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In the field of science, ideas have emerged to favor the human being, as is the case of
cloning, which consists of taking the cell of a living being anf to create an identical
being. On a daily basis, cloning plays an important role in society, It was able to solve
or rather to fight against diseases and it is even helped that species in extinction be
saved from this phenomenon. That is why I think that cloning is one of the most
revolutionary inventions that science has, and it will be very helpful for the future.

In a world with limited resources and where many diseases and dysfunctions affect
many human beings, we must ask ourselves what infertility has that attracts the attention
of doctors, technologists and bioethics professionals (Study of the ethical aspects of life
sciences medicine and biology, mainly, as well as the relations of man with the other
living beings). Of course, the difficulty of not having children of your own is a problem
that can be painful for each of us. However, cloning has the purpose of solving this
great problem. This is also the case of many other diseases that have not been so easy to
find a cure. Since this is such a promising method, some people do not trust this or
rather they doubt that method. However, we have as proof of success the first cloning
with adult cell , this is the Dolly sheep that caused noise in society due to its great
similarity with an uncloned sheep. This shows that cloning is not a mere experiment of
humanity, but that this is one of the most promising methods for the future of all

In nature there are clonic species such as protozoa, single-celled organisms that
reproduce by mitosis. With cloning, the individual has the same genes as the father or
mother. Then you can get the same man or woman with this technique, sexual
reproduction is replaced by artificial, however, the genes are provided by a single
individual whose offspring have the same genes, although it is scientifically proven that
it is possible that their characteristics may vary. It should be noted that at the moment it
is not possible to clone human beings, however it would be a step towards the future of
humanity that this happens, on the other hand the cloning has other uses that seem very
effective in the cure of diseases and other anomalies of our body There are natural
clones, such as identical twins and certain worms with the ability to reproduce
identically when the parts in two. So I could say that cloning is simply trying to do the
same artificially, this is a great help for each of us since when this progresses more,
people with sterility problems do not try to fear because thanks at cloning these will
reproduce without any problem. Importantly, cloning is not something that humanity

Despite the great help that cloning, there are people with negative thoughts about it,
they raise hypotheses or arguments about what could happen to a cloned body. Some of
the arguments or hypotheses that have been presented against cloning can be classified
into the following three main groups: Risks of physical damage to the clone. Those
who reject human cloning often argue that this technique is morally inadmissible
because their safety has not been proven. They explain that the procedure used to create
the Dolly sheep was successful in only one of 277 attempts. Therefore, according to
these authors, this technology could cause severe abnormalities in potential babies.
However, physical damages are present even in uncloned people, that is, this is a

Adalberto peralta
damage that humanity cannot control. This is not caused by cloning, therefore it can be
said that cloning is a safe method.
On the other hand we have another risk that is: Risks of psychological damage to the
clone. Critics of cloning also argue that this practice can cause serious psychological
damage to the person generated through this technology, such as the possible loss of the
sense of individuality or unique identity. On the other hand, like physical damage, this
occurs even in non-cloned beings, so it could be considered an illogical argument that
only goes against human development. Any person can suffer from psychological
damage, however this does not mean that or can lead a life like other living beings.
There are different levels of mental problems and many people with this problem lead a
healthy and normal life.

In conclusion, cloning must be taken into account with great dedication. If you do, you
must think hard and take into account the power of this, the correct and incorrect
benefits that it entails. As the discovery of new techniques, medications and therapies in
healthy benefits to prevent or cure diseases of living beings and that this is not used in
an incorrect way. Cloning is simply a method that facilitates our lives, this is of great
importance in medicine and will be the key for those people who do not have the ability
to reproduce or rather these people to whom life has denied the gift of fertility On the
other hand there are people who doubt this, hypothesizing what could happen to a
cloned body. However, it is impossible that the first experiments of such magnitude go
well on the first attempt. Since this is such a complex and futuristic method, reaching its
climax carries many risks that are necessary for the development of humanity.

Adalberto peralta
Adalberto peralta

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