Welcome Adress Draft

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Welcome Address

Each graduating batch marks a story that makes it be remembered and noteworthy
to be shared- and ours is the most phenomenal and bizarre: shaken, threatened, and
hanged up by the pandemic: the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or Covid-19 which threatens
the globe right now. However, every challenge makes every journey special and bloom
differently. Now, we celebrate our Graduation Ceremony, standing still amidst any life
challenge with full of gratitude and compassion.
To the Cotabato City Schools Division Superintendent
_______________________________, to our distinguished guest
_______________________________, to our Secondary School Principal Dr. Yusoph
Thong A. Amino, Senior High School Coordinator Ma’am Annabelle Amina P. Sudario,
to the school administration, supportive stakeholders and sponsors, to our dear teachers,
beloved parents, and my fellow candidates for graduation, it is my honor to welcome you
to the 7th Senior High School Graduation Ceremony. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi
Jamian Wabarakatuhu, Good morning!
Graduation Day is the most special and most-awaited day of every student. It is to
celebrate the fruits of our efforts and sacrifices we have given off as we step up to
another chapters of our lives, the appreciation of every little thing we had surpassed in
our journey with the support of the people who we love, and gratitude for the experiences
that appeased and ripped us for they both have completed who we are now. Perhaps, it is
true that this celebration can be our happiest moment as students, but along with it, is the
sudden feeling of the need to bid goodbye to the people we shared our hearts with,
because the nature of life drives us to separate from each other as each one of us has to
proceed and strive to become who we want to be in the future. Thus, it is such a beautiful
ending and a start to dream bigger for ourselves and for our community, packing us up
with rich life lessons.
This graduation day may not be the typical type of graduation we’ve been used to.
It is supposed to gather families who we sometime had set aside to prioritize our loads of
performance tasks, bloody quizzes, and examinations, relatives who may live afar from
us, friends who had been so busy with their lives, and other special ones to share special
menus for an occasion, laughter, warm hugs, and heartfelt “Congratulations’!” Today, we
immensely observe social distancing as a precautionary method against the spread of the
virus that disrupts us. We may want to give our warmest hugs to our classmates for the
last time to show compassion to them, teachers to express gratitude and love, and so as to
our family members, but we may somehow doubt to do for the safety of everybody. Yes,
it is saddening to think about it, but we should bear in mind that this challenge we face
does devalue the authenticity of love and compassion we have towards each others. What
I feel right now is purely an overwhelming gratitude, because just to think that we are all
gathered here- safe, healthy and smiling is more than what I could ask for from the
To my dear fellow candidates, achieving something does not only define our
capabilities, but also the strength of the people behind our back in this life. With that, I
would like to acknowledge the presence of the strongest mother on universe, my lovely
mother: Chief Tarhata L. Balading, Ph.D. for the extra love you have showed us two with
Kakamon who studies abroad, since Ama died fifteen (15) years ago. You may not be the
typical mother whom I can always share stories with as I arrive from school and always
be on track of my academic performance due to your drastic office works, but I just want
you to know that you’re the best.
The beauty of family is that, it does not demand , because it is a natural feeling we
get when we are surrounded by the people we love. It does not ask for quantity, but
quality relationships bound with experiences together- enough for this Senior High
School community to be called a family. Now that we are about to end a chapter of our
lives, we should be reminded that the wings that enabled us to soar in our journey, was
the love and compassion of our family. In the tiring race of life, we long for their support,
always get back to after storms, and quarantined with them in the middle of health
emergencies. Everyone comes back to where love has rooted from. So, I hope that few
years from now, we go back to this institution all successful in our chosen careers. Insha
Allah… Remember to always carry your family with your dreams because next to
yourself, they’ve believed, fought, sacrificed for your success. Thus, we should always
bring out excellence in us as we go farther in our journey- the pride of NDVNHS. Claim
Just like the reality we face in Covid-19, by which no one knows when it will end,
how long it would take, and been certain of when will it emerge, is the same with how
life challenges await us along the path we take; threatening, alarming, and agonizing. But
we fight them upon believing that we can surpass. The chances of winning will only be
between you, the challenges, and how you deal with them. Some other instances might
hinder us from turning your dreams into reality, so we should be the frontliners of our
own lives because our own hands hold the map of who we want ourselves to be in the
future and make discipline our way of life.
Once again, welcome to 7th Senior High School Graduation Ceremony! Thank
you very much and congratulations.

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