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THE MARKETING PLAN Customer Requirements – are specific

Marketing Process – Starts with features and characteristics that the

identifying the customers need from a product or a service
customers’ need where you are tasked to - is where business opportunities originate
create a meaningful value proposition
Business Plan – Comprehensive paper that PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TARGET
details the situation analysis, objectives, MARKET
strategies, and tactics and how to monitor Market Intelligence – includes customer
and control the enterprise profiling
- drives entrepreneur on what correct
Value Proposition – Simply states why a strategies and tactics to employ
customer should buy a certain product or
service *Market segmentation – grouping similar
- main driver in customer purchase or or homogenous customers according to
service availment. demographic, psychographic, geographic,
PROPOSITION *Demographic segmentation – also
Prepare a situation analysis that details the called socioeconomic segmentation
problems of the customers - grouping customers according to relevant
Make your value proposition straight to the socioeconomic variables for the business
point, simple, and specific venture
Highlight the value of your product or Income Range and social class,
service so that the customers will easily get gender and age, occupation, religion,
what benefits you can provide ethnicity)
Adapt to the language of your market *Psychographic segmentation –
Add credibility-enhancing elements grouping costumers according to their
Differentiate your value proposition with perception, way of life, motivations and
your competitors inclinations
Perception – individual receives
Unique Selling Proposition – refers to external stimuli using the 5 senses (hearing,
how you will sell the product or service to seeing, etc.)
your customers. It addresses customers’ Way of life – will give an entrepreneur
wants and desires an overview pf what products and services
HOW TO CREATE AN EFFECTIVE U.S. can best suit the problems of the customers
PROPOSITION Physiological Motivation – needs of a
Identify and Rank the uniqueness of the person (house, food, clothes)
product Psychological – customers preferences
or service attribute (likes and dislikes)
Be specific Aspiration – what the customer wants
KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) to achieve
Deprivations – customers’ recognition
Market Research – comprehensive of certain voids to fill
process of understanding the customers’ Inclinations – preferring one product
intricacies and the industry they revolve in over the other
- one of the most critical tasks of an ~Smooth Sailers – highly sociable, secure,
entrepreneur active but conservative, simple, essential
Market Size – size of the arena where the - high purchasing power, not choosy on
entrepreneur’s business will play clothes
- it is the approximation of the of the - price doesn’t seem as a factor in purchase
number of buyers and sellers in a particular ~High Spirits – vibrant and fun-loving,
market trendsetters, not the homebody type, high
First Step – Estimate the Potential Market social profile
(the approximate number of customers that - purchases based on images/reputation of
will buy the product or avail the service; brand
market/market universe) ~Tight Guards – strongest feeling of
Second Step – eliminate the customers uncertainty, meticulous about personal
who are probably unlikely to buy the family cleanliness, importance on trust,
product or avail the service occasionally force financial constraints
Last Step – Estimate the Market Share ~Home makers – upscale (traditional
(plotting and calculation of the competitor’s values), homebodies, study the value
market share to determine the remaining - study the value of products/services
portion for the new venture before buying
- choice of brands are not usually influenced - lead by a moderator, lasts for 1-2 hrs
by ads usually
~Bystanders – passive, not driven to - more credible of actual product/service is
achieve anything, bargain hunters showcased
- they go for external appearances, status - must be recorded by audio/video
and styles and material possessions but OSERVATION – preferred/practical
may not have the purchasing power methods of generating ideas because the
- they mind paying more for prestigious researcher documents the behavioral
brands but would not mind if buying patterns of people without necessarily
luxury/premium goods sold cheaply requiring them to participate in the research
Geographic Segmentation – groupings process
customers according to their location Human Observation
- critical in the analysis of the target market Customer Purchase Patterns – uses
as this encompasses the cultures, beliefs, the researcher to understand the buying
preferences, politics and lifestyle of certain behavior of the customer
geography Mystery Shopping – researcher
Behavioral Segmentation – Grouping pretends he or she is a customer of his
customers according to their actions business or competitors
Occasions – drastically affect the Machine Observation – video
customers’ buying behavior cameras/closed-circuit television (cctv),
Desired Benefits – entrepreneur traffic counters, web analytics (tracks the
determines the exact needs of the performance of a website as to the number
customers and offer the suited of its visitors, the contents the usually
product/service for them assess, and other info), barcode scanners,
Loyalty – result of maintaining satisfied gps technology
Usage of products or availment of Surveys – getting answers from a sample
service of respondents, simple and practical to run
because it requires preparation of
FOUR COMMON METHODS OF predetermined questions answerable by
COLLECTING DATA definite responses using equitable scales
1. Interview 2. Focus Group Traditional – telephone, face-to-face
Discussion Online – emails, websites, social media
3. Observation 4. Survey
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH - identifying the SAMPLE – percentage of a specific
written or spoken opinions of customers population carefully chosen by the
QUANTITATIVE – involves analyzing the researcher to generally represent the whole
customers preferences using relevant population
statistics Probability Sampling - equitable
INTERVIEW – one of the most reliable and chances/nonzero chances of being selected
credible ways of getting relevant from a population
information from the target customers Non-probability Sampling – samples
- face-to-face contact between the are instead selected according to their
entrepreneur and a respondent where the accessibility / personal choice of researcher
researcher asks pertinent questions that will Sampling Error – range of inaccuracy to
give him significant pieces of information which sample might vary from the particular
about the problem that he will solve population
Unstructured interview – interview Census – when population is small the
doesn’t follow specific set of questions researcher includes the whole population
Structured interview – follows a SAMPLE SIZE – must be accurately
specific set of questions and produces calculated/must be right size
FOCUSED GROUP DISCUSSION – - be specific and direct
commonly used by market researchers to - be flexible w/ the respondent’s way of
capture qualitative results from target answering (telephone, mail, online, face-
customers face)
- process of mining customer/noncustomer - each question is necessary
experience and insights about a specific - questions must be coherent
product/service - the questionnaire should look professional
MARKETING MIX – widely accepted products to the number of products
strategic marketing tool that combines the manufactured/performance of the service
original 4P’s (product, place, price, *Fixed/Uncontrollable Cost – costs are
promotion) with the additional 3P’s not directly proportional
(process, people, packaging) in formulating **PROMOTION – involves presenting the
marketing tactics for a product/service products/services to the public and how
7 P’s OF MARKETING these can address the public’s needs,
**PRODUCT – any physical wants, problems, and desires
good/service/idea of an entrepreneur or and Integrated Marketing Communication
innovator in serving the needs of the (IMC) Plan
customers addressing their existing - value proposition/unique selling
problems proposition of the product/service
THREE-LEVEL CONCEPT OF - product/service/business image
PRODUCT/SERVICE - business values and philosophy
Core benefits of the product/service –
major factors why a customer buys a Advertising – influences the behavior of a
product/avails a service customer to choose the product/service of
Physical characteristics of the the entrepreneur over the competitors
product/service – better packaging for Selling – trading a product/service for a
products or a better evidence or customer price/fee
experiences for services Sales Promotions – short term gimmicks
Augmented benefits of the wherein practical incentives and appealing
product/service – additional benefits only; activities are incorporated to entice the
distinguished from competitors customers to buy the product and avail the
**PLACE – place/medium of transaction service (ex: discounts, coupons, raffles,
- physical and cyber location premiums)
**PRICE – peso value that the entrepreneur Public Relations – image-building
assigns to a certain product/service after initiatives of the entrepreneur to make the
considering its costs, competition, business name reputable to stakeholders
objectives, positioning, target market (press conference, launching events, social
PRICING STRATEGIES ING responsibility events)
*Bundling – two or more products/services **PEOPLE – how employees serve
in one reduced price customers
*Penetration Pricing – setting low prices **PACKAGING – how the product/ service is
to increase market share, but the presented to customers.
entrepreneur will eventually increase the - it is the overall identification (look and feel
price once the desired market share is the product/ service. It is the first element
achieved that customers see because they don’t
*Skimming – prices are initially high and know what’s inside yet.
then they are lowered to offer the Servicescape – refer to the overall
product/service to wider market ambiance of the place where the service is
*Competitive Pricing – refers to performed.
benchmarking prices with the competitors **PROCESS – step by step procedure or
*Product Line Pricing – pricing different activity workflow that the entrepreneur or
products/services within a parallel product employees follow to effectively serve
array using varying price points customers.
*Psychological Pricing - considering - includes input, throughput and output.
psychology and positioning of price in the Internal process: employees/ machines
market process customers’ request
*Premium Pricing – setting very high price External process: actual servicing where
to reflect elitism and superiority customers are part of the process
*Optional Pricing – adding an extra Fundamentals and Brand Management
product/service on top of the original to Brand – refers to the identity of a company,
generate more revenue product, service or an entrepreneur
*Cost-based Pricing – basis of the mark- himself/herself.
up is the cost of sales Brand Management – supervision of the
*Cost-plus Pricing – mark-up is based on tangible and intangible element of a brand.
certain percentage of cost Branding – process of integrating the
CLASSIFICATION OF COST strategies formed from the marketing mix to
*Variable/Controllable Cost – costs are give an identity to the product or service.
directly proportional to the number of Goals:
- Establish to target customers that **METHOD – the methods aspect
the business is reliable/ trustworthy. represents the day-to-today operations of a
- Differentiate with competitors business. It describes how an entrepreneur
- Drive customers loyalty will run the business from all the facets of
Brand name – a major differentiator of the the business such as the manufacturing of
entrepreneur against the competitors goods, service delivery of goods and
- Unique services, logistics for delivery of goods and
- Extendable inventory management, to name few.
- Easy to remember Manufacturing – the process of translating
- Can describe the benefits of the product/ raw materials into finished goods that are
service acceptable to the customer’s standards.
- Can describe a product category - Consists of three elements (Inputs,
- Positive and inspiring Process, Output)
Manufacturing Cites – Home-based,
MODULE 4 Commercial space for rent, commercial
Product Development – the process of space purchase
developing, testing and commercializing a SERVICE DELIVERY PROCESS
product or service with ultimate objective of *Service Blueprint – a detailed flowchart
solving the problem of the primary target of the service business. Every process in the
market. blueprint must be relevant to the service
It is composed of four sequential steps: business to minimize wastage.
1. Develop a product/ service description *Bottleneck – a part of the process where
2. Creating a prototype there is an apparent inefficiency and where
3. Testing the prototype the customer waits longer.
4. Validating the market DISTRIBUTION METHOD
Product/ Service Description – simply *Distribution – process of bringing the
describes how a product or service works products or services to customers. It is not a
and how it benefits the customers. An straight process from the entrepreneur to
entrepreneur has to take the following customers: thus, the term supply chain or
regarding the product/service description: distribution channel was coined.
1. It should address the primary target *Manufacturer – handles the invention,
market in a personal manner using development and production of product or
everyday language. service. Takes charge of acquiring
2. It should highlight the features that materials, production and delivery
will cater the customer’s needs or address schedules, product quality and inventory or
the customer’s problems. safety management.
3. Realistic superlatives should be used *Distributor – an entrepreneur who often
for the product description. buys products or services to the
Prototype – is a preliminary model or manufacturers and sells them at a makeup
sample of a new product or service that is price to either wholesales or retailers.
create to test a product concept or service *Agents – don’t own the products or
process. services because they do not but these from
TESTING THE PRODUCT PROTOTYPE the manufacturer. Instead, they negotiate
1. Focus Group Discussion with buyers as to how much or how many
2. Legality and ethical test are able to be sold, so the manufacturer will
3. Safety test be to deliver the goods directly to the buyer.
4. Product costing test *Payments Process – Credit cards,
5. Component test Installment, Cash, Plans, Simple Accounts,
6. Competitor’s product/ service test Payable, Pautang
Validation of Market Acceptability – the **MANPOWER
process of finding out if the intended *Job Description – enumerates the duties
primary target market will be buying the and responsibilities of the potential
product or availing are more likely to be employee
answered in the whole process of market *Job Tittle – summary of what the
acceptability validation: employee will do
1. Will the primary target market like the *Compensation and benefit range –
product or service? details the potential salary and benefits that
2. Will the primary target buy the the employee will get.
product or service when it is already in the *Duties – describe the job that the
market? employee will assume with allowance for
*Responsibilities and Accountabilities – Telecommunications and Information
details the expectations for the job Technology
*Work Schedules – includes work hours *Landline phones – order-taking,
Employee Qualification telemarking, teleconferencing
*Educational Background – this give the *Mobile Phones – mobile apps, mobile
entrepreneur an idea on the degree of the marketing, social media marketing
candidate’s knowledge of basic things. *Laptop and desktop computers –
*Work Experience – this will tell him or her marketing research, preparing reports
what to expect from the applicant and what *POS Machines – charging customers’
he or she can potentially contribute to the debit or credit card, tracking sales
business based on his or her past positions *Accounting and Inventory Software –
and experiences. monitoring sales and inventory
*Specific skills or knowledge – this one is *web Site – having online conversations
important especially on technical jobs that with customers, 24/7 marketing
require high proficiency. **MATERIALS – whether the entrepreneur
*Work Attitude – deals with the worker’s will offer products or cater services, he/she
integrity and how he or she deals with his or has to pinpoint a number of dependable
her coworkers, bosses and customers. suppliers of quality raw materials and
Preparatory Selection of Job Applicants supplies. The entrepreneur should decide on
– once the description and employee what route to choose when it comes to
qualifications are finalized by the materials requisitioning such as:
entrepreneur, he/she now preselects a set 1. Manufacturing own products/services
of candidates for the positions required. 2. Outsourcing of manufacturing/service
When the business is already sizeable, activities to a third party
entrepreneurs usually establish a human 3. Purchasing own product/service from
resource (HR) department that will handle present suppliers
the selection and recruitment of candidates. Outsourcing – process of appointing a
Selection of Job Applicants – once the third-party manufacturer to do the
potential candidates are pooled; the manufacturing operations of the business
entrepreneurs must now do the difficult task Logistics
of screening them and picking the most Warehousing – storing the finished goods
qualified and most suited for the job. manufactured in a facility until they are
Preliminary screening can easily be done distributed to end users
because the entrepreneur will just need to Transportation – process of efficiency
refer to the required qualification and transferring the products to
eliminate those who didn’t qualify retailers/consumers
Job Offer – once the hiring manager has Inventory – should be tackled religiously
been convinced already of the credentials entrepreneur/manufacturer. The law of
and the interview answers of the candidate, supply and demand must always be taken
the job contract is now prepared. into account
Employee Deployment – training people
is one of the biggest investments of an
entrepreneur. Therefore, he/she must
devise strategies on how to keep employees
satisfied working in the company.
- Employee orientation, On-the-job training,
Buddy System, Mentor-mentee program.
Online learning programs/webinars, Internal
training programs
**MACHINES – “best friend” of manpower
in producing goods and offering services
- it has changed the way entrepreneurs
conduct business
Equipment and Other Facilities –
manufacturing equipment must ensure that
the employees went through rigorous
training/certification to operate them. The
entrepreneur must also allocate space for
the storage of equipment, including the
parking of delivery vehicles

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