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to create an android app in 30 minutes for

free with no programming skills

Chr is Clar ke

Copyright © 2016 by Cheshire Creative Publishing.

Get the free video introduction and other resources on how to launch your first Android
app at:

Published by Cheshire Creative Publishing Limited
A company Limited in England and Wales under number 09607170
All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in
any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical,
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except as provided by United Kingdom copyright law. For permission requests, write to the
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I wrote this book because I’ve had some great success with my Android apps. I often see
people asking on social media channels how to create their own apps and thinking they need
to pay a fortune for one. I’ve published apps which have had over 100,000 downloads which
did not cost me a penny to set up. Those same apps, when monetized, can generate thousands
of pounds of regular income. Even if you don’t want to monetise your app and simply want to
create an app version of your website, this book will help. So, this book is for you; if you
have ever had an idea for an Android app, I will take you on your first steps to success.
This book will help you create your first Android app from start to finish. You will learn how
to find and use all the tools you need to get your Android app launched. Best of all, you can
even get your first apps launched for free. Find out how to get some great free content for
your app, the pitfalls to avoid when doing so. You will also learn how to publish your app to
the Google Play Store to maximize your reach. As you read this book, you will find out how
to either create all the images you need yourself for free or the best sources for low-cost
graphics. As we take each step in the journey, you will find out how you can really create your
first Android app for free in 30 minutes or less.






Chapter 5. GET IT ON PLAY




About The Author

“A journey of a thousand miles
starts with a single step.”
—Lao Tzu

On the path to total ‘appynesss, we will be taking a step by step journey to your first Android
app. We will be looking at the first steps of generating ideas, to launching your app on the
Google Play Store, along with simple ways to market your app.
If you have never developed your own Android app before, don’t worry, we will take this
journey together. Each step of the journey is broken down. By the end of this book, you will
be able to launch your own Android app in 30 minutes. You won’t need any special
programming skills, but you will need to take the first step and stay determined.
As you read this book, you should carry out the steps as you go along, put the book down and
try out what is being discussed. By practically trying out what you are learning as you go
along, you will become more confident to develop more complex apps over the coming
Tools of the trade
To get started, you will need to be able to access some of the tools of the trade to create your
Android app. You don’t need many tools to get going with your first app, and surprisingly
you won’t need to part with any money to simply create your app.
Internet Access. The key tool we will be using to develop your app is cloud based—this
means that it is online and you will need some form of internet access to use it. The good
news is, you can do that either via wifi with a computer/laptop or you can access it with your
mobile phone or tablet. While the option is yours, it is easier to use a computer/laptop as the
viewing area is bigger.
Appyet. The tool we will be using to create our app is You will need to create a
free account by going to When you first access Appyet, you must click on
the top right “Sign up, ” and you will be asked for four pieces of information—email,
password, first name and last name. Follow the process now and setup your account.
Image editing software. You can either use the free image editing software that came with
your computer. For example, on Microsoft Windows, that is “Paint”; there are others
available—for example, Paintshop Pro - (Free 30
day trial) or GIMP
Or, you could purchase more professional image editing software like Adobe Photoshop.
An Android Device. While you can create your app without an Android device, having one to
hand is useful for testing. You can use an emulator to do this; it is, however, slightly more
complicated—find out more at
As you continue to read, we will cover everything you need to know to use Appyet.

We will be spending some time looking at Android app ideas generation later. However, you
will need to start thinking about what you want to create your Android app for. What need are
you going to try to address with your app? Is your app going to be simply an extension of an
existing website—an app version of your site—or is it going to contain unique content? Who
is your target market? What is the competition? If you are looking at getting mass downloads
of your app, you will want to be near to the top of the Google Play Store. If you pick an app
that has lots of competition, you might need to consider how you will compete, how you will
market your app and why a user would choose your app over the competition—your USP.
“Everything begins with an idea.”
—Earl Nightengale

The key to success with your Android apps is to generate your ideas and plan how you will
implement it. Everything starts with an idea.
The first Android app I created might appear very random, but it was in a niche market and
had little quality competition plus there was a huge demand. The niche I chose was Nigerian
Movies, or as they are called, “Nollywood Movies.” Nollywood is the second largest movie
industry and the largest by volume of movies. Now, I’m not Nigerian; however, I knew this
was a great potential niche. I already had a website that was a repository for Nigerian Movies
which was getting between four and six thousand visitors per day, so I knew the market. It
made sense to create an app that could tap into the market and make it easier for users and
visitors to view the movies they were looking for. I used the same tools I will be talking you
through in this book to make that app. What started as a simple idea became a huge success. At
the time, the app was a hit; it became number one in its category in the Google Play store and
was being downloaded over 500 times per day with total installs exceeding 100,000 in the first
year. From there I branched out, within the Nigerian market, into Nigerian News and current
affairs using multi-channels to help cross promote each of the apps.
What is your specialist subject?
Is there something you know inside out? Something you are passionate about? If you I asked
your friends what is the one thing you are really passionate about, what would they say? Take
a few moments to have a think about something you are knowledgeable about that you could
share with others. You don’t have to have all the content, or be able to create the content. The
idea could be simple; it could be a cookbook of favourite recipes that your mother used to
make. It could be that you have an interest in politics or current affairs or your favourite
Once you have an idea for a subject, you need to research the market for your app. I’m going
to give you a real life example of how I do this:
I created a specific app recently for this book to show you how I did this. The app I have
launched is in the Drone Market. I realized that the drone I use, a DJI Phantom, has a number
of different warning lights that can be difficult to decipher. It can be handy when out in the
field to know what those lights mean even when there is no internet access.
I then went to the Google Play store – and searched for the
most obvious terms a person would use to find an app about DJI LEDs. I searched for DJI
lights, dji leds, DJI warnings, etc. I then found there was really only one other app providing
this information: I
then needed to find out how popular this app actually was. When you click on an app in the
store, it shows you how many times the app has been downloaded—in this case, between
10,000 and 50,000 times. Clearly, there was a demand for the app and the competition was low.
The next step was to evaluate the competition to see what I could do differently or better. This
is really easy. I downloaded the app and had a play with it. I then took a look at the reviews left
by other people who had downloaded the app and the overall ratings. The competitor app had
a rating of 3.5, and the reviews said things like “No no no no. You can not set a preferred card!
You can not view the back of the card, where there are other info. The app would also be useful
but not as it is now, for now it is better to look on the internet.” And “Looks useful but it didn't
make it clear if MY model DJI uav applies so I uninstalled it. No simple list of models? I can't
From those reviews and rating, it seems clear that by simply tweaking a few things, giving a
clear list of DJI Drone models and ensuring the opening screen is not blank would make the
app more valuable to users.
Secondly, I looked at how the app was presented—is there a video to show how to use the
app? Are there multiple screen shots to show the features of the app? Is the description a
detailed explanation of the app and what it does? In the example, the app only had two
screenshots, no video and a description that says:
“- A2
- WooKong-M
- Naza-M V2
- Naza-M Lite
- No Add
- No Any Permission
- And Free :)”
So, unless you are really in the know, you would have no clue what the app does and whether
it actually would work for your drone or not.
Now you are ready to get started with generating an idea for your app. Remember the simple
Keep it simple
What information are you a specialist in that others want to know about?
Evaluate the competition
You don’t have to create all the content yourself
Create something to help meet someone else’s need
AppBrain is another great source of research about other Apps in the Play store. Visit
You will find the totals of apps in each Play store category, the percentage of free vs. paid
apps. You can also get more information about the number of apps in each category along
with the average star rating, percentage of apps with more than 50,000 downloads, the
average price of apps and more. Using this information, you can find which areas have more
or less competition which might have a bearing on the popularity of your app.
For example, currently (November 2016), the Parenting category in the PlayStore has less
than 880 apps, with the number one app having over 10,000,000 downloads. 71 of those 880
apps are of poor quality rating with only 9% of the 880 having more than 50,000 downloads.
RSS Feeds for Content
One really useful way of getting regular, updated content is by using RSS feeds.

What is an RSS Feed?

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or more commonly called Really Simple Syndication. It is
basically a web feed that is used to update content and information on websites, for example,
blogs, blog content, news headlines, videos and audio (podcasts), etc.
RSS Feeds are often identified by the icon shown above. Lots of sites use RSS feeds which
you can subscribe to, to keep you updated with their content. Some simple examples are:
Google News UK RSS Feed is
If you click on the link for the Google News RSS feed in your browser, it won’t mean much,
but if you add it to your app, it would update all the news and images. You can find a Google
news feed RSS in a number of ways. If you access, for example, and
scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see a link for RSS Feed.
You can also create an RSS feed for any specific subject in Google news. The process is quite
simple. Search for the subject you are looking in the Google search bar, then hit “news.” This
will show you news about that subject. Scroll to the bottom, and you will see a link that says
“create alert” as shown below:

Once you click on “create alert,” you will be taken to how you want the alert delivered. On
that screen, there is a dropdown to show options; click that to reveal the options. You will
need to tweak these as shown:
Here, navigate to the “delivered to”section; all you need to do is simply change the dropdown
to “rss feed.” You can tweak other options if you would like. You then click on “Create Alert”
to create your alert. It will take you to a screen with your RSS feed. I have highlighted the icon
that contains your RSS Feed. Click on the RSS icon for your RSS feed.

So, for example, when I click on the RSS icon, I get a link that looks similar to this:
This is the RSS feed I can use in my app later. This will then feed regular news about Android
apps, with content updated as it happens.
How else can I find RSS Feeds?
There are lots of other RSS feeds available online—even a simple google search of your
topic along with “RSS” in the search will uncover lots of sources for you.
To find other sources, knowing a little bit about websites that could be helpful. For example,
if a site has been built on “Wordpress,” the feed will generally be the website address,
followed by “/feed.” For example, the site is built using
Wordpress and has an RSS feed of its contents at
A simple search of a site will often reveal its RSS Feed. Often, there is a link near the top
(shown with the RSS icon) or in the footer of the site. If you have a page open in Chrome and
press Control+F, it will open a search box so you could type in RSS.
Some RSS feeds will only provide you with a “snippet” of the story and an image, and your
user will need to click on the story to read the full article on the website. Most of the time, this
is the right thing. There may be times though when you want to pull in the whole article from
an RSS—there is a workaround for this by using this website:
Other sources of RSS feeds include Youtube Channels. For example, the RSS feed of my
Youtube Channel is:
To find the RSS feed of any Youtube Channel (as at November 2016), you need to go to the
channel you want to find the RSS feed of. Then look at the source code of the page (in
Chrome, Right click on “view page source”) and search for “channel-external-id” to get the
value for that element. So, in the case of my channel, that is UCuOe-vLkfdvRok9O9jSIm0g.
You simply need to replace that with this URL:
There are also other free websites that can help you get other RSS feeds. For example, from
Pinterest. One site to try is

“To make something special, you just have to believe it's special.”
—Mr. Ping, Kung Fu Panda

Some think there is some magic or a secret recipe to creating your Android app. They believe
they cannot do it, or that they need to learn how to be a programmer to do it. Others believe
they need to grease the palms of an overpriced web development company to do it for them. If
any of those descriptions fit your thinking, stop right now. As I said at the outset, we are going
to work together to get your first Android app completed in less than 30 minutes without any
programming skills. It is now time to begin…
Getting started with AppYet
Hopefully, you now have an account with Appyet. If not, sign up now following the
instructions in the first chapter.
We are going to take a look at the Appyet interface and tools before we begin to create our
first app. Follow this chapter step by step to create your first Android app.
When you first log in to Appyet, you will come to the main interface which will look like this:

From here, you can access anything you need in your account. You will see a list of your
current apps, version numbers and current status. You can also access various other things
from your account:

“My account” will show you the current email address associated with your account and is
where you can change it if you need to. Always ensure you have an up-to-date email address
associated with your account. Otherwise, you might miss any notifications coming through—
for example, if there is a new version of your Android app. Your email address is where your
app is sent to for download.
If you need to edit an app that you have already created, clicking the “details” button next to
the app you want to edit will allow you to do that.

Create app
When you click on “create app,” you will be taken to this screen:

From here, you will need to provide three pieces of information:

1. App Name. Name your app. The “App name” is obvious; it is what you will call your app.
For example, “DJI LED Descriptions.”
2. Package Name. The package name must be a unique name. All Android apps have a
package name; it is the name that will uniquely identify your app on a person’s phone or
device. It is also used to uniquely identify the app in the Google Play Store. You can choose
whatever you want for your package name as long as it is completely unique. However, I tend
to use the following naming convention for my apps as much as possible:
I always start with “com.” If you have a website, it will make sense to have your package name
as something similar to it. For example, Adobe Photoshop would name their apps along these
If you want to read more about App Naming Conventions, you can find out more at
3. Template. When creating your first app, you would start with “blank template.” However,
once you have created an app, you could choose to base a new app on one of the existing apps
you have created.
Once you have completed those sections, you will need to click the “create app” button.
General Dashboard
After you have clicked on “create app” and appyet has checked that you have set up a unique
package name, you will be brought to the following General Screen:

Package name. The first thing you see in this interface is your package name. For the purpose
of this guide, I have called my package “”
Application name. My app is called “HOW TO CREATE AN ANDROID APP IN 30
You should see your package name and app name.
Localize. With our first basic Android app, we will ignore the link that says “localize” as we
do not need it.
Version name. This will help you identify which version you are working on. Obviously, you
start with 1.0 and work your way up as you make future changes and edits.
Version Code. For this course, you can ignore this as it is automatically generated for you.
Application Icon. This is the icon that will appear on the user ’s device/phone/tablet. You most
certainly will want to change the default icon to your own icon to make your app more
attractive to your users.
Your app icon will need to be 192px x 192px, and you can create it in your image editor of
choice. You could take some inspiration from other app icons of some of the apps you
currently have on your own device. Here are some “flat icon” design ideas from other apps:
Here is the example of the app icon I have put together for my demo app:

Alternatively, you could get someone to design the icon for you. A good source for
design is Fiverr —as the name suggests, you could get
a decent designer for $5. We will look in a later chapter about how to get the best image
designers for your apps.
To add your own icon, you will need to click on “Change icon,” then “Choose file” to select
the icon you have designed and saved.
If you decide you do want to default back to the standard app icon provided by appyet, simply
click on “Reset to default.”
Notification Icon. In our example of creating your first app in less than 30 minutes, we will
be leaving this set to the default icon. However, you may wish to change this to your own
notification icon, which will appear in your users’ notifications when your content is updated.
To change this, you simply use the same method as you did for the app icon. The dimensions
for this need to be 48px x 40px.
Header image. Again, with us creating your first app in less than 30 minutes, we will be
leaving this set to the default header image. If you do decide to change this, this is the image
that will appear in the header of your app and will need to be 512px x 288px. This needs to be
some form of pattern to enable you to view content effectively.
Content Rating. All Apps in the Play store need to be rated. You will need to set a rating
here, but you will also need to set your rating correctly in the Google Play Store by using the
app rating questionnaire. This must be an accurate rating. Inaccurate ratings can be and are
changed by Google, and I have heard that frequently getting it wrong can lead to your app
being sanctioned from the Play Store.
Full details of the app ratings can be found from the Google Content Ratings for App and
Games here:
Once you have completed this section, you will need to click “Save Changes.” Appyet will
then upload any icons/images you have changed.
The next section to look at once you have saved your changes is “settings.” You can do that by
clicking here:

This will then take you to this dashboard screen shown on the next page:
This might look a little daunting, but the settings are really quite logical. Let’s work through
the settings one by one.
String Resources. These can be left as default and are not used, except in more complex apps.
Display Language. Select the language for your app from the drop down list. There are
various translations of the app available. If you leave this set to auto, it will auto select this
based on your user ’s settings.
Show display language. This is ticked by default. We will be keeping it ticked. It enables a
screen in the app's settings for your users to be able to choose the language they wish to use.
This is really useful for the functionality of your app and will make it easier to expose your
app to different markets.
Splash Screen. This is a preference you will need to decide on. By default, it is set to off. If
you tick the box, it will create a splash screen which your user will see every time they open
your app. You will need to create an image for this, the recommended size being 150px x
150px. You will also need to set the background colour for your splash screen. The colour
needs to be set as a # colour. You can either pick one from the colour picker or add you own
colour with the right code to match perhaps your website or other images. There is a useful
resource at to help pick your colour. You will then need to select
the number of seconds the user is shown the splash screen before they are taken to the app.
Remember, use this functionality with caution as you want to create a seamless user
experience for users to quickly access your content. As you use this, you might want to test
different options—with/without/longer and shorter. For our test app, I will be using the splash
screen to promote this book and the online course that accompanies it.
Default theme. By default, you have the option of light or dark theme for your app. This is a
personal preference. You can also define your own themes at a later date by accessing the
themes menu.
Sync Interval. If your app will contain dynamic content, for example, from a feed from your
website or another RSS feed, youtube feed, etc., you need to decide how frequently the app
will synchronise that information. This is defined here. This can be either disabled or
anything from every three minutes to every 24 hours and various times between. It is not
advisable to sync too frequently for a number of reasons. Ultimately, by syncing too
frequently, you will be using up lots of your user ’s data (which they might not appreciate),
and if you are refreshing a feed frequently, you will be using up lots of the website running
the feeds data—and in some cases they might even stop your use of that feed. For our demo
app, I will be setting this at 1-hour intervals.
Sync on startup. It is a really good idea to sync the app on startup, so this checkbox needs to
be ticked.
Article, Image and Download Wifi Only. By default, these are unticked, and your user can
always change these settings themselves when your app is created. I would advise not
changing these; the only reason you would consider doing this is if you were trying to reduce
the amount of data your users will use on a mobile data plan.
Show notification. This shows a notification for your users when there are new updates in
your app's content. As mentioned previously, you can define how that notification looks in
New article open. The purpose of this option is to let you decide what a user will see when
there is new content in your app. This will default to “all unreads” and is a good option for
our demo app. You might, however, wish to change this to “last opened, ” e.g., what your user
last opened or to “last 24 hours.”
Keep starred unread. One functionality of your first app will be for users to be able to “star”
or basically highlight for later content they choose. You can enable it so anything they star
remains as “unread.” We will be leaving this to default unticked.
Auto Cleanup read. This is a very useful option for an app that is generating a lot of content.
For example, if you had a news app which was providing content through a news feed (e.g.,
RSS Feed). Once a user has read the article, you can set the app to auto cleanup and remove
those articles from the user's device, which will save the space that your app uses. Our app is
defaulting this to never, but you could choose your preference from either daily, to every few
days to every few weeks. Once you have your app up and running, depending on the content,
you might want to review this from the feedback you receive from your users about your app.
Auto Cleanup unread. This works in exactly the same way as the auto cleanup read, and
performs the same tasks except for articles that a user has never read.
Feedback Email. This is an email address where users can contact you with any queries, ideas
or errors. It is useful to have a specific email address set up for this purpose for your apps.
Otherwise, you may end up with unsolicited emails to your personal account.
Help Link. For the purpose of our first app in 30 minutes, we will leave this blank. However,
if you do want to provide your users with a help/faq guide for the app, put the link here, and
your users will gain access to it through a help menu in your app. This needs to link to a page
on your website. For our demo app, I am going to link this to the website that accompanies
this book.
Google Analytics. This allows you to track usage stats for your app and can help you with
analytics, for example, to see where your users are based, demographics, source and the most
popular pages in your app, etc. When you add Google Analytics code, you need to add it in
the format of, for example, UA-12345678-1. You can get a code for this direct from the
Google Analytics website at For our demo, we are leaving this
blank, but as you develop more apps, you will want to do this to gain better insight and
improve your apps.
Click “Save Changes” to save the settings.
All the settings are now ready for us to get building your app, so you can now go and grab a
drink and we will then get started on adding your content to your first app!

Your app will be made up of “modules.” Each module is like a menu in your app that pulls in
information. This can be hard coded information, for example, something like a Word
document or an image. You can also pull in feeds (RSS feeds as mentioned previously) into
your app. For our first Android app, we will be pulling in some feeds of information to start
To get started, you need to click on the “module” submenu which will bring up the following

If you were to build this app now, you would have an app that literally would look
like this:
You will notice there are some key features by default added to your app. These all correlate
to the modules menu. By default, they are added, but you can switch them on or off or even
delete any you wish. This creates some very powerful options for your app creation and
We will start at the bottom list of modules already on your app and go through what they are
and the functionality they bring.
The explore module allows a user to add their own content via a feed into your app. This is a
really powerful option that allows a user to customize the app. It also allows them to remove
any items you have allowed them to change.
If you click on “details” next to the Explore module, you can make changes to the module.
This is the same for any of the modules—both default ones and new ones you will be creating.
Changing the settings will bring up this screen:

A couple of quick setting that can be changed. If you click on “icon picker,” you can choose
from a default set of icons to represent the module in your app. If you click on “icon upload,”
you can as with other images and icons in your app upload your own icon using the same
process as before. If you upload an icon, it will need to be 72px x 72px.
“Order,” as the name would suggest, is the order that this module will appear in your app. A
simple tip for this is to increase the numbers of your modules in order by tens. This allows
you in future—if you want to quickly add a new module in between another module, you have
leeway to do this without renumbering all of your other modules.
“Enabled” (by default ticked) means that this module will be enabled in your app when it is
built. If you untick this, this menu option will not be shown in your app, but you can re-
activate it in future builds if you want to bring it back.
“Order” and “Enabled” are standard settings that can be changed on any of your modules
using the same method.
These allow your users to adjust any of the default settings in your app. On a user ’s device,
that screen will look like this:

It is sensible to always allow the settings module to be activated so that users can drive their
own in-app experience.
The “synchronisation” function allows the end user to change the default settings you set up
earlier around sync interval, background sync, sync on startup, etc.
“Notifications” allow the end user to enable or disable the settings you enabled earlier around
notifications and to allow notifications to notify using sound, vibration, and light.
The “about” option gives your details as the app developer.
This module allows the end user of your app to choose which theme they want to use; it shows
as a “switch themes” option.
The Sync module allows a user to synchronise the latest feeds and data in your app. Again,
this should be left as “activated.”
This module allows a user to save any content from your app for offline reading at a later
date. Again, a really useful option for your app.
The other modules are a selection of placeholders and dividers for other modules as they are
added. You can, of course, make any changes, edits or deletions to these as you need to in
future app development.
We will now focus on the “New Module” section at the bottoms of the page.

For our first app, we will add a few different modules to give you a flavor of how to develop
your app. The first module we will add is a general “Feed/RSS.”
Click on “Feed (RSS/Atom),” which will bring you to the following screen:

“Menu name” is the title of the Module which will appear in your app menu. The “Menu
order” is where this item will appear in the list on your app.
In my demo app, I am going to add an RSS Feed of news about Android apps from Google
news. Go ahead and add the name of your feed in the menu name (we covered RSS feeds
earlier in this book) and select and order for this item in our menu, then select “save.” Saving
will then bring up this menu to customise the details about your newly added RSS feed:
While it may seem there are lots of menu options here, again, we will walk through all the
options step by step—it is really a simple process to follow.
Firstly, you add in your RSS Feed URL. For example, I will be adding:

Article Limit Number
This restricts the number of articles from the feed before the app automatically starts deleting
old read and unread stories. You can adjust the default settings in the drop down from keep all
unread, to 10, right up to 2000. Be mindful with these settings about the usability of your app
—lots of stories that end up unread could make it difficult for your users to find the articles
they are interested in and then reduce their usage of your app.
DisQus Comments
DisQus is an alternative commenting system where users can comment on the feed and other
items in your app. By default, for our demo app, we will leave this unchecked. However,
should you wish to enable it, you will need to ensure that you have a DisQus account which
you can create at
View image on Touch
If there are images in your feed, when a user clicks on that image, they will be able to view a
larger image in your app.
Minimum image width/minimum image height
For the purpose of our test app, we will leave this as 100 x 100. However, as you look at
customizing your future apps, you may want to tweak this to fit your layout.
Show view website
By default, this is ticked—this is a personal preference. In short, this will show the source of
the feed at the end of the article within your app.

Open in default browser
By default, this is ticked. My preference is to untick this as it drives users away from your app
into their usual web browser. With it ticked, it basically means when they click on the link to
read the article from the news feed, it takes them to their default web browser to do that.
Show Translate
This gives your end user the option to translate the feed, a useful usability option for people
who install your app and can help expand your app into different markets.
Show copy link
With this enabled, it also enhances the usability of your app and makes it easy for users to
easily share the content from your app.
Show share
One great way to increase installs of your app is to encourage social sharing of your app and
its contents. By default, this is ticked, and I would suggest you always keep this option
Show publisher
Show publisher does exactly what is says on the tin—it reveals the publisher of the RSS feed
in your app. By default, this is ticked.
Allow delete
This allows a user to clean up the newsfeed on their app themselves by deleting an article
from the feed. Another useful option which allows full user customization of the app.
The next few options—Encoding, Extra Html Header, Include Jquery and Feed GUI—do not
need to be touched in your basic app setup.
Clicking “update” will update and add the module to your app.
As a quick recap, once you have added your first RSS Feed by using the steps we have just
worked through, it will make these changes to the front end of your app:
Opening the app will now look like this:

This now shows the content from your news feed that you have added from your module.
Clicking on the three dots at the top right of that page in the app will give your user these

This allows your user to hide, delete, sync and change the layout of the feed to fit their own
personal preferences.
Clicking on an article will open more details from the feed content:

This shows the article view, with the options enabled (by clicking on the three dots top right
on the article screen).

The options we set earlier are shown here—translate, allow user to delete article, copy link
and share. The user can also adjust the font size for improved readability.

Your first module is now live and active. Let’s now look at other types of module.
Web module
At the bottom of the main module screen (if you are not there, simply click “module” along
the top menu), click on “web.”
All modules have a similar format to set up. First of all, you will be taken to the screen to
name the module. Menu name: name you module. In our example app, I am going to create
this web module as the Appyet image cheat sheet. This module, for me, will be called “Image
cheat sheet.” Call it something relevant to your app. Menu order, as per other modules, is the
order the module will be shown on the menu. Then click save.
The next screen you will see will look like this:

You now have two options; you can create your own “web page” that will show when a user
clicks on the link:
To do this, basically, you create the page in the same way you would create something like a
word document. You can include text, adjust the image size, fonts, styles, include tables, links
to other pages and upload images and much more.
For my page, I am going to insert a table by clicking this icon:

A popup will appear which lets you define your table:
Table properties is pretty self-explanatory. There are only a few settings you will need to look
at as you start. You can look at the other setting as you develop future apps. Rows is the
number of rows your table will have.
Columns is the number of columns your table will have.
Border is the width between the cells in your table.
Align is a drop down which lets you decide where the table is aligned on the page.
Width is the width that the table will be across the page. Bear in mind the screen size of your
users’ devices. Height can be left unless you want to force a specific height.

Once you have defined your settings for your table, click OK and it will drop into your web
content page. You can then add your content to the table. Here is an example of how the demo
one looks:

You obviously can add any other content, adjust colours, etc. To add an image, you will need
to click on:

Once you click on that, it will bring up these options:

Image Info Tab
URL: This is the link to the image you want to include. The image already has to be
somewhere on the net. If it is not already online, you could upload it to an image hosting site,
for example, The URL will look like this:
If you click on the little refresh icon (to the right of the padlock icon), it will give you a
preview of the image.
The original dimensions of the image will be loaded. However, you can adjust the size of the
image and for usability reasons for the end user, you really should make sure the settings will
look good on a mobile device.
Alternative Text: This is good practice, and you should put here something to describe the
image in case it does not load or for people who do not load images.
Align: Again, this lets you decide how the image is aligned on your page.
The link tab across the top: If you want the image to link to another page when clicked, you
can add the link to that page here in URL. Target allows you decide if that is in a new app
window, same window, etc.
Once you click OK, you should have something that looks a little like this:

Go ahead and create your content.

Underneath the box to add your content is a check box “Show ad.” This is unchecked by
default. We will be looking at monetizing your app in bonus sections in this book. For now,
we will leave this unchecked. Clicking on “save changes” will save your module.
Clicking on “Back to modules” will take you to the modules screen and our next step.
Or, the other option for creating web content is to link to a web page. When you click new
module “web” after you have given your module a name and order in the menu, you will
come to this screen we have just been looking at. However, at the top, you will notice there is
an option, “type,” and there is a drop down. If you select the drop down and choose “web
link,” you can simply link to an existing webpage—perhaps in your current website. You have
the options where this opens and again to monetize.
Your app will now look like this to the end user:

This is how the menu now looks. See the “Image Cheat Sheet” which links to the
table we created. I also revised the menu to the image we created in the web content to be
called “App Meme Images.” The first menu item, image cheat sheet, will bring up the next

This is the table created using the instructions above, inserting a 5x5 table in web

This is the image web content page we created by adding the image to the web
content module

We are now building up our first sample app with some dynamic feed content from our RSS
feeds, some static images, and static content.
Wordpress Feed Module
Again, it is really easy to add a Wordpress feed into your app. In fact, if your app is built on
Wordpress, this is a super easy way to feed all of your latest posts into an app.
As before, at the bottom of the main module screen (if you are not there, simply click
“module” along the top menu), click on “WordPress feed.”

This menu will then appear:

You simply need to complete, as before, “Menu name,” which is what you will name this item,
and then the link to the WordPress website.
After you have done that, click on “next” and the familiar menu will appear asking you to
update your feed, including number of articles, image sizes, share options, etc., as with other
modules you have set up. If you are stuck, read back on the instructions on setting up new
You now have the basis of your first awesome Android app. However, looking at our app, the
menu looks pretty basic, and the icons next to our menu are boring and basic. We are now
going to drill down to some of the other settings in our menu and module items.
Open the Modules dashboard by clicking on “modules” along the options bar for your app.
We are now going to make some tweaks to our modules; this procedure is pretty much the
same for every module available.
To the right of the module, click on “Details.” We are going to change the settings on the first
module we created, “Android App News.” Clicking “details” will bring you up a menu that
will look like this:
The option for menu icon lets you customise your icon for your menu item. You can either
select “icon picker” by checking the box; this will then give you a drop down list of default
icons you can use from a list of over 1300.
Alternatively, you can create and upload your own icon by leaving “Icon upload” checked and
then clicking on “Change icon.” Use the same method as uploading other image to upload
your own custom icon; dimensions must be set at 72px x 72px.
Default layout: There are a number of drop down options here which allow you to change the
default look of your feeds contents.
We are also going to tick the “explore” box which will allow users to remove the feed from
their app, in settings, if they want to.

We have taken a look at a few of options to setup modules. To develop your app further, you
need to now add a few different modules as described so far. Other modules, for example,
Pinterest, Wordpress, etc., all follow the same format.
Once you have added all the modules you want in your app, you need to check they are in the
right order. To do this, go back to the Modules main menu—click on “Modules” on the top
menu. Then as you look at your app, you will see the order the menu items are in. If you want
to make any changes to the order, the arrows under the “Sort order” next to each module
(menu) item allow you to change the order. If you want to quickly switch any menu item off,
you can uncheck it from “Enabled” and it won’t be added when you build your app.
Build your app
Once you have finished adding all the modules and tweaks for your app, your are now ready
to build your app.
Access the Build menu by clicking on “Build”:

There is one key thing to be aware of here. If you are building your app for the first time, go
ahead and click on “Submit to Build”—your app will be created and then emailed to you in a
few minutes.
If you are updating an existing app, there is a handy option to let users know what has
changed. Click on “edit” next to “What’s new” to give the user an update on changes when
they update and open the app.
After you have clicked on “submit to build,” you will see the following:

It will show you that your app is being built—in pending status—and roughly how long it will
take. Once completed, your first app will be sent to your email address.
There you have it; your first Android app created in less than 30 minutes! Congratulations!

“Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It’s about coming up
with ideas, testing principles and perfecting the engineering, as well as final
—James Dyson
We made it! We created out first Android app, and it is now sitting in your inbox… Now
Firstly, if your app has not arrived in your email, check all of your folders, specifically your
junk/spam folder in case it has been sent there in error.
The email will contain the details about your app along with the app as a zip file. Typically,
the email will look like this:

The easiest way to test your app is to access that email via your Android Device.
Either on your phone or tablet, click on the attached file to download it.
The file is a Zip, so you may receive a warning to be careful of downloading files which you
will need to check to be aware of.

Once you have downloaded the zip file, you will need to open it by double clicking on it.
Some Android devices will automatically unzip the package for you to open it; on others, you
might need to install an app to do it for you. I use ES File Explorer, available for free from
the play store here:
Once unzipped (if necessary), click on the Android Package (your app) to install it.
It is highly likely you will now get an error that says something along the lines
of “Install Blocked For security, your phone is set to block installation of apps obtained from
unknown sources.” This will only happen when you are trying to test your app by installing it
directly on your device. It will not happen when users download the app from the Play store.
You will need to access the settings in your device, usually under security as shown here:

Allow the setting “Unknown Sources.” Allow installation of apps from sources
other than the play store.
When you allow this, you should be given an option, “Allow this installation only.” If not, it is
VERY important to remember to change this setting back after you have installed your app.
This will then take you through installing your app like any other app you download from the
play store.
Once you have done that, an icon should appear on your device to open the app. Go ahead,
open the app and enjoy your very first Android app!
It is important to test all of your menus, tweak the settings and generally try out your app to
check that it functions as expected. Ensure there are no broken links to images or pages. Feeds
will gradually refresh over the coming few minutes on the first load; then as they refresh at
regular intervals, you should see the notification icon appear providing you left those settings
active. If anything does not function as expected or you want to change or add something, go
back into appyet and make those changes to your module. Simply rebuild, re-download, and
reinstall your app to check everything is just how you want it.
Chapter 5. GET IT ON PLAY
“If you build it, he will come.”
—Field of Dreams
We have completed our first Android app in less than 30 minutes. So, now we have built it,
people will come and use it, right? Wrong! You need to make it available for people to
download and use. The next couple of bonus chapters, including this one, cover making your
app available for download on Google Play and how to make money from your app.
Getting started with Google Play
With over 2.5 million apps, the Google Play Store is where most people download apps.
There are other places where people can download apps, but the go-to place is the Play Store.
It is really easy to setup a Playstore Account to add your app to the marketplace. Follow the
link to

You will need to setup a Google Play Publisher Account. This will cost you a one off fee of
$25. You do not have to pay yearly registration fees, etc., unlike the Apple AppStore.

If you are planning on selling your app or in-app items, you will also need to setup a Google
Payment Merchant Account. Google take a 30% cut on sales with you retaining around 70%.
Follow the instructions on the screen and make your payment to get your account active.
When you first log in to the Google Play Developer Console, you will see something like

As you will see from my example, any apps you have previously installed will be shown here,
along with details of current active/current installs, average rating, and other useful details.
Installs on Active Devices (devices online in the past 30 days with this app installed)/Total
User Installs (total number of unique users who have ever installed this app on one or more of
their devices).
You will need to click on “+ Add new Application” at the top right to set up your app. This
will look like this:

Enter the name of your App; it needs to be less than 30 characters. Click on “Prepare Store
Listing.” You can go straight into uploading your app; however, we will go through
preparing our store listing first.
We will now go through setting up your Play Store listing in sections:

You will notice some subheadings on the left—APK, Manage Releases, etc. Until the circled
ticks are highlighted, you will not be able to publish your app to the store. Therefore, we need
to go through each section one by one. We are starting with Store Listing.
Just above the title of your app, you will see an option to set the language of the app
description. Clicking on this will give you options to change the language, and you can
manage multiple languages with the “Manage Translation” drop down menu.
The title of your app will be pre-populated. If you want to change the name of your app, this is
where you do it.
The short name of your app is what will appear in the Play Store listing when someone
searches for your app. You need to keep this short and snappy, less than 80 characters and
something that will grab the user ’s attention. While you can include the keywords people
might use to find your app, do not spam. There is some guidance offered in this section
available directly from Google here:
The Full description is where you add the full details about your app up to 4000 characters. It
is a great place to really sell your app to your potential users and to highlight the features and
benefits of your app. It is not the place though to include testimonials about your app as they
are covered by users ratings of your app. It is good practice to use the full description to
share what is great about your app, perhaps even interesting details as to why you created the
app. Keep your app’s description succinct and straightforward. Shorter descriptions tend to
result in a better user experience, especially on devices with smaller displays.
Scrolling down brings us to the option to add the graphic assets for your store listing:
You need to create a number of images which are used throughout the Play Store to promote
your app. With your first app, you might want to do these yourself. Alternatively, you could
go to and find a graphic designer who could do this for
The full detail of how all of the image assets are used can be found here:
You must provide at least two screen shots of your app to your listing. They need to be saved
in JPG or PNG format. The easiest way to do this is by opening the app on your Android
device and saving a screenshot. You can then upload this image to the Play store listing. To
make your screenshots stand out from the crowd, there is a useful free resource available at Placeit allows you to upload a screenshot that looks like it is in situ on a
device, for example:

Your uploaded screenshots will be displayed on your app's details

page on the Google Play website and Android app.

The next images you need to upload are the Hi-re icon, Feature Graphic, Promo Graphic, and
TV Banner. You can also add a link to a Youtube video of your app if you have one.

The Hi-res icon is used in various places in the Play Store. It does not
replace your app’s icon installed on the user ’s device; it should just be a higher resolution
version of your icon 512 x 512 px saved as a png.

The Feature Graphic is a really important image in your listing. It is shown at

the top of your listing page, in the store. If you have linked it to a video of your app, this
image will also have a Play button overlayed. It can be uploaded as either JPG or png and
must be 1024 x 500 px. When designing this image, be careful not to add any important info
in the bottom third of the image as it might get covered.
The Promo Graphic is only shown on versions of Android older than 4.0 and is not required
to be uploaded.
Scrolling down brings us to the category, “contacts and privacy policy section” of our Play
Store listing:

This section is fairly self-explanatory. First, choose if your app is an “application” or a

“game.” For our example, I have chosen application. You then need to select the category for
your app from the drop down. Next, you must choose a content rating from the drop down
from everyone ranging up to High Maturity. There is a full breakdown of ratings to help you
correctly list your app here:
It certainly is worth taking the time to read through the ratings guidelines, specifically the
section at the bottom, “Previous rating system,” as this relates to these ratings specifically.
After you have completed the rating, you need to add your contact details. However, if you do
not have a website or a privacy policy, you do not have to add these. Also, if your app handles
personal or sensitive user data, there are additional requirements around having a privacy
policy that you will need to bear in mind.
Scroll to the top and click on “Save Draft.”
Once you have saved draft, you will see that the tick next to “Store Listing” is no longer
greyed out. If it is still greyed out, scroll back down and check you have not missed any
On the left menu options, you will see one called APK. Android application package (APK) is
the package file format used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation
of mobile apps. This is your app that was emailed earlier. Before you can upload, you will
need to “unzip” the file on your computer. You will then need to upload the file that will be the
name you called it when setting up your app .apk.
Once it has uploaded and processed, you will then see the tick next to APK go green.
On the left, now click on “Content Rating.” This section is completely self-explanatory; it is a
questionnaire to ensure your app is correctly rated. Once you have completed it, you click
save, then “Calculate rating” to get a rating for your app in the play store. You must scroll
down after that and click “apply rating.”
The next section we will dig into is on the left and titled “Pricing and Distribution.” This
section will look like this:

There is quite a lot here, but it is not as daunting as it looks.

First, you must decide if you want your app to be free or paid. If you select free, you app will
always be free—you cannot charge for it at a later date. If you select paid, you will, as
mentioned earlier, need to set up a merchant account.
Select the countries you want your app to be available to. If there are no restrictions, you can
click on “Select all countries.”
Currently, your first app does not contain ads. However, we will be looking at adding ads in
the next bonus section. So if you are planning on including ads, tick “yes, it has ads.”
You can now scroll to the section “Google play for education.” If your app fits this category,
you can tick this box. If you've built an Android or Chrome app that would be great for
schools—or even have an idea for one—you should learn more about Google Play for
Education. Google Play for Education is a destination for educators that allows them to easily
discover, purchase, and deploy apps to their students with just a few clicks.
The next section is the “consent” section. Marketing -opt out will stop your app being
promoted anywhere but in the play store.
You must check your app meets the content guidelines. Once you are happy, you can check to
agree on the terms in the “Content Guidelines box.”
Finally, you need to agree that your app software application may be subject to United States
export laws, regardless of your location or nationality.
Again, scroll to the top and click “Save draft.” The green tick should not appear next to
Pricing and Distribution.
This should mean you now have a green highlighted tick next to APK, Store Listing, Content
Rating, and Pricing & Distribution. You are now ready to publish your app. The button near
the top that was previously greyed out should now become available to click “Publish app”
(next to Save draft). That is it! After a few hours, your first Android app will be available to
anyone to download on the Play Store.
“ To get rich, you have to make money while you are sleeping.”
—David Bailey

Once you are confident in developing your app, you will probably want to think about ways to
monetize your app.
Generating revenue from your app is much easier than you might imagine. This will be a
very quick guide to monetizing your app.
Firstly, go back to and in the menu “my applications” when you first log in, click
on “details” next to your app.
Along the top menu, click on “monetize.” This will bring up this menu, with some drop down

Click on the drop down next to “Ad Type:” and you will see a set of different ways you can
monetize your app. We are going to look at Google Admob. Please do, though, visit my
website at where I will be adding how-to guides for
other monetization options.
Select Google Admob.
You will need to have a Google Admob account, which is free to add some adverts into your
app. The great thing with this is you don’t need to find the advertising wanting to advertise on
your app; services like Admob do this for you. Go to to
setup an AdMob account if you don’t have one already.
Once you have your account setup, head to the monetize section in Admob:

Click on the red button “+ Monetize new app.”

You will then come to an option to add you app:
Select “add your app manually” from the top menu. Then in the space provided, enter the
name of your app. You will then need to select Android from the drop down list “platform.”
Add app button now becomes available. Click this to proceed.

Firstly, select banner. You can then choose if the ads are text, images or
both by checking the boxes. You can also adjust the rate the ad is refreshed (or changed). You
now need to add in the Ad unit name—call it something that will help you remember which
advert it is. Now click on save.
You will now have an add unit name that will look like this: ca-app-pub-
Copy the ad unit ID. Ensure you are not copying the app id.
Now flip back to Appyet where we left off and enter the ad unit ID in the “Admob Banner Ad
Unit ID:” section under monetize/admob in appyet.
If you want to also have interstitial ads (Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the
interface of their host application. They're typically displayed at natural transition points in
the flow of an application, such as between activities or during the pause between levels in a
game), then go back to Admob and click “Create another ad unit” at the bottom of the page
you were on.
This time, in the menu, select “interstitial” and follow the same procedure as before. Once
you hit “save,” again you will have a new Ad unit ID which you now need to copy and paste
into the appyet section Admob Interstitial Ad Unit ID. In Appyet, you now need to choose
where the interstitial ads are shown— be careful not to include too many ads as this will
distract your users, as well as affect the overall user experience of your app.
Click on “Save Changes.” Your app is now almost ready to show ads. You now need to rebuild
your app. Click on “build,” then click on “Submit to Build.” As before, the app will be rebuilt
and emailed to you. You will also need to re-upload a new version to the Play Store if you
have already uploaded your app. You can do this by going back into Google Play Developer
Console and clicking on “APK,” then “upload new APK to production.”
“If you build it… you may still need Google AdWords.” —Jennifer Mesenbrink

Around 700,000 apps were added to the Play store over the last year. With an average of
around 45,000 new apps added to the Play Store each month over the last 6 months, there is a
lot of competition to get your app seen.
We are going to look at a few simple ideas to help promote your new app. For more in depth
ideas, tips, and tricks, visit my website at or the
Facebook group at
You want to leverage the fact that your app is new in the Play Store. One thing you want to do
is to get as many downloads as quickly as possible over the first few days of launch.
Get Reviewed
One quick and easy way to get your app initially noticed is to get your app reviewed. Some
sites that do this include,

Get Social
They say sharing is caring... With your app, sharing is essential. Get information about your
app out on social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Linked in, etc. There
are also other bookmarking sites. If you have not come across these before, take a look at and
Get Free
You could ask blogs, website, and Facebook pages related to mobile and technology Apps.
For example, is an app community where users vote and rank apps
on a monthly basis.
Get a Website/Facebook Page
If you don’t have a website, you can easily get a domain name and create a basic landing page
for it. Alternatively, you could set up a Facebook Page for free for your app. You could even
include the link back to the Facebook page inside your app to get people and users chatting
about your app.
Get some advertising
There are lots of places you could pay to advertise your new app. Some places that I have
tried that yield some great results are Facebook Ads—you can drive app installs and only pay
for results. You can also advertise on Google using Google Adwords or Admob.
Get on Search
Once you have the link to your app in the Play Store, it is worth ensuring you submit it to the
usual search engines, including,, and
Get discussing
There are lots of Forums where you can discuss with others and get feedback on your app. A
quick search online will help you with this.
Overall, whatever method you use, it would be great to hear about your app. Feel free to add
details of your first app to my Facebook page
Good luck and get creative!
I’ve referred to a number of resources throughout this book. Here is a one-stop shop for
finding those resources:
Facebook Group to accompany this book
Image Size: I have a cheat sheet for the sizes and locations of all the images you can modify
in your app available as a download on my website
Google Developer Console
Android Developer
App Brain
About The Author

CHRIS CLARKE is a top internet web developer, having created websites for the
last 17 years reaching thousands of visitors on a daily basis. 5 years ago, Chris moved into
developing Android apps with over 100k downloads in the first year. He lives in Wilmslow,
Cheshire with his wife and two kids. Chris loves educating and inspiring others to succeed and
live the life of their dreams.
Learn more about Chris at
Learn more about Chris’s Publishing Company at
If you enjoyed this book or found it useful, I’d be very grateful if you’d post a short review
on Amazon. Your support really does make a difference, and I read all the reviews personally
so I can get your feedback and make this book even better.
If you’d like to leave a review, then all you need to do is click the review link on this book’s
page on Amazon here: (direct link to the “Create a review” page on
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