. Based on this insight,
you can set the placement bidding multiplier for each placement between 0% and 900% to
further improve your odds of landing conversions and increasing brand awareness.

Strategy Name: Lowest bid with highest budget. (Budget Booster)

-Keep the default bid between 0.04 - 0.10
-Budget will be maximum as you can
-Put all the ASINs
-Adjust the close match, substitutes and lose match bids accordingly
-Apply dynamic down only

Result: According to the prior experience, we learnt that the algorithm may boost the
campaigns which have high bid or having high budget. By allowing the high budget it’s just a
trap for algorithm. But we can control our spending with the lowest bid as well as by the budget
*This strategy works on the products having low search volume.
Strategy Name: Run Campaigns for Your Top Child ASIN
If you don’t have the bandwidth to create a combined package for your variations or run
individual campaigns for all the variations, then you can run PPC campaign only for the top
performing variation.
Over here, you may miss out on increasing your average order value and other perks that come
with grouping products together, but it will still be easier on your pocket and fairly more
The sales will eventually trickle down into the other options. It is because when customers visit
your ads, they will also see the other variants available for the product in the same listing.
Depending on their preference, they may opt for a different variation. Hence, the sale you
consequently get here will be from an ad that was originally shown for your top selling variant.
Alternatively, you can also create different campaigns for different variations. That is, instead of
grouping all the variations together in the same ad group, create a separate campaign for the
other variations. This gives you better control over your ACoS and your daily budget.

Strategy Name: Target Your Own Products through Product Targeting

This advanced Amazon PPC strategy is a pretty ingenious way to get exposure for your products
on Amazon. This option allows you to target customers by specific products and categories. You
can target specific ASINs and your ads will be displayed on their product pages.
Assuming that you have multiple ASINs, pick those products that are struggling to get sales, or
have poor visibility within the Amazon search results.
Create product targeting ads for those underperforming products. Target your top ASINs – the
products that are bringing you the highest traffic and conversions. Now, the ads for your low-
sales products will be displayed on the pages of your top performing ASINs.
This PPC strategy has significant advantages:
Customers will stay within your brand. Even if they don’t like the product they are viewing, they
may end up visiting a different product of yours from the same page. It is like creating an
intricate web that keeps the customer within your brand.
You get to display your entire line of products to the customers. This strategy can work well if
you pick your most-viewed product and target it from your other ASINs, that is, display their
ads on this product’s listing page. This also helps in keeping your competitors off your listing.
Increased exposure for your products.
You can push your newly launched items by giving them ad space on your most-selling

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