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This study examined the therapeutic facilities for children/youth. Present therapeutic
facilities are rigid architectural structures composed of medical planning requirements that are
suitable for children with serious mental illness and person with disabilities. This therapeutic
facility is clinically focused and primarily provide behavior management and treatment for the
children with serious issues to develop and establish a comprehensive, integrated, effective,
and efficient national mental health care system responsive to the psychiatric, neurologic, and
psychosocial needs of the Filipino people. This form of treatment has a goal of academic
achievement as well as physical and mental stability in children, adolescents, and young adults.
We conducted a research where the population of special children and person with disabilities
are getting high. Possible solution to counterpart this problem is to design a therapeutic
facilities to support and offer the special needs of the said children/youth.

When children and adolescents are suffering from mental illness, behavioral health
concerns, or substance abuse issues, the treatment they receive to overcome these problems
must be introduced in a manner that is different than how it is addressed with adults. Education
and scholastic achievement is essential to youth development and, as result should not be
ignored as children and adolescents enter into treatment to address their psychological,
emotional, and/or behavioral concerns. We provide a different therapeutic facilities that can
help the children to develop their skills, behavior and knowledge. Behavioral interventions have
been very helpful in reducing problem behaviours in residential treatment centers.

Considering that the population in the specific place is getting high, as the foundation of
future patients, the project will address justified focus on the children/youth and other persons
with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to explore how an architecture student can apply
the concept of therapeutic facility in some children with special needs and to enhance the
family’s capacity to understand its own and the youth’s needs and make changes that promote
healthy functioning. This facility was developed with assumption that these spaces could
accommodate both children with mental illness or other behavioral problems and person with
The Philippines is an autonomous Southeast Asian country which portrays a rich history
combining Asian, European, and American influences. This overview is examining the country’s
distinctive historical narratives in the domain of psychiatry and mental health. The World
Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) was used
to collect information on the mental health system in the Philippines. The goal of collecting this
information is to improve the mental health system and to provide a baseline for monitoring
the change. This will enable the Philippines to develop information-based mental health plans
with clear baseline information and targets.
In the Philippines, the mental health system has different types of therapeutic health
facilities, and some need to be strengthened and developed. At present, mental hospitals are
working within their capacity (in terms of number of beds/patient), even though there has been
no increase in number of beds in the last 5 years. Some facilities are devoted to children and
adolescents. Access to mental health facilities is uneven across the country, favoring those
living in or near the National Capital Region. There are informal links between the mental
health sector and other sectors, and many of the critical links are weak and need to be
developed (i.e., links with the welfare, housing, judicial, work provision, education sectors). The
mental health information system does not cover all relevant information in all facilities.

In the last few years, the numbers of outpatient facilities have slightly grown throughout
the country from 38 to 46. Moreover, efforts have been made to improve the quality of life and
treatment of patients in mental hospitals. Some aspects of life in hospitals have improved, but
the number of patients has grown steadily. Unfortunately, the low priority on mental health is a
significant barrier to progress in the treatment of patients in the community.

The Philippines have a national mental health policy just like the other countries in the
Western Pacific Region. But the Philippines have no mental health law unlike the other
countries and regions in the world. The number of psychiatrists per 100,000 general population
is similar to the majority of countries in the Western Pacific region. There are 3.47 human
resources working in mental health for 100,000 general population. Rates are particularly low
for social workers and occupational therapists. More than fifty percent of psychiatrists work in
for-profit mental health facilities and private practice.

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