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Peace Issue and Concerns

Acbang, Roselyn M.

Sec 8

Ms. Annalisa Salaysay

1.) What is my personal understanding of peace and my experience of it?

My personal understanding of peace is every country must have and all of

the people in that country should have peace. Peace can be determined in many ways.

Peace is important on everyone on everybody in the world. Peace can change the

lives of people. It is not just a stopping of a war. Even though there is no war we can

have peace. Peace can be also the access of every people in education. Peace is part of

our everyday lives. Peace is not just for family or friends, peace can be all around the

world. Peace is also thet freedom for all of us. Peace can also be the development of


2.) How will I assess the peace situation/condition in my community, in my country, in

the world?

I think I can assess the peace in my community, country, or in the world by

sharing the thoughts of everyone that I think can help people. I can also assess peace

by giving idea to the children on how they can claim peace in their own ways. Giving

equal rights and protection to the people around us. Giving respect in all genders and

for indigenous people. Giving sustainability on our environment.

3.) How can I contribute to the creation/development of peace even as a student and as

a youth?

I can contribute I think by doing some minimal stuffs that can help others. Not

just others but also myself and my family, friends and love ones.

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