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It makes sense to embed the SDGs in
innovated research but how ready is your
innovation to support these global goals
End Poverty In All Its
Forms Everywhere

Invention Description Picture

The Shoe That Grows The Shoe That Grows is a simple, adjustable shoe that children can wear for many
years. It capable of expanding five sizes through a series of notches and snaps. The
shoe generally fits a child's foot from age 5 to 9, helping to curb foot injuries and cases
of soil-transmitted diseases and parasites.

Life Shaving Dot In rural India, thousands of women are estimated to have iodine deficiency, which has
been linked to breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease and pregnancy complications.
But the Life Saving Dot, an iodine-rich variation on a traditional bindi, is helping to
provide women with the vital mineral. The dot, which is worn between a woman's
eyebrows just like a bindi, delivers the wearer with the recommended daily amount of
iodine. The Life Saving Dot fit the budgets of women in rural India.
Wonderbag Wonderbag is a reusable, zero-energy slow cooker that drastically cuts down on the
time needed for food to cook on a stove or fire. Once ingredients are brought to a
boiling stage using traditional methods, the pot can be placed in a Wonderbag, where
it continues to cook for up to 12 hours.
End hunger, achieve food
Security and improved nutrition
and Promote sustainable
Invention Description Picture

Hydrophonic Hydroponics, by definition, is a method of growing plants in a water based, nutrient rich
solution. Hydroponics does not use soil, instead the root system is supported using an
inert medium such as perlite, rockwool, clay pellets, peat moss, or vermiculite.

Aquaculture Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs,
aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater
and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with
commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish.

Sustainable The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s food and textile needs in the
Agriculture present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Practitioners of sustainable agriculture seek to integrate three main objectives into their
work: a healthy environment, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.
Ensure healthy lives and
promote well-being for all
at all ages
Invention Description Picture

Butterfly iQ This new ultrasound device is the size of a small chip, allowing providers to plug a
portable probe into their phone and look at a patient's heart, lung, or growing fetus.

WeWALK WeWALK is a smart cane that can detect objects above chest level and can help
visually impaired and blind people navigate with the help of apps like Google Maps.

Vessyl A sensor-enabled cup, also called Vessyl, that can perform a detailed analysis of the
contents inside. The way that this invention works is that the Vessyl is outfitted with an
array of sensors that analyze what’s inside of the cup by volume, nutritional information
and beverage type. In fact, this innovative invention can even analyze the brand and
flavour of the drink.
Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for
Invention Description Picture

Virtual Classes A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that allows for live interaction
between the tutor and the learners as they are participating in learning activities. In
other words, the virtual classroom is a shared online space where the learners and the
tutor work together simultaneously. Usually, these interactions take place through video

Webinar A webinar is an online seminar that turns a presentation into a real-time conversation
from anywhere in the world. Webinars allow large groups of participants to engage in
online discussions or training events and share audio, documents or slides – even when
they’re not in the same place as the meeting host or in the same room where the
event or presentation is taking place.

The UTAR New The Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) implemented the "WE CARE, WE ACT"
Village Community New Village Community Service programme with the aim to create opportunities for
Project students to mingle, interact and work with various new village communities outside the
cities with the aim to create meaningful social changes.
Achieve gender equality
and empower all women
and girls
Invention Description Picture

4 Good Programme The aim of the 4Good Program South Africa is to promote the development of
women innovators in developing countries to support innovations that are
developed by women and for women. This is achieved by providing women
innovators in South Africa with access to the knowledge, skills, and expertise that
they need.

Hippo Roller In an attempt to ease the strain and time involved to get water in tough rural
conditions, two South Africans in the early 1990s invented the Aqua Roller, now
commonly known as the Hippo Roller. A portable barrel-shaped drum container
that rolls on the ground, the Hippo Roller can carry up to five times more water
than a single bucket. To date, the invention has changed the lives of half a million
people across more than 20 countries.
Ensure availability and
sustainable management
of water and sanitation for all
Invention Description Picture

Sanitizer A liquid for washing your hands in order to get rid of harmful bacteria from them. A
substance or preparation for killing germs, designed for use especially on food-
processing equipment.

Plasma Water The Plasma Water Sanitation System (PWSS) is an innovative water treatment system
Sanitation System that eliminates virus and bacteria through the transformation of a continuous flow of
contaminated water into plasma. Through a sharp pressure drop inside the reaction
chamber, the water is transformed into biphasic liquid-gas stream. The biphasic flow is
exposed to an electrical current field that ionizes the water particles generating a
stable plasma state; subsequently, the water elements are recombined and
condensed as potable water suitable for human consumption.
H2go System H2Go is an organisation with a long history of providing clean drinking water to remote
and rural communities where the usual means of piping and infrastructure are not
feasible. The Systems provide long term immediate availability of safe water without the
need for even electricity to be present. Has the ability to convert any source of filthy
contaminated water into safe and sterile drinking water without the use of any
electricity, chemical additives or ultraviolet treatments.
Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and
modern energy for all
Invention Description Picture

Biodiesel Biodiesel is a form of diesel fuel derived from plants or animals and consisting of long-
chain fatty acid esters. It is typically made by chemically reacting lipids such as animal
fat, soybean oil, or some other vegetable oil with an alcohol, producing a methyl, ethyl
or propyl ester.

Microgrids Microgrids are the local energy grids which can operate both ways - freely or even by
staying connected to a bigger conventional grid. These grids are not only energy
savers, but also offer energy independence, efficiency, and protection during the time
of contingencies.

Liquid Metal A liquid metal battery comprises two liquid metal electrodes. separated by
Batteries a molten salt electrolyte that self-segregate into three layers based upon density and
Promote sustained, inclusive
and sustainable economic
growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all

Invention Description Picture

Voz BoX Project Vive is a social tech company creating low-cost, open-source, multi-sensor
speech generating devices to give a voice to people with disabilities. Voz-BoX- Is an
affordable, smart, and adaptable speech generating device (SGD) that addresses the
unmet need for every voice to be heard.

Data Science Africa Data Science Africa is a non-profit knowledge sharing professional group that aims to
bring together leading researchers and practitioners working on data science and
machine learning methods and applications relevant to Africa, and providing training
on state of the art data science methods to students and others who interested in
developing practical skills.

Eco Car Any vehicle that can achieve more fuel efficiency and lower carbon emissions that
can be considered as an eco-car.
Build resilient infrastructure,
promote inclusive and
sustainable industrialisation
and foster innovation
Invention Description Picture

Electric Bus To reduce carbon emissions, mitigate the risks of climate change and maintain global
temperature well below 2°C.

Mission 1.5 Uses mobile gaming technology. Instead of just a website, the game is delivered
through ads in some of the most popular video games in the world. It can reach more
people. The data that the game collects will help policymakers better understand how
citizens in all corners of the earth are envisioning their future.

Electric Cars To reduce carbon emission as electric is a renewable energy.

Reduce inequality within
and among countries

Invention Description Picture

The Other Bar An informatic food packaging. It means farmers can hire people to help during the vital
harvest period, and the tree planting component of the project enables more carbon dioxide
storage, helping to combat climate change. High wages are translating to more jobs, training,
skills, and opportunities for young people. Consumers will know that this bar delivering on a

The Pequi tress It’s a tropical tree whose fruit and emerald green skin have a lot of benefit in cooking
and traditional medicines. The oil extracted from its seeds contains a large amount of
Vitamin A. By using an innovative entrepreneurial model the inventors successfully
connect the local and national markets.

Mobile Application Every men and women, urban people, villagers and etc all have excess to mobile and
Make cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient and sustainable
Invention Description Picture

Smart City A Smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of Things
sensors to collect data and then use insights gained from that data to manage assets,
resources and services efficiently.

Smart Home A smart home is a residence that uses internet-connected devices to enable the
remote monitoring and management of appliances and systems, such as lighting and

Robotic Arm A robotic arm (not robotic hand) is a type of mechanical arm, usually programmable,
with similar functions to a human arm. The arm may be the sum total of the mechanism
or may be part of a more complex robot.
Ensure sustainable
consumption and
production patterns
Invention Description Picture

Opensc OpenSC- is a tech-enabled platform that promotes sustainable production and

consumption of certain commodities such as seafood, beef, sugar, paper, and
cotton. Aimed to drive increased responsible production and consumption through
supply chain traceability and transparency technology.

Cradle To Cradle Cradle to Cradle is aims to make products completely from reusable technology or
biology. Cradle-to-cradle design a biomimetic approach to the design of products
and systems that models human industry on nature's processes, where materials are
viewed as nutrients circulating in healthy and safe metabolisms.
Take urgent action to
combat climate change
and its impacts
Invention Description Picture

Cement Free David Ball Group invents cement-free concrete. The building material is more durable
Concrete than traditional concrete and has a 95% smaller carbon footprint.

CO2-fueled Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such
Bioplastics as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food
waste, etc. Bioplastic can be made from agricultural by-products and also from
used plastic bottles and other containers using microorganisms.

Green Beaches Green Beaches use the rock-forming mineral the grinded olivine to absorb CO2.
Conserve and sustainably
use the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable

Invention Description Picture

Smartfin Smartfin is a surfboard fin which incorporated with research grade ocean health
sensors and a community-building initiative. It is intended to galvanize communities
to become better stewards of coastal ecosystems.

Wildlabs WILDLABS is a platform to resolve conservation issues through technology. It brings

together a community of conservationists, technologists, engineers, data scientists,
entrepreneurs and thought leaders together.
Protect, restore and promote
sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Invention Description Picture

Drone An aircraft that does not have a pilot but is controlled by someone on the ground.

Camera Traps A camera trap is a remotely activated camera that is equipped with a motion
sensor or an infrared sensor, or uses a light beam as a trigger. Camera trapping is a
method for capturing wild animals on film when researchers are not present, and has
been used in ecological research for decades.

DNA Analysis DNA analysis is the name given to the interpretation of genetic sequences, and can be
used for a wide variety of purposes. It can be used to identify a species, but can also
differentiate individuals within a species.
Promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development,
provide access to justice for all and
build effective, accountable and
inclusive institutions at all levels

Invention Description Picture

Biometrics Biometrics is the technical term for body measurements and

calculations. It refers to metrics related to human characteristics.
Biometrics authentication is used in computer science as a form of
identification and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in
groups that are under surveillance.
Strengthen the means of
implementation and revitalise
the global partnership for
sustainable development
Invention Description Picture

U-report U-Report is a mobile empowerment programme that connects young

people all over the world to their governments and decision makers.
They shares lifesaving and life changing information, and enhances
accountability of programmes for children. U-Report is a social
platform available via SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram and
Viber where young people express their opinion and be positive agent
of change in their communities.
Sectors SDGs Related



Sectors SDGs Related



Sectors SDGs Related



Country Review

Spain In Spain they have fulfills Gender Equality. Moderate achievement in Sustainable Cities and Communities and
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. However, needs to improve in Zero Hunger and Quality Education.

United Kingdom In United Kingdom they have fulfills No Poverty and Partnership for Goals. Moderate achievement in Good Health
and Well-being and Decent Work and Economic Growth. However, needs to improve in Zero Hunger and
Affordable and Clean Energy.

Mexico In Mexico so far they yet to fulfills any goal completely. Moderate achievement in Gender Equality and Climate
Action. However, needs to improve in No Poverty and Zero Hunger.

United States In United States they have fulfills Clean Water and Sanitation and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Moderate
achievement in Good Health and Well-Being and Quality. However, need to improve in Climate Action and
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Australia In Australia they have fulfills in Good Health and Well-Being and Sustainable Cities and Communities. Moderate
achievement in Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Responsible Production and Consumption. However,
needs to improve in Affordable and Clean Energy and Life Below Water.

China In China they have fulfills Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth. Moderate achievement in
No Poverty and Gender Equality. However, in to improve Climate Action and Life on Land.

India In India they doesn`t fulfills any goal. However, they have moderate achievement in Reduced Inequalities and
Partnership for Goals. However, need to improve in Zero Hunger and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

South Africa In South Africa so far they have fulfills Gender Equality but only moderate achievement in Sustainable Cities and
Communities. However, need to improve in Clean Water and Sanitation and Affordable and Clean Energy.
Country Organizations

MALAYSIA Sunway Group; National University of Malaysia (UKM); University of Technology Malaysia (UTM); University Sultan
Zainal Abidin (UniSZA); Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Sabah Parks Authority; Department of
Fisheries; Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency; Polis Di Raja Malaysia; Sabah Wildlife Department; Royal
Malaysian Customs Department; Immigration Department of Malaysia; WWF Malaysia (NGO); Stop Fish Bombing!
(NGO); Marine Conservation Society (NGO); ReefCheck Malaysia (NGO); Green Semporna (NGO); Forever Sabah
(NGO); Malaysian Ministry of Education (Educational Planning & Research Division, Higher Education Leadership
Academy (AKEPT); Ministries of Education and Teacher Training Institutes

THAILAND National Committee for Sustainable Development (CSD); Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP);
Ministry of Industry; Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Transports; Ministry of
Public Health; Ministry of Science and Technology; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Agriculture and
Cooperatives; Ministry of Interior; Research Institute and university (Academic institution); Local Non-Governmental
organization (NGO); Local communities (Private sector), Public/ private companies (Private sector)

VIETNAM National Council on Sustainable Development and Competitiveness Enhancement;

The Institute of Oceanography; Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology

SINGAPORE Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Government of the Republic of Singapore;

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore; National Environment Agency, Singapore; Scientific community;
Country Organizations

INDONESIA Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF); Indonesian Philanthropy Association; Islamic Development Bank;
Universities; Ministry for Environment Affairs and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia

BRUNEI International Hydrographic Organization (IGO); International Maritime Organization (UN); World Meteorological
Organization (UN); International Association of Marine Aids; Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (NGO)

SOUTH AFRICA Government of South Africa; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of South Africa

INDIA Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Commerce & Industry; Ministry of Shipping; Ministry of Urban Development; Ministry
of Earth Sciences; CSIR; Ministry of Earth Sciences; Ministry of Human Resource Development; Ministry of External
Affairs; Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change; Ministry of Earth Sciences; All Coastal States of India;
Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Earth Sciences; Department of Space, Coastal community; Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change; Ministry of Urban Development; Ministry of Earth Sciences; Ministry of Rural
Development; All coastal States

UNITED KINGDOM International Fund for Agriculture Development;

The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO);
UK Department for International Development (DFID);
Department for Business; Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS); UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs (Defra); UK Centre for Environment; Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas); UK National Oceanography
Centre (NOC); UK (Academic Institution)
Country Organizations

BANGLADESH HALLO BANGLADESH; Ministry of Communications Bangladesh; Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry; Prime
Minister Office of Bangladesh; Ministry of Public Administration; Bangladesh Rural Development Board

BHUTAN Ministry of Environment; Ministry of Shipping; Coast Guard, Navy; Disaster Management Ministry; Ministry of Fisheries

MEXICO Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Chetumal, Mxico); el Centro de Investigacin Cientfica y de Educacin; Superior de
Ensenada (Baja California, Mxico) y el; Instituto Nacional de Pesca (IAPESCA-SAGARPA, Mxico)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Government of United States of America; The Coca-Cola Company (United States of America) ; Global
Environment and Technology Foundation (United States of America); US. Department of State; United States
Agency for International Development (USAID)

AUSTRALIA Australian Government; Australian Antarctic Division; Australian Bureau of Statistics; Australian Centre for
International Agricultural Research Australia (CSIRO); Australian Institute of Marine Science; Australian Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade

SPAIN Universities; Fisheries sector;

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade
“Most important is, making the SDGs as a culture.
If we adopt it as an everyday practice and
management ensures such deliverables [happen]
then it becomes achievable.”
Communications, UK

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