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Date: 06/10/2016

Submitted By: Jayesh. Gandhi.

Roll No: 06

Submitted To: Dr. Tejal. Patel. (DBIM – VNSGU – Surat)

Description about case study:

Case study is on IT industry/Firm suffering from change management, say change of CEO.

Case study depicted about the different organization behaviors like Interpersonal skills, What
Manger & Leader do, Attitudes, Job satisfactions, about the change of culture, emotional
attachment/detachment of employee with old and new CEO respectively. It also describes
about the individual personality say influence Old CEO as all employee see him as a role model.

Case study also describes about group behaviors, say developing and understanding work team,
communication, Leadership role.

Case Questions:

Question 1: What happened at Cosmos when Hariprasad Bhardwaj left the company?

Answer 1: After detailing and thorough study of case, in my opinion following are the influences on OB

 Organization culture:
Strong organization culture provides stability to organization. But after Leaving Hariprasad
Bhardwaj overall culture got deteriorate. Organization climate was declined. There is lake of
emotional attachment in organization with new CEO – Mihir Bhandari.
 Understanding work teams:
New CEO Mihir Bhandari was unable to Building and leading a team on progressive aligned track
like Hariprasad did, resulted dip in profitability and employee turnover.
 Communication:
Barrier found in communication, approaching Mihir through PA only. There is not interpersonal
communication of employee with new CEO – Mihir Bhandari where as in leader ship of
Hariprasad it happened through “Fun- Hours”, initiative taken by Hariprasad.

Question 2: Was Mihir Bhandari wrong in his approach? Give reasons for your approach.

Answer 2: Yes, Mihir Bhandari was absolutely wrong on approach, though his intension is right to take
business on more discipline, profitable and efficient. Few noticeable reasons are,

Reason 1: Unable to sustain business performance/profit. Any business or employer ultimate goal is
profit but in leadership of Mihir Bhandari Profit of business dip slightly.

Reason 2: As per the latest business fundamental, skill employees are business assets and no any
organization bare for higher attrition rate, employee turnover went to 10%. This is very serious matter.

Reason 3: Attitude of employee changed from positive to negative with dominating behavioral
component resulted 10% turn over.

Reason 4: Attitude problem in organization resulted negative impact on job satisfaction and job
involvement. Examples are Absences and resignation rates indicate low level of involvement. Trouble
chasing deadline of particular project indicates less job satisfaction.

Question 3: If you were in place of Mihir Bhandari what would you do?

Answer 3: Following approach and way I would have been followed in place of Mihir Bhandari,

1. Before making any change, I would study the organization environment/culture. Try to be part
of team that mingles freely with each other.
2. I would have been developed easy to approach capability to make rapport with team members
that would have support myself to understand the emotional engagement of employee with
3. Introduced myself with transformational approach instead of autocratic or democratic
4. I strongly support the running program in organization like “fun hours”.
5. Tried to analyze the employee dissatisfaction and less involvement that might have retarded the
negative impact on dip in profit and turnover.

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