Hunger Games Divergent: TOPIC 2-System of Living

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TOPIC 2- System of living


 Nation of panem is divided into 12 district  The story also begins with a futuristic
and the Capitol. 2 young representatives dystopia where society is divided into five
from each district will be chosen by factions which divides the citizen through
randomly to join in the Hunger Games the aptitude tests: abnegation (for the
each year. The Hunger Games is a part of selfless), amity (the peaceful), candor (the
the Capitol’s entertainment, it is a honest), dauntless (the brave), and erudite
televised games that will air throughout (the intelligent). Tris has a secret that she
Panem. The 24 participants are forced to is a Divergent, which mean that she have
fight against their competitors to achieve the traits of more than one faction. She
their own victory in order to survive. has to keep it secret after knowing a secret
government program which wanted to
 Her trilogy incorporates typically dystopian eradicate divergent completely.
tropes such as government surveillance,
cruel punishments, social inequalities, and  this society is often presented as having
of course a tyrannical leader. The nation of ideal potential, rather unlike Panem.
Panem – from the Latin phrase panem et Besides being relatively undemocratic, this
circenses – is divided into twelve – urban society is divided according to five
formerly thirteen – districts ruled with an factions, which limits people considerably.
iron fist by President Snow. The Capitol’s This system hampers identity formation
main purpose is to keep the districts and the development of individuality, and
divided, oppressed, and thus to prevent demands complete loyalty to the faction
uprisings. over the ‘natural’ bonds of family.
Although this future Chicago, too, is
 Districts one and two, for instance, are relatively oppressive, most inhabitants
relatively privileged because they provide approve of the system, and even Tris
the Capitol with luxury items and trained cannot completely abandon her notions
Peacekeepers. In contrast, districts 11 and concerning factions and faction identity
12 “battle starvation” (Hunger 19) every
day because the Capitol keeps firm control  Society is sharply divided into five factions,
of the food supplies, enforcing artificial Blokker 23 the names of which –
scarcity to keep them subdued. The Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless and
ultimate aim of the Capitol’s total control Erudite – immediately tell us that each
and this artificially created gap between faction was based on the aspiration to
rich and poor is to reinforce its own attain a particular virtue – selflessness,
power. kindness, honesty, courage, intelligence –
and on rejection of the corresponding vice.
Teenagers are allowed to choose their
future faction, but this decision is
irreversible. Thus there is free choice, but
there are only five choices, and movement
between factions is limited

 Nonconformity, whether as a result of

being Divergent or of being banished from
one’s faction, results in factionlessness – a
life without community – or even death.


May surveillance

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