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1. Restaurant : is a kind of business which prepares and serves food and drink to customers
in return for money, either paid before the meal, after the meal, or with a running tab.
Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also offer
takeout and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and offerings,
including a wide variety of the main chef's cuisines and service models.
2. 4 Types of Restaurant are Fine Dining, Casual Dining, Fast Food, Buffet.
3. Online Travel Agent : website or online service, which sells travel related products to
customers. These products may include hotels, flights, travel packages, activities and car
4. Differences Hotel & Hostel :
• Hotel have lot of room than hostel. Hostel just only have 3 until 10 room, but every room
have 6 until 8 bed in one room but there’s have room and living room facilities
• Hostels provide dormitory, like settings in which to stay, whereas hotel are individual
rooms for more privacy.
• For the cost, Hostels are more cheap than Hotel. So, recomended for Backpackers.

5. 7 types of cafe : Cafe Bakery, Student Cafe, Co-Worker Cafe, Parisian Cafe, Grab&Go Cafe,
Sidewalk Cafe, Corporate Cafe
6. Differences Hotel & Resort :
• The hotel is the place mainly for lodging and on-time meal purpose. Contrary to this, the
resort is a place which is linked with factors like relaxation and recreation other than just
accommodation to their customers.
• The hotel provides facilities like WI-FI, in room service, and laundry. On the other hand,
resorts provide a gym, spa facilities other than the basic facilities like room service and
• People live in resorts for a longer time than in the hotels.
7. Differences Pub & Bar :
• Food Served. In the BAR, minimal menu often just light appetizers and/or pizza and
wings. In the PUB, the menu includes filling meals, and often even appetizers, salads,
soups and desserts. Alcohol served mostly a large selection of different kinds of beer,
some wines, and cider.
• Clientele. In the BAR, usually found in cities, design, lighting and type of entertainment
can determine whether a bar caters to high class or low brow clientele. In the PUB,
usually a place of focus for a community in British villages.
• Types. In the BAR, generally have a lower age limit. Varieties include sports bars, dance
bars, topless bars, salsa bars, gay bars, singles bars, biker bars, karaoke bars and cop bars.
In the PUB, serve and casual atmosphere for spending long periods of time with soothing,
unobtrusive music. Food is also served.
8. BAR. Busy, often have loud music and dance floors, serves little or no food. Common
activity is bar hopping which is moving from one bar to another.
PUB. Serve and casual atmosphere for spending long periods of time with soothing,
unobtrusive music. Food is also served.
9. Types of Hostels are DORM ROOM and PRIVATE ROOM.
10. 3 Types of Nightclubs are Dance Club, Live Music, and Sport - Themed Nightclub

‘’ if there are problems to be solved in a company, everybody should be asked their opinion
before anything is done ”, or solving problem by asking opinion to get advice.


In the company, management must collect everyone's opinion and data from the results that
have been missed, because in solving a problem in a company we must collect all opinions
from everyone. So that later it can be concluded from a variety of opinions, the best opinion
to increase sales and achieving target.


Marketing targets that were not achieved.

How to discover THAT problems :
we must collect all questions in advance about the problem, after that we ask for the opinions
of all the workers or staff and we collect the best answer. The Example Question is :

• Who are you selling to ?

• What are their goals and dreams?
• How do they gather information to solve their problems?
• What are some things that are important to them?
• Do you know what the biggest unmet need is in your marketplace?
• What is the biggest pain point your customers experience?
• How hard have you worked to try to solve their problems in the past?
• Why is the problem so hard for them to solve?
• Who else is trying to solve the problem and how are they approaching it? What does success
look like to them?
• What might hold them back from buying a product or service?
• How do they come to a purchase decision?


• To truly get the answers to these questions, and understand them front to back, start the
research by sitting down with current customers and simply ask them some of those
questions directly.
• Additionally, look at online forums and situs they visit and see what they’re talking about,
and also take a look in emails, look at the online reviews, and chat with sales team to
pinpoint common complaints or issues customers are having. we will be amazed by the
amount of information that can come from these sources.

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