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Digital Relay:

A digital protective relay is a computer-based system with software-based protection algorithms

for the detection of electrical faults. Such relays are also termed as microprocessor type protective
relays. They are functional replacements for electromechanical protective relays and may include
many protection functions in one unit, as well as providing metering, communication, and self-test

Digital relay consists of:

 Analogue input subsystem,

 Digital input subsystem,
 Digital output subsystem,
 A processor along with RAM (data scratch pad),
main memory (historical data file) and
 Power supply


 VoltageRating:345kV
 Systemfrequency:60Hz
 Equivalent Voltage Per Unit: ES=1/Z5(pp.), ER=1Z0(pp.)
 Equivalent Source Impedance: zip=0.238+5.72(Q), So=2.738+10(Q)ZRI=0.238+6.19(Q),
 LengthofTransmissionLine:100km
 Line Constant: Ro=0.275(Q), Lo=3.725(MH), C0=6.71l(mph) RI=0.0275(Q),
LI=1.345(MH), Cl=9.483(mph)
 Filter:2nd Order of Butterworth Low Pass Filter High Cut-Off Frequency 360HZ
Block diagram of a digital relay


Case of the system frequency increase and sampling frequency of 12 samples per 20 MS cycle

Case of the system frequency decrease and sampling frequency of 12 samples per 20 MS cycle
Current waveforms during single-phase fault (50 Hz)

Voltage waveforms during single-phase fault (50 Hz)

Current waveforms during single-phase fault (40 Hz)

Voltage waveforms during single-phase fault (40 Hz)

Currents RMS value (50 Hz)

Voltages RMS value (50 Hz)

Currents RMS value (40 Hz)

Voltages RMS value (40 Hz)

Digital Relay Impedance Evolution (50 Hz)

Digital Relay Impedance Evolution (40 Hz)

Digital Relay Impedance Evolution (48 Hz)

Digital Relay Impedance Evolution (52 Hz)

Current waveforms during single-phase fault

Voltage waveforms during single-phase fault

Current RMS value .

Voltage RMS value

Digital Relay Impedance Evolution for Fourier Transform based algorithm .

Digital Relay Impedance Evolution for Mean Square Value based algorithm
Advantages of Digital Relay

1. High level of functionality integration.

2. Additional monitoring functions.
3. Functional flexibility.
4. Capable of working under a wide range of temperatures.
5. They can implement more complex function and are generally more accurate
6. Self-checking and self-adaptability.
7. Able to communicate with other digital equipment (pear to pear).
8. Less sensitive to temperature, aging
9. Economical because can be produced in volumes
10. More Accurate.
11. plane for distance relaying is possible
12. Signal storage is possible

Limitations of Digital Relay

1. Short lifetime due to the continuous development of new technologies.

2. The devices become obsolete rapidly.
3. Susceptibility to power system transients.
4. As digital systems become increasingly more complex they require specially trained staff
for Operation.
5. Proper maintenance of the settings and monitoring data.


Over Current Relay (Directional & Non Directional)

subplot (4,1,1)
plot (t, p1,'linewidth',2.5)
axis ([0 10 0 2])
legend ('P1 Status')
subplot (4,1,2)
plot (t, p2,'linewidth',2.5)
axis ([0 10 -.5 1.5])
legend ('P2 Status')
subplot (4,1,3)
plot (t, q1,'linewidth',2.5)
axis ([0 10 0 2])
legend ('Q1 Status')
subplot (4,1,4)
plot (t, q2,'linewidth',2.5)
axis ([0 10 -0.5 1.5])
legend ('Q2 Status')
subplot (4,1,1)
plot (t, ip1)
axis ([0 10 -4000 4000])
legend ('P1 Current')
subplot (4,1,2)
plot (t, ip2)
axis ([0 10 -7000 7000])
legend ('P2 Current')
subplot (4,1,3)
plot (t, iq1)
axis ([0 10 -4000 4000])
legend ('Q1 Current')
subplot (4,1,4)
plot (t, iq2)
axis ([0 10 -4000 4000])
legend ('Q2 Current')
%subplot (5,1,5)
%axis ([0 10 -2200 2200])

Zero Sequence Components Elimination Block:

function sys = mdlOutputs (t, x, u, xi)

if xi ==1
T1 = [2 -1 -1; -1 2 -1; -1 -1 2] / 3;
T1 = [1 0 0 ;0 1 0;0 0 1];
I1 = [u (1), u (2), u (3)]; % currents before I0 elimination I
11 = (T1*I1')’; % currents after I0 elimination
Sys = I11;
Vector Group Adaptation Block:

function sys = mdlOutputs (t, x, u, k)

if k == 1
T2 = [1 -1 0;0 1 -1; -1 0 1]/sort (3);
else if k == 11 T2 = [1 0 -1; -1 1 0;0 -1 1]/sort (3);
I2 = [u (1) u (2) u (3)]; % currents before adaptation
I22 = (T2 * I2')'; % currents after adaptation
sys = I22;

Relay Decision Block:

n - The power transformer ratio.
k - The percentage bias setting.
ires0 - The bias current threshold setting.
iop0 - The basic differential current setting.

function sys = mdlUpdate (t, x, u, n, k, ires0, iop0

I11= [u (1) u (2) u (3)]; % Primary Side Power Transformer Currents
I22= n*[u (4) u (5) u (6)]; % Secondary Side Power Transformer Currents
Ion = abs(I11-I22); % Relay Operating Current Ire’s = abs(I11+I22)/2; % Relay Restraint
for I = 1:3
if (Ion(I) > iop0) && (Ire’s(I) <= ires0) || …
(Ion(I) > k*(Ire’s(I)-ires0) + iop0) && (Ire’s(I) > ires0)
x = 0; % Open related C. Bs
x =1; % Close related C. Bs
sys = x;

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