How Freelancing Can Help in Reducing Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh

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How Freelancing can

help in Reducing
Problem in

Submitted to:

Dr. Md. Abdul Momen

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Business Administration
East West University

7th August, 2018

Research paper Submission on the topic:

How Freelancing can help in Reducing Unemployment Problem

in Bangladesh

Course code: MKT414

Course: Marketing Research

Prepared For:

Dr. Md. Abdul Momen

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Business Administration
East West University
Prepared By:

No. Name: ID:

1. Tabassum mah Jabin 2014-2-13-047
2. Abdur Rahman 2014-2-10-102
3. Md. Shibly Noman Bappy 2012-1-10-057
4. Arbab Hossain 2014-1-10-196
5. MD. Tahsin Alam Kowsar 2014-3-10-005
6. Sheikh Riad Ahaan 2014-2-10-196

Submission on: 7 August, 2018

Letter of Transmittal

7 August, 2018

Dr. Md. Abdul Momen

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration
East West University

Subject: Submission of research paper on how Freelancing can help in Reducing

Unemployment problem in Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, we are submitting our research paper on the topic of “How Freelancing can help
in Reducing Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh”. Which we have prepared to fulfill the
requirement of course MKT 414 (Marketing Research) in the Department of Business Administration,
East West University.

The study we conducted enhanced our knowledge to make an executive research report. In writing
this report, we have followed the instructions that you have given us in the class, and we have also
applied relevant concepts that we have learnt throughout our course.

Thank you for authorizing this report. We sincerely hope that you will appreciate our effort and enjoy
reading this report. If you need any further information and clarification please do not hesitate to
contact with us. We will be pleased to answer any kind of query you think necessary be at your
disposal at your convenience.

Sincerely Yours,


Tabassum Mah Jabin

On behalf of the group “Change Makers”

Supervisor’s Approval

This is to certify that the research paper on topic “How Freelancing can help in Reducing
Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh” is done by the group “Change Makers”, as a

partial fulfillment of requirement of the course MKT 414 (Marketing Research) in the
Department of Business Administration, East West University. This research paper has been
prepared under my supervision & is an authentic work by the group “Change Makers”.




Dr. Md. Abdul Momen

Assistant Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Aftabnagar, Dhaka.


All praises be to Allah. So, first, we express our deep gratitude to the Almighty Allah who
created and nurture us in this transitory world. We also put our heartfelt respect and gratitude
for. His kindness and help that were provided to us to complete our research report on the
topic “How Freelancing can help in Reducing Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh”

Then we would like to express thanks to our course instructor, Dr. Md. Abdul Momen,
Department of Business Administration of East West University. His candid suggestion,
patient, enthusiastic encouragement and thoughts have made this attempt successful. His
insight and invaluable remarks left distinct of the work. To his generosity, our gratitude is

We also express our deep gratitude and heart full thanks to all our friends and all the group
members who directly and indirectly helped us to provide and accumulate all the necessary
information for all the accomplishment for this research paper.

Executive summary

This research paper is about “How Freelancing can help in Reducing Unemployment
Problem in Bangladesh”. Unemployment issue of Bangladesh is one of the crucial problems
for the country. To solve the unemployment issue freelancing could be a breakthrough.
Online freelancing can provide enough money so that many unemployed people can ensure
their future and become capable. This literature review uncovers the possibilities of
freelancing to solve the unemployment issue. This review also gives expert’s
recommendation as well as opinions from freelancers. Considering many facilities and also
limitations of freelancing, this review will increase the social awareness of freelancing which
is an approach of solving unemployment issue. Ultimately, if the benefits of freelancing can
be introduced to a wider audience, freelancing will be one of the best choices of many
unemployed people. In this paper we I tried to find out the factors which will help in reducing
unemployment problem in Bangladesh. We have prepared a theoretical framework using
secondary journal and a graphical model from the study. The independent variables I found
are- psychological factors, geographical factors, social and societal factors. A questionnaire
has prepared and data has been collected from 200 respondents. Collected data reliability has
been measured after omitting a single question. We did descriptive analysis, regression
analysis. We also did ANOVA test, correlation analysis among different independent
variables and paired t-test for analyzing hypothesis. Finally, we have proposed some
recommendation for the organizations searching for encouraging freelancing to help in
reducing unemployment problem in Bangladesh.

Supervisor’s Approval.............................................................................................................3


Executive summary..................................................................................................................5

Chapter 1.0: Introduction.......................................................................................................8

1.1 Background of the study................................................................................................8

1.2 Objective of the study....................................................................................................9

1.2.1 General objective:...................................................................................................9

1.2.2 Specific Objectives:.................................................................................................9

1.3 Problem statement.......................................................................................................10

1.4 Significance of the study..............................................................................................10

1.5 Limitations of the Study..............................................................................................11

1.6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................11

Chapter 2.0: Literature Review............................................................................................13

2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................13

2.2 Psychological Factors...................................................................................................14

2.3 Social Reasons...............................................................................................................15

2.4 Community...................................................................................................................16

2.5 Societal Factor..............................................................................................................17

2.6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................18

Chapter 3.0: Research Methodology....................................................................................19

3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................19

3.2 Analytical model of the research................................................................................19

3.2.1 Verbal model of the research:..............................................................................20

3.2.2 Graphical model of the research:........................................................................20

3.2.3 Graphical model of the research:........................................................................21

3.3 Data collection process:...............................................................................................21

3.3.1 Primary data:........................................................................................................21

3.3.2 Secondary data:.....................................................................................................21

3.3.3 Analysis of Data:...................................................................................................22

3.4 Theoretical Framework...............................................................................................23

Chapter 4.0: Analysis and Findings.....................................................................................24

4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................24

4.2 Descriptive Analysis.....................................................................................................24

4.3 Demographic factor Analysis......................................................................................25

4.3.1 Cross Tabulation:..................................................................................................31

4.4 Factor Analysis.............................................................................................................31

4.4.1 Communalities:.....................................................................................................32

4.5 Total variance Explained.............................................................................................34

4.6 Regression Analysis......................................................................................................35

4.6.1 Linear Regression..................................................................................................35

4.7 Standard Error of the Estimate..................................................................................37

4.8 ANOVA.........................................................................................................................37

4.9 Coefficient.....................................................................................................................38

Chapter 5.0: Recommendations............................................................................................40

6.0 Reference...........................................................................................................................42

7.0 Appendix...........................................................................................................................43

7.1 Annex - Definitions.......................................................................................................43

7.2 Questionnaire................................................................................................................44

Chapter 1.0: Introduction

This exploration paper is about "How Freelancing can help in Reducing Unemployment
Problem in Bangladesh". Unemployment issue of Bangladesh is one of the vital issues for the
nation. To fathom the joblessness issue outsourcing could be an achievement. Internet
outsourcing can give enough cash with the goal that numerous jobless individuals can
guarantee their future and wind up competent. This writing survey reveals the conceivable
outcomes of outsourcing to comprehend the Unemployment problem This survey gives
master's proposal and additionally sentiments from specialists. Considering numerous offices
and furthermore constraints of outsourcing, this survey will expand the social familiarity with
outsourcing which is an approach of fathoming joblessness issue. At last, if the advantages of
outsourcing can be acquainted with a more extensive group of onlookers, outsourcing will be
outstanding amongst other decisions of numerous jobless individuals. In this paper we I
endeavored to discover the elements which will help in decreasing Unemployment problem
in Bangladesh. We have arranged a hypothetical system utilizing optional diary and a
graphical model from the examination. The free factors I found are-mental components,
geological elements, social and societal variables. A poll has arranged and information has
been gathered from 200 respondents. Gathered information dependability has been estimated
in the wake of discarding a solitary inquiry. We did graphic investigation, relapse
examination. We additionally did ANOVA test, connection investigation among various
autonomous factors and matched t-test for examining speculation. At last, we have proposed
some suggestion for the associations hunting down urging outsourcing to help in diminishing
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh.

1.1 Background of the study

Freelancing is an online based employment service where clients from all over the world can
hire employees. Based on recent performance, Bangladesh is at the third position in
freelancing sector. Therefore, there is a possibility that freelancing can play a vital role in
diminishing unemployment issue. Freelancing is available in Bangladesh since 2008.
Bangladeshi freelancers are very famous for their honesty and efficiency. However, many
unemployed people are not taking freelancing as a serious point. Many are claiming that
online jobs are difficult and time consuming than a real official job. Only social awareness

and government campaign can turn people toward freelancing. As an example; India has
developed many training institutes so that people can easily learn computer science and IT
courses for free. This approach of India has given its people a huge opportunity which is
great step toward diminishing unemployment issue. So, if Bangladesh wanted to diminish
unemployment issue like India it needed to above certain step to provide people enough
facilities to master their self in freelancing.

1.2 Objective of the study

The objective of study is to gather practical knowledge regarding marketing research.
Theoretical classes of “Marketing Research” provide us theories regarding research methods
and analysis statistical research.

1.2.1 General objective:

The very first objective of the study is to prepare a research paper on the specified topic
implementing the knowledge that has been gathered over the semester at East West
University- Bangladesh from our honorable course supervisor Dr. Md. Abdul Momen. The
primary object of this project is to enable to learn about various factors influencing to be a
freelancer which can reduces the unemployment problem of Bangladesh, its actual benefits
towards the society and a wide range of activities to aware people for their stable future.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives:

 To collect relevant information about Freelancing

 To understand the effectiveness of freelancing which may reduce unemployment
 To study the scopes and challenges of this initiatives
 Encourage people to be a freelancer
 Student & Young generation is the ultimate opportunist to be a freelancer
 Identify factors influences to be a freelancer
 To conduct a broad analysis through SPSS based on the questionnaire

1.3 Problem statement

Bangladesh is one of the world’s highly populated country in person to space ratio wise.
That’s why candidate number for a job post is many times higher. Less job sector and high
population arises unemployment issue. So, in that case Freelancing can take part in
Bangladesh’s economy. The current population of Bangladesh is 166.3 million people.
Except children and older, 48% of people are between 18-50 years old. There are only 42
million people are having job in which only 1,375,438 people are government job holders.
Still there are couple million are unemployed. A big obstacle on path of this solution is
education. Bangladesh is place were many people chose not to study. That is why finding job
is bit tougher for people who are illiterate. Freelancing basically require no specific
educational qualification but certain skills are required. That why this research will provide
exclusive details on many aspects which will help to establish answer of many questions
relates with unemployment.

1.4 Significance of the study

The study is based on the independent and dependent factors influences to be a freelancer
which may reduce the unemployment problem of Bangladesh. In this situation freelancing
could be a solution for unemployed people in Bangladesh. Over several years freelancing is a
popular way of earning money on internet. All over the world many people have find
employment on internet and they are claiming that freelancing is providing enough money to
became capable. Also, most recent occurrences reveal that many job holders resigning from
job to become freelancer because freelancing provides good value to their effort and its time

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1.5 Limitations of the Study
Limitations are obvious in any study so do here. Since this is a research-based report, the
limitations regarding the project program have acted as the limitations of the study. To make
a report various aspects and experience are needed. I faced some barriers for making a
complete and perfect report. These barriers or limitations, which hinder my work, are as

 The report is 90% based on secondary data.

 Lack of published data and inadequate disclosures were also caused problems to carry
on the comprehensive study.
 We do not know all the things about SPSS work but still we tried to work on it.
 Some respondents were probably not attentive and serious about answering the
 The overall outcome of data analysis may not be fully flawless.

We did not have so much experience for conducting research and preparing the report very
frequently as we are in learning position.

1.6 Conclusion
Today’s world is to faster. We are living in a massive competitive world, here having a job
has become almost climbing the mount Everest. So, to face this problem and to overcome it
strategically, we should find alternative way or media. Where freelancing can be one the best

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Chapter 2.0: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
The freelance worker, sometimes called freelancer, is “a person who acts independently
without being affiliated with or authorized by an organization” (Merriam-Webster, an.d.). A
freelance worker is akin to a contract worker, or a self-employed person. The number of
freelancers are increasing in recent years in Bangladesh. The data from the Bangladesh
Bureau of Statistics (BBS) which showed that sustained economic growth over the past few
years was unable to deliver employment opportunities. This is why maximum students and
youth of Bangladesh are choosing freelancing as their career.

Online outsourcing defines the use of internet-based platforms to contract third-party

workers, usually from other countries to provide services or complete tasks. The channels
mediated through technology offers clients the opportunity and access to outsource paid work
to a large global pool of remote workers. The coordination, quality control, delivery and
payments of these services are facilitated online (Kuek et al., 2014). Online outsourcing
provides a platform to match employers, including both the firms and individuals with
workers to complete the work online. The process which includes, finding job, performing
the job and being paid for the job are all being facilitated using the available online channels
(Imaizumi, 2016).

World Bank’s report on “The global opportunity in online outsourcing” highlights, In today’s
digital era online freelancing has become a promising alternative to traditional employment.
Thus, transforming the where, when, and how work is performed. Online outsourcing
platforms provide economic benefits for both workers and employers. Through online
freelancing employers have a broader access to specialized skills, flexibility, fast hiring
process. Whereas, the workers have access to new opportunities, a space to compete in the
global job market from anywhere and at any time as long as they have computer and internet
accessibility. Workers can earn higher wages than the amount earned by performing the same
job in their home countries (Kuek et al., 2014).

“A combination of cheap labor and good skill has made Dhaka a ‘surprised winner’ in
freelance outsourcing jobs such as graphic design, data entry and check-up, translation and

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web development” [Rahman, 2010]. This article also says that a major portion of data-entry
jobs were done by freelancer based on Dhaka. The writer of the article also interviewed many
important figure who can give an assumption that how to introduce even more people into
freelancing. Secretary General of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information
Services (BASIS) stated that Dhaka will be India’s biggest rival in near future. He also stated
that now many of freelancers of today earn $1000 a month which is enough for a middle-
class family. Reaz Uddin Mosharraf, Director of BASIS (2012-14) said “IT club in many
universities are playing a key role. These IT clubs are giving training to the new comers,
organizes many competitions and social events to increase the awareness in students”. Fast
broadband bandwidth provide reliability that freelancers now can complete their assignment
within deadline without facing any problems.

According to Meyers et al 2017, Online outsourcing activities such as microwork and impact
sourcing opens doors to digital jobs, market relevant skills development, work experience,
and income to low-skilled youth and can have a positive ripple effect on their families and
community. However, this new modality of work also brings the risks associated with a lack
of continuous employment, low wages, and limited social benefits.

Since freelance marketplaces are strictly online, it would be more fitting to consider them as
e-marketplaces. An e-marketplace, or electronic market, is “An online marketplace where
buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money, or information and this process
is creating new job sectors for the unemployed and for those who want build a career on their
passion.” (Turban, King, Lee, Marshall, & McKay, 2007, p.44).

2.2 Psychological Factors

Across the global business landscape workforces are evolving. Freelancers and the self-
employed are widely recognized as having an important impact on the performance of
modern economies; helping them to be more flexible, agile, entrepreneurial and innovative. It
is a trend evident across a broad range of industries. With such prevalence it is more
important than ever that the self-employment sector is explored by researchers, practitioners
and policymakers. However, due to the constant evolution of this sector, understanding is
fragmented, research data about this valuable group is hard to find and there are always new
areas to evaluate.

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 Career opportunities: Career development is not an easy process but nonetheless,
it’s an essential one. There has an argument among the experts about Freelancer is not
an ultimate solution to build a career. Thus, for developing and under developed
country where unemployment is a major problem, freelancing can be a major option
to select as career. The field is open for all genre, without any geographical
boundaries which creates a greater platform for the unemployed people. Skill
development, frequent training, and learning opportunities will take freelancing career
one step further.
 Diversity: Freelancing is open for every people from every genre. Online freelancing
sites have different sections of working. There has a diversified place of work where
freelancer can work on his/her own interest. Freelancer can learn the consumer
behavior of different people as freelancer experienced diversity over time.
 Learn about other cultures and customs: One of the best things about handling new
countries is experiencing new cultures and customs. We have interviewed few
freelancers, who informed us serving new clients from different countries help them
to develop enrich their experience to grow.

2.3 Social Reasons

We’ve all heard great things about being a freelancer: having the ultimate independence to
make all your creative decisions, no bosses to answer to, flexible hours and working from the
comforts of home. Being a freelancer sure beats the constraints of a regular corporate 9-to-5
job, but as they say, freedom comes with a price. So many of us may have overrated the
‘freedom’ that is associated with freelancing without properly considering what we may have
to give up in place to attain that. Due to lack of job in country influencing people to select
freelancing. Although, freelancing is still not that much recognizable in Bangladesh society
as freelancers don’t have any job title or job security.

 Working environment: No regular working hours and no distinct work locations

make freelancing an inseparable part of your life. You don’t get to stop taking calls
from clients after 5 p.m. every day. Work is where your laptop is, and can start at any
time of the day (or night!). Almost 98 percent jobs can be done remotely from home
which helps to manage more time for family and thyself. The time flexibility depends

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on the task delivery time which may result late night work. But overall freelancers can
choose their own time to complete the task within the time period.
 Find out about different societies and traditions: A standout amongst other things
about serving different customer from new nations is encountering new societies and
traditions. That new something peaks the interest and in the following days/ months,
freelancer have new venture that he/ she never dreamt of.
 Get the chance to work with bunches of shrewd individuals: To serve the
consumer, freelancer often need to build a team of skilled individuals which help
them to enrich their skill and work ability. Different customer’s feedback and
behavior make them more effective on their task. Even, this may sometime make the
job more interesting as the freelancer get the chance to work with different cultures
 Self-Traits: Some of the biggest obstacles in becoming a freelancer full-time is the
incompatibility of your characteristics with the needs of the job. Simply put, if you
don’t have what it takes, freelancing will wear you out fast.
 Fun and relaxation: One of the advantages/ disadvantages (depending on who is
assssing the situation) is the fact that online freelancer have reduced human contact to
people who commute five days a week to and from work, and have to interact with
other collegues. Althoug, they have the luxury to select the relaxation time and place
by themeselves and don’t have to wait for the weekends.

2.4 Community
The government of Bangladesh is focusing developing skilled workers through giving
trainings in different sectors. Such as, graphics design, visualization, motion graphics,
connten development, website development and design, media communications and so on.
The community has focused on building a resilient workforce to develop the economical
situation of the country. Freelancers can enable, or facilitate, businesses to do all these things
and hence have become a key driver for economic performance in the economy. There has a
need to identify the defining and unique features which distinguish freelancers as unique
economic agents in their own right. These studies show that freelancers tend to serve a
different function to employees in the context of their role in an innovation-driven economy
(Burke, 2012).

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Freelancers enable businesses to be agile, flexible and to manage risk in adjusting their
workforce to meet the uncertainty inherent in a dynamic business environment. This enables
firms to reduce the risk to grow in order to take on business that may become sustainable but
is initially at risk of being temporary. Without the use of freelancers, the option to grow
entails hiring employees who form part of a business’s overheads and whose jobs would not
be sustainable if the expected sales from growth are not realized. As a result, many
businesses may choose not to take the risk involved in growth. By contrast freelancers enable
businesses to adopt a variable cost (pay as you go) labor model which removes the risk of
acquiring unsustainable labor costs. Once the decision to grow has been taken and if expected
sales prove sustainable then at that point businesses usually replace freelancers by employees.
Therefore, through this process freelancers can be used to accelerate growth strategies and
complement core workers’ efforts to scale up the business until such time that it becomes
apparent that a new higher level of sustainable business is either achievable or not.

2.5 Societal Factor

Freelance has changed dramatically in the last several years. Not only have technological
advances made it easier for more individuals to join the pool of freelancing professionals, but
a boom in new outlets has significantly increased the number of places for a writer to earn
their daily bread. That means that companies have more places than ever to find a freelancer,
considerably upping their chances of hiring just the right person for the project. The
challenge lies in determining whether the freelancer’s asking rate is commensurate with the
work required.

 Creation of new job market: Online freelancing is one of the benefits to world of
work enabled through internet. Online freelancing is small and simple jobs distributed
through online platforms to workers for greater cost efficiencies across geographic
boundaries (Kuek et al., 2014). Some of the typical jobs outsourced through the online
platforms include data entry, graphic design, translation, proof reading etc. Internet
and innovative platforms such as Upwork, Fiver and Freelancer have provided an
avenue to access this opportunity globally. Online job platforms have provided an
increased access to a larger talent pool and opportunities for smaller enterprises and
individuals to capitalize on the skills, which lacks sufficient demand within the local

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 Number of workplace: Based on nationally representative survey LIRNE Asia
estimates, there are 17,000 to 22,000 online freelancers in Sri Lanka registered with
multiple platforms and selling their skills for buyers around the world (Helani,
Suthahran and Senanayke, 2016). Fiverr, Freelancer and Upwork are the popular
platforms used by Sri Lankan youth. Through interviewing experts in freelancing we
have learned a freelancer is working in different sites at the same time. So, the
situation is quite similar in Bangladesh if we compare to Sri Lanka.
 Socio-economical impact: Uptake of online freelancing has a significant positive
socio-economic impact not only on the life of the urban upper- and middle-classes but
also on that of the lower income classes in rural areas. Benefits of online freelancing
extend beyond employment creation and contribute towards the much-required
foreign income for the country.

Therefore, due to the numerous advantages gained through this new employment avenue, it is
essential to nurture and grow online freelancing in Bangladesh. Intensifying the growth of
online freelancing could benefit job seekers, their dependents, government and even it will
contribute towards the Balance of payment crisis currently faced by the country.

2.6 Conclusion
There has been a transformation in freelancing over the last two decades from a
predominantly precariat shadow workforce serving as substitutes for employees to a far more
diverse workforce incorporating high earner and high skilled workers who serve a dynamic
role for businesses; mainly working as complements to employees and frequently
undertaking innovation which leads to job creation. This transformation has been paralleled
with a rapid rise in the number of freelancers in the workforce and the increasing use of
flexible working and outsourcing business models by businesses. The chapters in this
Handbook provide a significant overview of existing and new research on freelancing in this
new context. Combined, they provide a single source compendium of the current state of the
art research on freelancing that will hopefully provide a platform which will enable and
inspire further research. The chapters provide some new insights and a re-appraisal of
freelancing in a 21st Century business context that will better inform public policy, industry
practice and career choice. However, the analyses in the chapters also raise many more
questions for further research and highlight many gaps in knowledge that need to be filled.

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These research challenges alongside the increasing importance of freelancers for business,
people’s career paths and public policy all indicate the scope and need for a vibrant research
trajectory in this area.

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Chapter 3.0: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
The way of collecting information and data for pursuing our goal of making important
decisions about something is research methodology. Research methodology may include
different techniques like surveys, interviews, publication research and other research
We believe the methodology must be related with the initial research question we have
developed. During the research process we will try to find the answers of those questions.
Students from different college, school and university and the employee from public
organization and private organization and entrepreneur will be our respondent. Structured
questionnaire will be used to retrieve authenticate and non-biased information from the
parties. The possible reasons and the variables that influence people to be a freelancer that
help to reduce unemployment problem of Bangladesh will be studied and analyzed critically
through the research. We suspect the independent variable may be:

 Acceptability and Availability

 Location Convenience
 Time Flexibility
 Easy Operation

3.2 Analytical model of the research

An analytical model has some variables that create interrelationships which designed to
represent, in whole or in part, some real system or process. In our research we used three
types of analytical model to describe the relationship between independent variables with
factors influencing to be a freelancer that help to reduce the unemployment problem of

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3.2.1 Verbal model of the research: Every people will be happy by
fulfilling their financial needs. Our prime concern of this study is to find out the independent
variables that influence to be a freelancer and what is the relationship among them. Here we
considered four independent variables- Acceptability and Availability, Location convenience,
Time flexibility and Easy Operation. Our one and only dependent variable is Unemployment.
There is an in-depth relation among them.

3.2.2 Graphical model of the research:

Freelancing to reduce
unemployment problem in

Acceptability & Location Time Flexibility Easy Operations
Availability Convenience

 Global Acceptability: Freelancers are globally accepted by the employers where the
employer mainly focused on specific working expertise rather focusing on education
and professional background. That can create positive impact to choose freelancing as
 Availability: As the job can be done remotely and there has no geographical barrier,
the number of jobs and number of freelancers are highly recognizable. There has
plenty of websites and different types of job which can influence people to go for

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freelancing. Choosing a freelancer are most often cost effective for the company as
 Location Convenience: Almost 98 percent jobs can be done remotely from home
which helps to manage more time for family and thyself.
 Time Flexibility: Freelancers don’t have to work 9am to 6pm which is positive. The
time flexibility depends on the task delivery time which may result late night work.
But overall freelancers can choose their own time to complete the task within the time
 Easy Operations: Signing up process to freelancing websites, bidding for jobs,
withdrawing money; the overall operations are very easy to conduct and maintain.
Easy operating process can create positive influence on people to select freelancing as

3.2.3 Graphical model of the research:

y=a0 + ∑ ❑ a1 x1 +a 2 x 2 +a3 x3 + a4 x 4

Factor influence to be a freelancer.

¿ a0 + ∑ 4 a 1∗LocationConvenience ¿+ ( a2∗Easy Operation) + ( a3∗Acceptability∧ Avilability ) +a4∗( Time Flax

3.3 Data collection process:

The study will be based on collecting data from two variable sources will be both the primary
data and secondary data.

3.3.1 Primary data: Primary data is the original data that has been collected by
the researchers themselves specifically for the purpose in mind. Primary data will be
collected from different school, college and university students and employer from different

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private and public organizations and from entrepreneur. In this case survey and interview will
be the tools to use.

3.3.2 Secondary data: are data that have already been collected for purposes
other than the problem at hand. These data can be located quickly and inexpensively. For our
research we will collect data from different researches, news articles, social networking sites
and other potential sources.

Research Design: Descriptive research (Multiple cross-sectional Design)

Research Method: Survey method
Research Instrument: Structured questionnaire
Sample size: 200 respondents
Sample area: Dhaka
Sampling method: Convenience Sampling.
Statistical package: SPSS
Analytical tool: Percentage analysis, Mean, Mood.

3.3.3 Analysis of Data: It is the process of inspecting, cleansing, refining the

significant information so that in the end we can come to point from where we can support to
make a conclusive decision. This is a major part of the research. While analyzing the data
making any error will significantly influence the end result. To prevent that we will use
correct methods and tools that we have already mentioned above, the first task will be testing
the reliability test and then calculating the mean of independent and dependent variables.
Finally, we will complete the analysis part through regression analysis.
 We have used descriptive frequencies to find out the demographic variables.
 We have also used the crosstabs to find out the relationship of the demographic
variables with the dependent variable.
 We have used Paired T test to find out the accuracy of the hypothesis to put forward
by us.
 We have also used regression model to find out the independent variables have
significant relationship with the dependent variable.
 We have also done Correlation to find out relationship between independent variable.

22 | P a g e
3.4 Theoretical Framework

We tried to know the students, employer and entrepreneur perception about factor influencing
to be a freelancer that helps to reduce the unemployment problem of Bangladesh. It leads us
to some associations which help us to come to a decision. Location convenience, time
flexibility, easy operation these are all the issues that influence people to be a freelancer.


 H1: Location convenience for work as a freelancer.

 H2: Easy operation

 H3: Time flexibility to do freelance that help to reduce the unemployment problem or

 H4: Acceptability and availability for work as a freelancer.

23 | P a g e
Chapter 4.0: Analysis and Findings

4.1 Introduction

In our research analysis, we have basically done analysis on three factors like descriptive
analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis. With the help of these three analyses, we
have tried to demonstrate our whole research findings. Also, we have taken help from various
tables and charts.

4.2 Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of the data that basically helps to
describe, show or summarize various collected data in a meaningful way. For example,
various kind of pattern can be drawn from the data. However, descriptive statistics do not
allow us to make conclusions beyond the data we have analyzed or reach conclusions
regarding any hypotheses I might have made. It is simply some of the basic characteristics of
the data.

Statistic factors allude individual attributes that are utilized to gather and assess information
from the mass populace. Before leading the examination, we decided some statistic factors on
the premise of Bangladesh point of view that are gender, age, income and occupation. All the
statistic information is breaking down by the accompanying frequency table.

Gender Age M_Status Education Occupation Experience
N Valid 200 200 200 200 200 200
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 1.33 1.78 1.07 2.81 1.29 1.17
Median 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00
Mode 1 2 1 2 1 1
Std. Deviation .471 .450 .256 .986 .767 .559

24 | P a g e
From the frequency table above, I can see the result from the demographic factors. Such as
respondents average of the factors that is mean, median, mode and standard deviation.

4.3 Demographic factor Analysis

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
Category y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Male 134 67.0 67.0 67.0
Female 66 33.0 33.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

Gender: The following Column chart shows that in the survey of 100% respondent where
33% was female and 67% was male.

67% 33%

Valid Cumulative
Category Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 0- 20 47 23.5 23.5 23.5
21-30 150 75.0 75.0 98.5
31-40 3 1.5 1.5 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

25 | P a g e
Age: The following Column chart shows the age range of respondents. As it can be seen that
people of 21-30 ages are occupying the major portion of the chart because this group of
people do freelance mainly. The sample size was 200. Here, 23.5% belongs in 0-20years,
75% belongs in 21-30 years 1.5% belongs in 31-40 years.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid SSC 4 2.0 2.0 2.0
HSC 105 52.5 52.5 54.5
20 10.0 10.0 64.5
Bachelor Degree 68 34.0 34.0 98.5
Master Degree 3 1.5 1.5 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

26 | P a g e
Education: Here is the statistic of the education level of our respondent. As we are seeing
that major portion of the respondent are in HSC student. The reason behind it, they have
some time to do freelancing as they are students. 52.5% of our respondents are HSC passed,
34% are in Bachelor Degree level, 10% are in Diploma/certificate level and 2% is in SSC
level & 1.5% is in master degree level.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Single 186 93.0 93.0 93.0
Married 14 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

27 | P a g e
Marital Status: From the survey questionnaire of 200 respondents 186 were single & 14
were married. The percentage of single & married respondents are 93% & 7% respectively.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Student 171 85.5 85.5 85.5
8 4.0 4.0 89.5
14 7.0 7.0 96.5
Entrepreneur 6 3.0 3.0 99.5
Others 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

28 | P a g e
Occupation: Occupation is a vital demographic factor. From the occupation a consumers or
persons way of living & life style reflects. From the 200 respondents 171 were student, 8
were private organization, 14 were public organization, 6 were entrepreneur & 1 was other
occupation holder. The percentage of student, private organization, public organization,
entrepreneur & others is 85.50%, 4%, 7%, 3% & 0.5%.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 0-2 178 89.0 89.0 89.0
2-5 15 7.5 7.5 96.5
6-10 2 1.0 1.0 97.5
5 2.5 2.5 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

29 | P a g e
Experience: Experience is also an important demographic factor. From the 200 respondents
178 have 0-2 years’ experience, 15 has 2-5 years, 2 has 6-10 years & 5 respondents has above
10 years’ experience. The percentage of experience of (0-2) years, (2-5) years, (6-10) years &
above 10 years is 89%, 7.50%, 1%, 2.5% respectively.

30 | P a g e
4.3.1 Cross Tabulation:

Cross organization is an instrument that permits thinking about the association between two
variables. There may be a cross organization the following between age & education.

Age * Education Crosstabulation

Count Bachelor Diploma/Certi
SSC HSC Degree ficate Total
Age 0-20 Years 0 4 86 17 107
21-30 years 1 2 7 34 44
31-40 Years 1 3 15 15 34
Above 40 0 0 11 4 15
Total 2 9 119 70 200

4.4 Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is done based on the independent and dependent variable. In our research,
there is one dependent variable and four independent variables. Also, under each of the
variables, there are several questions. With the help of factor analysis, we tried to
demonstrate do all the questions represent the research topic perfectly or not. Also, which
question will go under which factor, this analysis will help us to determine perfectly. The
main objective is to reduce number of items and find out relevant factors with the most
appropriate questions. KMO basically describes that the total no of respondents is adequate or
not for the study. The range for KMO is 0 to 1. On the other hand, Bartlett ‘s test refers the
respondents are significant or not. To find out the significance level, a benchmark should be
followed to get accurate result and it is done by comparing with alpha value .05. If
significance value less than .05 null hypotheses will be rejected and if it is greater than .05
null hypotheses are accepted.

31 | P a g e
KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .793

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 636.890
Df 78
Sig. .000

From KMO and Bartlett’s test, we see that the sampling adequacy value is .793. The
benchmark is .60 for proving that the numbers of respondent are good enough. So here the
value is .793 so we can say the number of respondents which basically we collected is good
enough for our study. But we can’t test hypothesis by this value. We need to consider the
significant value which should be less than .05 only then we can say Null hypothesis is
rejected. So here our value is .000 so we can say Null hypothesis is rejected.

4.4.1 Communalities:
This is the proportion of each variable’s variance that can be explained by the factors. The
Extraction value in the table represents which questions are not associated with the study.
The highest range for extraction value is 1. It is better to have the greater value which is very
close to 1. The benchmark value is 0.5. This table mainly indicate which are the item are
weaker and not good for our analysis.


Initial Extraction
Acceptability1 1.000 .711
Acceptability2 1.000 .724
Acceptability3 1.000 .581
Acceptability4 1.000 .482
Acceptability5 1.000 .613
Location1 1.000 .786
Location2 1.000 .343
Location3 1.000 .509
Location4 1.000 .732
Location5 1.000 .686
Time1 1.000 .677
Time2 1.000 .588

32 | P a g e
Time3 1.000 .689
Time4 1.000 .721
Time5 1.000 .623
Operation1 1.000 .712
Operation2 1.000 .579
Operation3 1.000 .678
Operation4 1.000 .876
Operation5 1.000 .598

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Here we can see that, in the communalities table the extraction estimation of all parts is under
1. In this stage we didn't killed those parts which are under 0.5 rather we principally denoted
the segments in light of the fact that there is an issue and kept for encourage investigation in a
more extensive degree. In the collection box, one esteem that is been red checked which
shows that, it isn't that quite a bit of a decent thing to quantify. And the various qualities are
more than 0.50, so they are very useful for the analysis.

4.5 Total variance Explained

What number of factors we truly expect for our exploration is depicted by the aggregate
change clarified. The aggregate section of the aggregate difference clarified gives the esteem,
the % of fluctuation segment gives the proportion of the change represented by every part in
the greater part of the factors; the combined % segment gives the level of change represented
by the initial 4 segments of the total variance.

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared

Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings
Com % of
pone Varianc Cumulati % of Cumulat % of Cumulat
nt Total e ve % Total Variance ive % Total Variance ive %
1 4.520 34.766 34.766 4.520 34.766 34.766 2.442 18.784 18.784

33 | P a g e
2 1.427 10.974 45.740 1.427 10.974 45.740 2.237 17.211 35.995
3 1.164 8.950 54.691 1.164 8.950 54.691 1.844 14.188 50.183
4 1.345 7.876 43.432 1.345 7.932 59.456 1.756 13.342 57.434
5 1.010 7.769 62.460 1.010 7.769 62.460 1.596 12.277 62.460
6 .906 6.970 69.429
7 .806 6.204 75.633
8 .690 5.306 80.939
9 .583 4.487 85.426
10 .456 3.510 88.936
11 .428 3.291 92.227
12 .407 3.128 95.355
13 .304 2.338 97.693
14 .300 2.307 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

In the total variance explained table, in a perfect world, we ought to have 14 factors however
at first, we have discovered 5 factors which are more prominent than esteem 1. In this
manner, we considered these factors as the variables of outsourcing that will decrease
joblessness issue that can clarify 62.46% of the aggregate wonder. Therefore, we considered
these variables as the factors of freelancing that will reduce unemployment problem that can
explain 62.46% of the total phenomenon.

4.6 Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis is a factual procedure for assessing the connections among factors.
Relapse Examination causes one see how the normal estimation of the reliant variable
changes when any of the free factors is differed. It incorporates numerous methods for
demonstrating and dissecting a few factors. Here, we utilized Direct Relapse to lead the
factual examination for our exploration. Regression Analysis is a statistical process for
estimating the relationships among variables. Regression Analysis helps one understand how
the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the independent
variables is varied. It includes many techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables.
Here, we used Linear Regression to conduct the statistical study for our research.

34 | P a g e
4.6.1 Linear Regression

Linear Regression is the most essential sort of relapse and generally utilized prescient
investigation. The general thought of this relapse analyzes two things. Linear Regression is
the most basic type of regression and commonly used predictive analysis. The overall idea of
this regression examines two things-

 Does a set of independent variables do a good job in predicting a dependent variable?

 Which independent variables significantly predict the dependent variable?

Variables Entered/Removed
Model Variables Entered Removed Method
1 Acceptability, . Enter
Location, Time,

a. All requested variables entered.

From the table above demonstrates that our four free factors remain exist that we created
before leading the review. It demonstrates that the four of our autonomous factors Adequacy,
Time and Area and activity have impacts on outsourcing to diminish joblessness issue. The
table above shows that our three independent variables remain exist that we developed before
conducting the survey. It indicates that the four of our independent variables- Acceptability,
Time and Location & operation have effects on freelancing to reduce unemployment

Model Summary: Model Summary table gives data about relapse line's capacity to represent
the aggregate variety in the needy variable. It clarifies whether the free factors can judge the
reliant variable or not. Demonstrate outline is contained with R, R Square, balanced R Square
and sexually transmitted disease. Blunder of the Estimation. R square measurement gives a
measure of how well the model is fitting the genuine information and inconstancy in the
information that is clarified by the model. It is a number between 0 to1. A number almost 0
speaks to a relapse that doesn't clarify the change in the needy variable well and a number
near 1 explains the fluctuation in the reliant variable that implies the perceptions are

35 | P a g e
anticipated precisely. Model Summary table provides information about regression line’s
ability to account for the total variation in the dependent variable. It explains whether the
independent variables are able to judge the dependent variable or not. Model summary is
comprised with R, R Square, adjusted R Square and Std. Error of the Estimation. R square
statistic provides a measure of how well the model is fitting the actual data and variability in
the data that is explained by the model. It is a number between 0 to1. A number near 0
represents a regression that doesn’t explain the variance in the dependent variable well and a
number close to 1 does explain the variance in the dependent variable that means the
observations are predicted exactly.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .635 .404 .395 .61059

a. Predictors: (Constant), Acceptability, Time, Location, Operation

Inside the extent of the exploration inspected, a regression analysis has been done with a
specific end goal to decide the components that impact freelancing to reduce unemployment.
The between connections between the reliant mean and respondent's inclination was
evaluated using regression and the needy mean are Acceptability, Time, Location and
Operation. The model's R² square esteem is 0.404, which implies that the Adequacy, Time,
Area and Activity can clarify or anticipate 40.4% of the-changeability of-the-needy variable.

4.7 Standard Error of the Estimate

Standard error of the estimate is the measure of dispersion or variability of predictions in a

regression. The small value of std. Error of Estimate represents that observed values are fairly
close to the regression line and the larger value indicates observed values are far away from
the regression line. The less the value of std. error of estimation the higher the probability of
best fit. In this model summary the Std. Error of estimation is .61059

36 | P a g e
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests the hypothesis and is used to determine whether the
null hypothesis will be accepted or rejected. Here our hypothesis is:

H0: Independent variables don’t have the exploratory power to explain the dependent
H1: Independent variables have the exploratory power to explain the dependent variable.

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 50.702 4 16.901 45.331 .000a
Residual 74.938 195 .373
Total 125.639 199
a. Predictors: (Constant), Acceptability, Time, Location, Operation
b. Dependent Variable: Unemployment

Decision about the hypothesis depends on P-value (level of significance) by comparing the
alpha value (.05). ANOVA is basically the justification of P-value and the justification will
be based on following criteria:

If P value< α, H0is rejected.

If P value> α, H1is accepted.

The F value of the test for the data is 45.331. The p-value associated with this F value is very
small, 0.000 which is less than alpha value 0.05. The null hypothesis is rejected and our
alternative hypothesis that is independent variables have the exploratory power to explain the
dependent variable will be accepted.

The study shows that there is positive significant impact of these independent variables on the
dependent variable and the model applied is significantly good enough in predicting the
dependent variable.

37 | P a g e
4.9 Coefficient

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .544 .276 1.972 .050
Acceptabili .334 .058 .339 5.729 .000
Time .244 .076 .202 3.219 .001
Location .237 .065 .321 4.321 .001
Operation .248 .048 .309 5.170 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Unemployment

Coefficient determines the specific relationship among the independent variables and
dependent variable. It exactly describes in which extent a specific factor can affect a
dependent variable. In this research we have three independent variables. Level of
significance will determine the exact variables for the study. The analysis of the result is
described in the following:
Hypothesis for all variables:

H0: Acceptability, Time, Location, Operation do not have any impact in freelancing for
reducing unemployment in Bangladesh.
H1: Acceptability, Time, Location, Operation have an impact in freelancing for reducing
unemployment in Bangladesh.

 Acceptability sig. value .000 < .05; H0 rejected

 Time sig. value .001 < .05; H0 rejected
 Location sig. value .000 < .05; H0 rejected
 Operation sig. value .000 < .05; H0 rejected

Therefore, we considered the all variable because it rejected the null hypothesis that means
our alternative hypothesis is true. We conclude that Acceptability, Time, Location &

38 | P a g e
Operation have equal impact in freelancing for reducing unemployment problem in

39 | P a g e
Chapter 5.0: Recommendations

 Generating Awareness

Governments responsible for IT / ITES need to organize workshops and run online
advertising campaigns to raise awareness among potential workers. Training events can be
organized targeting the potential workers by communicating on how to navigate the complex
online freelancing system. Potential workers need to be informed on how to register on
different platforms, how to get paid, and how to market themselves to find work. In addition
to that awareness should be created among general public to build the public perception on
online freelancing workers who work from home. School curriculum especially the Advance
level technology stream student’s needs to be informed inform students about various earning

 Enhancing Skills

Long term strategy on digital skills/literacy development needs to be focused. Skills can be
enhanced by incorporating basic digital skills (Internet safety and privacy awareness) into the
national ICT curriculum. Additionally, support the efforts of other stakeholders to develop
digital skills content (e.g. short tutorial-style videos), which can be disseminated via social
media or other channels. Skills can also be fine-tuned through a finishing school. Finishing
schools need to be established and rural workforce with basic skills can be encouraged to
apply at a subsidized cost. Training need assessment should be conducted periodically to
inform various stakeholders and beneficiaries regarding the most demanded skills (e.g.:
Photoshop, Wordpress, Java, programming, sound editing etc.)

Government needs to take on responsibility to support the development of in‐country talent

and to encourage participation of people in online freelancing industry by setting up a
national‐level accredited training and certification program to prepare workers for online
outsourcing, including basic IT and English skills, and developing short‐term training to
target specific skills gaps

40 | P a g e
 Expanding access to rural areas

In a developing country like Sri Lanka, infrastructure remains a major bottleneck to engage in
online freelancing, especially within rural areas.

Policy makers should ensure expanding access to fast, affordable, and reliable electricity and
Internet, as they are the key drivers of online freelancing industry. Further policy initiatives
should focus on creating enabling environment for investments to create the availability of
co-working spaces. Potential workers can be provided with access to computers, Internet by
non-governmental or governmental organizations. Co-working spaces can benefit online
freelancing industry since there is value in working together, sharing strategies and
techniques to acquire freelancing jobs.

 Addressing gender gap

We find that even after controlling for differences in education, employment status and skills
amongst Bangladeshi women. They are less likely to work on online freelancing jobs. The
females from the developed countries are actively participating and capitalizing on online
platforms. Women’s labor force participation is just 36%. Government and policy makers
need to develop a special road map to increase participation on online freelancing amongst
the females.

 College and national universities should strengthen the English language among
students and specially in writing and speaking skills.
 Researchers should study the impact of new variables on Freelancing success.

41 | P a g e
6.0 Reference

Agarwal, S. &. (2011, 11 21). US market saturating, but IT spending seen growing in india.

Barthelemy, J. (2001). The hidden costs of IT outsourcing., 60-69.

Burke, A. F. (2000). When less is more: Distinguishing between entrepreneurial choice and
performance, 565–587.

Cohen, L. &. (2006). Multisourcing: Moving beyond outsourcing to achieve growth and

Congregado, E. M. (2010). From own-account worker to job creator, 8(4), 277–302.

Erber, G. &.-A. (2005). Offshore outsourcing. Intereconomics.

Galpaya, H. S. (2017, May 25). Online Freelancing:Emerging new employment opportunity.

Retrieved from

Gandia, E. (2012). Freelance Industry Report. Freelance Industry Report: Data and Analysis
of Freelancer Demographics, Earnings, Habits and Attitudes. .

Group, W. B. (2016). World Development Report 2016 : Digital Dividends. Washington,

DC: World Bank. Washington, D.C. : World Bank. Retrieved from License: CC BY 3.0 IGO

Kuek, S. C., & Paradi-Guilford, C. M. (2015). The global opportunity in online outsourcing.
Retrieved from

Puranik, A. (2005). Online freelance marketplaces. Retrieved 09/28, 2013. Retrieved from

42 | P a g e
43 | P a g e
7.0 Appendix
7.1 Annex - Definitions

Freelancer: A person who acts independently without being affiliated with or authorized by
an organization (Merriam-Webster, an. d.).

External quality: The fitness of the software to its requirements as used by the end user (also
known as indirect quality and functional quality).

Freelance marketplace: Web-based e-marketplaces that support the entire process of

contracting out a software development project to a single independent remotely-located
programmer for a fixed price or hourly rate, while offering related information, tools, and

Information Technology (IT): "The study, design, development, application,

implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems" (Proctor,

44 | P a g e
7.2 Questionnaire

How Freelancing can Reduce The Unemploymet Problem of


Survey Questionnaire:

We are the students of East West University and are doing the course named “Marketing
Research” as a part of our BBA program. As a partial requirement of the course we need to
conduct a survey on “How freelancing can help in reducing unemployment problem
in Bangladesh” and would recommend some suggestions.

Please be rest assured that your identity will remain anonymous and your responses to the
survey will be held in strict confidence and used for academic purpose only. We do
appreciate if you could take a few minutes of your valuable time in completing this
questionnaire. Your feedback is important and will contribute towards enriching the
knowledge and understanding the influential factors behind joining in Multi-National
Company. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

Please contact us if you have any query.

Contact: or 01711084561.

Section A: Respondents’ Demography

Please tick (√) in the appropriate space below:

1. Gender
A) Male B) Female

2. Age Group

A) 20 years or below B) 21-30 years

C) 31-40 years D) 41-50 years

E) Above 50 years.

3. Marital Status

45 | P a g e
A) Single B) Married

4. Highest Education Level

A) SSC B) HSC C) Diploma / Certificate

D) Bachelor Degree E) Master Degree F) Professional Degree

5. Occupation

A) Student B) Private Organization

C) Public Organization D) Entrepreneur E) Others ________________

6. Working experience in freelancing field

A) 0-2 years B) 2-5 years

C) 6-10 years D) Above 10 years

Section B: Acceptability and Availability

Please read carefully the statements and show the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement. Please choose and circle or put tick mark on your answer ranging from 1=
strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree.



No Description

1 Global acceptability of a freelancer may reduce 1 2 3 4 5


2 Available work opportunity in the current market for a 1 2 3 4 5

freelancer may reduce Unemployment.
3 Social acceptance on choosing a career as a freelancer 1 2 3 4 5
may reduce Unemployment.
4 Easy access of internet facilities influences people to 1 2 3 4 5
be a freelancer which may reduce Unemployment.

5 Due to the good number of vacant work is impelling 1 2 3 4 5

to be a freelancer which may reduce Unemployment.

Section C: Location Convenience

46 | P a g e
Please read carefully the statements and show the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement. Please choose and circle or put tick mark on your answer ranging from 1=
strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree.



No Description

1 Working from home influences to be a freelancer 1 2 3 4 5

which may reduce Unemployment.

2 People who don’t like to do field jobs are more 1 2 3 4 5

tends to choose a career as a freelancer which may
reduce Unemployment.
3 Due to location convenience, employed people are 1 2 3 4 5
also choosing freelancing as their alternative
source of income.
4 People who likes to travel more can choose 1 2 3 4 5
freelancing as a career which may reduce
5 Retired people can engage in freelancing due to 1 2 3 4 5
location convenience which may reduce

Section D: Time Flexibility

47 | P a g e
Please read carefully the statements and show the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement. Please choose and circle or put tick mark on your answer ranging from 1=
strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree.




No Description

1 Working on your convenience time is urging to 1 2 3 4 5

be a freelancer which may reduce
2 Fixing your own time of work and refreshment is 1 2 3 4 5
an impelling cause to be a freelancer which may
reduce Unemployment.

3 Freelancing in the leisure time influences people 1 2 3 4 5

to be a freelancer which may reduce
4 Managing own time efficiency helps to be a 1 2 3 4 5
freelancer which may reduce Unemployment.

5 Multitasking due to time flexibility influence 1 2 3 4 5

people to be a freelancer which may reduce

Section E: Easy Operations

Please read carefully the statements and show the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement. Please choose and circle or put tick mark on your answer ranging from 1=
strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree.

48 | P a g e

No Description

1 Easy access to showcase the expertise is a factor 1 2 3 4 5

influencing to be a freelancer which may reduce
2 Easy access to get a job through internet is a 1 2 3 4 5
factor influencing to be a freelancer which may
reduce Unemployment.
3 Flexible payment process (can withdraw money 1 2 3 4 5
anytime) is influencing people to build career as
a freelancer which may reduce Unemployment.
4 Absence of organizational hierarchy is urging 1 2 3 4 5
people to be a freelancer which may reduce
5 Available training in freelancing generates easy 1 2 3 4 5
operation influences to be a freelancer which
may reduce Unemployment.

Section F: Unemployment
Please read carefully the statements and show the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement. Please choose and circle or put tick mark on your answer ranging from 1=
strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree.


No Description

1 Rising unemployment is causing social instability. 1 2 3 4 5

49 | P a g e
2 Due to the rising unemployment problem, youths 1 2 3 4 5
are involving in unethical and criminal activities.
3 Because of rising unemployment problem in 1 2 3 4 5
Bangladesh, people are migrating to other nations.
4 Unemployment problem is affecting on socio- 1 2 3 4 5
economy of Bangladesh.

5 The current educational system is not contributing 1 2 3 4 5

to reduce the unemployment problem in

50 | P a g e

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