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Based on the information you learned in the video "The Reagan Revolution," answer the

following questions.

1. Why did Ronald Reagan appeal to most American voters in the 1980 presidential

Reagan spoke in everyday jargon. He expressed that it was okay to be a proud

American and he invoked this ideal that government was getting in the way of the

2. What is significant about Reagan's election in 1980?

It sparked this Republican revolution that continued all the way up to George Bush.
Americans began to believe that it was okay to stick to your traditional values and ethics.

3. What is meant by the Reagan Revolution?

The Reagan Revolution means that when President Reagan cut taxes drastically, the economy
began to boom and unemployment plummeted.

2) Multiple Choice
  What was the main focus of the Nixon presidency?
  E. foreign policy

3) Multiple Choice
  Which of the following was NOT a domestic goal of the Nixon administration?
  D. shifting responsibility for school desegregation to the courts

4) Multiple Choice
  Which of the following individuals served as Nixon's national security adviser during his first term?
  C. Henry Kissinger

5) Multiple Choice
  Nixon's program to improve relations with the Soviet Union was known as
  B. detente.
  What was the MAIN reason the United States wanted to resume relations with China?
  C. The United States believed it would force better relations with the Soviet Union.

7) Multiple Choice
  The SALT treaties involved
  B. reductions in the number of offensive ballistic missiles.

8) Multiple Choice
  The incident at Kent State was precipitated by the
  B. U.S. invasion of Cambodia.
The actions of President Nixon in the White House photo shown here were directly connected to
which of the following?
Title: Nixon Releases Transcripts of Oval Office Tapes, April 24, 1972

Caption: In an effort to deflect growing criticism, Richard Nixon released edited transcripts of his
Oval Office tape recordings in April 1974. With their suspicious gaps and the frequent invoking of
"expletive deleted, "the transcripts failed to win the president public sympathy.

Source: National Archives

one of Nixon's desperate gambles to avoid impeachment for the events of

10) Multiple Choice

  The Watergate Scandal
  D. was conceived by Richard Nixon.
  The Arab oil boycott of 1973-1974 was precipitated by
  E. the Yom Kippur War.

12) Multiple Choice

  The most grave consequence of the 1970s oil shock was
  E. inflation throughout America.
  The birth of the gay liberation movement was
at the Stonewall Inn.
  Gerald Ford
  E. was the first president not elected to the office of either president or vice president.

15) Multiple Choice

  The Camp David Accords provided a framework for peace negotiations between
Israel and
  In 1979 revolutionaries in ________ took U.S. diplomats hostage.
  D. Iran
  The central tenet of Reagan's approach to foreign policy was the belief that
  C. the Soviet Union was a deadly enemy that threatened the United States.
The antimissile system based on the use of lasers and particle beams to destroy incoming
  missiles in outer space was called
  A. SDI.
  In 1979, the Sandanista Coalition succeeded on overthrowing the repressive Somoza regime in
  E. Nicaragua.
  Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's new policies included
  E. Both A and B.
A major goal of the Reagan administration was to reduce the interference of the federal government
  in business affairs.
  A. True
  President Reagan's tax compromise with Congress called for an income tax cut of
  C. five percent the first year and ten percent for the second and third years.

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