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| lncy “DISCRETE 3 MATHEMATICS. owwsanbiaguptavnet UE Base nates fae been prepred frm fe CyDaoete Mencken and Ths Fplicebions Keone H. Roum Devel MeBoncben Segoe Cpls, foe Lae Cine Kindly refer Ba ohue buf for mine genet as fatepebtl i WTR rab of ag ape [ioc ic LALA correcl_pratbomehcal aguanirul about a. [Beene 2 a pred — oa ee | pica dleg. Gal mae ooay vestinatad nitions ends ees | dibeguish beh ween_ wld ond gunn Paspautions = #1) reper os Ry fal &4 isa se URL tin id onsnld webmail] Tee ores Haddad ih proprtiong GEL Ba petal reads se ene [tte prepoubon, call compoved proportions, —| Son fal om apg ey pel | peta ro | al = = tee nee To eotegao — 1 pe; barsmarcra | = z | t + Pep rerz a ee ; = Pe alcajete - | =e - BAG. pod gy rt er ARs Logical operators, Compenetion, Diyemckion ol ietel a peewee oe ier ogee) ieee silly proton “Be deal pared a roanies tt eae ey A eT ae Gi Dajan = Clin fe nant pe ole ey || pg ai ly nea ey re eat ALB ond fone Fay Ts Be deal ef 8 flewted ty S* [Beal G ror speeded]? Panna sepeeeeia i — pa Lat peg WA coultnal htewant hopes coll ay Ta] ampli —= Zi =a if ps Bn ge gees a4 bg oe as Pn lhc odin beg wy tp Gin | win p Ba condihonal ablemed (p22) 9 ep al Prry dedi HW 9 colton abled ged ah eorlnpelioe om epi HB commie ood Binns of © conlhorl Latatewsl orc. cquivlot bly Conplile Colbcon of Lapel Nigel apni 9 oli 6 foal Sie ye | fetepnd pt fee tp pion paling only a [ae [HD / won / Conbhansts : poe bat oy te Fee] aan lel "compound —propasiton Both aby —| Cp is motony on mefienl for [4 as called conbedichon Bi of p Bin ge ond cominanly y 1G Congo _ ye a “- 25 campeend papain Bn aura eI f fvlelogy sor 0 cankredichom a call a Lmbag pg Ban ciaclly Re nome trait aban os obi 4 es [ SS | b Impl Biconitionale.- 4+ Conding > Saby- alae ot — Badan ae {1 | ofl pressed ing on “i I = wohoel gg ‘Relea. a + fe 14 a Seay Sh ae | vn epson Sng gon vig ee Eat al ame [OA TR wtohin peg slecte Rt pon! gl om valet Gorton, Bo oyeel So a Doninatine Lawrr— Adempstenl-tawrn [Bet negates Tas es ave PAE = pAb Conmnatee-Lawe Crain = Peco UERHar Se patan pa coadechaaiy Chany Pesocintion Louse Destin taser — De Margave Lowe = Pocarion Lowe taxes “> nz oy X= (32> 77 _ —f cweretaal quowifcation ef PCa | 61 803 fn ll 7097 Kaas Pa Pa cclamend for os Peo) fala a _| [ala caeeraoeh “af tate | df Re domain x a emply_, a pn P09 Tig ti Seong. prpaihonal funthion PO) becoue_ Mine wie cman fu wbed| AER stetinnd of Be fem Pe Maem ee prpmitonel dace Ba Be Tak chwss— iy ood 2 nscale on 4 [Rll pmceaie a no probe 4 fae BTR oe of ds Bal a pts ml | — =| penton oid “Bs plea | ph ERT gen y | ong | : ear 4 aoe = i uefa = | — a | PeN iota opt a 9 ee a eo | = oo 0 pmdcale oi brut onto ramped | ated sag. os. He E [elena 0) SE Cx? 2)_ TR pesticton of a ema Buslenhel Questfr = an ef PUD ie | ee RT Ez alter or a POD, 7 wnt fsakon 5 seaintal Canter Owns ob eres a | Re asee on Be vocal pant feshee of 2 embod Sr sme | fr ob bet ome | Breit abana t Af dee a wpe MOQ | HERO) SHR r pwhenarn QOH prepesitenal function | = Ss a Coe Lanai Sang, He eae be WTR raiichon af on, enabubal quantiactm a” TEST nt a Be donaetjy GLE GGL | Re-aoma os Re esttedad guantfusbt fa ee ie [especie 7 bo We lencdit hand» deds ope | Bere ceteay t Bad Cong. Raters chy = Be wabalapepad ~ [pty ate ah dete EA [ "PO © Pou» PO, Ty) Peedlines if ee Be pte ha go oy TE pie es [ais nf Br Peak Pele. Pem) 1 | Bhs prcedinee Man 2 Lapel pets or Ff eee tr arr ei | — = (hy | Pont - eg ve Pear 00 a epunbil h WaPo t Vo PO) = 700) 4 POR) APO ar aa i An Por S7Ode POW) EPC ia ieg Bt amen oad BD ccsumncs of a vrel Bet Ho vah tend, type quonbser apts equal 6 parbloy ee ad be Se a Te park ef e Lipical ppresion be Bk a gufie a lypled a call aeape of | [ea Gponkfer Conpotly. 0 enble “fu Taf te, ential 22 ncsbe of all quonsten Te fama Bal apwcrfes Ba vere — [te Led AP ance a es z yt hen iy Be CRO ND FeROY i > Scope of Ful quokfier, aes] aEETOD = ob POY Yon Ea exprenion POW AGOD. sper = ee POD oe Serpe ef teemd quambfer Yh ts Beane Bek oe ee aa —_—_ | Nelle == = mes 7 es P| een ope ee de = —— coied fe ripresent sdrots bod by afferent | Giottes OR supe Bal Jone Ole” r | “Tend Giotfea iat oe gindifen ae voted of me Te Bt a, ee ay Grog 2 Bo che sfolennt ta_aaee_on VE QC) uhial Fac way POy), wee Poy) FE endef Ha quonbins ie Unpotea, ualig alll Be fae Seid 4 A fn’ olla ental ph | austen ak “gp. eat _ —_ e opting clokoenls tlong 2 a Do legs aye ayreroyes p aayee Pony Br rgirereyas Sard de orgs) doled CLL Ve Wan * 00 BL oak one of you Gotenele te pengcks - To Seren pony - foot Arai Hote of corpo 1 |) Egon a yose fund onc i pfs Si How ng 0 ion are Coe al _alee Be jh ae + OFA PO =< — ‘ Ve CROTA Peay [oe p mtg? = meal pond g LTH nguton of a conbodicton ha ably 4 es 2 1 figure aT = VE CER) — sre) ional Games Sm I J Ci) Ba chngurction of fore embingencion con bea ee eatery 2) Disjoctie t Cones) » Cbataas) VCbE OD 1 Be ay (STOIAS COIR ST GATE G) Conjndse, Hama fy Botet of Sem = (Wy Be conjeneton af tare feiclegien isa | prawn Chysa vay x GWaEvs) ~~ _letlogy a) Seba - | jcagpual pp aaa to —— —— af Ron in an guntwrond ef toatl valor 4] C6) BFR PCHY Cad for omega) a [Qs vevclls on & Compmud prep deat 4 Tr ann ate Ngee ck Bak POY. jaan Be camped prpauion tite a os thee Oe = <6) Suma important benalel CD Yala n = —| Boag: ssi i Pepe A well formed formula Cur ff) do called ee =e Trolid, of ais tras or all_ausgament of tr TE a Na ome in pregeet_ cepa” be Be vainbles Sm wif = eet ! (8) Nak emone is perp a very / aor Plea pestog 1 AML your iene oe paafeck Ye CFOs pen ise Yenat na lf - in pends oly on ies [i fa na Ra tet aida, PES Mr the ttt valus of aff vorably p > 8 TG ttt vai of a quanied Ta formule in ao indeaprebtion Ides nak Ulspend ov Re usluse nT of voviably cling yep callad_bo ms ——— rs ood Ale prettion T and clo | eps wing prpanbiin ore al ah gpebifed, funabee™ Em dapat aia iy Fe potted end) saad, ee ot mE —— 4 | hte ptt ai 4 eaee WAR TV elamenta, ct tment vet "Sine Topless Set TTR apse im owt oe call | OER oh mela of 2 mt A BER ok not om eben of Bnet A_| N= (oie. 3 Boa of Robml Hooke Zoi On~( he Pez ger ond 9 40) Baw fall fee Ri Bil of Red Neck Nate © Sone puople ded satay amd seer pai ond ony tt VE CEEA. jo nels one equal “aford_soly cf ay a et Sth ee ee cm 8d dain Faerie le gt eta Be os ayialcate aw aire 2 tt ac Nook staat eS . Tost —z covdinality ofS. ee enadinalily of 3 wil Set = = La de i Early Beh eS ital Bn ne oben ae rer —_ i A pees | a fat on noid to be infil of ab a, i 7 mt sh =a Split Se te ody omadnond : a ie ~ “Powe Set = dose aS ea Gla aoS A poner acl Bf Sa ot sand tobe a aubvel of a cut of all jubecla of 1 seh st ; A ed only 3] every clown of ot al E t oS. pro a af S % diwated by PES). HAL a net Bas mn eliman oe Jalal PLL LLL Ree pal nlf He Gen orem Biv oT i ee oe [beh Bab R48, we tone New ad mg 1 — pee aad ge heey | 7 ry abe Ee, eidorad weiuple COx0n, = On) Pie outed olin Ee 0 028 tt | eiwiaky og 04 a econ + ond “oy ean lark “ ee coder booty ore a fant aly if cack cennesponding per je 4 et aN cal ud po tp. a: The cavleston pprdluct of Heal Later adele ty Rata aot dl = iy eidoek Ppl aa. -a),wbat | Te ing etek TRahyxe¥® = (C La. 0, bm 2H | axe = Cec | aeaa best a SIE — - Wing Sek Mat hn f Querkfiee = le, vies os —— = a atalnd fer Hees Oy jaees(Piy 7 Tht aor Band fy Si CxS A PCD \. | ALLL E E [ q of Pern Eg Bees notte oe i Dom uth cat of POD a donated fy {rep i reny mo trek ore Pe domain Ua ond ondy of duh sek ef Po Ue Gaby of He tet aah of Pn emnemply, hus =(eiren vees} i Taetenctan = AaB ete lHER A YEE} fy Defra jn cats A om 8 dencied by BB, eB wt codaing fae ehomenin fiat ore am A but wot dn B. “Be diffe f font 84 cabld Be camptimink of @ wih sepnet on A-B = LeU eenayesy —Boreinatign Lever —— ————_ Tdempotert toon —— of He sel, dinaked ty [Seren eats ata = ~ = ‘ tia? { = Hus ach ore _calld diveint 3 keener cca AUCE ncyecavgyn Cane; RUB = BNE canes = Rug | Avia A AN CAuB)~ & Ry =A ___| Complementolion Lowe 7] fos- eur] Rng 2 Baa f oe te TuCeued= Cavelvc|Awacatm low | ance ne) =1Anaine An(gvel~Gansivcanci) Dalaba Law De Morgan Laan | ond 8, dancted by “hese be qos = (Avs) - CANE) = hOs = WB) UE sof, Tocesion Cyedas NVaugi= Im + 1m be | [ays vet = imei rel =tanst= bene) | = leant + ih ag ne | Ee Yuli = = ( Matheete one herded collhat one © elominte uehire om eb muniber sce Bah once mind com_ceeur an | — { Re union of Be wlbsch Pond © de te he ee el a pf © hile a apn 8 heh a. Sabine Hom, ome ae 4 Lt aed ted ope be ; oe let | of on elma i ee ah Aitferenca ia _nagabie, sek lic in 0G oe) fom of Pond On wah oPrm | bly of on climate aur of | ica “in Pond O._CP4B) oworarkungepta net ta Rand B be nonemphy sa. A Goskin f Gon Slat Ba on pl pont oe chs 4 - of 8 fe ed onda ty ge Feet b unique abwant of B_ cmgned a el al 4 Lh a. function frm fl 4 Bun wrk De erie SS Si eee er Hrawefiemstion, = a = Dek ant Sodan a a ee ew ee hi ag BW A dae and a gE ee eee = = gt at on ey i eso ent 8 peta Rag = i ge ee. Foy Be sek of oll amagee ef 4a at ee ee | eo a \ fh r Sa | . CESS | | __ z eee "Eyal tei Be ea oon a a ETT cox + Kachoy. o_o \ fake. Venn: Bimgee dint ae tare codanet | "| a Sprain eran a only af fearaFengie Se Annnke of Ber common doworn fe} | Bal ace for afta at de Be clomain We [Re aoe abennie om Bor comtnte caamin, [vere Cre == i Added ood Mathpbcation of fume tons: cada sf Let font f be funchow fom BR Bin bor ont di ove ale fenton from Ate Rodifned by ord, Shictly Tneaysang Farctane'- WA fonchon Rolin merening bol woh abt = A functon | sarang, or decreasing al th atu dean i plbd menage Fee £4) od [ne sienrly ob ctece, —— Aesily dnceanng Gf £6015 £699, wines sg fond tO yom oe We dinnam of 1 One We Cee fanetone ny aang IR ase be tan clifford dlomoin elecorket ly Doig Evie — | po A forte, ond [Baetly denaing if ens Fey eb Key ode dy ow ade, ie [Deering {= Wy Chg 60s Fea) [fetal tala Oey S fey bey) Eee Mites wl Clie ky eh Terug = YE Vy Lexy > Fone fey) Batt ecy — fone tg) [|staetly Manang tty ey F000 fog)? ec on Ff dum A 8 cal nto, cw woajection, af ont only 2d fr erry, a 9 SRE: RELY Sey Be teal - —) ¥y ae tror-#) hh Ee eaonan “or equa ie ey reer wwadne i A_sfuncion Fe a_ome-tonon. Legon. linn to toe | | ome de = cma and se | | CompasiBans ef Finattona ‘= Cag gu tm conto, OF Let. glee Gack go from Bovch te Baek BR neem | ah A Bt B Mand BEE te efecto octane fenton Hh eure to] fom Be lB art BR compat, fon eloment & belonging. eB, He one UP 2 fection fed 9, dincied ty fg Sdocnl a 9 Ye Ra flat Bene ton of 4k donald by Tetscl Pecan, edn calnk is dfmed by (hog) eo I 4 conespondeses, um can wat dafine om inewrte | qosion dF FM onecbe on conipmndenes a4 cael so cou we con deft om dene of Be fost] W Ty get # Poh = Tren Foe wwowrorkenguptarel = feof = FCI Coy = eG) ST yf ih f and_g. re enchione fonction —— 4 rs es a? ous —e : orig th feed are one Gunna Pty He oe toe oe neti By 48004 Fond fog crt one-to-one Han go aly onto a= mot mon 4 —— — jf fond fig ave onde, dan st 7 4 | my dna Some Important Po jabs ste ¥ fron et At [ast & Let Sand T be cubacle tA ste a es A ia a relation from Ate Be tube of A _| aRb =S cavex | ekb > G.neR 4 A fowetion is always a: aefaton bub] aha ie tet WA vdlahon can by twd hope a] ent temangy infatinukp elwen 12, ehenund| Cf Bt A ged acl 8 wh Gench pant represenis alate y Lee ebnamt of Bt related to nck obad af AeA Because Ax0 Rew IR im aliments Re jery clad “EER {eo Caen) on = ee (Spee SEE atom Rom ol [a colbd tymmatne af (6,0) 6 Rwhene Leaber, fall tate A i 1 Yave Ceomen — Chalen} 5) Bakpamsts> Sefalis Ce ee A wlakerRon a at A auch Reb fe oll aattecataent Moe Ray COMER ant COMER, Bi ae ae calbd ontymmsti Ho¥bCCCO.ER A ChajeR)—> Cab) HR terme aywoutee ond anlgmones are vol oppocis, Wenune 0. wSshon con fe Go of ne popes op snngtbacle both of Rem 8 ae He sbolin Roe ad 7 Thm qld wnfliive, af 689 ER or yronatve velakon ae! a | Ja a binary —refation sjctle ll or — | A —wehation Rona el A ico anprraties of hare Riedel qe all dew Ce = Yo Caer 5 thayer) ~— Neti cantatee serena = [FA aelahes Beageeatie of ond [ap aaa tape sakepoelle ond fon > Lavefbnioe Rollin A elation Roma gel Bn aneflawve if for_emy 0-6 A,_| Cove) EK. Tet, Rn semper 34 | wa Gisank in A ga aeSaked fe lel @ Carer) 1A salen on 0 art com boner mpi nor] mfr aa ——_ At \ 5 Trounson = ria A_ relation R cat se called Hremibve of whiney > Gnd Cho eR, fm Cen 7 ae SA ee ie Tp How tlehone ove Bark on wal) Wik Welland, ad are oh) Refine BE ci) Syometie — | | ils Prtiagnmed ie > (i) Ragmoet te CA Retn Tonia — gs] 4 - —feess Re nek i Tovef vive 2 ow iia [a Rb a ake feo ee | “iets abe Gen Ee | opaneskany Relation |= 4 Saas EE crglnlg obi EA | Tg ial — Let Rb a wip Boul ood enker [fen Sb a act. Re companys [Rods aa iB veloton Coating of relation from “led porta, eter ach ob cock Mon “clk co eMaGe Gon gl Hal Cab) ER and Che) €s. (Pecomgasle of Rend Sty So dane i — =| H Let Rbe a wlation on a asi AB W Te yefotion Ron ose Ais tenet 4 oh oly AR ER fe [eaves Adsl by a ead fs ches ca eR Rae feed pe OS Gea Pt wen eaiieal aaa pat ol alte toa Bh Gee ae "fee a ane ee ——— =f 4-Ca,, eR —— | i ee an 7 4 TR: matin of a _velaton_on a aah, ube Dy a agua maki, can be tuned te dle [ooRsttee ie relation “Ran cartan pmgacken 2 = a HA avfation Ro sk aeflanine of abl Be | i JT elawants “on He tain dlagonal of Mg ore) = ss J gat “TS sucurarkunguptne + LW velohon Ran dereffaive. all clone, ee Fm Be nin diagonal “of Pe ar epal bo. a | AER voben Roe Ayemnalc af onl aly of i Me = CMa es ee — Dad, eee muy sO er mys 0, whem seg Important Fepephes’ sion in refntve at ond ee eee urerees a | RA veletion da anefonie, af ond only if Fenech oer starr Gee he Timed graph + vehahon is symmetric. cond only [hha Sit tna ae | BA veloken 2s onkagmnetic Jf onal Ries ane ma tow edgy oppoude cbreeKany between clistinet verHenr, * ‘i 1 ie oetehon i Tonstion A and ny bea He sim edge He ee ond on edge. frm y eZ. Bere 2s Faq [epost ne! dank! | | matsbedababilalal | ci Replat, Clonure an I es AE ef anes Donare R equal Rv, when Aakten|acn ce “diagonal lak’ on A sgranbic Eaton Works tg {chaltca wer “fi Syromebntc Clanure i A. li) Transtive Claaure fo “ra Tronsifie Lose 0 refabon Reyna Re connect "eB | welation =a fee aaah a] ep Cae Be ey lange oe ge Mg eS | call an epivabnes rekokion 34 LJeffinin y agmmaiic. and beraitve, | A ee elena a) ond b Rak ebked” by on mea velation | eal Squivalint, Sh vepreaented og nee che fe “Cong 4 1 careRy W elation om a oet A Let been eguivmlince sefatan, wi As eal of al Glia Sot te mobaunt a of Ao ell fated op ARIS pha pee ee. wh ALB epee Cha of Be thay a al fis quivabace clanser of on _epavalince | velotin_on 0 set form o_potthen of & l_| he tein Ri pen ae Be eget | =e panded oa i ifn oly 4 gon de oe] Pe nel of Bp 4 “Regmans =e SP publica P, ae calbd_a_refeemed Tae oy ot hee! ha a == — —4 4 eoworantergupteenel Th, cep. [CE Rm on orbbeny post CSB | [eed Yo. doscrbe pocket endeinge NG seb Ron nt 8 naa _| a _perkal crdawng or posbal ondbr if tw] Nflinve, enknpewley ohd_drmatoe Ah “ey tee we Oper mdbiay RH edld a oily onl ‘ey oe path cad lms Tenia af S oe cll Lown ap | et re AR wahion€& Bin wd dno Be and & of © pul C34) oun cabal empl Fete oan te tae “ Win and b ow elim of Sank | Hat neon om calla Sb, nor LG, na ond b Jacopo A Poti Gran", Be pljec “pa er) elomanle may te dacompertble sean we a chain ag mm fardenng ond every meontnply tick) — Ps ee a ee I Ege TR act Z, wih Real < ondeneg cereal ge ra 4} 65,4) wo elemab of ovbued eat calor, Polly dered ost oa abe cot wt ond_enry tae Sa, conpeth, 8: ibd 5 or Linarly ordered an, nck gtk cides a inte | : a FY Were exit some _clomante Bat oe fae Pes prot comport, Pan S. cll polly “ty si ea ere ee oe ere ser Gotta arn arene nce - Ee | AR ead oper bao of Be be || : ie ye [tll Lever Sona aa - We abiment yin collide Bh He agro, Re cline bt edad salah toad ght at Bot Bove oy dra eps bond ord Bi cimath 0 fewer boon oh guste Has 4 £ edowl Bowe vay gurteal own bean] Bey dy aves tondiof 2 ES dence 2 = ] ty gibi ee 4 | | WR grated Lower bone of Beaabeety —— | Fh wee af al ae —[ ul | _ a re as ale oily RH Cob ules oRO . 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