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Case Study on Organizational Behavior (A Final Group Requirement)

1. Cover page

2. Table of Contents

3. Introduction (Short Overview about Organizational Behavior)

4. Company Profile
4.1. About the Company
4.2. Organization Culture

5. Data Collection and Analysis

a. Respondents’ Profile
b. Summary of data
c. Analysis

6. Conclusion

7. References

8. Annexes
a. Interview Questions
b. Summary of Responses
c. Documentation

Note to students:

The purpose of this requirement is for the students to have a clear understanding of how employees
behave in an organization and be able to diagnose the reasons of their behavior by exposing them to
the real business organizations. The research hopes to check if the employees’ behaviors ae aligned with
the organizational culture that the management is trying to establish.

The groups are required to:

- Interview at least 5 employees in a company (preferably Small Medium Enterprise - SME) and
one member of the management.
- Submit a write-up following the above outline in 10 to 15 pages, double-spaced, using Times
Roman or Arial 12-size font, short-size bond paper, soft or ring-bound whichever is more

Please note on the following:

- The interview questions on the next sheets are sample questions. In the course of interview,
please explain to the employees that you do not have intentions of sharing to the management
what you will hear from them. This is just a class exercise, but you need their sincere answers
for a more meaningful study. Confidentiality must be observed. You may interview them in the
vernacular. Ask for their permission before you record the interview. You may use a recorder
or just take note while interview is ongoing.
- Avoid duplication of companies. Inform me immediately your company choice via email so
others cannot use it. It is on first-come basis.
- Cite your sources and references accordingly to avoid plagiarism. Avoid cut and paste of ideas.
- Submission is during the final examination day, but please submit a draft for review in hard
- I shall also provide you a letter asking for permission.

Good luck and have fun while learning!

Sample Questionnaire (for employees)

Name _________________________________ (Optional) Gender ________________

Position _______________________________ Age __________________

Number of Years in the company ___________

Monthly Salary Range:

_______ P10,000 and below

_______ P10,001 – P20,000

_______ P20,001 – P30,000

_______ P30,001 – P40,000

_______ P40,001 – P50,000

_______ beyond P50,000

Sample questions:

1. What are factors that are important to you in your present job? Rank the following with 1 as
the highest.

_____ Time management _____ Benefits

_____ Freedom _____ Teambuilding Activity
_____ Challenging work _____ Customer Service
_____ Training _____ Achievement of
_____ Physical conditions Company Goal
_____ Use of skills
_____ Communication _____ Others: Please specify:
_____ Earnings
_____ Recognition _____ ________________
_____ Advancement
_____ Cooperation _____ ________________
_____ Employment security
_____ Working in a team _____ ________________
_____ Empowerment

2. Do you consider yourself an asset to the company?

3. Are you aware of the vision, mission and goals of your company?
4. When there is disagreement and you need to present your own viewpoint, what do you do?

5. How often do you feel nervous or tense at work? How do you manage this?

6. How do you address conflict with your co-worker and/or your supervisor?

7. What make you stay in the company?

8. How long do you think you will continue working for this company?

9. Are you motivated by a sense of achievement or employment security?

10. How often does a company schedule a get-together or team-building activity?

11. Do you feel recognized with your performance? How does the management recognize your

12. Do you think you are paid enough?

13. If there is a better offer from other company, will you leave your present job?

14. Has there been an instance when you feel like leaving the company?
Sample Questionnaire for Employer/Management:

1. What are factors that are important for your employees to prioritize? Rank the following with 1
as the highest.

_____ Time Management _____ Benefits

_____ Freedom _____ Teambuilding Activity
_____ Challenging work _____ Customer Service
_____ Training _____ Achievement of
_____ Physical conditions company goal
_____ Use of skills
_____ Communication _____ Others: Please specify:
_____ Earnings
_____ Recognition _____ ________________
_____ Advancement
_____ Cooperation _____ ________________
_____ Employment security
_____ Working in a team _____ ________________
_____ Empowerment

2. How important are the employees to the company?

3. Do you have Code of Ethics for your employees?

4. How do you process employee violation?

5. How do you recognize their performance?

6. How often do you conduct team building?

7. What are your main considerations in hiring new employees?

8. In general, do you feel that the employees are satisfied with what they get from the

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