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Flowers make me feel happy

On Monday, the 29th day of "isolation" is seen as sunny. It is

finally spring and unfortunately I cannot enjoy the sun's rays,
except from the yard of my house. It is a critical situation and I
and my family try to be as responsible as we can, stand at home.
Of course, I am lucky that I do not live in the apartment, because
I have a large garden around my house and it is not necessary to
just stay in my room.
Even more, for me a period in which I stay longer at home is
useful, because soon I will have to take the "maturity exam", the
baccalaureate exam, but also the exam for admission to
university and I can use these days to learn in a much more
productive way. I admit, I have a lot to learn and most of the time
I start to learn and spend all day. I try to go out in the yard every
day and stay in the sun, so I can "pick up" some vitamin D
Because it is spring now, my mother is planting flowers, so
today I decided to help her and garden together. I took gloves on
my hands, a shovel, a box with gladiolus bulbs and I went to put
them in the ground. The bad part is that I can't see it as the
flower bulbs grow in the ground, and these gladiolus will bloom in
just a few months.
To my happiness, I help my mother plant flowers or my father
plant trees every year. So last year I planted some Hyacinths and
a few tulips, so this spring I could enjoy watching them grow.
When the courses were not yet suspended, I would come home
after school and observe how small green plants emerge from
the ground, sprouting; In this way, every day I began to observe
how they evolved, how their leaves appeared, how everything
began to take color.
Now, because we stay at home all the time and because I
don't go out as often as before, I don't see how they grow up
every day. However, these days Hyacinths have blossomed and
the tulip bulbs will open soon. Receiving this homework for the
"School otherwise" week, I stood and thought about how I felt
watching these flowers grow. It is really amazing, because I
realized that I was always happy when I came home and
"analyzed" them. Knowing that it is my merit and that I planted it
made me feel proud of myself. And now, once they bloom, I walk
around the garden, or even play with my puppy Mojo and I feel
the strong scent of the smiles and see their beautiful colors:
white, purple, pink or cream.
I think it is relaxing and joyful to plant a flower, because you
can enjoy the result and you can be really proud, because these
days teenagers no longer enjoy such activities, no longer admire
the beauty around them; they are lost in social media, facebook
or other applications. So today I thought how to enjoy the spring
and the garden full of flowers of all colors, and so the following
idea came to me: this week I will no longer learn in my room, but
I will go outside, I will lay a blanket on the grass and I will do my
lessons in the fresh air.
I hope you enjoy these beautiful and sunny days, even if we
are not in the happiest situation. Take care of yourself and be
responsible. Much health and happiness. Have a nice day and see
you soon!

Anusca, from 12A

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