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Submitted To

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

SESSION: 2018 - 2020



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QUES 1: Define Decision Making process? Take an example of any organization
and apply it in your own organization and also examine the process of decision
making in brief ?

Ans 1 : What It Takes To Make A Decision

#1 Identify the Decision

First, a leader must identify the decision. In other words, you need to identify when a decision
needs to be made. Clearly define the nature of the decision. 
#2 Gather Information

Then, gather relevant information that will help you make a good decision. 
#3 Identify Alternatives

After you gather internal and external information, identify the alternatives as you are likely to
have different paths or choices to make. List those alternatives. 
#4 Weigh the Evidence

actionNext, you need to weigh the evidence. This is an internal process. It can also be an
emotional process. This is what takes the most time in the decision making process. 
#5 Choose an Alternative

After you have weighed the evidence, you need to choose among the alternatives. This is based on
the first four items listed above. 
#6 Take Action

Then, you can take action. Only do this when you are ready to take a positive action based on the
alternative you chose. 
#7 Review Decision

Finally, review your decision. Remember, this will take some time to accomplish. 
I have taken a example of my own company that is Navkar Sales pvt. ltd so
If I have to launch a product in a market so I will take decision process to follow :
1. 1 Identify the decision : I will identify the decision that I have to made and clarify the
decision and will define the nature of decision I have to made
2. Gather information : I will gather a information that will help me a regarding the product
3. Identify the Alternatives : after the information I will identify the alternatives which is the
most suitable for me.
4. The evidence : the best alternative I have selected should be in taking evidence
5. Choose the alternative : after I have weighed the evidence, you need to choose among the
alternatives. This is based on the first four items listed above. 
6. Taking action : after that all I have to take action regarding decision that I have taken after
all alternatives ,evidence, and information .
7. Review decision : after all decision and processes I have done then I will check and will get
and take the review of market and get to know that what is about change to follow by revi

Ques. 2 : Personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes each of

us unique from other people Explain?
Ans : Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions,
and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. While there is no
generally agreed upon definition of personality, most theories focus
on motivation and psychological interactions with one's environment. Trait-based personality
theories, such as those defined by Raymond Cattell, define personality as the traits that predict a

person's behavior.

An individual's personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes them unique
from other people.  It includes all of the patterns of thought and emotions that cause us to do and
say things in particular ways.  At a basic level, personality is expressed through our temperament or
emotional tone.  However, personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations.  There are
many potential factors that are involved in shaping a personality.  These factors are usually seen as
coming from heredity and the environment.  Research by psychologists over the last several
decades has increasingly pointed to hereditary factors being more important, especially for basic
personality traits such as emotional tone.  However, the acquisition of values, beliefs, and
expectations seem to be due more to socialization and unique experiences, especially during
What makes someone who they are? Each person has an idea of their own personality type — if
they are bubbly or reserved, sensitive or thick-skinned. Psychologists who try to tease out the
science of who we are define personality as individual differences in the way people tend to think,
feel and behave.

The most widely accepted of these traits are the Big Five:

 Openness
 Conscientiousness
 Extraversion
 Agreeableness
 Neuroticism

QUES 3: What is the need of Team Building ?

Ans 3 : Team building

Team building is a management technique used for improving the efficiency and performance of
the workgroups through various activities. It involves a lot of skills, analysis and observation for
forming a strong and capable team.
Its main motive is to achieve the organization, sports team and schools so that employee and team
members can coordinate and together for goals and objectives

Need of team building:

Team building activities are of utmost importance as they help in the overall development of the
team members and in turn improving the teams performance. It also strengthens the bond among
the employees and they feel motivated to work and achieve the targets.
1. Communication and working better together: Communication and working better
together is the top most reason why people choose team building. Everybody wants a
friendly work environment, where people are comfortable and happy to talk to and work
with anyone.
2. Celebration, team spirit, fun and motivation: After any sports team wins a major
championship, they celebrate and have fun, which motivates them to want to win even
more. This extreme example shows that the celebration, cheering, and fun that comes with
every team bonding event can motivate employees to bring their job to the next level.
3. Teamwork and boosting team performance: Team building activities also work to
improve workplace projects that involve teamwork because it helps the teams understand
each other better. After completing teambuilding activities together, employees better
understand each others strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
4. Networking, socializing and getting know each other better: Socializing and making
friends in the workplace is one of the best ways to increase productivity in the office. But
not only does it increase morale in the office, but it also allows for the office to work better
at solving everydays workplace issues.
5. Better conflicts resolution: Conflicts resolution is a big part of any job. How employees
approach and handle conflicts can be significantly improved it team building is in place.

QUES 4 : What is previewing in reading ?

Ans 4 : Previewing is a strategy that readers used to recall prior knowledge and set a purpose for
reading. It calls for reader to skim a text before reading looks for various features and information
that will help as they return to read it in detail later.

Pre-viewing is the process of skimming a text to locate key ideas before carefully reading a text (or
a chapter of a text) from start to finish. Also called previewing or surveying. Pre-viewing  provides
an overview that can increase reading speed and efficiency.

“Previewing helps students become more active, powerful readers. By activating prior knowledge
and making connections, students are thinking about big ideas. They are able to predict and infer,
looking for text evidence to support their lines of thinking.”
Previewing is a pre-reading skill by which the reader tries to gather as much information about the
text as he/she can before reading it. This gathering of information helps the reader to have a general
picture of the text.

• To find out what you are going to read before you actually read.

• Previewing a text mentally prepares readers to receive information from written materials.

QUES 5 : How can you improve your Self grooming as an employee ?

Ans 5 : Self-Grooming
It is an act of improving and caring for your own body and appearances. Self-grooming is far too
essential for career development. Self-grooming involves bathing daily, personal hygiene and even
dressing. You might have realized before that when you smile, people take it as pleasant.
On the other hand, when you display a rude attitude on your face, people tend to drift away from
Self grooming
a. Makes you confident:
Once you start working on personal grooming, you’ll inevitably notice a big change in yourself.
You’ll witness significant improvement in your self-confidence and self-esteem. Wrinkled clothing
does not render the right impression on the people. It reduces your self-confidence and makes you
conscious of yourself.
b  Enhances your personality:
When you have a pleasing personality, you’ll be respected and appreciated by everyone. Your
attire, hairstyle, shoes, body language and everything that is associated with you are accountable for
improving your personality.
c. Makes you stand out from competitors:
A well-groomed person inevitably looks different from the people who are not properly dressed.
Good dressing expresses professionalism. The right hairstyle gives a neat and polished look to your
face. A person with trimmed hair, immaculate suit and properly tied tie will naturally stand out.

 These tips will definitely help you improve and groom your personality:

 Love yourself
 Avoid silly things
 Admit your flaws and weaknesses
 Try to discover new things & ideas
 Face boldly challenges in your life
 Express what you have
 Crush the negativity you have

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